t. Blizzard

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Other urls found in this thread: 2 1

>you think you d-

we're LITERALLY going home, bros. all five hundred million of us.

Blessed server. Void zones 1 shotting all the scrubbies

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those names are even worse than stalagg

Blaumeux is atleast named after one of the hardest bosses in classic wow

You could be a fucking grobbulus player. Fucking grobbulus.


t. fucked up the Skeram stun rotation

>cool bosses
>worse names
Nah, you're a cunt.

Enjoy your ghost town realms in 60 days.

>More realms that will be dead in a month

How is my shaman leveling spec looking? I was gonna go with Shield + Flametongue up to 40 at which point I was gonna switch to Ele/Resto up to 60. At 60 I'm gonna go the standard resto spec until I get better gear or convince a guild to let me go Hybrid Ele or Totemtwisting Enh.

Attached: ShamanLevelingTalents.jpg (753x953, 650K)

Blaumeux is actually a dope name and named after a literal guild breaking boss

>Playing on a server with max pop in fucking classic

You Herodfags deserve your 3 day que

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EU wins again!

How do you pronounce Blaumeux?


They're going to run out of Naxx bosses soon

I'm re-rolling bros!

Attached: blaumeux.jpg (685x800, 246K)

doesn't blizzard understand they will only move if the servers are confirmed streamers free

If you didn't fap to this, the night elf and scholo sluts back in the day you had no childhood

The streamers are already set on their servers which is Faerlina Herod and Whitemane

I could fill several milk gallons with the semen I spilled to that Night Elf picture back in the day.

I would leave Whitemane for like Ashbringer or something. If they named the server Four Horsemen Id move there. But these names suck.

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Why reserve 1 name for servers when you can have 4?

Why are people so stubborn? Like does anyone really want to sit through a 8 hour long queue just to have the server crash on them and be placed in queue again? I get if your massive hardcore guild is all rolling on Herod but why do normies insist on ruining their launch experience?

Whiteman and Tyrande had me diamonds breh. That early shit like this always does it for me still too.

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>streamers confirmed for whitemane

excuse me?

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Why not Rivendare?
They won’t make servers for every horseman. They are only going to make 1. So why not just name it Four Horseman.

when do I resub bros

wrathbabby horseman, get out of my sight

When you're going to start playing

like 20 threads later, still mad as fuck

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Seething tranny.

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If you're American

I liked the Onyxia one.

If you have no idea of french pronunciations, blow-meh would be the closest (with a very short H on the meh)


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anime posters are the worst

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If the player drop off is like anything people were predicting then the last few servers made will likely be dead in a few months. Honestly I doubt they'll be unplayably dead but a 1500 player server seems that way to people who were on Nostalrius with 10k.

Rivendare existed well before the horsemen.

Why not name it Mograine? People would fucking flock to that server or Ashbringer.

server names need to be something people know ... like "soda layer" or "pepega lul"

Skum when?

>laugh at autismo spamming threads for 20 days in a row 24 hours a day
>"'re m..mad.....u....u...m..mad b...bro?"
KEK right up there with Barneyfag you fucking turboloser.
Faerlina is the primary NA streaming server, with a couple smaller streamers going to other realms. Shazzrah and Golemagg are the EU streamer severs, but I've only heard of two of the EU streamers, and I don't think either of them are nearly as big as the US ones, so they likely won't destroy the server like asmongold and sodapoppin will Faerlina.

Mograine would be better. He’s far and away the most popular horseman.

Are the EU servers full yet?

how do i turn this on to remove persistent trannies

But hes not a mommy

It's also already an existing server, like Rivendare. Forums-x/ohnjgmpcibpbafdlkimncjhflgedgpam?hl=en-US

at most 30 people for his RP guild, based RP-PvP chad
the EU is safe

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Not there isn’t.

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>He actually payed $15 bucks to reserve a fucking name
the absolute STATE of retailfags

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the only thing this tranny will ever be correct about in his life

Its what I called it when I read the name

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>Mankrik is safe
Thank god.

imagine 15 bucks shaking your economy

>implying I didn't use the piles of endless gold I had to resub
you make 100s of thousands of gold even if you only played any nuexpac for 2 weeks

Mankrik is gonna be the meme server.

that's 2 weeks too much

>mfw when I got Steve, Brad and Amber on Herod

I ain’t going anywhere I could make money selling these names.

>make more than double that in 1 (one) hour of work
>meanwhile this tranny has been in every thread for the last two weeks all day, every day
kek no wonder 15 bucks is a lot for you. Do you have to make your own dilators because you can't afford to buy them?

>PVE server

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Reminder that Corecraft is making a comeback. Once they datamine the current classic client for the correct armor, hp, etc. values, the new server will be up.
If you're a true #NoChanges player, you WILL NOT give money to activision blizzard and this garbage called classic.

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>i'm not changing servers I already have my name!

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Sure, I would agree. I still tried them out, though.

The sheer amount of hours it takes to farm gold on retail is still way more than it would take to just work a minimum wage job and pay for a sub. And it will always be that way because people are willing to farm gold at such abysmal rates.

I tried farming gold in Legion and it started off great and promising but I felt like killing myself after only 4 days. No idea how those gold goblin faggots do it

>playing on any high/full pop server

You guys don't realize how phase 2 will be fucked up. You will all drop the game when you'll have to wait hours to play even month after release.

Oh, it most certainly is better to just pay then farm unless you work at Burger King or something. I'm just saying nearly everyone I know coming back for this shit was able to buy 1-3 months of sub with gold.

>not having several gold capped characters from WoD
*laughs in hebrew*

Are there any known streamers going to whitemane?

You sell mythic plus runs to casuals.

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once you have gold you just auction house jew for like 30 minutes a day

use money make money

My friends decided it without me, so I don't really care as long as we're not on some streamer-server.

I didn't play WoD at alll, really. That's sort of just the trickle gold from Pandas to now. If you actually played that shit you can probably buy tokens until the stars burn out.

you can't sell the runs if you don't actually do them, let alone have gear for it
fucking hell how do people find running the same instance over and over again fun, with added annoyances?

sounds like MMOs aren't for you friend. try developing your own tastes instead of just following others.


Looks like Blizzard finally figured out that a servers name draws peoples attention, and naming them shit like an irrelevant sub-boss and a barely existent NPC was a retarded idea.

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How the fuck did you get those names.

If Thalnos wasn't BR central I would've gone there, but all my friends want to go to Herod like the meme fucks they are.

Asmongold. You'll see.

And not Mograine because?

>2 pvp realms on EU
>both already full
blizzard are such fucking tards

MMOs aren't the problem, these new instances are just ass,, I find them extremely boring
also feels worse when you feel like you're playing with literal bots, given how detached everyone is from any sort of social aspect.
And the fact that you need that gear to start running instances, I never cared enough to get a guild = no gear = no runs on mythic+ which MIGHT have ended up being somewhat interesting

I know i only played 6 months and i'm set for life.
unless blizz inflates gold to korean mmo standards

No, they're doing this properly (albeit, slow). If they just open 20 realms you'll end up with 18 dead servers once the launch hype chills out, with thousands of people needing to reroll on a non-dead server and losing all their progress. Make one, fill it, make a new one, fill it, etc.

>we are opening another English PvP realm on Tuesday, August 20 at 8:00 p.m. CEST:
>Firemaw – PvP – English

You don't need a guild to farm m+, just play a tank or healer and have instant invites in pugs.

The fact that every single Vanilla server that got big got colonized by fucking chinks and gold sellers to the point that 50% of server pop speaks only mandarin is good enough for me to go with classic for a while.

why the fuck do you people care about server names

Names are what mostly will draw players to servers Don’t be stupid it’s always been this way.

It's all we have right now. :Logic can't act on nothing.

>this faggot hasn't spent 5 hours sitting at a character creation screen trying to think of a name
the server name is one in the same

no, it's the last factor
first people look to where their friends play, then you check the server type, then the population and THEN you maybe start looking at the name

invite to the swifty layer

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No one knows anything about the servers yet other than name. Of course people will pick the best name for them.

Population will drop off significantly with each week. I don't care about waiting in a queue and Blizzard games are always a train wreck on release so it's not going to be perfect no matter where you go. I care more about the state of the server down the road.


So has Blizzard said anything about whether or not "no changes" applies to realm transfers? Because it sure fucking seems like they're trying hard to strand people on servers that will be dead in a few months while two or three huge healthy servers survive.

I thought sharding was supposed to prevent this

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>fraction of players reach 60
>fraction of those players maintain interest past 60
>fraction of those players play anywhere near the same amount they did when leveling
I really fail to see the issue.

>open too many pvp servers
>make characters on dead servers
>Blizzard has to allow realm transfers or listen to years of player bitching
>release new servers only when the existing ones fill
Sounds like you're the retard here.

>friends play
and they decide based on
>server type
and when they decide on type they look for the best name. And the ones with the best names fill up first which determines population.
Your logic is flawed and you are retarded.

I decided I'm not going to waste the second part of my life for this. You have fun bros.

Layering is to prevent the entire server from fighting over the same mobs. It just takes the existing population and splits them into 'layers'.

layers are just there to make the zones playable, to stop a thousand people from competing for one questmob
the serverwide load is the same

>is on Yea Forums
you already failed

give me 3 more reservation slots and I'll happily make 3 more characters on one of these realms


For me it was Whitemane and those other two in bed.

That goes to show just how many people are on the server. I don't want so many people to quit by phase 2, but I also really don't want 10k people after layers go away.

>I was gonna go with Shield

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i didn't get to really choose my realm. a friend did the recruit a friend
we played on lightning's blade. is that for gays?

It's surprisingly strong



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you're at cringe cap

What's the best way to do crit-fishing as a Warrior? This is all I've got so far:

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Based zoomer retard

Flametongue sucks cock. Frostbrand's even better now. Rockbiter is consistently ahead of all the others except endgame windfury. Go 1h or 2h it's a wash since earthbind kiting isn't as effective due to leeway.
If you're switching at 40 then you have to pick up EM; it's a really good leveling talent. Ele kills mobs faster but you have water downtime. I think it's a bit faster 40-60 but enhance is more efficient with almost zero downtime with good 5 second rule management.

that's pretty standard arms. just throw a point into hamstring, sweeping strikes, and mortal strike and then dump the rest into fury

>le buzzwords
lurk more


who /blameux/ here

>launch: 20 servers
>1 month after launch: 10 servers
>2 months after launch: 4 servers
>3 months after launch 2 servers with sharding
>4 months after launch: 1 server with war mode toggle

I'm actually starting to worry for Classic now.
There were too much interest for two servers originally, but when they add more later, it only causes frustration and grief.
I don't think the playerbase is able to split fairly into the servers and have a fun and challenging, true experience, but rather clump up in ASMON LAYER!!!!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. All that was holding me back was whether or not I wanted to snag Flurry somehow, but I don't think I have enough points to spread that far.

Watch how quickly people will switch to new realms when they try to play and see the 5k people queue on Herod or Faerlina.

Those people will be scorned in the long run. Queues suck now but in 6 months Herod and Faerlina will be the only still heavily populated PvP realms once the fadhype wears off, then they're be sitting on Skeram with New Players/Low pop spending 9 hours finding a tank for BRD.

This is probably what will happen. People forget how bad the level 30-60 grind was in Vanilla. The first 30 levels are alright because start zones + 10-20 zones have lots of quest and tons of people to quest with.

Once you start hitting level 30 the number of quest start to dwindle and the population starts to splinter out. It gets really bad at level 45. There is a reason almost nobody likes talking about mid-game vanilla.

Any programs, macros, whatever to stop auto afk disconnects?
I want to log on early morning before i leave to work and stay online until i come home to avoid the que
How would i do this?

Can’t wait to quest in [AZSHARA]

Just do every single quest in every single zone and dungeon that you play in, go to lower level zones and do them there as well, and you will be fine
Lot of people skip minor quests or quests that take too long or whatever because they think they are unnessecary, etc...
Get an addon that tracks all quests in the game to find ones that start from items that are dropped by mobs but have a low chance, like the collector's quest in Elwynn.

How long will it realistically take to get to 60? I have taken three weeks off work to play just so I can get ahead of the casuals, corpse camp them for a month then quit.

What are comfy grinding spots for 45 to 60?

there are none. go quest in hinterlands if your horde.

>being so fucking unoriginal you had to pay 15 dollars to reserve a name
Yeah i bet you needed DarkLordNaruto

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>all these faggots paying for retail and in 2 months they are just gonna add loot boxes to classic

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>He doesnt realize that by launch day pretty much all names that even sound coherent will be taken and you'll be forced to use bot names like Hbesawklbgvkeg if you wait much longer

>3 weeks
I'll be surprised if you make it to 40 in that time.

Blizzard literally doesn't have to do anything in order to save their year, just release classic even if its private server tier in quality, they can even boast how many retail players they gained since the sub also counts for the modern game. I'll laugh if even with all that advantage they find a way to fuck it up and start bleeding subscribers again.
Then again, the same issue happened with Overwatch and they didn't learn shit.

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It's clear you never played classic. You do realize that once you out level a quest, it doesn't reward experience anymore right? That includes mobs as well.

>Get an add-on to track quest
LMAO, you really never played classic. You know what your "add-on" was in classic? It was a bunch of conflicting information on a shitty web 1.0 website like thottbot or alakazham.

For me it's [SEARING GORGE].

Wherever you want bro. Just remember you are grinding, not questing.

You won’t reach it in 3 weeks so it’ll probably eat up more of your two months to get there. You should still reach it before most tho if you no life it when not at work which it sounds like is not an issue for you

>Marathon of the 2006 1-60 vanilla speedrun playing on Twitch
This is kinda comfy tbqhwyf

>those night elf edits
>those night elf riders with their mounts
Warcraft porn straight up gave me beast fetishes

zoom zoom zoom

>Not enjoying the sounds of vanilla levelling
only zoom zoom is you

What are you talking about? There are a lot of reasons why leveling to 60 in vanilla is going to be way easier in classic. Getting to 60 in three weeks is more then reasonable.

1. Half the mid game was spent looking for quest. You explored the world in hopes of finding quest ( that didn't exist ). Slowly leveling as a result.
2. Resources on how to do quest were limited.
3. Most players didn't really know how to do dungeons back then.
4. Almost no add-on support.

1-20 takes likes 5 hours tops. Especially if you already know the route. 20-30 depends on if you remember the quest or not. Somewhere around 5 hours for that as well. 30-40 is stranglethorn grind, probably 6-7 hours.

40-60 is grinding random level appropriate mobs. Probably takes about 10-15 hours of pure grinding for a normal person. Could be done in less then that I'd assume with dungeons/group play.

Overall about 30-50 hours of leveling to get to get 60. The only reason it can take longer is if you are exploring the world and actually treating it like Vanilla, which I doubt many are going to do. The mystery is largely gone, there are no more secrets to find. What's the point of exploring an already explored land?

Joana's stream is the only good wow stream currently
>imagine calling people zoomers on a video game board

thanks for the link fag

Attached: bot or npc.jpg (552x414, 35K)
idk what other user is talking about

Guys, Ive stacked my suicidal life on wow classic. Am I gonna make it

I gotta make it

please let me make it

I wanna be 16 yo again

Attached: wake up and everthing is fine and its summer.png (680x359, 29K)

>Watching my guild vote to leave Herod for Skeram
>Skeram is winning

Attached: 1556578679684.jpg (540x720, 49K)

Good bye user, nobody here will remember you. Honestly probably better off killing your self now while the memories are still good.

Worst moeblob fagging aside, what the fuck is the deal with the first clip?

>wanting to play on her rod

>Not wanting non-stop world PvP

Attached: 1539561426830.jpg (243x250, 9K)

Every PVP server is full, that won't be an issue.

I jacked off to this classic

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i resubbed a few days ago with ingame gold a few days ago before the token prices spike

>calls another poster "tranny"
infinite lmao

Post' em

Have you ever considered fapping to official art

Attached: nightelf HD.jpg (1600x1200, 230K)

please stop using my wife satiana for your shitposting

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2004... back when half-naked female warriors were still okay... home.

>play nuWoW

I wish I had since 15 per month is pretty steep. Ramen here I am

That's Santana.

>tfw I played burning blade EU back in the day and I cannot truly come home

I have ascended to fapping to in game models.

Attached: 1525988639268.png (427x866, 630K)

>he doesnt roll as Xxh34dHunTardxX NE hunter and ninjaloots everything

>not fapping to vanilla UD females dancing

>pay 15 bucks
>have a nostalgia rush
>leave before activision can inject their pozzed lootbox load into the game

Attached: 1546399016367.jpg (1321x1782, 255K)

Stalagg and Fairbanks aren't full.

Leave tranny.

Attached: 1564091010362.jpg (700x700, 177K)

I dont want light to remain in my head when I blow my brains out.

Im coming home

Attached: duck in front of window.jpg (490x654, 30K)

>literally watching meme video

im going home lads. Im gonna be a holy priest smiting evil

Attached: smite.png (634x444, 479K)

>tranny wants to be accepted

>no wand spec

Redpill me on RP-PvP

Attached: motivational wow.jpg (996x1852, 441K)

>Im gonna be a holy priest
You and every other priest.

I've been playing a female undead transmogged to warriors embrace and a fist weapon on a retail trial account while waiting actually. I'd take a screenshot but I can't get it to run right now. God the visible spine is hot.

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what the fuck is blizzard smoking with this launch, people have already filled every new server they open and the game isn't out for a week


It's either blaw-moh or blau-moh depending on what the writer intends

Attached: holy.jpg (734x529, 140K)

Anyone hear anything about stalagg

nah m8 I'm going deep disc smite spec priest.

Can't wait to stomp kids, this isn't even with top gear either

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>most people will quit before phase 2
Why do people believe this? It's going to be hilarious in a few months time when blizzard backflips again and says that layering will be around for longer

Too many servers and it's dead on launch. Too few and you still have a vibrant playable game. Thats why Blizz is playing it safe, but even still, they missed their mark real hard on how many servers they needed.


Because that kills the game. It's really, actually that simple. Why do you think they continue the farce of not merging retail servers? It spells doom for the game. It's not an option on the table.

blizzard sure are stupid. anyone who moves off Herod is a brainlet. I'm an Arugal chad anyway, this doesn't effect me at all. Even if they open another Oceanic PvP server (they won't), who the fuck would move off Arugal? Its the same with these US and EU realms. Blizzard are just brainlets these days. In old vanilla, they will literally lock the realms so you couldn't create more characters. Why not lock those realms now if new names? Because blizzard is just dumb these days. Often the solution to problems to blizzard these days is a half assed solution that doesn't work and actually makes the problem worse. Old Blizzard? The problem would be addressed in full.

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>All this server drama
>Been campaigning for grobby day one.
>Grobby didn't actually fill up enough to warrant a second server so I don't have to make any tough decisions at all.

>campaigning for grobby

So you want the server to fill up with zoomies and faggots?


Attached: obb.gif (480x360, 1.76M)

No. I wanted the server to fucking exist.

And now you want it to fill up with idiots because you're 'campaigning' for it. Are you fucking retarded? Any good community is a well kept secret. When you start screeching about how great it is, that's when people start flooding in to see if it's better than their own cesspool streamer shit servers and the realm gets ruined.


Because the 30-60 grind is absolutely awful. There are almost no quest past 40, you go to a new zone and there might be 5-10 quest you can do. Some zones are basically empty, with nothing of note. Desolace and Azhara come to mind. Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes are basically like 5 quest + the dungeon pre-reqs. EPL and WPL are the same. Badlands is another empty dead zone. Ungoro is memorable for it's dino's + nintendo references, but it's also pretty empty quest wise. Silthilus is another awful zone. Winterspring + Feralis have the furbolgs I guess? Not much else here. Deadwind Pass, is as the name suggest, dead.

1-30 is fun. 30-60 is not. The only way to get to 60 is grinding or dungeon grinding. Most people remember the nerfed TBC version which shortened the 30-60 grind by a lot. The original was painful and not in a good way.

No it doesn't, they wouldn't know because they've never tried it.

How can one post be so wrong

They don't need to try it. MMO's were diying long before WoW was even launched, and it is well understood what the immediate effects of certain actions are-- server merges being one of them. Blizzard invested literally millions into sharding just to avoid having to merge servers on the front end, they sure aren't going to start merging Classic servers just because a few guys on the internet think they know how to MMO design.

While this is true, on fresh servers there's much more organic content going on for those levels besides, well, leveling. Stanglethorns famous PvP war is one such activity. The grind won't be as bad with the expected population of Classic providing more to do than just level.

Good thing I'm not then.
OSRS voting system should be implemented, and only accessible to players with an active subscription, and who have beaten the newest raid tier, or are at least rank 6 PVP, and only get to vote in those fields. 75% of the possible votes have to be yes to pass.


fucking redditors

in WoD they added the Transmorphic tincture, a potion to invert your character's gender for 15 minutes.
I actually used it to fap to my Night elf doing the /rude animation. (Smacking her own butt)

Yep, never played vanilla. You can easily verify this stuff you know. Most of the high level zones had less then 20 worthwhile quest for leveling.

For example, here is deadwind pass.

Here is WPL 2 1

Note to make sure you get rid of the duplicates ( because 2 factions ) and any quest that rewards 600 exp as those are just fetch quest ( 600 exp is like 2 kills or something ).

I think it adds up to about ~20 actual worthwhile quest. If that. I might be too generous here.

I doubt it, the fun of Vanilla was exploring the land, not knowing what was coming next. Sometimes you came across random fun stuff and exploring new zones. However that won't happen with Classic because everybody has already seen those zones. The fun of Vanilla was the mystery, which will not exist in Classic.

>the fun won't exist
Say that to all the people who play private servers just to level to 60 and abandon until the next private server comes out.

>not the based undead Dorf telling everyone to fuck off before he instantly burst 40 people into treats
What the fuck Blizzard


Obviously there are always outliers. Some people like grinding, those people will love Classic.

No matter how many times I told my guildmates to start moving once the cast bar hits below one second we always had idiots say “omg died to invisible void zone.”

To be fair, the void zones did but out sometimes but all you had to do was slightly move from your current position when you saw less than 1 second remaining for the next void zone cast. It would always spawn where you were if you were targeted.

Perhaps. At the same time, is it not disingenuous to write off mine as an 'outlier' when you're really claiming that what you find enjoyable about Vanilla is what other people do?
Are you not implying in that, as a whole, people will not enjoy Vanilla because the sense of mystery is gone?
Maybe that's what made Vanilla fun to you, and I don't disagree that it's gone, but whose to say that's what the majority of people are playing for? Your reason could be just as much an outlier.

600 exp is 6-10 mobs not 2. Zoomer.

>Kripp is the only NA streamer playing on Herod
truly the best server

I don't know why, but the facepaint night elves and necromancers wear is so fucking hot

Fuck off with that shit, if you're going MS, then here's your build.

Non-rpers stay off Grobbulus! Or I'll shrink ya head an putitona stick mon.

I did the awesome Searing Gorge quests and Fellwood, actually really enjoyed myself.

The reason is because leveling and grinding is significantly better in retail wow. There's like 100+ different things to grind and leveling offers significantly more quest, with arguably better stories. I'm not saying retail is good ( it's shit ) just that it is better for those things then classic.

The main draw of the original was the mystery of exploring a world. Most people want classic to re-experience discovering the world of warcraft. (almost ) Nobody started WoW to grind to 60.


at time 8:48 you can see a level ~40 mob giving 366 xp.

>if you're going MS
I'm not necessarily, that's kind of what I'm asking.

Hol up, it's quite the opposite. First 30 levels you have to run around whole fucking map. Starting at 40+ it's very easy: you go into 1 zone(Tanaris), do all the quests there, then travel to another zone(Feralas), then the 3rd one(Hinterlands) and then you come back to do high lvl quests in the 1st zone(Tanaris) that you left and then you go back to Feralans and Hinterlands again. After that you can start dipping into Ungoro, Felwood and WPL doing the same shit.

As a Night Elf that's going mining, would I be screwed by how I can't do any mining until Darkshore? I rarely play Night Elves so I don't really know how much ore is in Darkshore. I didn't even know there were none in Teldrassil until recently.

There is going to be inevitable mergers after a few weeks, classic is going to do well but all these full servers are propped up by retailers just reserving names who will try the game for a day or two and be done. Then there will be a handful of low/medium pop servers

Jesus christ. How much salt do you need to produce in order to become this kind of loser?

Let me do some math for you bucko.

exp required for 43-44 = 106,300
total feralis XP from quest = 141,885

Obviously that doesn't account for random mob xp, which might get you two levels total. Tanaris seems like would give slightly less xp and hinterlands depends on doing group content, and rewards slightly more then feralis.

End result is probably around 6 levels if you do every single quest ( including mob xp ). So that includes the "Travel to X location on the other side of the map and then come back here quest" which fucking suck and overall are the worst kind of fetch quest.

I also probably counted some quest which are class exclusive or duplicated ( one for horde and one for alliance ).

>no guys I'm serious, y-you think you do, but you d-don't


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Here's your fury spec then

>scholo sluts
tell me more

Like I said, you're asserting that what you personally find enjoyable is shared by a majority and others are outliers. I disagree that leveling and grinding is better, let alone significantly, in retail wow.
Again though, you're trying to assert that
>The main draw of the original was the mystery of exploring a world. Most people want classic to re-experience discovering the world of warcraft.
That's baseless. You're assuming that.

Mew as dew


Classicfags deserve this.

Attached: nano.jpg (449x556, 78K)

i payed 10 buck and 94 cents for six months because local currency prices lol.
also d i l a te satania spamer

You seem to be missing that I'm asking where to go from what I currently have. Neither of the builds you posted take into account that I'm taking Axe Spec for example.

I'm playing classic and I know it will do well, but are you seriously so low IQ that you think 100% of the user base that will try the game will hang around? please reply I want to see how retarded you are nigger

Pic related, tranny community represent. We should obviously have our own server.

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>night elf
You already know my man. To this day that picture is still among the best.

Those are the two optimal specs. An ideal spec would be either of those (you can change the Fury one to 2H Fury if you need, dropping UW and DW spec, but 2H Fury sucks and you might as well be arms). Obviously for Arms change the Sword Spec to Axe Spec.

If that's somehow confusing, tell me what you're looking to achieve and I'll tell you how to do it.

wow those clips are horrible, you guys should really play another game and not this one

It might not be true for everyone, but a big draw of WoW was the world. Randomly finding huge dragons, giants and other monsters. Exploring that cave because maybe there is something cool in there. Getting a group of friends together to kill that big monster. Giving out buffs randomly because maybe it will help someone. Being excited for your first mount/pet. Getting your first rare/epic. Finally entering that weird lava zone or snow zone, not knowing what comes next.

Everything is about "first". If you played TBC, your first mount looks bland compared to flying mounts. You already know what's in all of the zones, you know what's behind uldums door. you've already had countless epics and rares from TBC onward. You already know that level 40 elite doesn't actually drop anything good. You already know that WC is in that cave. You already know Deadwind pass is worthless.

It goes on and on. Of course you can find lots of things to enjoy, but the core success of Wow was founded on first. It's why there are so many nostalgia fags calling it "home". It's because it's where the first made friends and all that jazz.

>everything is about first
>the core success of WoW was founded on first
Look, I don't care about the argument itself, but the reasoning you're using to support it is just baseless. Fanciful. You're making assumptions. That's all I'm saying.
>It's why there are so many nostalgia fags calling it "home"
Or it's because they believe that Vanilla WoW had a world superior to other mmos, or classes, or leveling, or itemization, or a million other things. Your argument is just
>It's because of this and this and this
>I said so
You're not offering anything to support that. Obviously it's enough to convince you, you already feel that way.

>Thinking about Classic
>Start fantasizing about coming back, rolling a Holy Paladin and becoming a PvP nightmare
>Bubbles, Heals, Cleanse, BoF
>Remember you don't have any friends who'd be bloodthirsty/aggressive enough to take the Warrior role in a War/Pal team
>Nor anyone who'd want to play a Mage/Lock for the same goal
>Would just end up in PuG BGs healing randoms without any coordination as the team splinters around the objective and a rogue sits on me
>Dream slowly dies

It's for the best

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and in case you make a certain reply, let me add that
>Randomly finding huge dragons, giants and other monsters. Exploring that cave because maybe there is something cool in there. Getting a group of friends together to kill that big monster. Giving out buffs randomly because maybe it will help someone. Being excited for your first mount/pet. Getting your first rare/epic. Finally entering that weird lava zone or snow zone, not knowing what comes next.
People can enjoy all of that without it being the first time.

that's the best part about vanilla, after 30 people already feel invested, but they're still noobs and want to progress, then the veterans who rushed to 60 come back and gank all those idiots still stuck in 30-50, then being ganked makes you want to grow stronger and one day fuck those fuckers that fucked you, and the cycle repeats.

Hello Cheng

i know this might be a little weird, but the character in this image looks a lot like asmongold

Buccaneers WHERE WE AT?

Attached: Bloodsail_Banner.jpg (666x710, 61K)

Have sex with nightelves

ban the avatar fag

Those exp numbers are completely wrong.

Rich is a literal hero.


>buy WC3
>has booklet with WoW promotion
>fapped to this

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