Insomniac bought by Sony
Insomniac bought by Sony
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based and redpilled
I'm surprised it didn't happen a decade ago
Sony will rule over everyone soon.
>the virgin ninja theory purchase vs the CHAD insomniac buy out
xboners and pc fags on suicide watch
I always thought Insomniac valued their independence though. Must have been a lot of money for them to accept.
They've been unofficially owned by Sony for years
Is this Sony's comeback, Yea Forums?
Damn no sunset overdrive 2 then? Well at least we will get more spider-games.
Oh great, I can't wait for Spiderman 30425890729586 and Ratchet and Clank 2 Remake: Kiddy Edition (Don't forget you can't breathe under water kids)
Meh not that exciting, Insomniac was basically a Sony exclusive studio for a long time anyway.
Have they ever put out a decent game without Sony? Sony's paid for most of their games anyway.
the worst thing is we still won't get a Jak game because ND had an employee poll and they want to continue making movie games
No idea who that is supposed to be sorry
>Sony isn't going to let them make Resistance 4 because they just want to make nothing but movie shit
Creators of Spyro, Ratchet, Resistance, Sunset Overdrive, and Spiderman PS4
Uhh Sonybro, you do know that Playstation now makes games for PC too like Death Stranding, right?
A SJW developer long past their prime. Used to be amazing before they went "woke".
They only made exclusives anyway, right? Sony needs way more
The studio behind the smash hit Fuse™
Next step is Sony buying Nintendo.
Hopefully it happens during PS5 life.
Use google dumbass.
No they didn't create Spiderman.
Its not like they ever make non playstation games anyways
Ohh fuck yes I hope they make it.
Spiderman on PC when?
This guarantees they are now Sony's capeshit factory and that R&C is dead.
No, they were entirely third party before and while they had a long history of Sony exclusives like Ratchet, Resistance and most recently Spider-Man, they have developed multiplats and even exclusives for other platforms (Sunset Overdrive).
This now means Sony owns them outright, they will only be making PlayStation exclusive games from now on.
imagine the shitstorm
Sony was winning this whole gen what comeback
comeback from what? being #1?
Most of them were exclusives so it doesn't really change anything. Sony is still starved for games
Sony wont let them make anything that isn't a Sony™ Moviegame™
I don't know why anyone would want to buy a putrid years old husk but alright I guess.
>Buys insomniac to shill VR harder
>Marvel tanks the MCU, Spider Man 2 flops, Avengers game flops
>VR meme finally ends
>Insomniac gets liquidated
Literally their next 5-10 years. Enjoy.
Didn't they specifically decline to be bought by Sony a decade ago? Hope it doesn't fuck their active contract on Stormland coming out.
>Insomniac valued their independence
Ted Price valued HIS independence. He's probably retiring soon so might as well get some nice retirement package while he's at it.
>acquire Insomniac
I mean, arent 90% of the games they made Sony exclusive?
This is literally a cope post. Lmao. Who gives a shit about that. Didn't impact Spider-man.
>Marvel tanks the MCU
I've been hearing this since Iron Man 2 came out, get the fuck over it already
>just made one of the most successful games this generation
Outside of a giant budget for Spider-Man, they've done fuck-all this generation aside from a budget remake, and Tony Hawk's Pro Shooter.
It's a full circle.
>aside from *sony funded title* they haven't done anything
all the more reason to celebrate
None of the Sony+Insomniac games are VR. The last game two games they did were both large AAA games with no VR functionality.
So this means that basically all of their IPs will remain dormant like every other IP sony has control of?
hahahahahahaha holy shit you can't be serious
Got to make games to put food on the table when your independent, now they can just do big projects or smaller scale stuff that isn't dogshit
Great, I look forward to shitty rated G Ratchet remakes and capeshit for eternity.
More than half their library is VR/Ar. Just because you're a casual that only knows shit from marketing doesn't mean it's false.
Sony keeps fucking winning.
If anything this proves being bought by Sony was a good idea on their part
Lol imagine doing this when the company was worth way more, they could have done this after sunset overdrive
Please make another Ratchet
>imagine doing this when the company was worth way more
>they could have done this after sunset overdrive
you mean a game not even xboners played?
They were more of a second party developer
I know but those aren't the ones they've worked with Sony on though, so why would your assumption be that Sony would have them milk VR and not keep making more of their extremely successful AAA non-VR games?
That term doesn't mean anything.
They were a third party developer, they just work with one platform manufacturer a lot. Same for Platinum with Nintendo.
>Sunset Overdrive valued the company higher than a fucking capeshit title
Have you seen Sony's State of Play directs? They are going full retard on VR being "the next big thing".
That’s my point, while the game is good, it tanked, their company would’ve been way cheaper to buy than after they made Spider-Man
>Spider-man has sold 13.2m as of july 28 2019
>13.2m under a year
Your reading comprehension is definitely telling of you image
>capeshit sells to normies
holy fuck no one saw this coming! clearly the developer is just god tier!
>their company would’ve been way cheaper to buy than after they made Spider-Man
Why? Even if Sony has history with Insomniac they probably werent certain they could make Spiderman as good as it was, why buy a racehorse if he never raced before?
Basically, yeah.
A second party developer makes games for another company that owns the IP, like game freak with Nintendo
>capeshit sells to normies
Let's ignore the fact the Amazing Spiderman games selling like absolute shit
It'll depend on what the current staff at Insomniac feels like. Sony will probably push for them to do one VR title (or buy Stormland from Oculus and make it PSVR exclusive), and then back to blockbusters movies after movies, which'll stress that studio out.
This is you
>State of play directs
Yeah bro I know about their livestreamstreams.
But obviously they're going to push VR, smaller scale projects, in their smaller scale events. Also the second State of Play had a far lighter density of VR games too. No reason to assume that's what they'd have Insomniac doing though.
Pretty much
>Ignores the full decade of spidey games selling like shit
This is you
can't wait for the spiderman interactive movie
That's just a contracted third party developer.
Amazing Spiderman didn't have the first-party marketing budget of a moon base.
I figure that's where the R&C Reboot would have been the tipping point.
They literally asked them to make a Spider-Man game for them at the height of Spider-Man popularity, they knew how well it would sell
>they probably werent certain they could make Spiderman as good as it was
It's fucking sunset overdrive with web swinging and a garbage bamham combat. The game was basically made for them already.
Sunset Overdrive 2 baybee!!
>Amazing Spiderman didn't have the first-party marketing budget of a moon base.
Werent TAS games shilled to death by Activision? Also Spiderman is always relevant, the fact one of its games not selling is telling of no matter how popular you are, if the game isnt good then people wont give a damn
No it’s not contracted third party is like the recent marvel ultimate alliance
why hasnt there been any other games like R&C? its a pretty good game but a shame it isnt on PC
>there where actual Xtards that thought MS was going to buy Insomniac when this rumor came out
Pretty sure Sony own r&c
>Werent TAS games shilled to death by Activision?
No, and it still sold millions.
Spiderman PS4 was released at the height of brand popularity, with a Sony Movie blockbuster ad campaign behind it. The game could have been a steaming pile of shit and sold 10m+
I know, but couldnt someone make a ripoff?
nothing new here. they've been making sony games for years so this doesn't really change much. something like the microsoft obsidian buyout was a bit shocking because they've always been multiplatform as far as i remember.
collectathons aren't really a thriving genre. and if you aren't mario then platformers are a risk.
R&C got lucky
R&C isn't a collectathon
there where loads of shovelware Spidey games that sold like shit before
Insomniacs talent sold Spidey PS4
>something like the microsoft obsidian buyout was a bit shocking because they've always been multiplatform as far as i remember.
obsidian has been on thin ice for a while
When someone markets another studio's Spider Man game with the same marketing budget, you might have a point.
Implying snoy will allow any of the shit that made SSO good in the first place. Say goodbye to any waifus and actual gameplay.
that doesn't change the fact they were a multiplat studio. none of their previous projects were exclusive for either sony or MS as far as i can remember.
its an action adventure platforming game, the only shit you collect are goldbolts, secrets and skillpoints
yes it is, there's even a section in 2 and 3 where you spend hours waking around an open area harvesting gems.
Whenever you aren't blowing shit up you're mining for bolts or special items
Sony revealed a new studio, too. FlavourWorks.
>hours spent walking around an open area harvesting gems
what? where?
>you're mining for bolts or special items
none of which are required to progress.
yes but they needed a pimp daddy to fund their failed RPGs
>When someone markets another studio's Spider Man game with the same marketing budget,
and how big is that Marketting budget exactly mister expert?
also Activision put more effort into Spider-man titles than any other licensed series they had
>Don't put asstons of money into marketing
>Nobody knows game exists
>Put asstons of money into marketing
>people buy game
What a fucking concept!
>Insomniac is gonna be the Spiderman Studio next gen like how Naughty Dog was the Uncharted Studio and will probably be the Last of Us Studio next gen
>>hours spent walking around an open area harvesting gems
>what? where?
how can you forget the fucking yeti level?
>none of which are required to progress.
I vaguely remember many a moment where the game would halt because you needed a gadget and some asshole would have the gadget needed to progress but refused to toss it to you without bolts.
and there any many moments in RC1 where you need bolts to get the video robots to progress the story
>have name attached to major movie coming out
isnt that enough marketting?
Almost none of the people currently working at ND worked on a Jak game
Hell, most of the big names who were there for the first Uncharted aren't even there anymore.
Did you see the scrapped concept art for Jak 4?
You don't want it.
They learned their lesson where to target since 2008. Sony especially.
still didnt answer my question
They stopped making good games after PS2, and only made ok games.
you have no question. just supposition to support your fanboyism.
>also Activision put more effort into Spider-man titles than any other licensed series they had
citation needed
Does this seriously mean that Spidey will never be on xbawks?
Insomniac has been hesitant to be acquired, not the first time Sony offered to buy them and they've turned it down.
spiderman is owned by marvel, not sony. they can make their own spiderman game if they wanted to and marvel lets them.
you claimed that Spider-man PS4 had a bigger advertising budget than previous Spider-man games without being able to back said claim up
previous Spider-man games had
>ads on tv
>the internet
>had store pre order bonusses
>even having dedicated sections on big gaming magazines
>alot of times the games where tied to the big movie that came out at the time
Spider-man PS4 didnt do anything outside of this
so again, where is the proof?
This is a surprise to me. I thought Sony already owned them.
Is Ted Price and the two brothers still in top spots? Not sure how to feel about this.
Not like they already weren't first party.
Isnt it similar to like Sony owning movie rights to spidey? Insomniac with spidey games?
Obv Marvel owns the property but in these situations or idk
Sony has special rights for Spiderman since the Raimi days
marvel approached sony to make a game for them. sony chose insomniac and insomniac had a choice of any hero they wanted but happened to pick spiderman. spiderman ps4 existing doesn't have anything to do with sony owning anything. marvel owns these properties.
>People asking for a new Resistance
>Literally the game that made them go to EA to make fuse then to MS to make Sunset Overdrive
>microsoft buys a lot of shit/mediocre studios to release quick shit for gamepass
>sony buys fucking insomniac
massive kek, sony just shat on their mouths
you know what's even funnier? since insomniac owns the Sunset Overdrive IP, now sony owns it too, and SO2 could be a PS5 exclusive game, fuck they could even make some changes or some kind of "remake" and release the first game on PS4/5 too to avoid legal shit with microsoft since they have the publishing rights
god I can't stop laughing, xbox is such a fucking joke
playground games aren't mediocre in the slightest.
jesus don't be so gullible
sony had the movie rights for spider-man and marvel wanted to include him in the MCU, in exchange they let sony make/publish a spider-man game
Sony now owns ratchet and clank and that means they can have another studio make ratchet and clank
I am sure Sony has special rights (at least partially) over the Spider-Man IP.
Marvel can publish comics, cartoons and toys, but I think videogames and movies are on Sony's camp. And the only reason Spidey is in the MCU is because Sony allowed it.
And you have things like the Venom movie, which is in its own universe, completely owned by Sony and totally unrelated to Marvel.
Remedy is next, alan wake is being ported to the ps4 right this moment.
they only make racing games (aka the same shit every year or 2) and who knows if their RPG is gonna suck or not
anyway if the game is good it's gonna be on steam so fine for me
>everyone keeps talking about sunshit overide.
>the game was shit and barely sold.
What do you do with IP nobody cares about? You sell it to idiots like MS who bought the gears IP for 50 million dollars.
Implying Ratchet today isn't capeshit. They can sell it as a typical Disney animated flick as a video game.
Sony always owned R&C though.
>Remedy is next
it isn't. remedy is a publicly traded company with several shareholders. if anyone at all even inquired about remedy we'd see the stock market in their country fluctuate because of it. sony can't buy out a studio like remedy without financial analysts and shit seeing it from a mile off. also sony does quarterly predictions and if they were planning something big like that we'd also see it in their forecasts e.g. we know the ps5 isn't coming this year despite rumors saying so because of sony's own forecasts.
I fucking hope so
Ratched flopped so it isn't capeshit
Ratchet & Clank was dead 10 years ago when they made the last good one.
call me when they make something original instead of rehashing assets every year
It wasn't so much as Resistance, it was more of Sony wanting yearly releases of Resistance.
Resistance 3 is an amazing game, but you can clearly tell they had to phone the ending in to kill the series so Sony didn't ruin it (god the vita game was booty). Iirc the original ending had Joe dying against that massive Titan, leaving the world still fucked.
>horrible controls
>generic MC
>Graphics are late PS2 era
>couch co-op campaign
Resistance 2
>great controls
>weapons feel even better to use
>godly multiplayer but lacks the couch friendly stuff
>2 weapon limit held it back
Resistance 3
>Weapons are godly, adding the upgrade system from Ratchet and Clank
>Story is great, locations are well done
>interesting MC, especially if you read the books
>Online was decent, no couch multiplayer hurts
>split screen co-op campaign tho
Basically it took them till 3 to really master the craft of FPS. Once they did it though it was clear the other games need a remaster or remake with the same mechanics.
Jim Ryan is super based.
I thought they always were sony
sony buying studios to keep them permanently locked into some shitty console is why i'll hate them forever. at least microsoft will get my money because they put the games where i want them.
has a remedy game ever sold particularly well?
also, all of sony devs do remedy type games better than remedy. fucking waste of money buying them.
Spider-Man's success and their huge history with Insomniac is probably why they acquired them but they also make VR game exclusively for Oculus and that something none of Sony's US studios do.
They also 2 studio, Their main did Spider-Man the one in North Carolina did R&C remake.
>series about using a wide variety of dope weapons to conquer enemies
>movie barely has any weapons
I'm the biggest fan of the series but I hated the movie. I bet if they made it closer to the games they'd have made more money
or until emulators catch up
>You don't want it.
Give it to me.
>inb4 open world Ratchet & Clank
They don’t even own most of those IPs anymore
>Sony buys a company that mainly made games for Sony
>Ratchet and Clank 2 Remake: Kiddy Edition (Don't forget you can't breathe under water kids)
I just want a new game with new levels, no recycled weapons and a longer length than the shit we got after ACiT. Is it so hard to ask for?
I know about Spyro, but which ones are the others they don't won?
Naughty Dog
Sucker Punch
Insomniac Games
The Trinity is complete
Old news OP
>open world Resistance game
>Takes place in the ruins of eastern Europe
>heavily inspired by Stalker and other european horror games
>RPG mechanics are mostly focused on weapon and ammo upgrades
Only problem would be story
>Spryo the Dragon
Sony Always Wins Baby
>has a remedy game ever sold particularly well?
nigger how fucking new are you?
Another studio forced to shit out cinematic experiences.
Didn't Sony already own them?
I feel you
they own all those baring spyro
Surprisingly no, they just made a lot of exclusives. Hence why the EA game and the Xbone game was relatively big news for them
even if you get all those things it'll still suck because the level design and combat design will be balls
Yes which should tell you who here is merely shitposting
Tbh I wonder if this actually convinced them to bite the bullet.
im talking in the last 20 years you goddamn faggot.
holy fucking shit just stop you full retard
Who keeps making these and how much of an incel are they?
Now it's just a matter of time Microsoft acquires Moon Studio, Team Cherry or Studio MDHR, sony should get all of them. If there is a type of game they lack are "small" and imaginative games
meh... as long as they make spiderman 2.
just fucking do it smashtards will cry as expected and hate on it just because it exists but fuck it
More like
>Only problem would be Sony
Why is Yea Forums full of dumb animeposters that think
>Company now is same as company 10 years go
The teams have all been laid off/moved on that made R&C from PS2/early PS3. You are fucking deluded if you think even 10% of the staff that actually made those games still works on their modern stuff.
> makes Infamous series for sony
> sold moderately well
> makes Sunset Overdrive for xbone
> sold like shit
> makes Spiderman for sony
> sold a shitload
I'm still hoping they would continue the infamous series. Would be cool if they can bring Cole back. Spiderman 2 would be nice too.
they already have Japan studio for those
there's been rumors for ages about microsoft wanting to buy a publisher. don't know what happened about that but i can see it happening. remember that sony won't suddenly buy out insomniac for a massive fee when they said they wanted to be independent for no reason. it's a direct response to microsoft. as we approach the new gen this war will escalate and honestly i can see microsoft buying out EA or capcom or something and sony buying out fromsoftware and maybe nintendo doing bits like getting platinum games onboard.
wasnt that sucker punch?
thats suckerpunch
The guy who leaked this is saying another announcement of aquisition this year. People are saying either remedy or kojima
Sucker Punch made Infamous you dummy
>Company now is same as company 10 years go
How did you get that assumption from that?
I just want something decent and not halfassed if they're going to even touch the franchise again.
Literally what do you think they bought them for
If it's between Remedy and Kojima, any company would pick Kojima
theres only one game i can imagine them making at Sony
And Sony will force them to make more movie games
Sony buying Insomniac has been predicted for years now. The two companies have been close for nearly 20 years and Insomniac devs have repeatedly talked about how well the Sony dev pipeline works for them. It's pretty much the most predictable acquisition ever.
They might as well have owned them considering all of the work they've done over the years for them why the fuck is Yea Forums flipping out like this is some huge revelation
>Remedy regains Alan Wake publishing rights
>we actually live in a reality where Alan Wake 3 might be playstation exclusive
oh the salt
Disruptor 2 when
>all those threads hyping up sonys acquisition
>they buy some shitty company
called it
Sure hope it's Remedy. Nobody should waste any more money on Kojima.
Nobody wants Sunset Overdrive. Microsoft probably regrets paying for this exclusive game.
zeg makker hou je bek
nederland best land
they literally came out and said they specifically didn't want any of their games being exclusive or in the hands of other companies just weeks ago when they bought out those publishing rights. remedy isn't happening and the evidence against it is overwhelming. sorry to burst your bubble.
ironically R&C movie game was better than the movie it was based on.
>shitty company
>made one of the highest selling games of the generation
the amount of cope in this post
one good game in ages.
I guess one good game is all it takes for SNOY
>Back then
Studio makes it big and continues being its own thing only bigger
Studio is grabbed by platform holders like a nigger record deal. Indie devs look to land that one hit wonder type game thatll get em a record deal.
well its not like you've got exclusives to care about
>still coping
Yikes. No wonder Nintendo are the only devs capable of making good games, this movie game looks cringe as fuck
why should i care i just got a entire studio thats going to pump out exclusives now
and more to come :)
Microsoft waited until E3 to announce shit studios like Double Fine. Sony just casually tweets about acquiring Insomniac.
Microsoft started this shit because they didn't have studios. They reap what they sow.
Problem is now everybody will do the same.
Once again microsoft fucking up the industry, they are a bigger cancer than EA
>popularized paid online
>multiplayer everywhere
>don't have any studio of your own after so many years? no problem just buy them out
Keep thinking that bud.
The droughts are going to get worse.
>F-Finally... A new exclusive....
>Insomniac and Naughty Dog get to be Brothers again
Why exactly do consumers post on these news post with excitement? I can understand the dev being excited, job security and such. But as a consumer nothing changes, same old dev except now less autonomy to make what they want, how they want, where they want.
whatever helps you cope friend
>Not Platinum Games
The best part is this shit won't yield anything new they've been developing for snoy since ps1
>meanwhile Microsoft kills every studio they acquire
Im just glad they didnt end up like Rare, but no Crash and Spyro just makes me not really care that much
Why couldn't Microsoft, a trillion dollar company buyout Insomniac Games? Phil said he wanted the best development teams in the world.
Why not both? Remedy for crazy gameplay and Kojima for more cinematic stuff with crazy plots
>just spewing random memes now
sounds like you're the one coping
they couldn't even make those games if they wanted to
>Sony does something
>Yea Forums screeches about it
Every fucking time.
Blame Sony for Gamepass. MS saw what Sony did with PSnow, and actually made it into a good service.
Microsoft is only interested in buying hack studios on the verge of dying
Why would Sony acquire a company that makes video games instead of cinematic action adventure games?
>they literally came out and said they specifically didn't want any of their games being exclusive or in the hands of other companies
You mean the same Remedy that sold out Control exclusivity to the Epic Games Store?
>buys out Double Fine, a studio nobody cares about unless they say "Psychonauts"
>headed by a man whose public distrust is beaten out only by the likes of Peter Molyneux and Todd Howard
>gives valuable E3 stage time to this news with only a teaser for Psychonauts 2, a game that was already announced
>buys out industry powerhouse Insomniac
>headed by Ted Price, one of the most based guys in the industry
>released one of the GOTYs last year
>tweets it out on a Monday afternoon like a Kojima food pic
This. They have all but exclusively develped games for Sony for years now. I legitmately already thought they were owned by Sony.
Stfu non country
They weren't already?
Can I get an F in the chat
sorry cant hear you over clean water, good roads, weed and no niggers
>industry powerhouse Insomniac
>can literally name all of the games they've made in the last 10 years on one hand
>industry powerhouse
Didn't they just fuck it up with the crap that was Resistance 3? Resistance: FoM and Resistance 2 where amazing games.
I already thought they were.
The virgin please give me attention vs the chad mic drop
Imagine if Nintendo bought them, this thread would be a sticky.
In other words, fucking sticky this.
They just had the aliens fuck off at the end of R3 for no real reason. They can always have them come back in the future.
>they dont make yearly games so they are not a powerhouse
will you say Rockstar isnt a Powerhouse because they only made 3 games since 2010?
Sony owns Sunset Overdrive. You think they aren't already greenlighting a sequel to stick it to Microsoft?
Soon and the tears will be scrumptious.
>their games are generic lowest common denominator pandering shit
peak pic related
Yeah imagine screeching over potentially getting a Spyro cartoon on netflix
Well damn user then I guess Scott Cawthon was literally king of video games when he was pumping out a new game every two months
>moving the goal post
Why are you so angry about Insomniac?
>tranny discord starts shilling Spiderman as soon as Insomniac goes full feminist
Sony gaming division has been winning since 1994.
I don't think Sony bought them just to get them to make Sunset Overdrive
platinum hasn't made a good game since wonderful 101 without yoko taro carrying them. at this point, they'd just be a waste of money.
They were never owned by Sony, they were just 2nd Party. Sony didn't own Naughty Dog til 2001 when they made Jak and Daxter, They didn't even buy Sucker Punch till 2009 when they made infamous. Sony offered to buy Insomniac before but Insomniac wanted to stay independent.
I was mostly just talking about the story being absolute ass and the online multiplayer being stuck behind that fucking gay ass gamepass.
Its not that hard to fuck up a Crash and Spyro game
Just dont make them garbage gritty beat em ups with light platforming like those games no one talks about
>Resistance 4
>Sunset Overdrive PS4 port
>Spider-Man 2
>Insomniac makes no bad games from Spyro to Resistance 3
>Leaves Sony
>every game they make is either ass or painfully mediocre
>finally makes a good game under Sony (Spiderman)
>gets bought again
Kino is back on the menu boys
>haha remember the PS2?
>dont remember the PS3 library and don't remember the PS4's library
Sony are by far the biggest cancer in gaming. At least Microsoft have said that all their future games will come to other platforms and won't be locked into some shitty console yet Sony on the opposite side are so intent on locking people into their own platform they stated the whole cloud gaming cancer with PSnow. The whole industry is only going to game streaming because of Sony pushing for it so hard.
Jak and Dexter wouldn't even sell 10% of what a Spiderman game does.
Get a Switch if you enjoy games like that user.
Cutie who just wants to go back to work spotted.
the remake was worse in almost every single way possible
>all of their AAA games are PS exclusives and the few multiplat games are small VR trash
Literally nothing changes.
no I mean they literally cannot, crash/spyro are not owned by ND/insomniac/sony
I don't think anyone outside of enthusiasts knows sunset overdrive even exists. Its literally so unknown as a franchise.
When did they leave sony?
There are no games like Jak on Switch though
>I was mostly just talking about the story being absolute ass
It was pretty good up until the end of the prison part. Felt like they stopped caring and half-assed the end of the game. That fucking picture slideshow during the credits was a disgrace. Was still better than Resistance 2 though.
Insomniac is such a tease, pretending to abandon Sony for bigger fish, only to get have Sony cave in and tie the knot.
>but Insomniac wanted to stay independent.
What changed now?
and what year were they made user
when do you think the capeshit trend started with normalfags, because it wasnt in the early 2000's it was with the avengers
Sony can get whoever they fucking want to make a Jak game
The sad reality you Jakfags need to realise is that the reason we haven't got a new game in a while isn't because Naughty Dog wants to do it, it's because NOBODY wants to do it
RIP OverStrike
Between Resistance 3 and Fuse/Overstrike
Fatigue will set in at some point, and everything until now had been building to the last Avengers movie. We have a bunch of new characters and more movies than necessary coming, this will be a sink-or-swim moment for the franchise. Will people care about Falcon and Winder Soldier? Will anyone want to see Hershlag Thor? Who the fuck knows.
Around 2011 they decided to stretch their wings as a 3rd party dev on other platforms. It didnt go so well.
>microsoft aquires multiple game studios
>Sony aquires one (1) studio
You fags don't even try to hide how badly you want to take in Sony's cock.
absolutely BAAAAAASED
i cant wait for the next third person action adventure cinematic experience
Good. Spidey is the only good western Sony exclusive of this generation. Insomniac out here putting ND and SM to shame by making a video game to go with their story.
I'm honestly still bummed that OverStrike never happened
I still cry, so must Insomniac, Overstrike was literally Overwatch like 10 years early
meant to quote
What is there to do in Resistance 4? The Chimera are all but wiped out.
>when do you think the capeshit trend started with normalfags, because it wasnt in the early 2000's it was with the avengers
>microsoft acquires a bunch of washed-up and no-name studios
>nobody cares
>sony acquires an actually relevant studio
>people care
That's why
Resistance 3 was the best in the series you fucking moron.
Yeah I know, its Activision Blizzard
I thought you meant if they did own them again
>oh shit, he just dropped some reason, logic, facts, charm and wit on me
>better reach into my numale folder, that outta show him!
I have mixed feelings. I like Insomniac, but I fucking hate Sony.
Their last game literally sold 10 million copies and is the best licensed game of the generation.
>comparing the likes of Mojang and Ninja Theory to that of Insomniac Games
>oh shit, he just dropped some reason, logic, facts, charm and wit on me
>implying Insomniac has made anything relevant since PS1
Spider-Man sold 13 million.
Imagine if Sony says that they will give the sequel to another studio unless you join them as first-party
This is FUCKING bullshit. Sony is HANDS OFF. They let Guerilla spend years making an engine for Horizon.
The Sony hate is really tiresome. They fund experimental or unproven shit all the time.
but dude
cinematic third person action adventure game
>I don't like their games so no one else is allowed to either
You can't like something if you've never heard of it to begin with
name a sony exclusive that isn't a third person action adventure game or a third person shooting game
>the coping
>he's never heard of Ratchet and Clank and Resistance
Zoom zoom.
Mojang has raked in billions for MS through 100s of millions of sales so insomniac is almost small time compared to Mojang. NT is still unproven and I'll wait and see their AAA projects before I judge them completely.
Sony owns the rights for Spider-Man movies and they can continue to renew the property by merely using it.
Marvel literally doesn't own the rights to Spider-Man movies.
Erica which literally just released today
>NT is still unproven
After 4 disasterous games and the shit that will be Bleeding Edge, how many chances are you going to give them to prove themselves?
Isn't Ratchet and Clank furry scat porn
They are making at minimum 1 game per studio. The droughts aren't going to be worse than they were this gen or last gen.
You say that but the mouse could literally buy Sony with a single percentage of their budget, and if Sony doesn't budge they probably will. They bought fucking Fox over the Xmen and F4 license, both of which are less profitable than Spoderguy.
Still waiting on that sticky.
Gran Turismo Sport
>You say that but the mouse could literally buy Sony with a single percentage of their budget
I don't think you know what Sony is worth little friend. Sony is worth around $200bn
>haha I'm retarded
I'm so sorry, user.
Infamous was Sucker Punch and 2 was the perfect ending for that series.
Always wins? I don't think so. With Sony's new HQ from California (heh Commifornia) I'm hesitant to buy the PS5. Those censor happy SJWs? I think Sony is going to lose next-gen because of them. Oh sure the graphics will be nice, but it will be for SJW themed games most likely. I don't trust any Western anything and sadly Sony despite Japanese origins has turned Western. That's enough to make me stay away from them next-gen (though I really hate that the alternative is weak puny outdated Nintendo Switch).
Anyway anyone else fear Next-Gen Censorship California Sony?
its fucking early access
>PS3 games
>indie shit
>Gran Turismo Sport
>sports games
jesus christ the absolute state of a five year old console
I think furfags are clinically to be on the spectrum user
I accept your concession, dog.
I really think Jak and Dexter is a relic of its time. Cartoony games with mascots are over.
I've never played a ninja theory game before. They've recently been giving billions to expand their studio so I'll judge them after that on the new games post investment.
Odin Sphere
Persona 5
Last Guardian
more money
Wait, so none of those games are Sony exclusives that arent third-person action/shooter?
>what is Dreams
why do we keep winning?
>a troglodyte on Yea Forums asks for something
>anons deliver
>greentexts "no u"-tier reasons why the examples given don't count
I'm very tired of this meme
You asked for games that weren't third-person adventures/shooters.
We gave you them.
You're wrong. The correct course of action is to recognize it like an adult and shut up.
Sonys film division isn't worth shit, neither is any other division they operate. Playstation is the only thing keeping them afloat. Fox acquisition was 52 billion, which was still nothing to the mouse. Disney isn't interested in buying their shitty overpriced TVs, just like everyone else.
>when you cant even name five games before you name a third person action adventure game
>they are unproven because I haven't played any of their bad games
>Tell me some exclusives
>gets told
>implying you even have a single one of the games on that list
sure bro
everyones dumb except the guy who bought a console with a pathetic library
i bet your PS4 is covered in dust
Maybe Snoybros will finally have something to play now besides bloodborne in the future
>Insomniac mostly makes games for Sony's consoles
>Sony spent money so they can buy Insomniac
>limits what games can be mentioned
>people mention other games that fit retard criteria
>LOL they dont count
drink bleach
Did anyone expect this though? I thought Insomniac valued their Independence.
So I guess that disqualifies the others I said?
I'm I correct on this?
Wipeout is a racing game.
Odin Sphere is a turn-based RPG.
Persona 5 is a turn-based RPG.
Killzone is a FPS.
Last Guardian is a platforming adventure game.
Don't let those talentless hacks anywhere near Syphon Filter. They made 1 (One) good game 20 years ago.
>snoygoys absolutely seething at how shit their PS4 library is
If you were retarded enough to have bought a PS3 you should have expected another shitty library.
Quick, name 10 PS3 exclusives worth a shit.
>Odin Sphere is a turn-based RPG.
>hire 70+ new staff
>Maybe Snoybros will finally have something to play now besides bloodborne in the future
Probably since the Switch absorbed the PS4's no gaems.
You're the one who can't accept he was wrong about something that would've been very easy to Google.
It's surprisingly easy to not be retarded and yet, you couldn't do it
They say that just to drive up their price. People should hate this kind of shit though. Insomniac should have been flushed with cash after Spiderman, but they whore out for some more money. As shit at MS is at least they're mainly buying studios who are struggling but could make a breakout instead of just being Walmart buying out the equivalent of Kroger.
bring back spyro you faggots. oh wait...
Knack and Knack 2
now people can stop falling asleep during their movie games
When you look objectively at what games Nintendo or Microsoft is making Sony track record this gen isn't bad.
Nintendo is still relying on their ancient Mario, Pokémon and Zelda.
And I don't even know what Xbox is doing.
>10 years ago
Their last garbage game came out in 2017.
They should buy or let someone like Suda or Taro make a crazy exclusive for them similar to Kojumbo then I'd be interested
I don't understand why ND and Insomniac got rid of Crash and Spyro thou, like Jak or Ratchet I would've guessed being let go but those two were like their bigger definitive mascots
I guess they took one look at that Spider-Man money and will never look back.
you dont buy any of sonys """""""experimental"""""" video games
you're just a stupid snoygoy who buys shitty video games, i wouldn't even consider you human
>Wipout is a racing game
and they haven't done shit but make remakes
>Odin Sphere
Sony didn't make it
Sony didn't make it
Input Lag: The FPS
>Last Guardian
Sitting Around Waiting For Retarded AI: The Game
>hiring more crunch labour will significantly improve a studio run by hacks like Tameem
u dumb bitch
My bad, its a side-scrolling RPG. Still not a third person action game.
>bed head
>morning coffee
>no smile
So Sony has to make the game now? How many times you gonna move that goalpost?
Shawn Layden on Insomniac & PlayStation
>Wanted to acquire Insomniac for a long time
>Haven't looked at what to do w/ Sunset Overdrive
>Ratchet & Clank "vital" series now & in the future
>Insomniac will manage their own (new & old) IP how they see best
>consolewars in current Year
Literally the only non zoomer thing this place still clings to
Your brain is completely fried and you are trying to cope.
Sony truly gets people in their feelings.
Well at the very least Insomniac's cancer is contained now.
I was under the impression that they already owned them but I guess I was wrong.
>They should buy or let someone like Suda or Taro make a crazy exclusive for them
They wouldn't accept, they tend to do whatever they want.
Moving the goalpost eh
>because it wasnt in the early 2000's it was with the avengers
okay you got me
heres a (you)
>Still think Sly Cooper is better series out of the PS2 mascots
>They keep shilling Ratchet and Clank
>Sony is worth around $200bn
Sony is only worth $35.6 billion
>Insomniac will manage their own (new & old) IP how they see best
This is kind of how Sony has always treated their studios though. They let them doing their own things, be it a good decision or bad.
NT is budget Platinum without the talent
Sony just said today, that Ratchet & Clank will be at the forefront of PlayStation from now on. That's pretty based senpai
>you dont buy any of sonys """""""experimental"""""" video games
I absolutely do.
I bought every single thatgamecompany game
I bought ABZÛ
I bought NOBY NOBY BOY and you bet you're ass I'll buy Wattam too if it ever comes out
I bought Heavy Rain and Detroit
I bought LocoRoco and Patapon
I bought PaRappa the Rapper
I bought ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
And I'm probably going to buy Erica.
I love when video games go off the beaten path and try something new.
>giving a shit studio more cash will make them better
when has this ever worked?
im not talking about the remake faggot, im talking about copying the game mechanics, putting different assets in there and BAM outting a R&C clone on PC
13 million copies
in one year
>I'll buy Wattam too if it ever comes out
Thats no longer a Playstation exclusive. Takahashi was taking so long that Sony dropped its exclusivity contract, you can get it on Steam now.
Copies of what exactly?
I hope they don't focus them on churning out more capeshit. Hope they will go back to resistance eventually.
Ted Price you sell out.
Thank fuck, this probably means spyro won’t ever be in smash now,
But VV next then crash can’t get in either
Spider-man PS4 :^)
Copies of your salty tears.
>you can get it on Steam now.
Will be able to*
At some point*
But first
Funny robot crank game
Aren't you too old to be playing spidey man games?
1 > Deadlocked > 3 > 2
>Ratchet & Clank "vital" series now & in the future
That's all I wanted to hear, but next one please be full length, it's been 5 years since Nexus and 10 years since ACiT, the last full-length R&C game
>>ads on tv
>>the internet
>>had store pre order bonusses
>>even having dedicated sections on big gaming magazines
>>alot of times the games where tied to the big movie that came out at the time
Not him but you do realise that Spiderman PS4 had all of that, right? Including the three pre order costumes and a collector's edition.
Not to mention Spiderman's general popularity was being bolstered by his new movies and appearances in the Avengers movie, PS4derman also had his own comic tie in called City At War which went into the next spider cross over Spider-Geddon.
Regardless of what you want to believe the advertising campaign for this game was much, much larger than the other ones.
>I only play mature games for mature gamers
>once again moving goalposts
arnt you tired of getting BTFO
>he pretends capeshit is any less mature than videogames or anime
Better be rated T and have the old writers back
Leaker said the following studios would be acquired:
>Insomniac Games
>Bluepoint Games
>Remedy Entertainment
>Kojima Productions
Jesus, I don't want to be on this board when the shit hits the fan.
>They let them doing their own things
Not really.
next gen is going to be fun
>still no sticky
Does this mean mods are seething like they were with P5R?
>a bunch of developers who produce nothing but shit games
oh no
what a loss
Why is this news? I thought Sony already owned them since they only make Playstation exclusives. Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch have always been mostly interchangeable in my eyes.
No. The totality of Sony's assets is worth 20.9tr yen which is around $200bn. You have to remember that they are an internation multi conglomerate.
Never doubted Shu for a second.
Wasn't Microsoft trying to get Remedy?
you can bet if Nintendo buys some no name studio like Platinum this board will have a sticky
hella epic meme brother!
it's sad that all those studios used to make great platformers and now they only make Snoy movie games
This board will be uninhabitable the very moment a KojiPro acquisition is announced
>reddit spacing+total coping
>i-it's not kiddie shit if it's for snoy..
lmao now who's moving goal posts
>posted three days ago with Ratchet
>Insom acquisition announced
>monkeys also present
who are you quoting?
Spider-Man was great so I have no problem with this. More of their Spider-Man would be pretty cool.
this but it seems like thats gonna happen
>Sucker Punch is making Sekiro lite instead of Sly cooper
>Naughty dog with Last of Us, cant make Crash but still have Jak at least
>Insomniac with capeshit, cant make Spyro and Ratchet reboot was shit
the big three are all here but not the same
>which is around $200bn
Yeah it's nowhere near that amount.
Imagine wanting a sticky for something as minuscule as a fart
>Yea Forums shits their pants in anger
Imagine the smell
snoygroid victim complex is a hell of a thing
You two obviously sperg
This was basically expected. Microsoft has been buying companies left and right so naturally Sony was going to buy up the ones most importaint to them. Insomniac hasn't made anything noteworthy away from Sony save Sunset Overdrive but Sony bought them to keep them out of Microsoft's hands. Expect more of this to happen with someone eventually buying up From Software
how many months has it been since you've last had an exclusive snoygoy?
You have the power to look for yourself.
20.981 trillion yen is around 200bn.
Look for yourself. That is how much their Total Assets are worth.
>mulitple threads deleted on the subject and still no sticky
>but Smash is allowed to flood the board and get a sticky
God damn post timer
Anyway, both of you are wrong,
>Sony net worth as of August 16, 2019 is $70.42B.
But the 30bn user was closer.
>how many months ago was the last ps4 exclusive release?
Few hours ago actually
I thought they already owned it.
How many decades since Shitendo got a new studio, Söytendoboy?
show me the excact post where i said that
im laughing at you because you somehow are acting mature minded on a vidya board
>Total Assets
You're an idiot.
>paid DLC or amibo get a sticky
>massive developer acquisition isn't
I hope Automata 2 is moneyhatted away from PC and Xbox.
Don't count on that but for me as long as the gameplay is as good as R&C 2016 and the game is longer with new weapons and cool planets I am fine, I just want more ratchet and clank
No. That is also what I said previously.
>Spend 20 years desperately trying to make it on your own.
>The only games you make that actually take off are owned by other publishers.
>Keep shooting yourself in the foot by focusing on trying to be more CINEMATIC and COOL like the big boys.
>Finally get absorbed into the company you were trying to keep at arm's length all along.
Insomniac deserved better. I blame Ted.
On David Jaffe's inevtiable suicide?
>you have to buy companies to get their games
when was the last platinum sony exclusive?
that game isn't even out yet
It was cheaper to buy them. They might as well have owned them already
Total assets and worth are two entirely different things.
June 25th 2019 :^)
FromSoft isn't independent, they're owned by Kodakawa
>im laughing at you because you somehow are acting mature minded on a vidya board
Imagine being too retarded to read your own post lmao
We just got an exclusive today.
>>massive developer acquisition isn't
Anyway that's because no one shitposts about Sony here. There's only two reasons why things get a sticky here
1) It's huge news/reveal
2) It'll generate a lot of shitposting
This is neither of those things.
It's available for purchase on PSN right now
And it hasn't even been a full month since this exclusive came out
>when was the last platinum sony exclusive?
Who gives a shit about the flop factory?
Not him but didn't that come out last year?
i never said anything about kiddieshit user
you are trying to paint me as a strawman to win the argument
sorry its not working tough
Insomniac has never made a single good game
>games aren't good unless they sell good
this is your brain pozzed by snoycum
No, it was two months ago
I'm dumb and have no concept of time
Nah, it came out in Japan last year.
I don't have to paint you as anything you're doing a fine job on your own deflecting from your own argument
It's huge, they have 2 teams equaling 300 devs.
>Imagine the smell
i imagine it smells like a smash tournament
I didn't play many games from Insomniac but Spider-Man was excellent, it was pretty much the best game they could have made with this premise.
Yeah well I don't think anyone ITT lives in Japan
again what argument user?
why dont you find that post and show it to me :^)
OLD GAME from dead franchise
It really isn't, studio acquisitions happen all of the time.
Platinum games are mediocre at best. The only good game from them was Nier Automata and that only because of Taro.
>the only good game was the only game they made for the PS4
I did even better I quoted your dumbass
Thanks for humoring me this long anyway you insecure faggot but I think I'll take my (you)s from your butthurt and cash out lmao
Ratchet and Clank series are the only one that stayed consistent with a new game releasing almost every year. They're the only PlayStation franchise with most amount of games only followed by Ape Escape and Gran Turismo.
Finally, Ratchet & Clank can get a bigger budget. It's good to hear the Shawn acknowledging Ratchet as a driving force moving forward. Let's make a game that eclipses GC.
Yeah, nobodies. This is a AAA team.
The irony right? Shitendoboys shill for them but Sony has the only good game.
>i quoted you
but you didnt?
>buying studio that makes games only on your console
>This is a AAA team.
Which isn't anything new.
That doesn't stop either Sony or Microsoft from acquiring it as they would just need to purchase the controlling interest from Kodakawa. If either company waves enough money they may be willing to part with it especially as their primary business is manga, not video games.
Shawn is also responsible for the return of Crash, Spyro and MediEvil and probably more classic franchises.
sure bro
doesn't seem like salty coping to me
Anyone else into the Resistance series?
How would you like to see it brought back?
Personally, I think they need to have you tearing through Russia trying to destroy the second terraforming tower.