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You are right, IS should eventually revisit in the future the rich world and lore of...whatever the continent may be called.
I wanted to reply with something but I already forgot this character's name.
I'm pretty sure it's Staff~Staff
>no continent name
Fates has worse writing than a 1990 game
I’m a Fates fan but no
The Fates Royals were well written though.
all of fate is shit
Herro join our side we are your real famiry
>haha ok i will join you and kill my adoptive siblings i grew up with haha
Sorry just kidding we are not related haha
Literally the most retarded plot ever created
It had a really good premise.
just post some elise and sakura
>Fates Royals were well written though
I fucking hated all of them besides xander
>only game in the series where the continent isn't even fucking named
It was definitely worse.
>dude bloodline (except not really so it's okay to fuck)
>dude magic throne
>dude hosido is awesome and nohr are niggers
>dude invisible kingdom
>dude invisible kingdom curse lmao
>dude Awakening characters
>dude everything is canon and we live in a multiverse
only thing it had
This, please explain how anyone can defend this.
Even Leo?
xander was the worst
>Hoshido and Nohr
>he applies labels instead of calling it The Japan-dick-stroking it was, and the giant diatribe on Europe
N I P P O N !
I prefer his son
Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.
what about valla dummie
I heard that this game has no dual audio, removed content, censorship and terrible localization instead of translation so I didn't bother with it
too bad I really wanted to play camilla's game but not in those conditions
there we go
It did have bad writing, but at least it was sorta entertaining
Every other FE is just some super boring variation of the same old "king became evil because of evil influencer who is evil because of dragon"
Playing FE for the story is fucking stupid anyways, Conquest still manages to be the best FE game despite the pants-on-head retarded plot
You mean the magical pretend land in god knows where?
This. I never got the "bad writing" meme. Who even plays Fire Emblem for the story anyways? It's the same story every time; a fallen lord rallies a small army and takes back their kingdom from an evil usurper, then goes and fights an ancient evil that has awakened.
Dont pretend like you care
Seriously though I played Awakening then Fates then 7, 6, SoV and 8 and I’d only say 8 had a particularly good story.
Also 3H and I’ve heard good things from the Tellius and Judgral games
revelations is the cause for everything bad in the game
its subpar even compared to the fucking nes games
Rot in hell jizzbrain
Story honestly drags the game down
I agree that fans overrate the quality of writing in the series but Fates, Conquest and Revelation especially, are deviantart fanfic tier.
>When the DLC short story featuring the gen2 cast manages to tell a more coherent tale than anything in Fates that wraps up more plot points than Revelation
I'll be honest I thought you were joking because I vaguely remembered her name starting with H, but then I sat there for 10 minutes and realized her sister's name started with H... I even forgot the archer guy's name, even though he was my S rank choice.
This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I spent a whopping 110 Euros for all routes and the kids DLC and I have forgotten most character's names already, especially from the Birthright route.
I have no reason to doubt the whole thing was based on some Ylissean folk tale and Fates was a shitty fanfic written by Owain.
This was a hype trailer, you have to admit
It’s actually a group project by Owain Inigo and Severa
Why else would Laslow suddenly become the best written character
Also remember to pair Odin up with Elise
>the part where ryoma and xander fight in the intro cutscene
the only good cutscene in the entirety of fates
Leo’s introduction in Br was pretty sick
always did elise!ophelia for that blonde hair and speed transfer
No, it really truly did have some of the worst writing of video game history.
Look user you dont have to shill for the kingdom of-
just admit you've only played the 3ds games retard
This shit was so dumb.
Elise!Ophelia hair is so good. It’s a bit of a meme set but Odin/Owain deserves someone that is just happy to be around him
Birthright's story is decent
No. Fates literally had the worst writing I have ever had the misfortune of reading through in all of video games, let alone in FE. RD Blood pacts was the worst thing FE had until this game came along and it blew that out of the water with 10 times the stupid bullshit. Fuck Fates, fuck YOU for liking and defending Fates, fuck you AGAIN for trying to soften criticism against it by literally lying by saying "th-he other games stories were just as bad..." and fuck anyone else who likes that garbage ass game. Also Conquest's gameplay is overrated as fuck. Your game is SHIT. Stick to making shitty waifu threads and dumping epic mommy camilla images like the rest of your kind, dimwit.
No mention of Peri yet?
BR has pretty good cutscenes.
Fates works a lot better when you see Azura is a fucking asshole who wants to kill a royal family but knows siding with Corrin is her best way to do it
Get fucked generic Corrin Cocksleeve #17
>not Prince "I know you're not related to me but I'll pretend like it and guilt you anyway into murdering the people who loved you and will tell you just before forcing you to marry me" Ryouma
You can't possibly defend this
And furthermore...
Your game was trash, tranny. Who else /elitist/ here?
Except the whole reason Corrin joined Hoshido was to stop Garon.
If they went with that path of Ryoma being a terrible person deep down that struggled to be honorable that could have worked but no JAPAN GOOD EUROPE BAD
I think this was done though a randomizer
Pointless eugenics are fun and add replay value
>tfw when Koei's RoTK writers don't work on the next game and we're back to this
Fates was shit but I still really liked it. Sue me.
Isn't Azura Corrin's actual cousin?
Fates was worse than even Awakening in terms of character writing. At least Awakening had tidbits of half-decent writing with characters like Yen'fay and the interesting dynamics of the Ylisse and Plegia adding a solid twist to the typical FE formula. Character writing and supports were bad, but at least they tried to be different.
Fates had a huge cast but only 10 characters that actually mattered and everyone was reduced to a one note joke. You were lucky to see a non-sibling in a cutscene actually contributing to the plot. Otherwise, they were relegated to dumb anime support convos specifically designed to make characters fuck after which they've served their purpose and will never be seen again. That's not even mentioning how badly the writers favored Hoshido.
Hey man, are you okay?
No Azura's mom and Miktoto just called themselves sisters because of their special bond
yes it's incredibly dumb
I heard that they retconned it and Mikoto and Azura's mom were just like sisters rather than actual sisters.
>That's not even mentioning how badly the writers favored Hoshido.
Birthright and Conquest are a literal Nohrian royal show. Like it’s not even funny how much more focus is on them in both routes compared to Hoshidan Royals.
They try to address this Rev with their dad and step mom but it’s short lived
That's because the Nohrian siblings had to be persuaded to see the superiority of Big Hoshidan Cock and needed more screentime to be told how wrong they are.
I'm not even exaggerating.
Utter dominance
No it doesn't.
I'm a fatesfag who's waifu comes from it and I wouldn't say it has good writing if it killed me.
Fates only has gameplay, premise, and music, everything else is pretty bad outside the characters and that's really up to opinion more than anything.
that just makes ryoma even more based desu
Nah the other entries in the series and played straight, revelations is pants on head retarded and conquest is constantly jerking off how you aren't the bad guy even though you clearly are. Birthright is the closest to a traditional fire emblem story but it also got the worse royals outside of takumi who is the only well written royal out of both sides. Three houses from what I'm playing so far has a pretty good story actually, just did the blue lion route and gonna do black eagles next. To war at Grondor was fucking awesome does anything in the black eagles hit this hard?
not anymore
So you're saying it was garbage as the rest of FE? I agree
>hated new mystery
>didnt like thracia
>liked por
>didnt like awakening??????
>god has failed us warriors
wow what an incorrect opinion
>Severa, Owain, and Inigo join the wrong army instead of just claiming to be Chevois or Ice Tribe
>Still fighting for Garon right up to the end of birthright
>Sat. A.M. cartoon villain
>Kaze and Rinkah don't immediately try to assassinate Garon when given weapons
>Nohrians don't even react to corrin being able to turn into a dragon
>Never mentioned again
>"Did you give me that exploding sword on purpose?"
>Never mentioned again
>Frederick, a non-magic user somehow invented air conditioning with 1600s technology
>100% definitely a leak in the army since Ryoma was waiting at the pottery maze
>Never mentioned again
>"Hey Shura give us that money back"
>If a general can just murder a royal retainer on a mission, a royal can totally just stab Hans and not raise any more eyebrows
>Waiting until your reformation couldn't matter less to start fixing nohr.
Failing that, just a lot of missed potential.
>No Oboro-Peri support
>The "Most honorable man in Hoshido" is guilt tripping Corrin over a abandoning a birthright he knows doesn't exist
>I know Ylisse royalty and Anonkos royalty are different, but wouldn't it be hilarious if someone caught Odin, some bum off the street using dragon veins?
>Azura just wanted to kill a shitton of people and Corrin is too pussywhipped to even question her motives
wtf did fates actually have deep characterization???
Marth will never win.
Stay mad shitter, Conquest is better than your favorite FE game, sorry ninjas raped you too hard, go play piss easy trash like 3H.
>heroes poll
Takumi was literally a meme with Close Counter when the game launched and Leo was shit from the beginning.
the story of fire emblem fates is perfect
Wait when did Odin use a dragon vein? I don't remember that at all.
Why did nobody point out that she had a third eye on her forehead
Ok FE fags, whats THE one to play?
I played like half of 7 or something sometime last year and it was pretty fun, but at some point I was under leveled I think, so I stopped.
How is the one with Ike?? I hear it’s extremely hard, but Ike is extremely attractive.
Too cute
Metal Gear Ac!d has a better story
And that's fucking sad
The game sucks ass in general and the frame rate in it is embarrassing
>fates story is just as bad as the rest of the series
Says the people who have never played anything but the 3ds fire emblem games.
I'd give Awakening a go
It's the best FE I've played (until I get enough money for 3Houses)
I don't play the fucking games since childhood but occasionally look at the threads to see what the memes of current year for the game are. It seems like it would of been a very bad time to be a Fire Emblem fan through recent titles until the last one. Amazin' what returning to the series' original tone does for thread quality.
Tell me again the name of the continent where Fates takes place.
Play the first Ike game, Path of Radiance, first. It's a lot easier and it gives you more background for the second one.
The gameplay is completely braindead, though.
It's almost like splitting this one game into different games was a bad idea.
And yet it's still not in the top 3 easiest FE games since Three Houses exists now.
Maybe if they pooled all their shit into making one good game, rather then jewing out for 3 games. So we didn't get semi decent writing but shit gameplay birthright, and semi decent gameplay but shit writing conquest. In terms of revelations I don't think it got anything good compared to the other two,
The best thing I can say about Fates' writing is that Sully - Robin support isn't from that game
Debatable. It's SS, 3H, and either PoR or Birthright.
But 4 is the best one.
At least it has a fucking weapon triangle.
Go fuck yourself, faggot. Stop posting your awful tastes.
They'll stop posting once you tards stop responding to obvious bait.
>Otherwise, they were relegated to dumb anime support convos specifically designed to make characters fuck after which they've served their purpose and will never be seen again
Is there literally anything wrong with this?
Coming from someone who hates the 3ds games i'm terrible confused about you're opinions. It's like you dropped all of them in a box with the games and just shook it around until they all found a match.
There’s nothing wrong with having or not having a weapon triangle
I'd rather play 3 houses than any of the 3DS games. they're all trash. I don't understand why people tried to say conquest was some hotshit for the old school fan. It was garbage
Rock, paper, scissors was never deep hate to break it too you buddy and then fates spilled it's autistic spaghetti all over it by trying to force in the ranged weapons triangle.
It's not even really gone either, you just need to get the breaker skills.
i dont see the issue. you guys just keep lampooning that user with no real statements of your own
At least you get units with more than fucking 4 move early in Fates and Awakening. Fuck by the end of the first real CQ chapter you have Elise and Silas with potential for a reclassed Corrin/Jakob/Arthur
There is if the game managed to be even easier than Brithrout. I'll see you subhumans in three months when Lunatic doesn't deliver because the maps are so shitter friendly.
(raughs in Genealogy)
How can anyone pick nohr
If you thought rock paper scissors is what made the other fire emblem games deep or hard you need to get your brain scanned dude. It ain't even gone nigga breaker skills are a still a thing. Just now you have to spend weapon durability to get an advantage rather then just having one because you know paper covers rock.
>Not sending your kids in to a pocket universe so they can please your leaders dick
What kind of horrible friend are you?
Oh I can think of two very large reasons Because your Nohr siblings clearly care about you and don’t fucking let you think you’ll get executed when you get there
i really dont care user. I'd rather play an easy game with good writing that's fun than the bottom deck Z-team produced piece of shit from the get go that was awakening and fates which not only were braindead easy but had horrendous writing and autistically held the series back. Conquest was just annoying to me because it wasn't better map design or more interesting map design it was just "harder" design and the justification for it was that Corrin and co. are complete tactical retards who get themselves in dumb situations
I hope they get rid of MU.
But you didn't grow up with them.
And you barely knew your mom.
it wasnt "no" "ok" it was no and im gonna murder you if you dont shut up
He didn't, but he is royalty. I don't remember Awakening's backstory, but if Emmeryn and all were descendants of dragons like the fates royals were, he should be able to. Before Awakening dlc says Awakening takes place in the same world as fates, at least.
Good gameplay and good art/waifus.
Something 3H doesn’t have.
imagine being so bad at writing that you have to retcon your story immediately after release cause you let the two blood related protagonist fuck IS just learned from star wars
She's right you kn-
Nigger pls you were doing so well.
The Hoshidans are basically strangers to Corrin, why should he give a shit about them? He doesn't even know if they're telling the whole truth and woah look at that, you find out they actually weren't telling the whole truth.
If you need waifus to play a game you need to go back to your den troglodyte.
They don't care, FEfags are perfectly willing to excuse a shit game as long as the story is good.
If Fates had a good story people would defend the game with their life, even Revelations.
literally Stockholm syndrome
Not if they actually treated you like a family outside fucking Garon, who didn't even do that much bad until you decided to get on his nerves.
i hate you yuri elize sakura posters
Three Houses has far better waifus than Fates.
>I'd rather play an easy game with good writing
But TH doesn't even have that. TH's story is just as bad as Conquest/Rev and idiots like you only think it's good because it's new. This game has no redeeming factor.
Enjoy your honeymoon period, faggot.
*second wind*
>if this game didnt have any of the flaws people critique it for people would like it more
Wow user tell me more
you gonna start a youtube video essay channel there little guy?
>Nohr is unapologetically evil and trying to revolutionize a kingdom that's already won the war and has killed a fuck ton of people is just retaded
>Hosido isn't telling you jack shit and isn't even your real family but is banking on that for you to turn around and kill your family that raised you. And if you S rank any of the siblings you find out you had no reason to fight for them anyways.
I'ma be honest corrin got a shit deal man, both options are pretty shitty.
he didn't, other guy was just wondering how funny it'd be if he just randomly started using them
>cq corrin's entire thing is to not kill people
>chapter 18
>"sure we can just kill the unarmed royals now but nah, this war needs to drag on a bit longer"
>"also fuck zola for trying to end it quicker"
It’s just a plus. The gameplay is already great.
tell me one fe game with a mindblowing story
It's better than fates user. that's all it had to do. I care more about the stakes in TH than any of fates and awa
Good one, user.
Staff~ Staff~
i dont even know how you can have a waifu from 3DS FE because they all have no personality whatsoever.
I’ll shit on rev and echoes no matter what.
>weapon durability
Breaker skills are a skill, not an art
It's really not.
I don't even think TH is that great dude but if you think it's story is bottom of the barrel like conquest and revelations you're literally just being a contrarian.
Flaws? you mean flaw, the story, that's it. That's the only thing you care about.
I didn't like how the child characters completely invalidated their parents though.
Plus gale force was fucking annoying to eugenics for but too good not to.
Damn you're pretty good at jokes user.
The story can be executed good or bad depending on its characters. Basic bitch monkeys know that. Like said, don't pretend like you care.
That and in the japanese version having Xander introduce himself as Marx before proceeding to give speeches about a fair kingdom before realising that Ryoma is a shitty shogun-emperor while Marx is basically an anime communist and surprisingly right throughout the whole game.
Awakening has a horrible localization and newbies acting like the gay shit New Mystery pushed on the series was Awakening's fault while going full ret/a/rd just because Awakening tried to do eugenincs like Genealogy did. Big fucking whoop. Apart from Sarya / Tharja being legit the worst character but fun in retrospect due to being a jewess instead of a persian and Nami Komoru's NTR fetish with Chrom and Tiamo / Cordelia which is just an unrequited love along with Azur / Inigo and Severa / Serena being lazy Tuxedo Kamen and redhead tsundere Tsukino Usagi from Komoru's shitty fanfictions she wrote as a teen. Other than that, it's at best a decent FE and an ok game to end the franchise by putting a definitive end on several threads and showing how many of the things are connected from the previous games and how they ended up. A staggeringly huge portion of Awakening's fanservice is also references to past games and various manga that influenced Fire Emblem when it came out, like Bastard!, Record of the Lodoss War and it even included some Kamen Rider shit which was neat, so Cynthia and Udo / Owain get major points for that. Udo being a parody of Dark Schneider and the singer he was based on, Udo Dirkschneider is even more of a neat thing.
As far as actual character writing goes, the worst you can say is that a lot of them are retreads of previous characters more than anything.
Keep playing FE7 and then play Fire Emblem Berserk aka Path of Radiance. Then FE4 and 5.
nah the gameplay is worse too
3DS fe is literally just pair up characters and watch them bulldoze everything
If I was being a contrarian, then I'd tell you CQ/Rev were anything above bottom of the barrel trash. TH, CQ, and Rev are all equally terrible.
Awakening isn't all 3ds games you turbo retard.
Pair up is nerfed in Fates and doesn't even exist in echoes.
Why is Xander so hot
>Ninja spam makes mages useless
>Cavalry units are still busted as all fuck
>Maps range from chapter 10 great to the fucking fox mountain
>Every character that isn't takumi and leo is horribly written
>Pairing up units somehow got stronger from awakening and you can literally decimate maps by pairing up royals
>"Literally only flaw is the story"
Conquest fags are a joke, your game is miles better then birthright and revelations but don't act like your game is peak FE you casual.
You can think that, but you'd be wrong. One of those games actually has a name for its continent.
its still busted
but good writing can still save FE games to be honest
PoR is really fucking easy but I get excited when Ike dodges everything and keeps critting even though I know he can never lose.
All of fates was a complete slog though
Because I know who Ike and Oscar and Boyd and Sothe are. I cant name a Fates character. Or an awakening one.
Story and writing affects gameplay and how enjoyable a game is. People should stop pretending they are entirely separate entities and you are less of a gamer if you critique a game for its story.
Not minblowing but genealogy has probably the best story
its posts like these that make me wonder why you play through a series like fe because literally every game can be picked to shreds like that, often much worse as well.
This. People defending Fates and Awakening by saying that the other games are just as bad are the worst.
Fucking retard. Also Fox village is the only bad map in the game.
Dude what
no it wasn't
inb4 yes it was, no, it wasn't
>thinks mages are useless
>thinks Pair Up is stronger than in Awakening
I'm not going to lie I would have totally romanced Lilith if they allowed it. She to seemed to be the only one who was 100% devoted to you and your wellbeing regardless of politics.
Nigga, what kind of shrooms are you on? Fucking Radiant Dawn is better than that shitheap and it was a disaster because nobody wanted to continue the story, while the devs were snorting cocaine.
That's what the fucker gets for being Kira Yamato in Fire Emblem, except more retarded and waifu material for footfags.
Copying Lodoss War at its peak and infusing it with Celtic&Nordic references directly was the best move Kaga and Yokoi made as far as story went. Three Houses copying Grancrest Senki now is like some kind of shitty poetry.
Mages have a lot more issues than ninja’s existing.
>pairing up is more busted than in awakening
Thanks man I needed a good laugh
i just dont get how anyone can defend fates and awakening desu. if its waifus then just own up to it. say its your waifus game. I dont give a fuck. but dont make shit up just to win an argument
Why are CQ fags always the most defensive?
What makes a map good according to you? Because you apparently like the ninja cave
because they want to believe they're the hardcore oldschool crowd. they probably also pretend to like old JRPGs and FPS games that were made before them. they're real gamers after all.
corrin very clearly doesnt feel anything for his hoshidan siblings to the point that he even tells the player that he wants to go back home to his adoptive siblings. he doesnt even consider abandoning nohr until his mother dies.
stop posting your horrible fucking taste in EVERY THREAD
3H has PoR quality maps and good mechanics, the main problem is just that it refuses to challenge the player. Lunatic Mode my fix that somewhat if it buffs enemies and adds more in some maps but I don't think they'll change the objectives to be more challenging. Rout is shit as always and defeat boss just encourages warp strats.
>when you could have been a more plot relevant character but instead all you were was a dumb shoehorned mascot fairy who gets killed off in two routes and completely ignored in the third
All this thread has done so far is oust people who bash Fates as people who are just flatout bad at Fire Emblem. Even with its simple maps, Birthright is still far more complex than Three Houses because of its gameplay mechanics. That is a cold hard fact.
>most of the fanbase gets pissy just seeing the game
>acting surprised when the fans of said game get pissed at everyone else for constantly shitting on it and not even attempting to find some good in it
A map that requires you to pause for more than five seconds before going on autopilot for the entire chapter.
Ninja cave is a good chapter. You're just bad.
cause its bad dude.
just have fun hittin them with pommels and singing the song again man. we're gonna move on to the future
>pair mc with Ryoma
>auto battle
>it wasnt better map design or more interesting map design it was just "harder"
lmao butthurt you couldnt beat the game on higher difficulties?
7 was better than 8 but other than that I agree
Ryoma gets fucked on lunatic. Quit playing on normal/hard.
>Ninja spam makes mages useless
Sorry you got mindbroken by ninjas in ch17 but mages are perfectly usable, the "mages are bad" is a meme forced by people that probably expect mages to solo everything like in the GBA games.
>Cavalry units are still busted as all fuck
Only Xander is, and even then that is a problem with all FE games.
>Maps range from chapter 10 great to the fucking fox mountain
They don't, most maps are good enough and only a few are terrible like the fox chapter. Just because you're a shitter and the game kicked your ass doesn't mean the maps are bad, git gud.
>Every character that isn't takumi and leo is horribly written
They're no different than the characters from the older games, but keep pretending FE never had a cast made up of walking tropes.
>Pairing up units somehow got stronger from awakening
lmao what? not even people that dislike pair up would ever say that Fates made pair up stronger, when it's the exact opposite.
>and you can literally decimate maps by pairing up royals
In Birthrout maybe, not in Conquest. Xander gets raped by mages, Leo is just ok, Elise gets one shotted by everything and no matter how strong she is Camilla can't solo everything. Unless you autistically know the game from the inside out you may make an strategy where you can kill everything only with them, but for a normal playthrough that's not happening.
It's the exact opposite, the mere mention of Conquest makes all FEfags absolutely livid because deep down they know that no matter how much they deny it, Conquest is one of the best FE games even with it's garbage story.
This is the exact scene(and the dialogue preceding it) when I realized I was not only in for a bad time, but that the game would be irredeemable. that there is no coming back.
Everyone I know who dropped the game dropped it right here. It's crazy.
Stop meming Thracia like you actually played it. It has to be the most meme'd Fire Emblem game ever by faggots trying to fit in.
>haha look at my amazing taste, see I like Thracia! Please pay attention to me!
It's the Planescape Torment of FE.
the fuck is wrong with you
But by your standards the game gets better if you're bad at it
I’ve played on lunatic twice and both time I just benched everyone by camilla’s map because it was easier to solo with him and Corrin paired up.
Stop acting like Thracia is bad just because it's unpopular.
Fates is a cakewalk with either evasion or hit tanks like Selkie or Ryoma though. It doesn't matter if it's more complex if you are given tools to brake the game.
Really telling that no one talks about the Fates story except to shit on it but people shitpost and meme about Three Houses' story all the time even though they have the exact same gimmick of choosing a faction.
>opera house cutscene
I'll take things that never happened for 200
I too would have fucked my only blood related sister.
It isn't bad, it's mediocre. Fags just love to praise it because Awakeningfags want to pretend they have good taste in the company of a bunch of other people saying Thracia is the best.
>thinks nobody has played Thracia
It has been in English for years for anyone that didn't mind the garbled menu text.
I like how everyone who seethes at Conquest in these threads almost never brings up the gameplay or always ends up outing themselves as shitters if they do.
Literally nothing about Awakening or Fates was goos.
How do you get selkie to work? I tried using her once and she was weak as fuck and never had a hit rate below 30%, so while she was dodging most hits it only took two hits to kill her making her extremely unreliable.
incest fetish > school girl fetish
i guess if you consider literally suicides if you dont recruit her girl, lazy top, wants to fuck your dad girl, terminal crest syndrome girl, girl hitler, slut with a good voice girl, ceo of racism girl, or omg literally me recluse reddit girl waifus then fates character writing is a bit too far above you to grasp
Ironic considering they have the most NPC artstyle of any of the games and attracted the NPC reddit audience to the series.
>people actually, genuinely defend Marx and the massive disconnect between story Marx and support Marx
name literally ONE (1) thing she did wrong.
you can't
Or they genuinely think it's the best for various reasons including that it does a lot differently from almost every other game in the series.
Granted, it's not my favorite, but it's not impossible to have 5 as your fave.
I disagree. some of the character designs and bgm is good.
its completely stupid that it even happened dude. every character involved was already stupid yes, but all their IQs dropped by 50 points to even allowed Azura to do that or think it was a good idea. The only way you can think its a good idea is if the characters had the script to the game in their hands
what the fuck kind of bias are you trying to hint at here? more people enjoy it because 3H did it better. I am not saying 3H is amazing writing nobody is. But its better than Fates. What are you even trying to claim? What ulterior motive would there be to love 3H but hate Fates if they were the exact same?
good point user, i take it back
Selkie is pretty bad unless you pick a good mom and get lucky with growths. Ryoma is the only great dodgetank in Fates.
i like how in your reductionist argument they still have more characterization than the fates cast
Even if you do bring up gameplay all you get back is "nuh uh you're wrong" from conquestfags without an explanation as to why. It's almost like nobody bothered to play it enough to discuss it properly
Care to criticize the gameplay objectively then?
>Alph 19th
Oh yeah, that was around the time he told the then invincible Surtr he'd kick his ass as a distraction to save a village.
They look terrible. The artist is just fucking bad.
Sang a fucking terrible song constantly.
a game filled with stereotypes is better than a game filled with nothing at all
no you retard it's because it's been discussed to death so no one wants to seriously argue anymore everyone just wants to shitpost
>more people enjoy it because 3H did it better. I am not saying 3H is amazing writing nobody is. But its better than Fates
That's exactly what I'm saying dumb-dumb. I'm responding to OP.
Yea that's why fates is better.
I dropped Heroes like a year ago, but I heard Alfonse became EMIYA or something? He was my favorite OC from FEH.
Good premise muddled entirely the fuck down by bloat and bullshit workarounds
>Child pocket dimensions because we fucking NEED children
>No real family because we need a way to insert incest into this game without angering soccer moms
>Haha look at these fucking Awakening characters cool right
The only remotely interesting thing they did was make Gunter betray you in Revelation, but Revelation is an absolutelu horrible game.
>i didnt pay any attention and i dont know anything about the game therefore its bad
wow user, ground breaking arguments here.
*spanks sakura*
You can't criticize something objectively, but you can give reasons why you've come to certain conclusions. But discussions all end with both sides calling the other a shitter instead
Cute power! Cute justice!
Hi welcome to a FE thread
>people keep heaping praise on fates
>people argue and and give critiques that not only plague fates but FE as a whole in some aspects
>responses to this basically amount to "your an idiot" and cropped hentai
Every time. This is the new Fo3 vs. New Vegas thread. Except somehow worse.
yes it was
Yeah the writing in the support dialogue is actually really good. Great job IS; it's just unfortunate that all of the writing is completely SHIT in the actual game
Lemme guess dubfag?
Awakening can easy you into it, it has a light hearted atmosphere and some characters are better than others give it credit for with some misses in supports though which people act like big down the whole character. Hard mode can be bullshit at a few points and normal let’s you play with whoever
FE8 is really easy and has a cool story with a postgame
7 is good too, great lord Trio and the game isn’t hard you were probably right before you picked up a jacked prepromoted unit
too late faggot I said inb4, get rekt
>have to use dragon veins not as an instant win button bit as a mean to withstand the assualt of the million ninjas coming for you
>incentive to use locktouch units
>incentive to wrap up the map quickly in saizo
>map is a ton of corridors that have multiple routes, requires you to be wary of all the 2 range ninja have but also gives you various means to approach and control the enemy's movement
ninja cave is good
Ryoma at fucking base doubles most of the entire game with very respectable bulk, and perpetual 1-2 range in a game with shit 1-2 range bar magic/hidden weapons.
He also has 34 crit at base between his prf/skill stat/personal skill/class
I had Kagero as her mom, as pointed out it's possible I got lucky with her growths. It's true though she can't really take a hit but she evaded enough attacks for me to have enough confidence to put her in battle.
it was a huge step up in terms of game mechanics like attack stance and skills and limited reclass options. customizable child units was kinda gay but made for good repeat playthroughs regardless of how necessary the mechanic was. a lot of skills were initiation, after combat, or proc skills which gave you a way to counter each (player phasing them, one shotting them to prevent after combat effects etc). the malleable stats made it so that bad levels ups didnt hold you back from 1 rounding, doubling, or even tanking thresholds and some classes were objectively better than others for pairing up. it was a really well done attempt at fixing up what dsFE was trying to do with its various mechanics like skills and reclassing and tonics.
>with 1rn
nice to know you only played br on normal/casual
>he doesn't 1shot ninjas with forged handaxe
git gud noobs
1 RN doesn’t matter if you have 0% hit rates
¨The thing that annoys me probably the most about Fates is the blatant reuse of Awakening characters as child units.
Nice to know you have no idea what you're talking about. They haven't used 1rn since fucking 5.
>not using Ninja Rape Cave as a Mozu grinding level
>despite all attempts to nerf Hand Axes everyone still had that one godly forged Hand Axe
they add all these systems but if the core gameplay is braindead then theres no reason to ever dive into them. so they might as well not be there.
this is also a critique against 3H
>using Mozu
Fates has a hybrid system where it’s 1 RN when below 50 hit, it’s not exactly 2 RN either above 50 but it’s similar.
3H and Echos uses this system
>i got fucked on the prison chapter so nobody played thracia
fates uses 1rn for displayed hit
Yea that's what I meant. It's not 1rn. It's some weird hybrid.
I still don't get why the Ninja Rape Cave gets the reputation it does when clearly the worst map in the game is that fucking Kitsune map.
Way to out you have no idea what you just said this isn't fire emblem 5 num nuts, I like how fates fags only defense of their games is
>Y-you just didn't play on lunatic
have you actually played conquest on lunatic
i mean you can still break the game and allow certain characters to snowball but it takes a lot more effort to roll through than three houses
really? my hits felt more consistent in 3H. I had assumed it was 2rn, at least >50. maybe hit rates are just a bit higher.
fucking idiot, fates uses 1rn with hitrates below 50, which is why dodgetanking is severly nerfed there
>Hating on gay Tharja.
Tharja should be in EVERY game.
26 and endgame2 are my nominees for worst, those can suck my nuts
also a lot of paralogues are basically unclearable if you unlock them before the game intends for you to play them but I find it difficult to hold that against the developers
Why don't they make a Fire Emblem game where theres no leveling. of course the individual enemies also scale to match that.
But the only thing that happens is your characters get better at their weapons and such things. And you get access to better weapons.
No leveling. And the only promotes that happen are story ones.
Also a limited roster so you dont constantly feel guilty for benching most of your army forever.
That way the gameplay revolves around getting better tactically and not just having your numbers get bigger (and in modernFE's case) your numbers get way way way bigger than the enemies very quickly
It's called rape cave for a reason, most people get their ass kicked there and instantly assume that makes the map bad.
I mean 3H and Fates hitrates are still high, like 90 display hit is still like 97 hit or something
Probably because the ninjas that deal 1 damage to you still take off 40% of your hp due to their skill setup. It makes the map feel way more unfair than it should
ghast delivered a killing blow to marxfags
Fates DLC called Heirs of Fate kinda does that and I really like it
Someone else who hates 26 as well? That lady choke is the absolute fucking worst.
Endgame when played legitimately is fucking atrocious but at least rescue skipping is a thing
>Way to out you have no idea what you just said this isn't fire emblem 5 num nuts,
ironic see
>I heard Alfonse became EMIYA or something?
A version of Him and Veronica from another world both died and were brought back as Jeleton Skeletons by the villain of Book 3 who is pretty much Hades. Speaking of, Alphonse also threatened her by saying if she pulls her Ju-On bullshit again (which killed his dad) by the time she comes for him he will be ready to kill her.
Reminder Marx=/= Xander
Tharja is overrated.
Worst crazy girl they've made.
It's lazy.
Echoes uses full single roll
endgame is pretty cool if you pretend it's like the finale of an anime and everyone sacrifices themselves so mc can kill the final boss because FUCK replaying the previous chapter just to reset because someone got killed
it had a top 3 soundtrack for birthright route. road taken alone is better than all of three houses and echoes SMASHES every other game in the series for sound
well when people complain about things and make it clear how much of a shitter they are ofcourse u call them a shitter. im a fates stan and even i recognize the 3 map long drought of good gameplay near endgame when you fight the siblings that makes people think fates map design is bad even though it realistically has only 4-5 bad maps. people tend to make the most base complaints about the game or the most lazy arguments and get called wrong, wow what a surprise
yeah endgame and 26 are the rare map sthat on hard is legit better than lunatic, status staves spam can go fuck itself
Even if this is copy pasta or you're retarded, Shadow Dragon is still a genuinely good game and it didn't deserve the bad rap it got.
IS also completely fucked up not releasing New Mystery in the US. It's among the best in the series.
Personally, I really like the long-term resource management, including maximizing EXP gains. I'd rather see the fatigue system return, and maps that force the player to split forces and use everyone fielded. Seriously, it kind of baffles me that the fatigue system hasn't been used since Thracia. It's fucking great. To me, the fun of FE is raising units and max out as many as possible, the near opposite of optimal play.
>thousands of dead
The only people that got killed were the people they thought were Nosferatu and when Macbeth bombs the beast men. At least in the japanese text. Sakura goes out of her way to say that they weren't killing anybody to convince her siblings. Someone else does too near the middle of the game but I don't remember who it was.
every post NES game has about that quality of writing user
I still think giving (almost?) every unit on the map pass and then combining that with making half of the units unable to be attacked each turn should really give it a run for its money.
My first time through Endgame successfully literally everyone but Xander+Charlotte and Corrin+Camilla (not S supported I just knew Camilla would be destroyed by those Bow Knights and made her ferry Corrin)
Fucking rip Selena dying to make Takumi waste a shield gauge
so you have no real criticism of the game? got it.
shit you got me
Aw man I forgot the best part: this is their battle theme and what they opened the Feh channel announcing book 3 with.
conquest is the only FE that made me stop to think in almost every map
>Moans and grunts from Mozu.
What did they mean by this?
I'm possibly in a minority but I kinda liked RD multiple party system for similar reasons. While some characters did get super fucked over (Tormod) I like how it encouraged you to at least use most the cast in some capacity as opposed to insta benching most the cast
My objective criticism of you is that you're an illiterate retard. Happy now?
i feel that. i was also annoyed at reccuring characters showing up in this game that you need dlc to explain
Then they fucked it by making the tower units extremely limited.
i dropped conquest at the c hapter where the water drained and the somewhat boring defense map turned into a really fucking boring flat plain where the enemies mindlessly charged to their deaths
i wish i could play the conquest you did. i found the maps tedious and annoying. i didnt really feel i was being challenged i just thought the characters kept getting themselves into stupid situations. maybe if conquest had better writing id be able to power through
And by making the Laguz royals more powerful than most, if not all, the units you've raised at that point
>can see her bones
why is this so lewd and why did i never know i needed this
It's genius.
Does it? I thought they tried to keep it as close to the original as possible which is why we still have the garbage witch ai
At least Odin/Leo and Xander/Laslow supports are absolutely golden
I just hate the grafics so much. compare 3 Book II's final Medius to 12's Medius, 12 looks like a joke by comparison
This, but Camilla.
It’s honestly impressive how truly terrible the DS games graphics are.
This is the console TWEWY is on
I actually haven't played FE 1 or 3 yet. I want to learn some. More Japanese and then play them in nihongo
I don't think it's been confirmed yet whether 3H uses Fates RN or not.
>where the enemies mindlessly charged to their deaths
objectively wrong, enemies are programed to ignore you if they can gun for the green square, pegasus knights ignore all the time you unless they have certain killblow in range, did you play on normal or something?
aren't the paralogues easiest when you do them as early as possible? the nina paralogue has some units equipped only with weapons they can use after they've promoted, and the soleil paralogue turns into a fucking nightmare if you try doing it late
depends entirely of when the child unit joins you
Didn't take you long to prove me right, god it feels good to be objectively correct
I recall Arthur's child having a really rough one but I got that one pretty early
Hot take, birthright is average and on quality of around FE7, maybe a little higher because of the QoL features, and certainly above FE8.
In fact the only thing worse than 8 is Revalation. Every time I see someone place something like 13 below it I disregard their opinion.
Yeah he’s pretty wrong but Kana’s has some nasty promoted enemies but if you can do a paralogue when Camilla or Xander is right out of the box that’s when they’re easiest.
Although late game had massive statbloat
you won this round, but it isnt over
I’d say the best time is about halfway into the game, no earlier than when you have takumi or Camilla. The one or two units that are always promoted will fuck your shit up otherwise. At least that my experience with the few paralogues I did super early on hard.
It also had that fucking wind map so no its still shit.
Shitter spotted.
I'm not wrong, try doing Sophie's and getting the rewards when you only have 6 units and no flyers
I skipped Revelation, how bad is it truly?
>Nohrians are still more popular than Hoshidans, even in nippon
Ah yes, the pleb filter map.
How do you even manage that before Camilla/Hinoka?
Didn't they get like three different fucking mangaka to write the separate paths, which is why the characterizations and shit break so much depending on which story you're on?
As truly terrible as everyone says
Not him but it’s by far my least favorite fire emblem, no contest.
>Anything but the worst game in the series
At least Gaiden had cool new ideas. What did FE8 bring to the table apart from Xxl00txX and "I don't pick fights I can't win!!!!!!!"
A shame, because the Hoshidans are the better characters. They're not as one-dimensional as the Nohrians.
The unit balance is unbelievably fucked. You get poor bastards like Odin join unpromoted at level 12 on chapter fucking 17.
>bruh just play it 6 times so you understand how the wind works and even then its still not a fun mechanic.
fuck off.
They got one and ended up with a 500 page script that had to be compressed into game form. I've heard from hearsay the Corrin wasn't in the script but slimedad was.
Basically everything but the gameplay.
Even then it's fine that it's braindead easy, makes meme runs with lesser used characters more fun.
It's the only legit bad Fire Emblem. It's the only one I couldn't finish from how bad it was.
Branching class promotions.
It was one guy who was supposed to write a short story for each route and apparently wrote way too fucking much.
It’s probablt why we have the fucking flame tribe stick out next to Wind tribe and Ice tribe doing nothing.
Also those fucking tribes and vague peace stuff
No, they got one to write two of the routes, and they ended up throwing half of it away in addition to adding random shit like Hinoka, Lilith, valla, my castle/children, etc. Whether or not the scrapped shit was any good is unknown, considering shit like gooron was in the original script.
FE8 is boring, unambitious, and has laughably poor gameplay and maps.
Because all Hoshidans have is sister bait Sakura and knockoff Tharja. If you like fluffy tail then Selkie but that's it. Ryoma is a manlet, Takumi is edge lord and Hanako is a shit tier tomboy with boring supports.
manage what, pairing silas before getting Camila? it's difficult but not impossible, basically you need to level up support on every map, use a seed of trust and do the DLC map with Chrom (I forget the name). I've done it though, wouldn't know about it otherwise
You can literally just press End Turn 6 times, observe how the wind moves, and proceed from there if you aren't a retard, a LTCfag, or a retarded LTCfag.
wind map is not that bad but fuck the people pretending is like on the top 3 because it made shitters mad, if they were more clear on how the wind skips chasms and which current is next then it would have been top tier
Birthright and revelations were shit. Conquest is the only good thing that came from fates.
Saizo, Kagero, Azama and Reina are like the only good non Royal Br Characters
>Only reason you don't like eating shit is because you're bad at it! Just git gud and you'll love eating shit just like me!
Conquest fans in a nutshell. If you think shit is an acquired taste rather than your taste being bad then maybe you're just retarded
what did you not like about 8?
Reina isn't even that good.
get gud Fates gives you a retarded amount of tools to play with
t. shitter
+ Oboro. I was surprised at how chill and reasonable she was, despite her intended gimmick.
paralogues definitely feel like suicide before getting camilla. i can't imagine doing arthur's or odin's or cyrus's without her. she can actually tear through most of arthur's right after chapter 10 if you give her a good pair up.
the stat bloat paralogues get later in a run is a real dick move considering how few options there are to build supports
Eh her two Corrin supports are nice, she gets a different one for Male and Female Corrin like all(?) Corrinsexuals
Her Silas Support is good too It has a cute S support as well
Okay, you got me there. But that's pretty inconsequential and the only other games it was used for were Awakening and Fates.
>The game has to be easy to be fun
Why would you have more fun if it's brain dead? I bet you wait until level 20 to promote, too.
CQ isn't my favorite but, gitgud shitter, or maybe play on normal casual which is made for babies like you
Better brush your teeth after swallowing all that excrement
ain't that from Gaiden? I never played it or its remake so I wouldn't know
I never said that.
I said it's fun because it's easier to meme around it.
Not that it's not fun to have a hard game.
Can't Hana literally not damage any of the units in the chapter that she joins in Rev? That should say everything about how shit the game is.
Because anyone would think to do that the first time they play a map right? Just end turn 6 times?
Those are my main problems with it, the mechanics of the map really just weren't explained well enough. You are almost guaranteed to get fucked the first time you play it.
another day on Yea Forums another shit eating metaphor, I'm genuinely sorry you got filtered
I got 5 (You)s in like a minute, I'm not the one seething here
But like other anons have said, the game was wholly unamibitious and it barely brought anything new to the series. The maps are boring, the story is semi interesting (Eirika and Ephraim are among the worst lords), and the cast is forgettable or Awakening/Fates-tier memelords.
The only branching promotion in gaiden is the villager class. Otherwise solider->knight->baron in every situation, myrm->hero-dread fighter, etc
>bitches about the wind and how it can screw you over
>"What do you mean I shouldn't take a moment to actually think and observe it? Why would I ever take my time instead of trying to win immediately?"
It's just so boring, I could feel my eyes glaze over. The story is boring and has no hook, so there's nothing to engage on that front. The gameplay is so boring and basic that no critical thought process has to be put in at all, so there's nothing to engage in on that front either.
What? FE8 has great map design. The maps aren't the problem it's the lack of difficulty.
i miss path of radiance
you can also use my castle battles to grind up support points but i believe that to reach the actual support convo you need to advance one map
Hana can’t, the most fucked up part about it is they went out of their way to LOWER her base stats despite joining later at the same level despite everything else being scaled for an over leveled Corrin. The only characters I can honestly remember being leveled properly for rev was Silas and hayato. I can’t rember If they changed the royals at all but I remember the little sisters being underwhelming, hinoka mediocre and the older brothers as good as always.
Three Houses is straight up better than "Cut Content of Radiance"
>and maps.
8's maps are fine, it's the piss easy enemies and walking gods like Seth that fuck them.
birthright was basically fe8 quality, lets be real. and it had a ton of good gameplay/combat mechanics
>path of canto
Why is it so fucking overrated?
>birthright was basically fe8 quality, lets be real.
Birthright is worse in pretty much all regards.
Seth doesn't walk :^)
iirc Setsuna and Azama also come extremely underleveled in Revelations, and I'm pretty sure most of the other retainers have similar issues. They really wanted you to use the Royals in that route.
Based on mechanics like debuffs alone BR is already better than SS
>tfw always pair up authur and effie for the str buff
>they always have their child super early and i get a third flier for early game
Eh it was the first game with a post game
Route split for replay
Trainee units (lol)
Map design is good if not for the weak enemies
Birthright has objectively better game
But 3H has Canto too.
true, there's also an Invasion that I was forgetting. along with, if you've managed to get it, Dwyer or Kana's paralogue
in my opinion it executed FE pretty well and had a kind of story we haven't seen much of in FE as well as being generally well written and having a great atmosphere.
modern FE is like icarus in that they reach so far and want to try so much but for me they fail to deliver on the basic things i come to FE for.
PoR is really comfy and fun for me. I could replay it over and over forever
Birthright can be challenging later on if you abstain from using Ryoma
On the other hand, Ryoma can solo half the maps later on in BR if you do use hiim.
>Not liking Orochi
Even though PoR is my favorite FE, 3H was a return to form. I'd put it up there close to PoR.
they should have visualized how units move under the effects of wind so that you didnt have to count tiles. i still cant remember if the enemies get moved when you dragon vein and i just played the game 6 months ago
Eeehhhhhhhhh. They're about equal, but I'd honestly put Birthright higher because the replayability is significantly better.
iirc only the enemies move if you dv
>yes you should know when you play it that it loops on a 6 turn timer and the number of spaces that the wind moves units, and that if there aren't 5 tiles then they get pushed across the gap.
Maybe if the game ever told you any of this the map wouldn't be as hated as it is. It seems totally random when you first play the map and you can't just stand there wasting turns because most of the enemies have seal skills so you are required to take them out as soon as possible.
I really think PoR did a shit job gameplay wise unless you played the original japanese version first with half bonus exp and actual difficulty. The characters are pretty rushed along, which shows even more in radiant dawn and the fact there are so many cut boss conversations supports and a lot of other cut shit from both games
>Based on mechanics like debuffs alone BR is already better than SS
In terms of core gameplay mechanics? Sure, BR is more complex than 8. In terms of what that translates into for gameplay? BR is nearly as simple to break as 8.
Hinoka got nerfed and becomes fodder for Xander or Leo, Elise is at too low of a level for her join time, Sakura was always mediocre generally, Leo would struggle more if he didn’t get access to amazing tools like Hoshidan times and Hoshidan speed pair ups (and enemy res)
Hayato is literally the only character that is defintely buffed since is OG route. Silas is questionable compared to his BR join early vs coming later but is the strongest non promoted recruit in all routes so that’s cool. Saizo isn’t S Tier anymore either
The enemies don't move when the wind blows 'naturally', but will get pushed if you use a dragon vein iirc
Your units will always get pushed 10 tiles away unless they end up over a pit without a flying mount.
BR23 is far harder than any chapter in SS
>To war at Grondor was fucking awesome does anything in the black eagles hit this hard?
No. The empire route was shorhorned in to please edelfags.
I haven't finished 3H yet user but I chose BL and I am enjoying it more. Maybe its the return to form aspect thats making me wax nostalgic for PoR when I play it. Its a different kind of yearning for PoR than what i felt during fates. I'm enjoying the BL so far user. I just got to the part where the main character's hair color changed.
Although I wish MU weren't a part of the series. I think it limits the writers more than it helps them and i have no interest in self inserts
What the fuck, is this actual ingame OST?
To be fair, ALL of the ninjas in Fates are S tier
Most of the enemies on the map don't even move until you get in range, you can definitely around to sit around at spawn and watch the map for a while. They should have indicated how many spaces the wind moves you though.
Phantom ship?
Although that map does have the bandaid solution of “low man with Seth, Dussel and promoted Cav”
the "girls" in three houses are the absolute ugliest group of hoes FE has ever had
Go back to playing fag, BL gets really good after the timeskip.
I'm talking about PoR not RD so I don't much care about going into RD.
I think PoR did a better job of having a difficulty curve. Even when I replay it I feel I have to pause more even if its just to consider how risky I want to be. modern FE goes from a kinda easy beginning to rapidly being trivial which I dont find nearly as engaging. I also like the more down to earth character designs and personalities of PoR
>tfw never had a good ninja in my 2 runs each of Lunatic BR and CQ
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but Kaze and his red brother have always been pretty weak for me.
You have Ephraim, Duessel, Tana, and Cormag. That chapter is easy.
At least in this game they give you enough clues to point to why your character is a stitled mute.
>I'd honestly put Birthright higher because the replayability is significantly better.
Because of eugenics or something? Personally I don't really find kids to be that big of an incentive to replay the game.
i find lost items stuff tedious but im too autistic to just not do them :(
comes down to whether you get STR screwed
i really enjoyed the branching stories and the villains in the game but to each their own.
I'm almost convinced CQ is designed around support grinding, things like the chapter for Benny's kid are complete bullshit if you wait long enough for him to naturally S rank without it.
Eh Cormag gets messed up by the magic attacks even with a pure water and your fliers can’t take multiple rounds
Not him, but Fates in general just seemed to have really good replay value. Second seals really help with that.
Ghost ship is a very physical heavy map, which is what Cormag is great for. Use Tana/Vanessa for the eyes and you're set.
Not even eugenics, just the amount of class swap shenanigans you get access to via friend Seals and lover Seals.
My favorite part about conquest discussions is the Schrodinger's Difficulty that the game has going on. It can be both very simple and mind-blowingly hard at the same time somehow. Everyone sucks at it but it is also so perfectly made it's impossible to be bad at it unless you try. Of course anybody who doesn't like the game must have issues completing it, there can't be any other explanation.
>They should have indicated how many spaces the wind moves you though.
Yeah the main problem is lack of information on the mechanics of the map, since fucking up positioning in the wind once can put a unit in the range of like 6 enemies. Its pretty interesting when you know how it works but a player's first impression will almost always be that the map is bullshit.
Ignatius is literally the worst kid with the worst paralogue don’t bother
>Not him, but Fates in general just seemed to have really good replay value.
I wouldn't say 8 is lacking in replay value either though. Hell, the core game design literally wants you to play through the game at least twice, and it has branching promotions as well. Branching promotions may not be as flexible as seals but it's still a good incentive in my mind.
>choose Eirika
>don't get Ghost Ship
>get Conquest tier writing instead
Can we talk about how Eirika even more retarded than Azura and Xander?
It’s going to make children a bitch when servers go down. I’ll also be sad to lose shit like the suicide sword, horse tome and extra dragonstone+s.
por maniac mode is an absolute shitshow and im surprised people even defend it. just watch the mangs playthrough if you want to see how stupid that game gets.
Fates has a retarded amount of tools at your disposal between tonics/forges/pair ups so it’s always manageable but if you don’t understand hoe the game really works your just struggle and write off a lot of it.
>even more retarded than Azura and Xander
Eirika is a naive bitch but Azura gave us the orb of truth and magic chairs as plot points.
When should I be promoting units in general in CQ?
What if Sakura was a part of Nohr?
I would say for Conquest probably try to wait for 20 unless you need the stat boost. 3DS stat caps are too high for you to ever reach before promoting.
god it pisses me off that there's probably no end of life plan for this game. there's probably not even a good way to cheat support ranks or the bonus items and weapons either
kaze really needs str to be good in cq lunatic. otherwise hes just good chip with poison strike + debuffs. iirc ninja pair up bonuses are insane like 3 speed 1 move and some other stuff so they atleast can make good thieves incase you dont use niles.
Honestly I never thought of Eirika as being poorly written there (aka Celica) because Eirika was literally told it was possible to break free of possessions and was someone that just didn’t want to lose anyone else anymore after harboring a lot of guilt and grief from losing her home, worrying about her brother and still feeling responsible for Seth’s wound.
Kill yourself, Fates will forever be bashed and hated by this community, and so will you
Orb of truth isn't even the worst thing. You know what'd happen if she showed it to the other royals? They'd accuse her of high treason and attempting to use magic to turn them against their dad.
Leo having a magical 2 way ticket for Corrin's entire army to go to the rainbow sage in BR is much worse than the orb.
fuck is wrong with you?
I liked Oboro
Corrin wait until 20, otherwise early promote. Royals generally outclass other units so might as well maximize your use out of other units.
Also Elise/Effie/Arthur die sure like early promotions for all different reasons
If a character only has like 2 or 3 stats they typically gain(eg Elise) I promote them as soon as they cap one and the others aren’t screwed.
at the very least m!kana is 10/10 shota bait material. would mating press
DLC of course!
so you think not only that fates has good writing, but better writing than the rest of the series
Leo's vacation isn't even that bad. Sure, it's an asspull, but it's not overly offensive like the mirror.
>129 autists bump a post about a 10 year old game with shit writing having good writing to 452 posts arguing about how other games in the series are better than other games in the series
How do I get biceps like that
Then she would be dolled up like Elise. Cute petite girls get thrown into the toy house where they belong while women with actually tits and ass are put to work.
Based retard
B-but I thought CQ had good gameplay? This can't be happening Nohrbros
Hey man, some of us are only here to trigger touchy conquestfags
>finished Awakening yesterday. Really liked it.
>people warn me not to get Fates because its story is shit or whatever
>don't really care, it's not like Awakening's story was good either.
>buy birthright 3 hours ago
>start up
>no japanese dub. Only english
And fucking dropped. Holy shit what the fuck were they thinking, This is the real reason nobody liked this shit right? Fucking jap cunts, fucking nintendo jewdogs
FUCK. I'm buying a switch and Three Houses tomorrow i guess. I really wanted to play fates too.
just get citra and a japanese birthright
>not downloading the fan translation.
>buying a 3ds game in the first place
well... the writing isn't what's bad. it's the rewrites that Treehouse did. And they continue to do it every game but nintendo fanboys eat it up despite how shitty the rewrites are. I blame the nintendo fanboys for defending this shit every time.
They should be more like the Falcom fans. Falcom fans got angry and tore Nisa a new asshole for fucking up the translations of Ys VIII until Falcom forced Nisa to fix it. That's how nintendo fanboys should act. Too bad nintendo fanboys are all beta cucks that eat up whatever Treehouse force feeds them.
People were super pissed when they announced no dual audio and after when they found out the games had cut content and botched translations.
> nintendo hires different translation groups to translation shit into english for whatever dumb money wasting reason
The story is bad in Japanese too, the Treehouse rewrites just make it even worse.
Nigger people were fucking mad about Fates' translation
> NA continues to get cucked with censorship
You can retranslate Tharja all you want and she'd still be a shit stained character.
Post your obscure FE waifu
both of those are stupid for different reasons
People were livid at treehouses changes though. The problem is that removing the "creepy" petting game and swimsuits got too much outside support for treehouse and the narrative shifted from not wanting a shit localization to "you wanted to rub Elise's face? What are you, a pedo?"
Fates did have bad writting, but anyone who rates a game based on the story is giant faggot that should be gassed.
Conquest is the best game on the franchise
I'll just leave this here.
even saul wouldnt tap that
My wife is from Fates and thus not obscure.
Nah fuck him.
If he deserved anything he would have stayed in Awakening like the good children
I love how it's one person trying to disagree with you by samefagging four times.
The only thing Fates has on 3H is Camilla and Elise and everyone else is forgettable.
>Talking about boingy bits not ok in Europe.
>Showing actual boingy bits is fine though.
The duality of man. Or just stupid incoherent censoring.
what the fuck? why did they remove such a cool dialogue?
>the narrative shifted from not wanting a shit localization to "you wanted to rub Elise's face? What are you, a pedo?
Yeah pretty much, I remember people didn't actually care that the petting game was cut specifically, just that anything was cut. People actually cared about the shit translations, just look at the translated Saizo and Beruka conversation that is literally 4 lines of "...." when the original was an actual conversation.
Holy shit this is bad
I agree that it needed more varied maps but some of.the paralogues are decently hard. Especially Marianne's
Treehouse doesn't actually know japanese, they just use google translate and rewrites for everything.
>delusional Fatesfags thinking people would like their game if no content was cut and the localization was 1:1
Peak comedy. Glad we can still laugh about it in a post-FE16 era
Peri is great because all she wants to do is kill everyone and everyone in Fates deserves death so we have that in common
Marcia isn’t too obscure
Just wait until thehoneymoon is over and people realize pretime skip is basically the lynmode of three houses. People will revisit this game for lunatic mode and then never again.
>Apart from Sarya / Tharja being legit the worst character
Mad cause small tits
Unbelievably based and crackerpilled
I like how the dude was literally shaking about this.
Nobody is saying that though? The original story is still trash and never even names the continent it takes place on. The shit plot also doesn't change that Revelation is a dumpster fire of a game either.
Lynmode was decent in hard mode because no tutorial and it wasn't 20 hours long thanks to the monastery retardation
Like all other dialogue in the game, they didn't actually translate anything at all. They rewrote everything because they didn't know japanese. They're company is a total sham that leeches off the higher ups of Nintendo.
Nintendo HQ all the way in Japan doesn't know or give a shit about their localization or translation. They just let Treehouse take care of all that instead of watching over anything. They really don't care much for their western version as long as they keep making money. It's really up to the fans to make a big stink about it, but when fans do, it gets covered up or censored with bans and shit. Even gaming news outlet are in on the bannings and censorship of any outrage.
She was cute, too bad she was stuck in Fates
What am I coping with? I'm agreeing with you that fates would be shit even with a good localization.
>sex doing damage
>health bars
this is my fetish
Dumbass, they're sitting in the bamboo trap.
Bump limit
What kind of interns did they pick to work on Fates? Awakening was 8-4 but that one also had some bullshit in it.
whoa there bud the mechanics for team up and weapons were top notch. even now i'm both on the fence and in defense of adding magic, bows, and daggers to the weapon triangle. the changes to weapons are the dumbest smartest shake up ever. we probably wont see them outside of fates but its 3 whole games to enjoy with that so long as you skip the story segments.
Good thread everybody, glad we all could agree that conquest is overrated and people who defend it haven't played the rest of the series and think waifus matter more than gameplay.
Epic post from an epic poster.
> interns
They don't have actual translators or interns. It's all run by leftist sjws.
Git gud
shit I laughed way more at this then I should have well done user whether you made it or just reposted it.
You can clearly see the bath towel in the menu in the bottom image, who made this shit?
Are you stupid?
in america we call this barrier . . . an ocean
For people wirh good comprehension, you'd notice that the bath towel is only on top, while the bottom has the bath towl and other suits.
hey fuck you! I agree the writing was terrible but the gameplay mechanics are fucking great despite only one of the three games being worth playing. Suck a dick conquest really is that good and its unbelievable how badly they shit the bed with birthrights. I'm afraid to play revelations maybe one day in the far flung future.
Revelations is noble spam thanks to how shitty the unit balance is and the maps are boring. Just skip it.
I'm willing to give this one a pass. Japanese is boring and generic as fuck (then again, we are talking about Kanna). English is just a retarded kid saying a retarded thing.
>the maps are boring
The maps are anything but boring, they're annoying which is even worse
You mean referencing a meme image from like two decades ago