Why do these guys give off such greasy used car salesman vibes?
Why do these guys give off such greasy used car salesman vibes?
Cause its funny
Not really, I get that vibe from Randy Pitchford tho.
You zoomers have lost grasp on the meaning of "ironic".
Because (((someone))) pays a lot of money to make sure you think overpaying 20% for new cars and then dishing out half the price over again for "upgrade packages" is the best option
are you seriously THIS THICK that you cant figure out the most OVER THE TOP sarcastic shitting on modern industry?
you have to be a literal retard
They seriously give off these vibes even without their irony.
It's because they largely publish without discrimination. They just publish whatever anyone offers them even if its total dogshit.
>see guyz they said over the top edgy joke about vidya, like us!!!!! So frigging ep*c!!!!!!!!
Pathetic really
Because they're fully aware of all the stigmas of the gaming industry and while they're building up their rep, userbase and business they're going to shit on every bad aspect of the industry because it's easy marketing.
It's purely a valid marketing tactic, it's grabbing a niche that was alienated from the main industry. Eventually, when it gets big, the company will eventually degenerate, but it can't get big while the big companies like EA are still alive, so it grabs a marketing niche and sits comfortably.
All they really do is publish games and sit in the area that main companies failed to grasp, or abandoned when they alienated their consumers.
As always, be wary, because they are still a company, not a friend. But the fact they exist is a sign that the main first party companies really are dying. If you're curious as to who they are, figure out where their funding is coming from, and if it's related to one of the bigger companies, like EA or Epic.
If they're connected, then you have an actual link with the scummy companies and you have reason to be wary, but if you don't then it's a good sign.
Don't blindly trust any company though. Not a single one, even Devolver just wants your money, and given the chance every company would fuck you out of your wallet, that's what's been the meta business strategy, short term gain.
Marketing student. I want to run a business in the future. Always, ALWAYS, A L W A Y S practice awareness and caution and NEVER trust anyone who has money as a main motivation. You, as a consumer, cannot see the flow of money, so you can be betrayed without you even seeing it coming.
I'm saying this as a marketing student because when I come into the business, I want to see a challange, and to see smart consumers, since the main competition in marketing isn't with other marketing firms, it's with the consumer, every time. You being smart would make my workplace better, smarter, and more moral as a result.
Yeah, the sentence you just typed is pathetic, and it all came out of you.
where the fuck is the new Dennaton game reeeee
Took those jokers 3 years to make Hotline Miami 2, what do you expect
Big cope. Keep eating the shit devolver serves you, its good since it has "edgy shitting on company like i do xd" ""humor""
E3 conferences.
>Big cope
Who the fuck even talks like that? What the fuck does that even mean? I wonder if you actually try to pull this sort of shit outside with real people, and they just stare at you in complete puzzlement.
I feel sorry for your parents.
coap harder fag
>w-w-who talk like is???? i-i-i feel s-s-sorry
Keep coping and crying while watching retarded edgy conferences boyo.
Stop being a stupid faggot and parroting everything you read here, it makes you look like a nutcase.
they're never going to make a new game, they ended HM2 with everyone dying in a nuclear war so that the series could end for good
So no argument then brainwashed pol cuck?
devolver's constant meta commentary just seems forced and it's not like it's anything besides low-hanging fruit anyways
Keep on coping retardo. They went to shit the moment idiots like you went "funny edgy joke like me, i clap xdd"
I guess they just fuck around with shit indie games inbetween whenever Croteam makes a game.
Fuck devolver digital, you're a braindead moron parroting "slang" from Yea Forums and making no sense.
Why are you here if you are only going to cope then retard? Go and cry about it somewhere else
Why do you try so hard to fit in? you're a waste.
>shift f “cope”
>6 million results
I hope you faggots get hit by a bus also enter the gungeon was cool
Why do you loose your retarded mind over a simple word? Keep coping faggot
I know you're upset and have some communication issues, but you don't need to post twice.
They constantly shill on Yea Forums like Rando.
irony is for scorned teenage girls and low status males.
Like i said. Keep coping autismo
That stuttering shit makes you look like a fruitcake, more than the person you're fumbling to attack. Sort yourself out, kid, take your ritalin.
Remember when Ubisoft was seen as the Anti-EA and was the most beloved AAA publisher? That's been a valuable lesson to never trust any big publisher - even the likes of Nintendo are starting to jew up. The dissonance is greater with Devolver because they are actively pulling the "we're one of you guys XD" card
I always preferred “deal with it” over “cope”.
It's a good aesthetic
No, not one time. I honestly can’t ever remember a time Ubisoft wasn’t scummy. Original Rayman maybe?
yeah, cope is such a nigger word
i wonder if he's putting the milk in his car
They are the only decent publisher that isnt total cringe and puts out actual quality content out there, both in games and their e3 presentations.
Of course your fucking american peanut brain cant understand this.
i am brazilian
>retarded edgy and unfunny "like you guys xdd, ea sucks amiright" conference
>same roguelite with some new stuff that all style no substamce here and there
Im sorry you have add user
Never asked for your take cocksucker. Not my problem a retard is having a melt down over a word like cope