Well, that seals it. FL4K is a "he".

Attached: FL4K is a he.png (1244x1321, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:


so FL4K is supposed to be a robot right, if robots don't have genders, why does it matter if we refer to them as a he or she?

>is non-binary
>also is literally 1's and 0's
Well, what is it?

Joke of the year it is for me

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Just call the robot "it"

Second Randy on the xbox show called him a "he".

what makes it even better is I'd bet money nobody on the dev team gets it

i hate current year

Why do you even care about that shit? The game will be trash anyway, let retards be retards.

>that h-he
>that fl4k
lmao these people

He knows that he's been cancelled in real time.


>"I'm not a scholar"
How the fuck do you explain the three paragraphs then.

Because it's an "it", but the SJW train needs a box to bang on

I'm just enjoying the fallout, never gonna spend a dime on a Take 2/Gearbox game ever again

Even their own staff can't keep it straight. Never should have fucking tried, even women are preclusion to defaulting to male for inanimate objects when anthroporphizing them. Only certain things get called 'girl', usually cars. Robots are never, unless they have a specific female shape.


Attached: gearbox forums.jpg (1920x1080, 531K)


cars, boats, planes, guns, really anything that needs constant upkeep and maintenance.

>tfw Buffalo Bill gets triggered at the end there

>so much fucking asshurt over this shit
if the devs say "flak is a they" then flak is a they. it literally doesn't matter how many mental gymnastics you perform. does it matter? no, not at all. does it matter if you call flak a guy and use he/him pronouns? no, not at all. but trying to prove flak is "male" is stupid, because the creators of the game have already told you that you're incorrect.

the devs themselves literally can't remember to call him "they"

You can hear the fear in his voice when he corrects himself. He knows they're watching and will probably get rid of him after this.

"It" is dehumanizing, fucktard.

it's not human

That's a disgusting thing to say.

you're not human too

>caring about sexual preferences of a fucking robot
And yet we sent a fucking car to space

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Dude in the video is cucked off his gourd ..
U can tell some backstage roastie was shouting in his ear about that.


It's not a human, it's a machine

>DOOM gun at 1:16


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Its a robot, its an "it" no mental gimnastic can change that


Because it sounds like a man, so we instinctively refer to it as masculine. Do you call EDE from Mass Effect a man? Do you call Securitrons girls?

I call EDE it
and securitrons securitrons

Holy Macaroni!
You can feel how everybody is uncomfortable. And they achieve that while trying to make everybody comfortable.

Also why the fuck do they randomly wave?


Claptrap is exclusively referred to with "it" because IT is a fucking robot

>anything that needs constant upkeep and maintenance is referred to as female

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>Also why the fuck do they randomly wave?
its called "jazzhands".
because clapping is triggering for some people and those who cant hear cant hear the clapping.

How? If I don't know a animal's gender I call it a "it" . Since when did robots care either

That's been a thing since ancient times.

Unrelated to the topic but what did she say at 04:57? It looked a bit too sexual and he looks disgusted afterwards.


i'm gonna get shit for this, but you're all faggots anyway

i don't mind inclusive shit in games. i don't mind characters of different races, female leads, openly gay characters, or even trans shit like this. no problem at all.

what i have always fuckin hated about sjw shit is this artificial rage over nothing. who gives a fuck? it's a robot. call it whatever you want, it's a fucking robot. it's also a robot in a fucking video game.

why even do this? if you're gonna include a nonbinary character or a trans character, why the fuck make them a robot? why not make them a real ass person, instead of an ironically artificial character?

this has always been the problem with sjw horseshit. it's never been about the actual issues of accepting historically outcast groups into games. no, i don't care. we had a brief period in time where we had gay shit in games without it being a fucking mockery - mass effect 2, i could be gay. and some characters were gay, and some weren't. and some were bi, and some weren't. it made some amount of sense, and it wasn't forced into the game. if you weren't being gay, you didn't even notice it.

the problem is when they shove this shit down the player's throat. where you cannot fucking escape a political viewpoint in a game where it's not even a relevant part of the theme of the game. i'm fine with politics in games, too - it makes the game more interesting. i learned the word "bigot" as a kid from the fucking xenophobe on taris in kotor, and it reframed racism for my young mind and had me thinking, damn, why are these ithorians getting so much shit? it enriched the world, and told a larger, more intricate story of that planet and its history and culture.

i don't want an arbitrarily trans token character. show me a nonbinary or trans character that struggles through life, like a real fuckin person would. show me their story. a real, hard, brutal story, full of hate and doubt and misery and sacrifice. now, that's video games.

Are you Lord Mason?

Do you guys ever really just not care about shit like this but only get mad cause Yea Forums says you're supposed to?

Why PC players so fucking sexist, homophobic and racist? Get a grip and become like console players you fucking losers.

Under fucking rated

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>Well, that seals it. FL4K is a "he".
watch the whole thing. theres like 7 or so occasions where he calls fl4k a he or him or his. and slightly winces afterwards.
im pretty sure fl4k was always supposed to be male until some marketing rep or community manage though it was a good idea to make him a special snowflake. now fl4k is supposed to be something not female or male. but the devs over and over refer to him as him.

I would like to, as I say, do thingy help me oh god I NEED HELP LONG POST TOO HARD TO RRERERERERERERERERERERREAD?

Please someone link some of this shit

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This is it, this is the clown world we're living in.

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I'm not even going to play BL3, the other three titles made me hate the whole franchise

Underrated post

"he" and "him" is universal and refers to any person in the English language you retard.

not who you're replying to but that's not how that works

they and them are the actual pronouns for an ambiguous person or group of people

"someone left trash on the sidewalk. they shouldn't have littered!"

you are retarded

Excuse me what the fuck? That's actually a thing?

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I'd fuck that securitron wife House has


That kid is going to have such a rough life

Who? Is this an eceleb thread?

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A trans baby is like a vegan cat. Everyone knows who really made that decision.

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its a thing.


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They also can't hear the waving. Just like with clapping, they can use their eyes to "hear" it. So why remove the auditory part for us that can hear. As for the triggered, that sounds like a personal problem and I couldn't care less. I deal with agoraphobia and nobody bends over backwards to accommodate that and I wouldn't even ask them to. Don't go to an event like that if a group of people clapping sets you off in to an autistic fit. Shits fucking retarded and pisses me off.

Honestly how do people get away with this shit
>trans children
Yeah the world is fucked

For once joe "dmt" rogan actually makes sense

has been since the Obama Administration

Attached: All That Jazz.jpg (569x330, 30K)

he tried so hard and got so far

Did anyone send this to that thing? How butthurt did "it" get?

I'll call him dude or 'guy' just like I call even women dude or guy, who gives a fuck. I also don't go on game forums besides Yea Forums because i'm only slightly retarded.

I just wanted to play as meatbag killing terminator, why can't we have simple things anymore

>full of hate and doubt and misery and suicide

>I know a lot of trans people
>I know a lot of trans people
>I know a lot of trans people
>I know a lot of trans people
>I know a lot of trans people
Jesus fucking Christ this guy is an obnoxious faggot

>If they think they're a girl, why do you have to give them horomones to make them more of a girl?
>uhh, because... uhh sorry can you expand on that?

honestly that baby looks like a faggot

Because people want attention by going woke for those twitter caps.Society is full of narcissistic little shits with no self worth but full of bloated egos with uneducated opinions.

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If this isn't based I don't know what is!

>a robot with lore in the game
What does this even mean?

>Makes a mistake in speech
>Recomposes and corrects self almost instantly
>N-No what you said stands forever now!
So games should never update from their release 1.0 state then even if it's a buggy mess?

EDE also directly refers to herself as a female to the point of getting a slutty robot body and riding Joker's dick.

You're saying since cherries are sweet and a fruit that lemons are also going to be sweet since it's a fruit.

We simply say he because it looks humanoid and like a living thing. It's similar to how we simply say mankind for all types of people wether it be man or woman. Man is just a general term for our species but also happens to be a name for the male gender. There's words that are a simple letter addition for the distinction with women, such as male and female or man and woman. But then you have more unique ones such as boy and girl. It really is an old language problem but it's not a big fucking deal. The word he is just so easy to use in a sentence, regardless of where you are from or born, as long as you speak English in particular you will understand what someone means when you say the word he in the proper context. The word they and them seriously does not work as well in certain context. They can work singular in certain cases but with they way SJWs want to use it in every single application it is seriously fucking up the grammar heavily. The word It doesn't work quite as well because it can also be confusing, since it doesn't always mean an entity of any sort, it could also just mean a simple object. There's really no proper word to use in every single scenario. The word he works well when talking about a character and nothing else common in our language covers it as well across all audiences. You don't just forcefully change language overnight and expect a standard instantly. Languages have odd nuances and problems and we find workarounds when new things come into existence.

>Not using singular they in a non-gendered language
user, we've had singular non-gendered they since at least the 1300s.

Shit barrel and prefix
Good joke though

>this is what people think on the WOKE pill

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