Has never made a good game

>has never made a good game

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Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

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ey yo who dabba aks finna quote?

gay thread

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Who are you quoting?

Nocturne and Strange Journey are pretty good. I will admit, however, that there are no good Persona games at all.


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Dunno about thtat OP, EO series is pretty good

Great game, user.

In Barthelona they call it Perthona lol

The trauma center games were good fuck you

We need a new Trauma Center

>we need western writers because they can write without forced exposition
>they also have forced exposition
>but muh whataboutism
I hope you weren’t the same user because you’re literally retarded.

Y'all speaking some real cringe. Yikes.
Atlus don't even make no good games yet ya'll praise em? LOL! When even a kart game is better, you know you fucked up ROFL

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Stop playng Pershit

Stay mad, seething tranny

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Someone needs to make a list of underrated Wii game I've never heard of because I literally keep finding a new one every month

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Don't link that thread or the schizo user might follow.


Based Darkskin
Cringe Lightskin

Know the difference!

You're going to be there a while, despite it's popularity a lot of people overlooked the games on the Wii.

Who are you quoting?

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Proof that OP gargles cocks.

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As much as people will shit on this the game was unironically great.
Shame about the censored textures in the localised version.

epic thread you dumb nigger

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Atlus didn't make that, Racjin did.

why in the blue fuck would you post that instead of its infinitely superior predecessor?

When is Atlus going to start milking their actually good spinoffs again?

Never, because they don't attract the ironic anime crowd.

>Innocent Sin
>not good

You know it's alright to admit you never went further back than P3.

This emulated horribly, pass.

For edgelords thats SMT
For comfyfags thats Persona
And they are damn good game. The only thing i hate Atlus for is just their retarded exclusivity mentality.

I just hope they make EROTIC game already