Inspiring, proud, strong

Inspiring, proud, strong

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This is literally how most of you fat neckbeards look

Making fun of some landwhale isn't video games, fuck off.


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>not wanting your game made by one of the Nasty Boys

Attached: Nasty-Boys-Brian-Knobbs-Jerry-Sags.jpg (800x450, 53K)

nah, only stupid dykes and trannies have that dumbass haircut

oof go easy on the carbs fat boy

kek'ed cuz it's true


Would you let her plough through you?

Gonna make the fat one and go full CHA.

This is getting out of hand.

Lol let's see you make a game

user they're both the fat one.

trannies pls dilate

Not even close. I'm less than half that you fuck fatass.

this desu lads

>muh neckbeard

hello r*ddit

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what is?

look at yourself in the mirror and have sex

She literally is recovering from Kemo and just styled the little bit of hair she has left why are anons getting triggered?

Don't act like your not impressed

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Fat tumblrinas trying force muh stronk women and diversity into everything.

in my country, being this fat is considered a diseases.

well, she had cancer

Attached: redesiuk.png (891x1065, 975K)

>has cancer

Can't get any more worthless than that

>CYBERPUNK is liberal leaning, progressive and "le ess jay dubayoo"
No shit retards.

I bet you read your own posts in Reapers voice or something

faux mohawk is a fucking shitty hairdo which never fails to remind me of 90s spikes. Cyberpunk will be filled with it and it will look horrible.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (500x644, 19K)

>he actually believes the sob story
Wew lad.

>angled photo
>strategic lighting
>no doubt weak chin out of shot
>attention whoring
>in response to a throwaway jab
>on a board full of kids

I'm not even impressed by how pussified you are

even worse, neckbeards don't shower

>It's not real because i hate her

Is this stated by the developers or written in the game or is it just you with your political obsession seeking to make everything political in your favor around you?

Anons love getting triggered. Butthurt is the only emotion they can still feel

>n-no stop ruining my psyop! buy our game goy!
Back to resetera with you.

>a board full of kids

That's exactly why i did it

Attached: KidsGood.jpg (956x748, 135K)

doesn't even look nufemale or sjw
just has some le euphoric tattoos and is fucking fat

I knew Yea Forums was underage

Sure thing tranny.