What is Glaceon doing?

What is Glaceon doing?

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Im not sure but I hope you’ll show me

She licc

Are you simgle, master?

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Shut it, perv-muffler.

would...things freeze onto her him?

HE is licking HIS paw

Name one person who likes eeveelutions who isn't a homosexual

there's a comic addressing this specific issue, go look it up on exhentai

My Sylveon is female and I've plowed her fields thoroughly

Me, I like the porn of the girl ones

Me. He's doing me.

Licking her(his) paw after stroking you off

Next to none, but that is less a statement of their quality and more an account of the shear extent of human faggotry

Taking my dick

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Having sex with pokemon is illegal.
So get your dick out of that Eevee's tailhole right this instant mister

Looks like she's cleaning herself.

I miss /tr/.

Make me Officer Jenny


based camotli

I will when I'm finished.

>wanting to fuck a meme blue dog cat
Y'all have some boring tastes, where are my fellow Futa on Female, cum inflation, impreg fetishists at?

Don't you DARE nut in that butt

does bisexual count

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Eeveelutions can be females too, Pedro. And most of them have very feminine features. Sylveon, Vaporeon and Glaceon are as feminine as a quadrupedal furrybait animal can be, especially Sylveon.

Bisexual is just gay with extra drama

Vaporeon is by far the straight and thinking man's choice.
>doesn't get dingleberries
>has a thicc juicy tail
>controls wetness

eating the sperm off their paw after jacking me off with it

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Oh this will be my third in a row, she's just really good at clenching it all in.

Show me the law book.

what if i like girl bodies but prefer relationships with men then

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>thicc juicy tail


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How is that not exactly what I said about being gay with extra drama?

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Show me the goods


Where's the drama at though

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oh no, don't...Don't post the gore...no...

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wowwie wow he posted it muh feelings.

what would an ice cold blowjob from a glaceon be like?

based and tailpilled

Would you fuck 'em all?

oh i'm sorry, you meant person. so idk

A new meaning to Netflix and Chill.

fake picture

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