How do you deal with video game burn out? i have nothing to do and vidya has gotten boring

how do you deal with video game burn out? i have nothing to do and vidya has gotten boring

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I get drunk and jerk off. Then I pass out.

Try playing a good one instead

I go back to the classics. Quick pick-up-and play games.
>Super Mario World
>Double Dragon
>Classic Megaman
>Streets of Rage
>Chrono Trigger
The easier to get into, the better the game.

I just live with the pain

like what?
i don't like any of those but i have been replaying my old favorites and it has gotten boring

>wake up next day
>want to play vidya again

I post on Yea Forums

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What games do you like, what genres do you like?

Try finding a new genre of porn to masturbate to

I look at my gun and decide if it's time. Or if I want to replay something I like.

Shitpost here until bored

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action, real time rpgs, strategy (as long as its fun solo). i'm fine with anything that isn't turn based or too arcade-y really
i already have too many weird fetishes user

start running

Trying to get out of the same rut. I think my problem is, I try to make everything "perfect", especially if I'm playing an RPG. Need to learn to just calm down and have fun like a normal human being for once.

got into lactation porn recently. This road keeps going downhill but I ain't stopping any time soon

DMC, TWEWY, Age of Mythologies, Victoria 2, Timesplitters, Deus Ex
There's lots of decent shit out there you haven't tried yet. Maybe just fuck around and play some game you accidently nabbed in a sale.

i already played most of those except for timesplitters sadly. and i don't do the whole buying games on sale and never playing them thing.

I simply force myself to play games

Oh wow, that's rough. I'd almost recommend trying a turn-based game to shake things up then.

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why are you black?

i do like some turn based stuff. i liked slay the spire and darkest dungeon. i also don't mind turn based strategies.