What's the difference between a mage, a wizard, a warlock and a sorcerer?

What's the difference between a mage, a wizard, a warlock and a sorcerer?

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Mage uses magic. Nothing specific about that. It's a catch all.
Wizard performs magic from the elements and prepared spells from components.
Warlocks have Magical Powers siphoned from a pact with a greater being. They are basically Magic Clerics.
Sorcerers are born with magic inside them. They can cast spells without the need of prep or pact.

is the boardermemes 3 thread?

The same difference between a dragon, wyvern, drake, wyrm, etc. Just made up shit.

Thank you, for your input.

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That's the DnD classes though, in other games sorcerers get their powers from other beings.

Mage is a magic generalist, they have no specialty
Wizard gains magic through arcane study and preparation of a spell book or component pouch
Warlock gains magic by striking a deal with a powerful entity like a demon or a sentient star
Sorcerer gains power through their bloodline, they have magic born inside them.

There is a difference between all those though.
Dragon is a Giant Winged Lizard with 4 limbs and breaths some element. Be it fire ice acid, lightning or what have you.
Wyvern is a giant winged lizard with 2 limbs and a barbed tail.
A drake is a large Lizard with 4 limbs and no wings.
A Wyrm is Basically a Giant Snake with wings.

Get your fanfiction out of here.

Magic and dragon's are fantasy.
So I'm going by the general knowledge about the fantasy.

Castaneda sorcerers are different too!

First uses his knowledge and intellect, second uses his tools and money, third is a cheat and uses borrowed powers, last one uses her body.

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why are they all so ugly?

The source they obtain their magic from.
They use plain magic. It depends fully on the lore of the game or world. It can be an energy, it can be tricks...
Wizards draw their power from wisdom. They study their powers. It can come from books, spells, scrolls...
They're like mages but, let's say, evil. They usually sign a pact with demons or the world of the occult. They get their powers from superior beings.
This one is more ambiguous. As it usually has the connotation of being an evil mage. But most times they summon powers. Like a conjurer would summon the power of nature to invoke a bear or an elementalist would summon thunder to electrify their enemies.

Because you haven't drank enough.

>be faggot OP
>can't make a good thread
>just post tits and pussy lewd image

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The form of autism the player has
>high-functioning: Wizard
>mostly normal, leaning towards high: Sorcerer
>mostly normal, leaning towards low: Mage
>low-functioning: Warlock

Isn't warlock the pinnacle of edgy autism though?


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We were asked a question Linda. How about you go back to the math teachers dick. I think you could do better than a D-.

For OP I would suggest warlock. They rarely cast spells and instead just gain passive bonuses to smashing things. Very easy for a cum-fried brain to handle.


Female wizards are called witches.

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Wow you sure showed him!

Edgy autism is usually displayed by the low-functioning. The extreme "screeching and smashing their head into the wall 24/7" cases are incapable of playing games and aren't included.

Mage is an overpowered asshole and you should hide mage threads and ignore mage posters.
Wizard is an incel who grow a twin tail after 30 or something.
Sorcerer is a Latin America thing. Basically a dude who makes you take psychoactive substances and tells you are connecting to spirit world and shit.


Female warlocks are called witches.

>Sorcerer is a Latin America thing. Basically a dude who makes you take psychoactive substances and tells you are connecting to spirit world and shit.

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That’s a shaman idiot

It's wizards/witches in BDO and Harry Potter.


More like a witch doctor or something.

Witch doctor is Africa

Not anymore Ford.