Why is there so much killing in games and not rape?
Why is there so much killing in games and not rape?
Lelzorz epic Trump frog fellow magapede, shadilay.
>Lelzorz epic Trump frog fellow magapede, shadilay.
Lmao gotem
Rape is the worse than murder because it follows a woman forever
Male rape is ok because that is funny, like im GTAV
Because American woman are too fucking fat and ugly to enjoy a nice, stiff penis. A nice creampie.
Theres plenty of rape in vidya
killing is okay and moral thing to do understand certain circumstances, rape is not. you will never be forced in a situation where you gotta rape in order to survive a life threatening situation.
haha look at those little froggy feet.
Because most people (that is, real people, not you) don't think rape is something they want to see and don't fantasize it about every day while death and killing has been something society in general has grown accostumed to since the Classical period.
Dumb frogposter.
devs are in america they be afraid of rape n sheet
we should outsource everything to france for rape
Rance, Corruption type games maybe Venus blood, monster girl quest if you want the MC being raped by monsters etc etc etc etc etc etc
Except for women who fantasize about it constantly
Fuck off normalfag hammer yourself to a bloody pulp!
Because kids are cancer
>you will never be forced in a situation where you gotta rape in order to survive a life threatening situation.
what if a guy is holding you at gunpoint and is going to kill you unless you rape your own mother
Your just playing the right games my friend
> custers revenge
Bad things happening to women is wrong in vidya. Killing guys is cool, killing women is iffy.
There would be more tension in a regular adventure game if your female party members could be abducted and raped by trolls and orcs.
because woman NEED to keep their control of men intact. we can't have rape be accepted in any form of popular media because that may give men the impression that women are much more worthless than we are taught. killing a woman in a video game is fine because the majority of the population aren't a bunch of sadistic violence loving weirdos but rape is not okay because the truth is that the desire to circumvent the annoyances of getting sex from fragile little women is common and actually makes sense.
you are cringe