Last time I played this was in 2004 what am I in for?

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Pure Ludo

The best Ratchet & Clank game ever.

Post your favorite OST

The best of the original quadrilogy

If you said pentology we would have had a different outcome

Attached: Size_Matters_front_cover_(PS2).png (1000x1412, 1.96M)

Best game coming through

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a couple of my friends and I recently raced through the first 3 games again, and 2 is easily the best game Insomniac has made to date. The worlds, guns and secrets are cool, the jokes land just right and it holds up well even today.

3 is almost as good. 4 is shit but hot damn do I have serious nostalgia for its online community on ps2

>Up Your Arsenal
>Going Commando
>Size Matters
Man why was the sudden name tone change mark the sign of the end? It could've continued too since ACiT's original name was Clock Blockers.

But that game is only fun co-op user

>inferior upgrade system to 3 and gladiator
>inferior platforming to 1
>shit final boss
>2 filler crystal-collecting planets
worst of the 4

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Ok but 2 gave us the bouncer and that alone makes the game S tier

Going Commando remake soon?

Gud gem

If 3 was less linear then it would be the best

The obani moon mission before the linear segment is one of the best levels the game has.

They need to remake the remake of 1 first


Locked and Loaded? What?

3 is the best.

Don't even try to argue with me

welcome to the no fun zone

>clearly unfinished
>extremely linear
>unfocused plot
>still the best
how did it do it?

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By not doing it
The only amazing thing about 3 is the gif you posted, and how they fixed the lava gun upgrade

Based Angela

>poor little lombax boy

Good gameplay. This is why Remake haters can't come up with any valid arguments, except muh children's Pixar movie.

>unfocused plot

Better weapons and good gameplay.

Is this the "I'm burnt out on modern vidya so I'm nostalgia-tripping" thread?
I just got pic related for the first time in years, its a lot easier now that I understand strat RPGs

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This game fucking sucked back then too

Eh, I find it oddly comfy. Not terribly hard, based on my favorite season 1 arc, you can do wacky shit like fusion and rituals, it's just nostalgic to me


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It's shit.

rip insomniac



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here's a (you), im downloading the game right now

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It completely holds up.

The remake has poor gameplay, along with everything else.

God I hope not.