Sony acquires insomniac

It begins

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I honestly thought they already bought insomniac 10 years ago

did you somehow miss sunset overdrive or fuse?

wait don't answer that


Nothing will change because Insomniac is to Sony what Platinum Games is to Nintendo: they only develop games for one console.

>2 forgettable games
I can see why.

They started the gen out with an exclusive Xbox One game.

Can't wait for them to make nothing but Capeshit and kiddiefied Ratchet remakes now.

Welcome to the family, Brother

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i didn't even know they made either of those games

And Platinum started with a PS3 / Xbox 360 multiplat, and guess what happened.

This makes me angry like nothing else

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you mean the pieces of SHIT! nobody bought

also that game about a girl in a submarine published by gamestop that no one remembers

I've never even heard of fuse

>And Platinum started with a PS3 / Xbox 360 multiplat

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Exactly. Platinum also made multiplats this gen. Nier Automata isn't even on Switch is it?

feels like kind of a waste of money since Insomniac already made Sony exclusive games 90% of the time.

SO looks fun desu

They feared Microsoft might try and buy them.

Nier Automata is a Yoko Taro game first and foremost; Platinum's involvement was limited to the combat and combat system. And guess what? Automata was mediocre from a gameplay standpoint.

Meanwhile something like Astral Chain is 10'% a Platinum Games title, a game they wanted to make.

can sony fans discuss anything without bringing up console wars and wojak edits?

but Insomniac has a history of saying that they didn't want to be bought out, so Sony didn't really have anything to fear

They don't own Spyro anymore so who cares

>These mental gymnastics

Well its not like Sunset Overdrive 2 was gonna set the world on fire.

yes yoko taro did everything outside of the combat


Sunset Overdrive was actually fun


What a shame it is that the last good game they made was 10 years ago, then.

holy shit bros..... its over we lost......

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>nier is made under platinum games but it doesnt count!!!

why are nintendofags such brainlets?

>It begins
What, you're finally going to get some games?

I occassionally post golden face sonyjaks and i havent owned a ps since ps1


been posting it for years as an idort, it's a very powerful image

sad to see them become an exclusive dev company, but I tihnk they've been kicked around long enough despite how good they are
kinda glad to hear it, honestly

Liverpool Studios, never forget

When Platinum makes multiplat / not Nintendo exclusive games, they're intended to be cashgrabs, money sources to finance their Nintendo exclusives.
Sometimes companies catch on it and they fire Platinum before they get stuck with a mediocre game (Microsoft, Cygames)

>Sunset Overdrive was Xbox exclusive because they wanted to keep their IP
>Sunset Overdrive is now a Sony IP

the irony

Does that mean Sunset Overdrive is coming to PS4 or is it a Donkey Kong 64 situation?

Wait, did Sony not own Insomniac already?

maybe not the original SO, but subsequent ones, should they choose to make them will likely be playstation exclusive

no, insomniac always wanted to stay independent until now

No idea, MS owns the publishing rights but they can always make SO2

>Sony buys studio that has already run itself into the ground

It not like thre's anything left to ruin, so let them have their fun, I say.

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They've essentially been a Sony studio since the PS2 era. None of their own Ips have been succesful.

Does that mean they will now have to "force diversity " into there games and make all there protagonist gay/tranny's , just play everybody that plays video games on a PlayStation?

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Does this make any fucking difference at all?
The only games I know of Insomniac is Spyro

why would they make a sequel to shitty ip that sold like shit.

they have golden sellers like spider man and ratchet .

hell they could even try rebooting resistance if they got bored

Ratchet used to be a really good franchise until about halfway through the ps3's life

ok now make a good spyro



God I love insomniac. They are as of now my favorite sony dev.

What the fuck is Fuse?

Still mad

The fuck are you on about? Platinum's first two games were a Wii exclusive and a DS exclusive.

>Made Spyro but stopped
>Made R&C but they turned it to shit
>Made a bunch of other game nobody bought
What did Sony mean by this?

>nobody bought spiderman

I literally forgot that this game existed, that's how significant it was

Just forget him user. He's just asshurt that platinum made a game for Nintendo so now they're Nintendo only in his eyes.

Because you don't own a ps4 and are waiting for the emulator in 2030


You being a retard does not make something less significant

The only games I would have bought the PS4 for would have been the Crash Bandicoot remasters
Fortunately, Activision did the smart thing by porting it to PC

Now instead of playing great games you angrily brush them off as bad for not being on PC. Also yeah, based Activision who also recently added microtransactions to crash.

>instead of playing great games
Such as?
There are 0 PS4 exclusives that I find interesting or that look good

Now that Sony has a dedicated Spider-man studio post what you want in a sequel
I want Venom, everyone knows Venom is more popular than Spider-man honestly Insomniac should've just made a Venom game.

Good for them, I play mostly Nintendo but I like their past work on the R&C series. I really don't know why they bought them though, don't they already make games exclusively for them?

>don't they already make games exclusively for them
They do, this doesn't make much sense

That's a really low quality bait, my dude. Please try harder.

>13 million copies sold.
"N-Nobody cares about it"
kys retard

>everyone knows Venom is more popular than Spider-man
That's not true. Spider-Man is, by far, the most popular superhero in existence. And I think in Japan the gap is even bigger.
Now that doesn't mean I don't want a Vemon exclusive game, though.

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Well in the position Insomniac was previously in, they have more independence and responsibility. Sure they can pick and choose what they what to make and who to make it with even if they have a strong relationship with Sony, they also must take on the burdens of a flop and risk swimming solo if they are having a bad couple years. Being part of Sony will relieve them of these risks, (not sure if that's a good thing), at the cost of locking down their already good relationship.

>being incapable of realizing that not everyone shares your retarded opinions on games

>White girl
>Hand on the white guy's leg
>Tit exposed for the Black guy
Too obvious

>no more r&c
>more movie games
so awesome! BASED SNOY!

sony funded the last R&C game a few years ago

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Liverpool = Psygnosis you fucking idiot

I mean, weren't they always basically Sony devs? All of their relevant games were Sony exclusives since the 90's. They already felt like first party devs.

I think everybody did

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what could have been EA's overwatch before overwatch was even a thing hadn't they haven't listened to fucking 12 year olds

it was shit

>sony funded the last R&C game a few years ago
And it was shit.