Do you have any other hobbies outside of, uh, gaming?

Do you have any other hobbies outside of, uh, gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread:

calling OP a faggot

I like to think of myself as a connoisseur of cunny.

i have many interests that i don't do anything with, does that count?


I'm a mapfag too, chubby lady



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I like rocks

i like jerking off if that counts i also do origami sometimes

i enjoy biking, baseball and lifting

me and my friend play basketball twice a week
I read history books too

Jackie Chan

Sounds like you also like taking long Dicks in your ass homo

I like fishing and hunting.

i make music

I make abstract art on canvas out of paint I mixed with my semen, and give them to female friends and family.


Reading, writing fiction, playing tabletop war games/RPGs, going on walks around the neighborhood (living in the middle of a forest), ancient/medieval history, breaking into making music on pc

I collect coins

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collab bro, what genre do you make?

I also like watching porn and calling OP a faggot.

I take pictures of birds

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Drawing, maybe animating if I ever get the hang of a software for it
Playing sax (for some reason this gets all the normalfags going)
Programming (partially as a job, but I'm also making little games during downtime at work)

i'd say reading and drawing but i haven't been motivated to do either in awhile

>collect stamps
>work out
>like to garden
>bird watching
>butt plugs and water sports

can you post some


>I only ever do one of them

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who has time for hobbies
get a job

based workaholic deadend job wageslave goyim who doesn't have time for both

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Why no Tester 4.
They make so much PS+ money now.

I feel like video games are genuinely the only hobby I have because everything else is just seems like a no-brainer. Like listening to music or watching movies.

I miss it.

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sauce 'em

Not looking to collab right now (still figuring things out on the creating side of things on my own), but starting with a little liquid drum and base.

>Like listening to music or watching movies.
yeah cause those aren't hobbies dumb dumb

I'm tired

>Buy a Switch after I finally got a job (can't drive because health)
>Use it on the bus and during lunch
>Technically more productive than the normalfags because they just sit there on their phones at lunch

Sauce what, my saxophone?

Post some links. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, I won't shit on it.

I don't have many hobbies. I watch B-movies, read books (usually Sci Fi or thrillers), and during the colder days (5 celsius and less) I like to walk for 2 to 3 hours while listening to music.

That's not a hobby. That's an obligation.

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did you know brits or aussies call their cunts cunny? So it doesn't mean what you think it does pedo-user. Sorry to ruin your word

how did you know he is pedo and not brit or aus

What's this got to do with games, man?!

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Point out where I said they weren't? I said I feel like telling people I like movies or listen to music is something that evokes a response like "No shit"

Why would you spoil something that everyone knew already.

Hell yeah, my man, sauce that Sax.

What? We call them cunts you cunt
Cunny is specifically for lolis, whereas cunt has a wide range of applications:
>Vag, obviously
>Someone who's being stupid (specifically, a daft cunt)
>Saying hi ('sup cunt)
>Someone who's just being a cunt

Well it's a YAS-23 if that means anything to you
Pretty standard alto. Honestly I way preferred playing the bari back in the school orchestra/jazz band, but they're fukken expensive

favorite b movie?
incredible bulk is up there for me


What happened to this show?

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The OP says "gaming" so it's totally related.

You are fucking retarded

Cunt in British = العضو التناسلي النسوي

Cunt in Kangaroo = 屄

Haven't seen that one yet. Top 5, in no particular order:
>Desperate Living
>Not Another B Movie
>Killer Klowns From Outer Space
>Barn of the Blood Llama
>Manos The Hands of Fate
But, if you want to talk about more "serious" ones, then it would be
>A Boy and His Dog
>Cherry 2000

If I was an interviewer I'd roast people to find out who was lying to me.

>Oh you like sports huh? What sport?
>Whats your favorite team?
>Whos your favorite player? Your favorite matchup and play?
>Oh you garden what kind of plants do you grow?
>Thats interesting, what soil do you use? I garden a bit myself.
>Oh you hike huh? Which trails you like best?

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Where have I seen that fine lady?
