Ion Fury devs bow down again, this time to SJW's.
This game is cursed.
Ion Fury devs bow down again, this time to SJW's.
This game is cursed.
just pirate the game and move on
>This game is sjw trash
>This game is based and redpilled!
>This game is sjw trash!
From Steam reviews:
>The game itself is pretty decent, but with the way the dev team threw one of their own under the bus, is now censoring their their own game and is silencing their own fanbase in order to appease a fringe minority of crybaby agitators this leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and I can't say I'll be all that eager to further support them in the future, as doing so will only further embolden anti-consumer and anti-artistic freedom action.
>Can't recommend this game based on the fact the devs actually bent the knee to bullies and are now censoring rather innocent jokes from the game (not counting the hidden shit that makes sense to remove) because a few people got upset at something the devs said.
>Best not to support people like this who give those people power.
So they fired the "transphobic" guy and are censoring the game now?
Not fired but everyone has to take a special class and they are donating 10k to a gay charity and are censoring content.
Unironically it is because everyone is too quick to judgement that goes to both sides. You always wait for the developer response. Always.
Jesus that is fucked up.
Why the fuck did they bend over? The publisher made them?
Looks fun, don't see the issue here. Are they removing gameplay or what?
The devs said something transphobic? Must be exetremely offensive for it to go this vira-
>if you decide that a kid is trans at birth you should probably not be a parent
>you shouldn't mutilate a healthy body while the person is going through depression and other mental issues
The game is shit anyway. Let it crash and burn. This is the fate of the weak-willed who bow to the SJW devil.
refunding, fuck these faggots
The retards already think "it's fine to be male" is a transphobic statement. They're beyond help.
it's alright, friend. It will get a little darker in the near future but everything will be over soon.
Fucking lol.
The most "transphobic" comment was one of their lead devs saying on the discord that you shouldn't decide if your child is trans before they're even born.
Feels so weird to "apologize" for this and pay $10k. You Americans are fucking bizarre, I will never understand your culture.
>Censoring content.
Welp, pirating the game now. Cant trust developers who start censoring shit because Resetera demanded it. Going to seed the fuck out of the torrent too, spread it to as many people as possible.
It ain't happening just in America. They're fucked, yes, but it's happening in the whole world.
glad I pirated this shit, holy fuck
>it's happening in the whole world
Nah dude, only in the super progressive Western countries.
And that's how you lose to the Chinese who don't give a fuck about any of this nonsense, and breed like rabbits.
Not in my country lol
Anglos and Germs need to be removed.
Not here in Finland it is. Your country is just fucked.
In where?
Superior country to yours.
It’s happening is Asia as well. Here in Korea you have to be beyond careful with women because of how much power they have in court. The younger generation is completely full of women emulating american feminists.
>superior to kenya
those reviews are fucking based
Cool map part of the physical box.
Pussies like that made me embarrassed to admit I was ever into gaming.
I met a friend I haven't seen in eight years, he's a cop now. We crossed paths while jogging, he was on a vacation in our hometown
>dude did you play GAME
>nah I don't really play games anymore
If I know gaming was gonna become a hobby for literal real life open bona fide cuckolds and faggots, I would've never got into it. I would've gone hiking and fishing.
We've gone full circle: gaming was once a cringe nerd hobby and yet it was incredibly good, now that it's mainstream it's the most lame thing to be associated with and it's simply fucking terrible.
Women wield tons of power in China too. But it's fine because they're still extremely pro-family values and don't sterilize their children in the name of """diversity""".
Only managed to play this for 30 minutes, tried it out yesterday before going to sleep. Looks like I just dodged a bullet here. Its a refund. Fuck these devs, they dont deserve my money.
What was his name again?
Just change OGAY to OBEY in spite of ResetEra.
Fuck them. They don't even play this type of games.
>now that it's mainstream it's the most lame thing to be associated with and it's simply fucking terrible
Welcome to the tragedy of the commons. By now it's progressed far enough that it'll probably take another videogame market crash; cold winter; and finally reboot to get it properly fixed, I'm afraid.
Video-gaming am fuxked.
It's just a matter of slowing the tide down enough to enjoy a reasonable few titles for a few more years before the bomb drops and it's all leveled.
any topic disagreeing with their decision is being deleted. refund this game if you can, and if you can't try again via steam support.
fuck these devs.
fuck trannies
and most importantly
lol worst Korea is like the UK of Asia my dude you can't get much more keked than that
>he made the thread again
>Why yes, I did predict the developers of Ion Fury were apologetic SJWs a year in advance. How did you ascertain that?
Skipping this one.
>If I know gaming was gonna become a hobby for literal real life open bona fide cuckolds and faggots,
Come on now, it should've been obvious. Videogames have always had a stigma of weak dweeby men who didn't do masculine real life activities and had trouble ever finding a date in Middle/High School. You're surprised that all these beta losers back then became cuckolds? Really?
You made an oopsie Martin.
sorry I deadnamed you
*sigh*, add another one to the pasta
Another one bites the dust.
>once I had money
so never
>once i had money
ion fury is like 25 bucks lmao
It's the publishers you chadtard
>Please donate on Patreon and ko-fi so I can dilate while playing Ion Fury (formerly Maiden)
Probably even has a 50% chance of working.
transphobic always means nothing, I have yet to see a good example in those controversies and you'd think there would actually be a few, judging by how Yea Forums adjacent people hate trannies.
They would rather find people who just kind of don't care and screech at them, than actually fight the people who hate them.
do publishers just get "developer" tags on steam?
Y'all want sexualized vidya but you're blind to what you need!
As an ESL I never bothered googling the meaning of the word bigotry, so everytime SJWs use it I only see it as a funny word devoid of meaning. Honestly, I think I'll keep it that way.
why should a game set in dystopia be politically correct? it's fantasy and even then fucking satire.
Was it the publishers fault for the shit design of Shelly?
The jews have crossed the line a long time ago and now we are facing the consequences:
Yes, there are no [publisher] or [community manager] tags.
Anything said before the word bigotry is to be taken the opposite.
>10k to a gay charity
wrong. They are donating it to a "charity" for trans children. Even worse.
>he didn't play new vegas
sure do know a lot of tranny terms for someone who hates them so much.
Are they really removing the only funny line in the game?
Source, because that is actually fucked up. Children shouldn't have anything to do with any of this.
Why is it a phobia to simply reject trans people?
oh shit, now I remember this game
did they change it due to sjws being retarded too?
you know what? don't answer that
Dev in steam trying to justify it as only a little censorship. I guess only a little piracy is fine too.
have sex
cope incel
same as with "homophobia" so they can push a narrative that you are 'afraid' of them and there's something wrong with (You) because your worldview is different. It's pilpul.
>Trannies already crucified this game and were never even planning to buy it/won't buy it anymore no mattter what
>dev decides to piss off the people who actually gave a shit about the game next
Like homophobic as a word, these people legitimately get off to the thought of being "feared" by others. "phobic" is a term they use because they have to twist reality to make themselves think they're feared by you rather than just disgusted by
We can only hope. I'm at the point where I'd welcome a meteor impact or something if it'll solve all of this nonsense.
>that is actually fucked up. Children shouldn't have anything to do with any of this.
It's okay, as long as it's the white kids being sterilized. All according to their plan.
It's weird
>It's just a teeny tiny thing that doensn't matter
>You won't even notice it
>Its like 20kb its practically nothing
Why bother doing it at all then?
>publisher throws devs under the bus
>forces them to undergo mandatory "sensitivity training"
>gives $10000 to the mentally ill
>devs comply like spineless cowards
people in general don't like cowards
They are donating to The Trevor Project according to every article that talks about it
>The Trevor Project is an American non-profit organization founded in 1998 focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.
another dev bends the knee
What the fuck are the doing? Suicide rates are off the charts.
I'm not homophobic because that would mean that I fear faggots. I just find them repulsive
Da mean esjayderbz living rent free in your head
Stop being a faggot.
I knew a lot of boomers like me, none of that fit that description. Something must have happened in between that I totally missed.
>Implying half of Yea Forums is not sperging out about trannies brainwashing their siblings or wanting to turn their imaginary kids into trannies.
I mean, come on, it's at least a part of it.
>Developers of a game specifically about a stronk independent womyn
>Clad head to toe in bulky body armor
>The character's previous designs where she actually looked attractive were referred to as "embarrassing"
>"I can't believe this dev team bent over for trannies, how could this happen??"
>"I won't buy the game because of this"
Do you also boycott stores that charge you sales tax? You're acting like they had a choice in the matter. They don't.
I don't fucking get it. Why do they do it? Is there some kind of brain parasite that makes them see these people as a threat so they beg for forgiveness every time they wrong them?
what were the "transphobic" comments?
>Not fired
>everyone has to take a special class
What the fuck? Why everyone?
>donating 10k to a gay charity
>censoring content
Proof or fuck this company
well i guess i replaying doom for the 100th time
is project brutality any good?
i 've heard is harder than brutal doom
Parents shouldn't decide the gender of their children at birth
This. The people surprised or disappointed by this are the reason why this shit keeps selling.
>call someone a faglord in your game
>get shat on for it
>What the fuck are the doing?
Lining their pockets, that's how most chartities work.
>Do you also boycott stores that charge you sales tax?
Why yes, I only buy from the Black Market
Why does everyone's feelings get hurt? When will PC culture end? When will people grow some thick skin?
>donating 10k to a gay charity
Homos not welcome you fucking queer
3d realms did and now the child has to suffer the choices of the parent
fucking lol
Suicide rates decrease for trannies after HRT.
>Yea Forums had 24/7 threads about this game because Resetera
>now no one will be able to discuss the game again
>They are turning the freaking kids trans and making them kill themselves!
>Um, why are you using phobic? I-I don't fear you.
Pull those ingrown hairs out of your inverted dick, you dilating weasel.
Shareef don't like it. Seriously wheres a muslim when you need one?
Are you fucking with me? This is it?
Are the journalists threatening/blackmailing them with something or is this a joke?
Why can't /pol/tards stop losing
The Devs aren't SJW but the Publishers are. The Publishers are literally releasing an Antifa game.
it's almost like apologizing to SJW faggots is never enough
When WWIII happens
Posted that meme about games addiction being made a mental illness at about the same time as transsexuality being removed from the list.
The other stuff was just being very, very, very anti-SJW and also having the word "fag" in some easter egg.
>everyone has to take a special class and they are donating 10k to a gay charity and are censoring content
>the only funny line in the game
>a fucking over 30 year old Ghostbusters line
Bet y'all think Family Guy is funny too, OMG REFERENCE! I CLAPPED!
I was ready to jump on the bandwagon of hating these fucks for bending the knee to a couple of faggots that probably won't buy the game anyways, but these guys are legit just fucking cursed
3D Realms can literally never catch a fucking break, it almost feels bad if it wasn't always self-inflicted
>Voidpoint came under fire over the weekend after ResetEra user Twenty5Thousand brought to light sexist and transphobic comments made by staff in Ion Fury's official Discord.
>"Something I don't really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the 'slut walk' which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it."
>homophobic language was found in Ion Fury itself. ResetEra user Flapjack21 found a room in the game, accessed using a noclip cheat, that displayed the word "fagbag".
>In other, easily-accessible rooms are bottles with the homophobic slur "ogay" written on them.
What the fuck is ogay? I thought I was reasonably knowledgeable about homophobic and racist insults, but I've never heard of ogay before.
In where?
People in fucked up mental states should not be allowed to mutilate their body.
Hey, you! Yes, you, left wing journo obsessively reading Yea Forums looking for shit to bitch about. This is why right wing populism is rising because you people do shit like this. Think about it before you publish your next shitty article.
Honestly I just don't care anymore, first the Iron Maiden lawsuit and the name change, now this bullshit. This game is cursed and I'd rather just not play it, who knows what they will change again in the future.
>the left then: you shouldn't force your religion on children, it's child abuse!
>the left now: if you wanted a girl but it's a boy that's okay because your baby is trans! make sure to promote the trans lifestyle to your child, put them on hormones and discuss surgery and bring them out to pride parades and subject them to drag queen story time :)
Kill yourself retard.
Luckily there's already a 40% chance that you'll do so already so I don't have to do much to tip the scales.
Isn't the inherent idea of being against "it's fine to be male" already transphobic because you are ignoring Transmales?
Are trannies just hypocrites?
Good. The devs are cucked and untrustworthy. And they wont be able to shill their shitty game here anymore.
Shut the fuck up, faglord
It's just a non-copyright infringing olay.
Because /pol/tards get off on being martyrs. So no matter what, they're on the losing side.
How the fuck? Okay is just a memerrific way to say "okay". I live in Italy and we literally knew about this at least 20 years ago.
wah wah
And then there's this massive retard
Wow, you sound pretty bigoted. We may have all agreed that kids don't have the mental capacity to have sex, smoke, drink, gamble, drive or vote, but there is no doubt in my mind that they are fully capable of making the choice to forever and irrevocably change their bodies. Except for tattoos and piercings, only a monster would let a kid get those.
Guess I'll start seeding again. Have at it. Fuck these guys
p much this
Except they're also winning all the time
Fucking retards can't even see their own shit
It's easy to win when your "winning" is based on losing. It's like being a Subverse shill, literally the same thing.
>The Devs aren't SJW but the Publishers are.
America land if the free to sue for millions because your coffee a bit warm
This man has no dick
Was the original design modded in or not?
The devs actually got incredibly buttmad about being associated with SJWs for that. It's hilarious to read their discord posts full of seething.
>get fucked by boomers who look like womyn
>get fucked my millennials who think they're womyn
I kinda feel bad for them. Wait, no I don't
Clean out your rotting meathole you fake.
> is there some kind of brain parasite that makes them see these people as a threat?
Yes. Twitter.
Remember my retarded leftard friends.....4 more years.
>People who don't play games scream devs into submission
>Devs fold and piss off the people who'd actually play the game
>Fags still aren't happy, no 'forgiveness' is given, they would never have bought the game anyways - they spent all their money on happy pills and fuck-my-shit-up hormone medicines
Again and again and again. How many times shall we go through this?
imagine just constantly failing and just blaming the (((SJWs))) all the time, while still maintaining the alpha male master race image.
No self awareness.
Remember my burger friends: no president you
choose will save your country from China.
Wrong quote, I was with you on this. Winning based on losing is definitely liberals, hence how "cuckold" became their nickname.
I find it funny people think the devs are taking a special class. Voidpoint isn't a centralized entity, it's a bunch of dudes from all over the world doing their part from their homes.
The tranny fears the /pol/. 卐 卐 KYS 卐 卐
You'd think eventually people would learn that the SJW crowd is a paper tiger that only has power over you if you bend the knee.
>AVGN pisses them off; doesn't apologize
>nothing bad happens to him
>Pewdiepie pisses them off; doesn't apologize
>nothing bad happens to him
>Notch pisses them off; doesn't apologize
>nothing bad happens to him
It's completely baffling that so many companies still fear these people.
What is it with people who have mental illnesses also hating the things which could cure them of mental illnesses? There's nothing wrong with anti-depressants, schizo.
sounds like it's supposed to be a pun on the brand 'Olay'
they just needed more "evidence" so they decided it's a slur
>"I don't understand this thing about social justice."
>"That is hate speech."
They're going hard after lefties who start questioning the narrative in the slightest way. Just saying you're confused by something counts as heresy.