Cross examines animals

>cross examines animals
>bluffs a lot
>presents illegal evidence
What's so Ace about this Attorney?

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The fact that he gets away with it.

He's only canonically lost like one case.

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He also only gets innocent clients for some reason. The fuck is up with that?

He technically lost the Nickel Samurai case
I don't think he ever got someone who was ACTUALLY the murderer, but plenty of his clients were "not innocent"

>He technically lost the Nickel Samurai case


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His client was declared guilty, user

Oh wait, I was confusing my samurai. Thought you were talking about Steel Samurai for a moment.
That was the one case I was talking about, though it's safe to say he could have actually won that.

But he didn't. He's been disbarred for months now.

Innocent of the crime they were on trial for, which is what matters for his trial record.

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>don't localize Investigations 2
>it's the best game in the series
>don't localize the DGS games
>they're also really good
What the fuck was crapcom thinking?

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Hopefully they do an Investigations remaster.

They think any games that don't have/star Phoenix, won't sell as well in the West. Apparently Investigations 1 sold poorly in the West back then.

I played the first Ace Attorney on emulator but I can't find the rest nor can I figure out the play order for the rest of the games, how do you get into this series?

If emulation is too hard for you just get the trilogy remaster on steam

This is probably not true, there's cases mentioned that we don't see.

That or emulate the Trilogy. Then Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies & Spirit of Justice..

Play them in release order, just look that up.

cant do DGS cause sherlock.

Because innocent clients are what make it a video game. It's the same reason we don't see him take cases over civil disputes or lawsuits.

>It's the same reason we don't see him take cases over civil disputes
uhh...about that...

[citation needed]

Okay, we don't see him take cases about civil disputes that don't lead to something more interesting.

i think the case where he presented actual illegal evidence that made court take away his attorney badge

Edgeworth >>>> Wright

then why does he keep losing to Phoenix?