Mass Effect Andromeda

What are your thoughts on this game after patch 1.09? Is it worth picking up for $7.49?

Attached: ryder.jpg (1280x1280, 832K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not even worth picking up for free

Post the other one now

still terrible

Attached: Autistic Sara ME A.jpg (587x870, 210K)

Post the diaper one too, i need to fap

hands where I can see them

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Ironically enough I started a second playthrough just the other day. Haven't played it since launch, and wanted to see how it fairs now.

About 5 hours in and my take on it is

Combat is best of the series.

Some of the environments are amazing looking.

Weapon variety is nice.

That's pretty much it.

Character creator is trash. I have seen better CC in games from 20 years ago.

Facial animations are still horrible.

Plot sucks.

95% of the cast is boring or straight up sucks.

Most of the missions are fetch quests.

Open world feels pointless and unnecessary.

Inventory screen is a jumbled mess.

Outside of Vetra and Drack, your crew sucks. And they are only likeable because they remind you of Garrus and Wrex.

Lack of a decent sound track. Game just doesn't have enough music.

Scanning sucks and feels like busy work.

Villains suck and are generally boring as hell.
Overall only a few hours in, and I'm already bored to tears. 5 hours into a 80+ hour game and being bored isn't a good thing!

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no you dont


I got a boner good job user

You have safety on

The autistic Ryder incest and Turian romance are the only good things to come out of it, the Turian romance is especially funny considering the writer didn’t even want to work on that one yet it came across as the only natural relationship in the game, to bad it ended in a copout where we don’t get to see any female Turian anatomy.

still has some of the worst dialogue to rival borderlands

Any price is too expensive.


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I just started it again too. I’d pretty much agree with you, except the being bored part. It’s far from being perfect but it’s a shame it could potentially be the end of one of my favourite series.

>make a qt Turian
>put her in a shit game
No justice, man

wait. was it really canon they had incest? I never played the game

Originally a live scene was planned with Vetra. Their is even audio of it floating around YouTube. Not sure if they ever actually animated the scene though.
Vetra sister is also a cute.
>turain jailbait

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based vetra and drack team poster

>he's judging you quietly
I lost.

Jaal was okay as well.
He wasn't horrible at least. Everyone else was shit. I was shocked at how much I hated Cora. She never shut the fuck up about being an Asari commando! Thought she was even more insufferable than Peebee, who I wanted the option to shoot in the face!

I can’t remember, which writer was it that said he felt uncomfortable writing that relationship, or that it was weird? Something along those lines.

I played through 100% on the hardest difficulty

Its great, just like every mass effect game, great gameplay, fantastic story

The whole meme against it is that the american industry needs to shit on canadian content

I play through the original trilogy at least once a year, its probably in my top 5 of favorite series ever. Andromeda however, just isn't very good outside of the combat. Damn shame this will probably be the last game of the franchise, because I don't see Bioware surviving the next Dragon Age.

My little sister can't possibly be this autistic

>alien x human romance is weird
>in sci-fi
>in Mass effect

Sounds like a faggot.
That shit is a common staple in Sci-fi and especially the series he/she was working on.

To be fair she was frozen for 800 years

this looks like one of those random Garry's Mod faces you would see in a Machinima

And like I said, it’s funny because it’s the only relationship that doesn’t feel awkward or forced as fuck, it just ends abruptly.

>People are literally fetishizing autists

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is this part of the game better yet
i haven't yet and never will play this game, but is this at least a solved problem yet

fuck, it didn't timestamp how the fuck do i timestamp anything it's supposed to be at like 11:36

Don't worry, nobody will fetishize you.

unless they're paying you more than what you make hourly to play it, it's not worth it

They were GIVING this game away for months after you bought a pizza or ps4 controller here.

that comic

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It's not worth your time.
Life is short, play only good games.

maaan i wasnt gonna fap today too, ok user yo win.

Wait is there actually incest in this game?


No it's a meme brought on by how fucking horrible the characters look and someone pointed out how the chick has signs of autism.

Don't delve any deeper there's fucking horrible scat and incest that people requested.

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Not worth it