Sony acquired Insomniac Games

Just announced, fucking rip xbox

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Wonder why they didn’t join sooner


Insomniac just became a Spiderman studio

Has Microsoft ever had any meaningful exclusives outside of Halo? Even then, people stopped giving a shit about it after Reach

xboners and pc fags on suicide watch. spread the word, this console war is over

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No wonder after Spiderman sales

>suicide watch
Why would they be? Insomniac Games is a shell of its former self.

I dont play western games sorry

Ratchet and clank is back baby

tbqh I thought sony already owned them

What a horrible death.

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Don't they only make Sony games anyway?

RIP Ratchet and Clank

shit taste

I honestly forgot that Sony didn't already own them.

Basically what this means

Weren't they basically a 2nd party dev for Sony anyway?
They've made like 3 games are not Sony exclusives.


oh no no no no

They were practically a second party for Sony exclusives

Sony's probably been after Insomniac since Spyro

Insom has always declined despite their games almost always being PS-exclusive anyway, because they want to be able to retain ownership of their IPs--Universal owned Spyro, and Sony owns Ratchet.

So either they caved or Sony offered to let them keep IP rights for whatever they make (Spider-Man notwithstanding obviously)

Good. Maybe now we'll get some good games.

>studio that hasnt done anything but PS games other than SO
>wow sony won!!

>they doing literal movie now

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Yeah was thinking the same.

>We'll probably never have a Sunset Overdrive sequel now
Well fuck


>resistance 4 never ever
I just want a proper ending

insomniac has the rights to SO

Insomniac owns the Sunset Overdrive IP

SO2 very possible
SO rerelease on PS4 not so much

blame xbox players for not getting the game

>games away from sony have been flops
>games under sony have been successful and beloved
>they make a lot of VR games and sony is still pushing that for some reason

It makes sense. Sucks to see a company give up its freedom though.

Fuck this world

Spider-Man 2 when

they didnt, they just had a very good working relationship, guess that after fuse and sunset overdrive they decided sony was their best option

Does Microsoft owns the Sunset Override IP? I would want to see a sequel someday

I hope they buy more studios so that there will be more big budget games that take risks.

Sunset Overdrive and Fuse

They also did Outernauts, a Facebook Flash game, Fuse, a multiplat shooter, and Edge of Nowhere, an Oculus exclusive

>they'll make literally nothing but Spider Man and movie games

Insomniac is officially dead

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SJW devs.

Well, meaningful will mean something different to everyone you ask but yes. They have a few. Gears and Forza and KI come to mind. I'm sure the list goes on.

It'll probably be PS5 exclusive if it ever happens, real shame, after they fixed the mouse controls the PC release was the definitive version aside from the retarded decision to remove multiplayer