We’re doing it Yea Forums, we are moving into a mansion. Together

We’re doing it Yea Forums, we are moving into a mansion. Together.

What would it be like?

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>It's another "i'm forced to buy groceries" episode
You fucks better help me bring this shit inside or i'm keeping all the food.

Biggest LAN party world record BABYYY. We could have weekly rotations of all of those dead games

I imagine most of you would actually be pretty insufferable to live with.

Need to make sure we budget enough for lube and tissues. Thankfully we can skip the condoms, all of us are virgins after all.

I can cook for a fair amount of Yea Forums, excluding vegans because I like cooking meat.

What's a lan party gramps?
Can I play fortnite?

Each section of the mansion would be split to allow consolekiddies to stay separate so they don't murder each other at night

I'd live there so that I can have /o/ slowly infiltrate the mansion. Soon, the front yard will be riddled with Miatas, $3k civics with a few simple mods, and AE86s.

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I would murder all of you in your sleeps. Sorry.

nah dude i got a bunch of weed, we can blaze then go get some taco bell and then go to some sewer under the city to hang out and paint graffiti

>sperging and fighting about videogames
>jerk off baiting everywhere
>pee pee poo poo

Not sure.

I would volunteer to do a lot of the cleaning, because I'm good at it. I'd also love to set up multiplayer game nights with Smash, Halo 1-3 and Reach, etc.

If any of you guys want to hike or go biking I'm down.

i'm gonna fuck a new girl every day on the xbox couch so that you faggots know your place under the BOOT OF THE PC MASTER RACE

>vegans on Yea Forums
I don't think that's possible. Btw I hope you can prepare some good equine meat, that's my favorite.

Living with Yea Forums would make me go outside for the first time in years.

>outside the /smash/basement

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I'd invest in febreeze and put on some air fresheners.

we should cook the vegans first though.

Ugh hanging out with girls all the time, no thanks.


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>vegans on Yea Forums
impossible, just look at the catalogue, everyone here is sucking fat meat in almost every post

This has nothing to do with video games you pathetic fucks.

Get some real friends instead of using the internet as a replacement for social interaction.

I’d invest in hermetic sealant and lock them in.

Nice projection

I know damn well a bunch of you are cringey weebs. Idk if i could stand hearing nani and other weebspeak all day.


>Implying you wouldn't hear "cringe" "onions" "cuck" "based" "redpilled" and ""
I'd rather have weeb speak

Anyone wanna play spic tenkaichi 3 mods?
Also, can you please throw away your poop socks instead of leaving them lying around? House is starting to stink.


I’d take japanese spamming twats over literally anything that harbors this shithole, except trannies.

sorry my room is full already

Network En/g/ineer here,
Anons stop ddosing the network or attempting to I'm just blocking your switchports. And whoever keeps thinking the wifi password is 0P1z@fAgG0+ you're missing the ! at the end of it.

My TV only supports alphanumeric characters for passwords. Any chance you could change it? I'll let everyone know what the new one is

Boring. Everyone would be a weirdo shut-in and never leave their rooms, with the occasional painfully awkward interaction when the odors start bothering the neighbors.

What about anime night?

We all dress up like different characters and go nya at each other while whatever seasonal garbage is playing in the background
I'll be Doc

>Autistic spergs arguing 24/7
>Trannies being present
>Tripping over piss bottles in the middle of the night
>No one can cook anything other than tendies
>Monster™ ultra flow out of the fridge
>Half the household would be too socially awkward to carry on a conversation
>That smelly smell that smells smelly

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Everyone inside and all settled in?

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Okay. I'll dress up in a Kuromorimine outfit. I hope someone else dresses in an Oarai outfit so we can wrestle as if we were doing tank battles!

I'll rent my room on Airbnb

I hope you guys don't mind Ms Karen and her two children.

Who wants to hotbox and then play party games with me?

>implying some of sleep at the same time

Not me, unless you can't stand the smell of stale cum

You get that monster garbage out of my sight. I’m not some weak willed niggerfaggot who fell for this poor attempt at viral marketing.
>inb4 it wasn’t even paid marketing
Even worse.