So this is the power... of the switch

So this is the power... of the switch

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Fucking hell, this is ps2 tier

It's a marvel of programming that they even got that game running on Switch in the first place. Don't knock black magic wizardry!

Based switch. We all know older games had the most soul. I'd rather play this than the soulless game that is The Witcher 3 on PC.

>implyng is bad for a portable console

thats an insult to ps2

I just wonder why would they bother on switch. That was absolutely embrassing.

switch can't even handle witcher 1 lol

Because Switch owners are drooling retards who will buy anything for the system. Shit's free money for publishers!

Looks ugly af can't believe nintendorks will buy such a shit port

>crank settings to low
>sell it again

that was easy

pretty sure some of it is lower than low. It's the equivalent of getting TW3 running on PS3/360 gen hardware.

Bloodstained proved that Nintendo fans will play multiplats on the Switch even when they have a perfectly capable gaming PC so I can see why CDPR is doing this.
It will be the first time Nintendo fans will experience The Witcher.

that's an insult to low settings

didn't bloodstained sell poorly on switch?

More than half of Bloodstained's total sales came from the Switch.



So it's the proof that all current gen games are just prettier last gen games

>Having a 720p output and such a big open world and such detailed characters

Its like zoomers trying to say something lol

These threads being a constant is a everlasting reminder that Yea Forums doesn't know why Switch exists.

literally who


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PC version looks like fucking barbies. Nothing good about plastic people even in 4k res. Switch version actually looks like a great game unlike the PC version.

Yea Forums knows exactly why the switch exists: to sell the worst and most overpriced versions of games to a cult-like fanbase with no standards.

how is that moving the goalposts in any way?
I'm asking who that person is, I don't use twitter and have no clue who they are, you fucking zoomer

I unironically feel bad for Switch owners, we should mock them less

My point stands.

We can live with graphicsfags losing sleep over Switch.

Looks worse than breath of the wild

I haven't played Witcher 3 yet, should I play it on PS4, PC or wait for the switch version?

Just wait for the Switch version; we know that's you want to do but need reassurance first.

How much do you care about graphics?
Switch - Not at all
PS4 - A little
PC - A lot

I don't know man, I just want to be able to tell what the fuck I'm doing. A lot of games have gotten really hard because of good graphics, finding shit in RDR2 was nearly impossible at times because it blends in so well with the background.

PC is definitely the way to go.

Why would you ever play a game on a console if you have a choice?
There is zero benefit to it and Witcher is not the type of game you play on the go.

Sometimes games have fucking issues on PC and I'm not a patient man.

well naturally, BOTW is an empty wasteland of flat ugly textures and bad phsyics

Games will always work best on PC, even shitty ports.
You're just a console faggot. Tell me your PC specs and I may buy it from you; I'm looking forward to upgrading my rig and your machine must have barely any use.

>I didn't play it

i7-9700K, RTX2080, 16 gb ram. And no, I'm not selling you shit. I also don't think an issue like delayed content in games like MHW made the game run better on PC.

Looks more like 720 p downscaled to 480p

I'm honestly surprised the Switch can run it at all.

Props to the port-team.
I'm glad nintenbabbys can enjoy a proper RPG for once.

Looks like a pretty good machine.
Sell it to me; it's literally wasted on your hands. I own a PS4 and still I waited for EDF 5 to be released on PC because PC will always give you the best experience,delayed or no. Meanwhile you throw money at consoles even having such a robust machine.

Gr8 b8

You know literally nothing about me, get the fuck off my back you literal faggot.

>"I think consoles are a valid choice when I own a good gaming PC"
I know enough about you to know that the poor PC is just collecting dust on your lap.
Put it on ebay and link the page. If the price is reasonable for a barely used second had machine I'll buy it immediately.

I've already played it on PC, there's a bigger gap between my output and a PS4 than between a PS4 and a Switch.

Is the average Nintendo user even old enough to play Witcher? It's not your BING BING WAHOO happy jumpy adventure. It has graphic violence, drugs and partial nudity.

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idk man, if sonyfags were able to play it despite not being censored, nintedofags could do it to

>if older teens and adults can do it, little kids can do it too
Watertight logic.

>Switch ads show people of all ages playing it
>"Switch is for kids only"

>older teens and adults
sure thing tranny

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Witcher 3 is designed to be completed even by literal toddlers though

>>if older teens and adults can do it
This is the fanbase that sony had to defend from the scary world of crossplay. They most certainly aren't adults.
If they were they'd have PCs.

Shitchfags are 40+ year old manchildren.

Most Sony fans are niggers. This shit is so fake.

Stay ontopic dumbass, we're talking about the Switch not your third party knockoff you love so much.

Triggered the manchild. Lol

That took you forty minutes. Couldn't find the copypasta?



I wonder how many he has now?

Why can't Nintendo just make their consoles with better hardware? What holds them back?

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>Why can't Nintendo just make their consoles with better hardware?
Simple, they don't need to.

Because being bleeding edge is not the point of their console. It never has.

Looks absolutely amazing when you watch the gameplay, if it does run as smooth, I'll be perfectly content with playing this on the go, same I did with DOOM. Bought both W3 and DOOM for my PC, can run them perfectly, but just the lack of time tied with contantly being on the move, I play more on a portable, either a 3DS, Vita or a Switch. I'm happy this is coming out on a portable system, console wars or not, just fuck off and be happy for once, we never had a better portable than the Switch, you fucks would just shit over everything if you could without ever touching it yourselves to see how it plays on real hardware.

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That hasn't been the point of any console. It's financially unfeasible.

Why would you want "the same PC-like hardware" for the third time? I'd rather Nintendo does weaker hardware, but hybrid.

I was skeptical but to be fair it looks pretty impressive in handheld

And niggers are more prone to being faggots

We were supposed to spam the board with kojima's game, not talk about this..

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Here's even more, over half an hour of gameplay.

why not?

I'd like them to at least match Xbox and PS4. They make great games, matching the specs would btfo the competition

I played 16 but games for years and I was perfectly content
Hell I played 3DS games for ungodly long time and I’m still kicking.
So I don’t really care that much

It looks good, but in a "Xenoblade for N3DS" good. Wouldn't want to play it there.

Talking about which, when the fuck are Nintendo going to do Wii emulation on the Switch? It doesn't seem unfeasible since they're running fucking 1080/60 ports of Mario Galaxy and the likes on the same hardware in China.

The average Nintendo fan is like 21-30

>why not?
Because at this point it's not really necessary.

It should be a fucking crime to play that game like that.

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Because as mindboggling as it may be, looking like the new God of War in terms of graphical fidelity is not always the most important factor.

>the memes are real

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They will match Xbox and PS4 around the next gen, Switch is still comparatively the strongest portable we ever had - PSP was between PSX and PS2 around PS3, Vita was around PS2 and PS3 around PS4, and Switch is around Wii U and Xbone DURING the Xbone era, we never had such a close in power handheld system, and Nintendo still got the best chip they could that would make the system cheap. Yea Forums likes to meme that they want a fucking portable PS4 Pro, but knowing current tech, we'd pay more than 800$ for it and still probably get even less battery time and heat issues, which you can't really jump over no matter how much cash you have.

They don’t wanna.
At the costs of graphics they can cut dev costs, and time meaning more games at a cheaper price.
5 Nintendo games that sell 6 million average game costs less than 1 standard AAA 4K game
30 million and 5 games > 13 million 1 game

So the "Smeared Vaseline All Over the Screen" mode is only exclusive to Switch?

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it actually doesn't look half bad

>matching the specs would btfo the competition
Matching the specs would be absolutely worthless because we have two consoles and PC that already go that route not to mention it's not exactly bringing anything new to the industry.

Hell I brought the Ass creed 3 port last week and despite not liking ass creed the game ran extremely well like
“Huh. Hot damn. Good job Ubisoft”

Cheaper internals at a full console price means more profits and nintendofags will eat it up no matter what so they don't really have to actually compete

So this is the power... of the ps4

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>Cheaper internals
Actually the smaller internals in the Switch are fairly expensive especially in the Joycons.

theres reasons why nintendo can't make PS4 Xbone level consoles right now
-Nintendo is a gaming only company, while Sony and Microsoft are multi-billion dollar conglomerates that have millions of other businesses that makes money.
-Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss, they can afford it. Nintendo can't, and they always sell their consoles with profits in mind.
-PS4 and Xbone technology is massively too expensive for a company like nintendo at the moment. Once PS5 and Xbox Scarlet start selling, PS4 and Xbone technology will probably becomes cheaper and Nintendo could be able to make a new console with PS4 and Xbone techonlogy in mind. Thats why they're always 1 Gen behind.
-GameCube was Nintendo's last powerful hardware and it flopped compared to Xbox, and PS2
-The current gaming community can't sustain another PC Box to compete with the likes of PlayStation, PC, and Xbox, so nintendo can only make a profit, making unique consoles with Gimmicks

>PS4 and Xbone technology is massively too expensive
Most of it was dirt cheap due to the generic parts.

>Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss, they can afford it. Nintendo can't
wut, they sold the wii u at a loss due to the gamepad costing more too much to manufacture at the time, it was like 2 years until they broke even on that. The real reason that nintendo don't compete on hardware is that it's not the market they're targeting anymore, instead they're targeting the handheld market with the switch now.

>instead they're targeting the handheld market with the switch now.
If that were the case they wouldn't have made it a home console too. The reality is that they just know how pointless it is to make a powerful system when PC exists and have just decided to forward the means we interact with games rather than just focusing on graphics.

switch is trying to fit both, although if you ask me it's much more a portable system than a home console.