Now that the dust has settled, how much has adding gay options improved FE?
Now that the dust has settled, how much has adding gay options improved FE?
Literally the difference between me buying the game and not.
>adding gay options
FE has had gay characters since, i don't even know when.
Haven't tried them. It's a decent game regardless and I hate everything.
3H's overbearing homosexual nature is why Yea Forums likes it so much.
There has been gays since the 4th fucking game newfag.
Unironically it's funny watching hard ore lefties stan female hitler because of yuri
Aren't leon and heather the only two canonically gay characters in FE
They ruin the games and bring the lowest common denominator of perverts to the community.
Foot fags?
Very much
You have to really, really stretch to consider Sorin notgay, and even then its basically "his obesssion with ike doesnt mean attraction, maybe hes asexual"
Don't know much about Heather, but Leon is so head over heels for Valbar if the latter dies he'll leave the army. There's also Ostensibly Soleil in Fates but gameplaywise she's nothing more than a flirt like her dad.
>all friends must fuck each other in the ass
Maybe play the game sometime.
It improved literally nothing.
Fucking fags and trannies need their life choices validated everywhere, even though they are a small niche.
So now every normal person has to take their crap constantly to the face
Normal people love lesbians and can ignore gay options no one's forcing them to choose. The only faggot here is you.
Lol what a retard, thinking including romance options that reflect reality is injecting politics. At this point, keeping gay options out purposefully would be more political than including them in (((current year))), whether you like that or not.
Waifufags were always into FE.
Persona 5 did fine without gay romance though.
it did fine because it's persona, doesn't change the fact it got bashed hard for it's lgbt representation
there is worse, brapfags for example
> romance options that reflect reality
They don't reflect the reality of pre industrial societies. Even the faggy greeks expected of a man to take a wife and father children to continue his bloodline, regardless of them tolerating if he diddled little boys on the side.
it fucking ruined the dyke women for male byleth no marriage no kids cause of lesbo shit
>expected of a man to take a wife and father children to continue his bloodline
funny because a virgin faggot like you will never impregnate anyone
That's just how real life goes, user. If a woman is not attracted to you then she's not attracted to you. Why should every female character be a potential waifu for your pleasure? You aren't entitled to their love.
Neither will a turd cutting sodomite
I don't care but let the gays do what they want
That was mostly the translators' fault than anything.
In Edelgard's case, in the japanese version it is specifically stated that she marries male Byleth, their ending even refers to them as the emperor and their spouse
The real problem is the Yuri options. Nooned give a shit about a faggy looking character being an actual fag. Watching any kind of waifu becoming a filthy dyke is actually painful
how did it improve the game when only gay are happy about it? only gays care about it.
They should have focused more on making an actually good game, not a shitty tea party simulator.
Boy is it good to be a yuribro.
Watching people like you absolutely seething and hurting over what would be lesbians will never stop being funny.
I hope they double down on it next time and completely lock all the best girls to be exclusive to the female protag so that the male can just choke on cocks.
You do realize there are just bi options? You make Yuri if you want. You're not forced into it
If it were supposed to reflect reality, then less than 3% of the game cast would be gay, which given the number of characters in the game, it would be barely more than 1 couple, instead of almost half the cast being gays and dykes.
Also remind me again who rallied to have gays and dykes in the game? And what is changing art and media to fit an interest group if not a political act?
If fags and dykes felt like it was really important to have themselves represented in games they would make their own games instead of trying to change other people's works. Fire Emblem did fine before this faggotry
> Half the cast being gay and dykes
Can you count?
>this shit of taste to screencap and promote
Yeah too bad the game is so FUN
>instead of almost half the cast being gays and dykes.
Can you read properly? Fucking libtards' only way to argument is to wrongly quote people and interpret them as they want.
It's no wonder people hate the burguer fake news so much
>gay option
What he mean by this?
> 5 out of 17
> Almost half
Again, can you count?
About a third is still too big of a percentage.
Be as it may, it is optional. You can make it 0 if you so desire
It makes me want to wait for emulation rather than pay for the game. I might have bought it on impulse at some point but fuck giving money to faggot shit
How fucking long did it take for lunatic to come out on the other FE games
It has objectively made it worse because they had to make the endings gender neutral, which means no children
I hate this faggot. How do I make the playthrough of his house interesting?
And? Most likely had children if you are male Byleth. If female you just pressed pussies together and that's it (unless Futa magic). I know some can be autistic with one line in an ending (and I understand completely) but that doesn't stop your creativity and sense now does it?
True, but It still does not represent reality
>gay options?
bitch what options? all i see are ugly rats, are these my options?
why can't i have Claude or Sylvain? Instead Im stuck with some litteral table scrap uggos
GD is a lore dump so just be glad whether or not you like the characters is irrelevant to how enjoyable it is.
Fire Emblem is fictional on almost all accounts. They take some inspirations from actual history but that's about it. To be honest, I doesnt really matter to me because it isn't forced. If we are given choice, then it's good in my books.
Same with Cyberpunk tranny issue. It is a choice and optional, you don't have to play as a tranny, which makes it a non issue.
Now to go back on what you said, I do agree the percentage is high if you take into account non Byleth pairs such as Manuela with El or Dorothea. Dorothea with Petra, Shamir and Catherine...
But again, you can make your couples by playing with the support system
Let me fuck Caspar
It's just pandering so I don't care, most companies do this now anyways.
My main gripe is that Byleth is too boring for supports to feel impactful. The next fe needs to give MC a real personality, but there may be too many fans that would be against that.
That is true, and I agree with you.
What pisses me off the most is why is there even a need to complain about games not having a gay option in the first place. There are people right now complaining that 3 Houses isn't gay enough, like wtf?
None, they came with the game.
That's it! I can't stand the pandering to lgbt groups, especially when they ask for way too much and expect tolerance towards them when they can't even do the same or even show some basic respect at times
Corporations that allow and reward this type of behaviour for money are just the worst in my book
Ah those. That's why I can't completely blame people hating on same sex options in games. I just wished they made the difference between Yuri and Yaoi and real life faggots and lesbians from this veeeery vocal minority.
They should be contempt with having options and that's it.
For example I would have loved to have Lys as my daughterfu with Fem Byleth but eh whatever, she has great supports. But I won't cry about it online and claim the game is s exist or whatever.
Realistically speaking? Nothing. It also takes nothing away, either. It makes no real difference.
Eh, the "paired end text" reads like a short fanfic they got their interns to write up last minute.
It's odd that in the japanese version they clearly stat tgat byleth and edgegard get married but the english version was vague enough to be interpreted as anything from a friendship.
Was is because they didnt want to stir up drama about male byleth getting to marry but female one not?
Came with the game. If it wasn't obvious Three Houses is unfinished garbage.
That's because it's a demographic that ask for a mile when you give them an inch. They aren't satisfied with a few gay options, they expect for the entire cast to be bi, then complain with what they got.
In recent memory it happens to other series like rwby and voltron. Where shippers get angry that an action show doesnt focus a lot on gay relationships.
Most likely and also because they were lazy to write two different endings for M and F Byleth
And perhaps add in some incompetence and hate for Edelgard
Most likely, they would also probably have kids since she was keen on it when paired with other male characters.
I think either late october or december it'll be available.
No because it means less options for guys.
That's the cost of giving more options to lesbians and gays, which just happens to be more important than giving yet more options to straights.
Ike is gay, so what's the problem with 1 gay character in Three Houses?
>Felix kabedon's FeMC in ending
Fuck I guess I'm gay now
It's just a vocal minority and who gives a shit about a bunch of clickbaiters writing braindead opinion pieces? I'm dead serious, why are devs so easily pressured by that vocal minority? It's retarded.
You're an embarrassment to all yurifags.
because the left supports them and the left controls the media
For me, it's Shamir
It's literally just Birthright 2 except with even easier gameplay.