
Finally a fucking historical 4X that's not Civ, hope it's at least on par with the Endless games.

Please don't fuck it up.

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>civ but the environments look nice and the cities sprawl
Sign me up. That said, I'm not sure I like the sound of how development over time is going to work.

I honestly thought it was a Civ6 Xpac till they dropped the name

wake me up when sega makes a game that isn't fucking boring dogshit


you have my attention.

I guess you weave your civ over time with perks from real world civs or something.
I'm curious how it would look like on the map though, hopefully it's seamless.

At least it's not fucking Sanic

It's still fucking boring.


ANOTHER free game? Timmy boy is a top lad.

Is it really EGS exclusive? lol for a second there I was allotting money.

Ignore that user

Steam hosts store pages for EGS exclusives all the time, they're pretty happy to be an advertising platform for Epic.

>all those fags on twitter crying because this wasnt a new JSR or Sonic
>despite Sega saying this was going to be a new IP

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>expecting intelligence on Twitter

>>all those fags on twitter crying because this wasnt a new JSR or Sonic
>>despite Sega saying this was going to be a new IP
Maybe because people are sick of them trying to make a bunch of boring new shit when they've neglected a massive backlog of fantastic IP for years now, retard-kun.

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pure kino

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They've totally lost the code for Skies of Arcadia, haven't they?

HOTD got a sequel recently same with Puyo Puyo
Bayo is pretty much Nintendo property
Valkyria Chronicles is a zombie
And most of those series dont have the creators working at Sega no more

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>One Million Civilizations
>Create your own civilization by combining 60 historical cultures from the Bronze to the Modern Age.
Begin as Ancient Egypt, then evolve into the Romans, the Khmers, or perhaps the Vikings.
Each culture brings its own special gameplay layer, leading to near-endless outcomes.
So am i understanding this right you begin as a ancient civ and then evolve into other civs as you progress?

>same with Puyo Puyo
Puyo Puyo Champions is a shit budget title made for use in the Japanese esports league. It's hardly a proper spinoff, and it sure as fuck isn't a real sequel to anything. The last time Puyo had a new mainline game with 2009, and the last time it had a spinoff that wasn't mediocre wank was 2011.

Will it be anti or pro baby dick mutilation??

This feels like Civ VI meets Endless Legend

Is our planet finally apart of the endless universe?

Depends on whether religions will be decipted in this game

Its made by amplitude. So that would make sense.

Baby dick mutilation yes no?

>Create your own civilization by combining 60 historical cultures from the Bronze to the Modern Age.
>Begin as Ancient Egypt, then evolve into the Romans, the Khmers, or perhaps the Vikings. Each culture brings its own special gameplay layer, leading to near-endless outcomes.
>What civilization will you shape?
>this game is WE WUZ simulator

Attached: WE.png (640x480, 456K)

>Different topographic heights of geography

Sold! All these other 4X or whatever term describes their genre, all their maps are always flat pretty much, just with some mountain objects thrown in.

Sounds like it. What a retarded concept.

>spore concept applied to human history
Looks good on paper, lets see when it comes out

>developers need to keep milking the same shit I liked it when I was 15
You are cancer.

I really hope this a bot.

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>What a retarded concept.
Not really, if anything it fits the Amplitude design where your "civ" is unique and excel at certain things at the cost of others

Getting real tired of these "reveals" with little to no info on the game.However, Amplitude is based and some good competition to nuCiv is well overdue.

>Each culture have a simbol presenting a bonus to a specific thing already
Already putting old civilizations as specific tech updates? Thats a minus.
Also, its blatantly how pozzed is the game by looking at pic related.
>Black scientist is holding hands with white warrior female
Really? Its really pathetic the lack of subtlety nowadays.

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Go back, faggot.

Dilate /pol/ tranny

welp, there goes any hype I might have had.

>Giving money to one DRM license seller over another
>Not just pirating all of your games
Fuck Steam, fuck EGS, fuck GOG, and fuck Israel.

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Sounds like it solves Civ's retarded issue with primitive-ass civs making their way through the eras even when they vanished in real history.

>see intro, immediately think kino
>turns out it literally was homage to a French kino

Based Amplitude.

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As if Civ6 was not baby friendly and politically correct enough.
I think we need to give up on historical games for at least 10 years or some major revolution.

>why is this game about all the different cultures throughout history, diverse?
what the fuck

You know what are we talking about, don't play stupid.

Imagine mod giving you option to be Nazi Germany

If that's not civilizational evolution then what is?

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not him but it's literally a game about civilisations throughout history around the world.

It'd be more retarded if there weren't any minorities in the game. Stop being triggered by everything you're as bad as the trannies

>Why isn't this game exclusively about white people????

Go back there and never come back. Also dilate.

It's a Civ clone by the developers of Endless Legends in case that wasn't painfully clear.

Because they aren't literally the same country.

Just let it go.

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>this Civ game is not historically accurate
Go back to Europa Universalis

This desu, I do this except for coop multiplayer games I really like.

it could be worse
be happy the females are attractive

ree the COLOR doesnt MATCH why they do this???????????

>tfw you'll never be a neanderthal jamming synthwave music in your soyuz capsule
Why live.

>Civilization exists
>Amplitude says nah that's baby shit, this is HUMANKIND

Whew. Shots fired.

If they didn't want to be criticised for it they shouldn't have sold the game as historically accurate on their store page. There must be a better way to model civilisational advancement than making some Frankenstein's monster of a civilisation.

Actually, the correct name for this game should be Peopleskind.
Thank you

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Fucking nice, it's by Amplitude too.

>as historically accurate on their store page.
But it's doesnt say that, at best they say it's authentic but not accurate

>some Frankenstein's monster of a civilisation
Every long-lived civilization is some Frankenstein monster. You thought the Romans started out as monotheists? Don't even get me started on the Byzantines who did a full cultural 360 in less than 4 centuries.

But people aren't kind.

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Amplitude's games are great, endless space 2 and endless legend were both kino and fun to play. those guys know their way around 4X games
if FlyByNo is still around it will be goty because this man is a fucking musical genius

Better support mods.

>Finally a fucking historical 4X that's not Civ
lil late bud

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not OP but he probably meant "and that isn't a map painting game made by jews for autists"

4x is so different from grand strategy that Im worried you have been eating shit all this time thinking it was chocolate

If everyone pirates the games you like they won't be made anymore.

That is a fucking feature. The point of the game is changing history so surviving as Rome, Mayans or Babylon is part of the fun.
Or do you also think WW2 games have a problem if the Germans can win or if non-historical wars like allies vs soviets can happen?


Yes? It's supposed to be an historic game but LOL MODERN ERA GANDHI WITH NUKES!!!

>Bronze Age
Where are the Minoans?

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Amplitude should have kept itself in the realm of fantasy. Their style of game does not go well with a concept like history. This feels really charmless and I just don't see why play it if they are fucking the historical aspect without giving something in return, no matter how well you do you are chained to how history went irl. Was a Persian who beat the Arabians? Too bad, play Muslim now. Was Aztec and bested the Spanish? Nope! Can't have that, play a colonial culture now.

It also seems you don't even get unique designs depending on what culture you have. It's all just number crushing, no charm, no fun, stick to fantasy .

Imagine not only not being able to enjoy games, but also shitting yourself non-stop, just because you see a black woman, not even a real one either, just a drawing of one

Don't change the topic, you didn't mention the immortal leaders in your first post. Address the actual issue you coward

I noticed it too, it has to be an homage. Based French.

This alone gets a ton of SOUL points in my book, me and a couple of friends in our voice chat knew we had heart the song from somewhere but couldn't pin point it, what a nice homage to make. nice tits on your pic too

>It's supposed to be an historic game
It isn't.
It looks like a scrollable menu.

Whew stop getting so heated about bad games, guy. And what's "the actual issue" in your mind? I already said it's supposed to be historical so shitty, mud-flinging civs making it to the modern age is dumb.

I fucking hate the endless series

>we wuz scientists and warriors

The music is Toccata and Fugue in D Minor from Bach which is the opening tune to Once upon a time man.

I'm sorry.

Civ is not supposed to be a historical game. It is all about silly alternative history. You are a retard for thinking otherwise.

Now go write an essay for your teacher or something.

Yes, and we couldn't recognize it even though we all knew we had heart it, what's your point my guy?

LOL spotted the subscriber

And I already countered your point. All historical games provide the chance to change history. What is the point of playing the game if I can't survive as Rome? It's like playing a WW2 game where you can't win as Germany or Japan, or you will always get invaded as the French. It's like playing a Sengoku game where you can only win as Tokugawa. It's like playing a Napoleonic war game but you can't win against the French earlier or win as the French.

All these are fucking historical games from the 80s, changing history isn't detrimental to historical games, it's their point. If you don't want that go watch a movie instead.

>Amplitude studios
Alright so we're taking a break from Endless Space 2.
That's fine, it's not like I wanted more expansions or anything, baka.

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so its a worse and inferior Civ V?

whats the fucking point then

The next expansion is being made by the studio that made the last two expansions for endless legend.

>It's like playing a WW2 game where you can't win as Germany or Japan,
All WW2 shooters?

Maybe I should learn some French. Half my family comes from there and refuse to learn english.
Fucking hard language though.

The Inferno guys are doing the future expansions for both EL and ES2, it was announced earlier this month.

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There are still votes to come for the next dlc on games2gether.

Amplitude has been releasing new content for both ES2 and EL for a while now. A sign of new content stopping for either game would imply a new version of it is coming.

I'm gonna vote while I still can, thanks for reminding me, its been awhile since I went on their forums.
True. I feared for my life when Sega took them over, but they're doing well so far.

Your imaginary rule doesn't exist.

I hope it lets you choose which eras to play and end in. Fuck civ for not having a mode like that.

There's at least one more expansion already planned for ES2.
Read the official website. Amplitude stopped all work on EL/ES2 and handed over development to Team Inferno. Now, it's obvious Amplitude will be working on Humankind. I bet they need the whole studio if they plan to rival Civilization.

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One vote just ended, I don't know when the next one will be.

>not Mankind

SJW garbage, into the trash it goes

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It better not have 1UPT

Literally already a trademark for another vidya.

First hint that it's full of political correct shit

Can't wait, love Amplitude's games

That said I am still waiting for Soren Johnson's new 4X,when will we hear more about that

It doesn't. Armies are limited stacks like in EL.

You can win as the Germans in multiplayer battles.

>like in EL
Ah fuck.

Or that mankind is trademarked for another game.

Wasn't the producer for 10 crowns bankrupt?

The combat in EL wasn't that bad user.

For fuck's sake lad LEARN how to play the game. That the tutorial and ingame tooltips don't teach you is no excuse in 2019+1.

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humankind is a legit word since the 2000s

Soren Johnson bought the rights back to it for his own company.
Is it impossible for you to believe that I understand it and don't like it?

This. It is pathetic, really.

Take it up with Square Enix' lawyers, you cockmonglers. You may also try to liberate the words Apple or Windows while you're at it.

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>humankind is a legit word since the 2000s

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looks like a fun game just as long as it doesn't turn into a dlc simulator like civ

>Is it impossible for you to believe that I understand it and don't like it?
Odds are low. Almost everyone who has ever bitched about the combat has no idea, for example, that you can tell a unit to move before it attack, e.g. multi-step orders.

You call that milking??
Are you not aware of how many total wars,football managers, yakuzas and sonic boost titles we get for the past decade???
But nooooo, we can't get a sequel for a game that's 15 years old or game that's not boring western dogshit.
Fuck off with that bullshit.

>just as long as it doesn't turn into a dlc simulator like civ
Ampltude tends to be sparse with DLC and even so they make it worth the price

Amplitude DLCs are all quality stuff and they're fairly sparse so no worries.

Amplitude is usually pretty good about DLC. They usually have a lot of free stuff, their expansions go on sale often, and my favorite part is DLC sharing. What I mean by DLC sharing is that in multiplayer, only the host needs to have the DLC for everyone else to play with it. You could even buy the base game, start a multiplayer game with a host who has all the DLC, leave the game, and open the saved game with your no DLC copy.

Too bad we haven't really seen anything from 10 crowns.

Most people complain about the combat being solved simultaneously. I like it because it does allow for units to have an advantage in initiative and gives cavalary a more specific role for example.

DLC Sharing is cool and would be a selling point in any other game I play but all my friends are faggots so it's a mute point. It's the kind of policy that makes me want to support the devs though

The shills are on point

better see best boy somewhere in there.

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t. Paradox
Dont you have some core gameplay mechanics to sell as DLC?

Odds are good.

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What does paradox have to do with any of this you dumb idiot? Also I don't own any of their autism simulators