Reminder that even if you've passed the refund window, you can still contact your bank or other payment service and request your money back; this is perfectly legal. Furthermore, the current pirated version, especially the current GoG release will have the uncensored version of the game.
Reminder that even if you've passed the refund window...
good luck taking my setup_ion_fury_1.0_(31740).exe
i hope GOG keeps it as an optional download forever
What is going on?
Developers gave in to tranny pressure and apologized for being rational white males.
A dev on Ion Fury mentioned off hand that parents shouldn't decide that a child is transgender and put them forward for surgery and hormone treatment at a young age and that SJWs are annoying. Furthermore, Ion Fury had an Olay parody called Ogay. So now 3D Realms will hand over thousands of dollars to Resetera's charities of choice and send their entire staff for reeducation while consulting with them to censor the game.
another dev cucked out
>uncensored version of the game
What are they censoring?
Never purchased the game, but will now pirate it.
not even worth giving this tranny trash the exposure of bumping the snatched counter up by one on your torrent site.
I will pirate this game 10,000 times so they lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Gay, but won't stop me from enjoying the game
have fun, it's a great game.
what is censored?
It's a legit great game, it's just yet another american politics controversy is making people freak out
They will consult with LGBTQ+ groups and remove all offensive content.
Same. I just refunded my copy and grabbed the GoG version from a torrent. The game's great, it's just shame that nothing good will come from the dev in the future.
Fuckin loser
source me
Will you fuck off with this refunded bullshit? I know it's you, AAfag.
If you really think they'll go that far you're out of your mind. They work under contract for 3D Realms, the game sales go to them, not Voidpoint. Removing offensive content will be nothing more than a "let's not do this mkay" shit.
I’m calling fake and gay on this whole thread unless someone drops a source
So close, yet so far.
So someone uploads the censored files and trannies continue to seethe.
Just start dropping the pirate link everywhere
It was the publisher not the devs
>implying I bought it
I knew this shit was going to happen. It always does.
They're just playing both sides for easy shekels.