Name one good pokemon game after gen 5. I double dog dare you

Name one good pokemon game after gen 5. I double dog dare you.

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Pokemon GO

fucking c*mbrains

lets go is a good game

Super Mystery Dungeon and Magikarp Jump.


pokemon source

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungoen

Sell me on a whore gf

Is that the mythbusters chick

Pokemon Rang-wait.
Pokemon Battle R-hold on.
Pokemon GO isn't the end of the world. I caught like four Pokemon at the hospital the other day.

No, keep your brapbeast

Literally not even by gamefreak you brainlet.


Sauce plz

Pokken Tournament DX

Stop asking for source. According to her IG, her boyfriend is black.


It's still a Pokemon game, dumbass. OP doesn't say anything about Game Freak

What if I'm black?