What has gaming come to?

What has gaming come to?

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Its not just gaming its everything, clown world is here and has been on the way for some time.


>two threads with the exact same op image
Fuck you faggot sensationalist shills.

Why are we letting a group of people that makes up less than .5% of the total human population dictate what we can and can't do in a fucking video game?


>supporting Gearbox
anyone who does this deserves to get robbed of their preorder money

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how come the gearbox guy on stage presenting borderlands 3 at gamescom referred to him as he?

Name 1 dev forums that aren't extremely moderated or shitty




It's a machine which makes it an even lower lifeform than a tranny

I'm pretty sure it's at least three by now. Likely more.

Probably because the people who actually worked on the game aren't a bunch of hot pockets moderating a forum for free where the average IQ is like 87.

>will result in a ban on the account on the official Borderlands 3.
Did someone really edit this to remove "forums" at the end of the sentence? You could have at least make it sound better grammatically.

Yes, please tell me what my level of participation is for your self image.

Because it's always the "creatives" who cook this shit up while the actual programmers and designers are the ones who have to keep up with whatever bullshit their PR concocts.

It's a ban from the game too. The account is linked.


>It's a ban from the game too.
It's not


got a source for that buddy?



At least the robot probably isn't a pedo. Trannys need to go.

>ban on the account of the Borderlands 3

Nice fake image, ESL.


He quickly censored himself, like a good goy.

if they really wanted to send a message they would ban people from the game for "misgendering" so this is just stupid nonsense

Clown World has been here since human civilization began. It started with religion, and now it's so much more interesting:
People want to marry cartoons; sell piss and bathwater; chop their genitals off and demand the government pay for it; furrys decapitate dogs and fuck their severed skulls; streaming videogames is a profession; the president is a reality TV show host and steak salesmen; you can lose your job for making slurs like nigger and faggot; every week an American virgin shoots up a Walmart because he can't get laid; a massive pedophile ring was uncovered and its main operator was assassinated by Mossad. It's truly a glorious age to live in.

It's not an edit

Based I hope they fuck over all the culture warriors that sperg out over this.

Publishers trying to make themselves look more political by creating fiction.


He looks like a man, then he is a man.

I'll be sure to misgender the fucking ROBOT when I pay 10 bucks to steam in a year when the GOTY edition launches

>Unlike you snowflakes I'm not so easily trigger lmao

/pol/fags BTFO yet again by based progressives

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>use someone's forums
>break their rules
>get banned
I dont see the issue.


Because it’s PR the people who actually care made him as a manbot but probably doesn’t care if turn it into a they/them


Wouldn't it make more sense to call him "they" if his animal pets were ALSO robots?

How about IT?

It's ok though, it's their own product, and everyone is a libertarian apparently so there's no problem with that.

you get banned on the game too you simpleton

Don’t forget their suicide rates lmao

so bl is all of gaming

>FL4K is officially referred as "he" in the french version of the game because "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun doesn't exist in french

what now fuckers

Sauce? The only proof anyone has shared is a forum moderator who never mentions the game and explicitly mentions the forums.


It became mainstream and no longer for dorks besides it portraying gamyers as violent incels and got taken over by big companies trying to push certain agendas, politics, and fill diversity roles or whatever which come before actually making a game and also a ton of cutscenes so it’s more movie like because normalfags luv movies and making them easy as possible so brain dead retards can beat them

This industry has been a joke since 2011.

I don't get it

You have to be retarded to make this post unironically. If you really don't see the difference of being a mentally ill tranny pushing your sick way of thinking onto others and someone who doesn't want his rights taken from them in such a pathetic way, then you should dilate.


who cares

Does Gearbox really think *those* people will buy or spend money for their games for tripe like this as a PR gimmick?

>Dragon Age 2
>LA Noire
>Saints Row 3
>Battlefield 3
>Modern Warfare 3
>Skyward Sword
>Uncharted 3
>all recieve massive sales and critical acclaim despite being trash
2011 was the year I really stopped trusting game publishers and journos. Last entirely good year in gaming was probably... 2007. 2017 had some good JP games but that was more like a fluke than anything.

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What rights are affected on a private companies forums?


Yeah man, the actions of fucking GEARBOX is indicative of the status of the industry as a whole. They've always been known to be level-headed individuals.

Your feelings arent more important than property rights commiefag

>What has Western gaming come to?


Eastern gaming is slowly being forced to bow to their Western gaming overlords.

>property rights
If I buy the game, I'm not purchasing it to play it, I'm purchasing it to own it. So whose the real commie here, snowflake?

>private companies forums
This retarded argument again. When it's a small private bakery that makes wedding cakes, not wanting to make cakes for gays, it's VIOLATION OF BASIC RULES.
When it's a private company's forum and it bans for something puny as calling a male looking character a male, it's of course all good, because retarded tranies fee fees may get hurt.

what was wrong with skyward sword
i pretty much forget about it since nobody mentions it

1. Read 2. Dilate
3. Kill your entire family so that they don't procreate anymore
4. Kill yourself

>this robot doesn't identify as male or female, isn't that so progressive?
No because IT'S A FUCKING ROBOT and it doesn't have a gender to begin with
It is a thing with no sexual characteristics

This has nothing to do with you getting banned from gearboxs forums retard

>When it's a small private bakery that makes wedding cakes, not wanting to make cakes for gays
But this is okay too. You're probably happy that it happens so why are you mad about this?

Another reason to pirate the game instead.

>what was wrong with skyward sword

Yea Forumsirgins are too fat to move their arms for more than a few minutes.

>this unrelated strawman
Why are you making up my stance on the bakery shit? They absolutely shouldn't have had to do anything for the fags. You're admitting you're as hysterical and anti-liberty as those fags btw

Wouldn't a robot not be called "They", but "It" since it's not organic?

Think harder retard.

I read it, hes retarded and making up a bogeyman because he knows hes wrong and a closet commie.

Still don't see what buying the game has to do with Gearbox forums for the game


Nobody is going to come to your home and take the game away because you got banned from a message board.

I still don't see why a fictional character in a game I physically purchased and own legally can be used on their forum if not referred to by a fictional gender identity as if its relevant. Or the fact Hate Speech doesn't exist in the US constitution.

>But this is okay too.
>They absolutely shouldn't have had to do anything for the fags
Well, not according to our TOTALLY NOT LEFT LEANING judicial system. The owner of said bakery was found guilty of whatever retarded law they made up in last 5 years because it hurt someone's fee fees.
Also, the example of said bakery is perfect, because they didn't make any deal with those fags. They simply told them they are not getting a cake from them. No deal was made.
When you make an account on a private forum you actually sign a deal that prohibits both sides from breaking it. Unless it was stated in said deal, that this ridiculous law exists, they have no right to ban people from it, OR they should face consequences for banning right of free speech.


You know what's funny?
The same crowd that wants to push this genderless language shit are also the same crowd who wants to throw open borders and let as many central and south americans in as possible into the US.
Which is interesting because I guess they don't know that Spanish, as a language, has built in gender assignments for EVERYTHING including inanimate objects and actions.
I'm pretty sure plenty of other languages have that same sort of gendering scheme to their language as well. English kind of stands out as being gender neutral for the most part.

I wonder if the end goal is to have an underclass that is gendered and an upperclass that is genderless.

What the fuck is the point you're trying to get across in that word salad? You bought the game so you dont have to follow the rules on their forum? Think harder before you speak ESL.

You agree to their rules when you make an account on the forum you doublenigger

>violation of rules
>concerning hate speech
Lmao, every single time someone has brought a case before the US Supreme Court involving first amendment rights and tried to contest it regarding "hateful" speech, its been thrown out. Isn't Gearbox a US company? Are they retarded?

Yea Forums, how do we SAVE vidya?

I'm sorry to tell you this but those same people trying to force private companies to serve customers in capacities they don't want to serve them will also turn around and scream "PRIVATE COMPANY CAN BAN WHO THEY WANT" when it comes to censorship.
It's almost as if the end goal is all that matters and not consistency of ideology.

Chill out Randy, no one cares about your quest for self-validation with SJWs just because your still in that court case about having pedoshit on your flash drive.

Freedom of speech doesnt apply to internet forums idiot.


Borderlands has always been a LE WACKY CRAZY shooter in a wasteland full of tumblr tier characters
Just dont pay for this shit if you can't be bothered not to play the same soulless FPS that they've already made several games of in one generation

Then why is twitter and youtube/google getting buttfucked in Congress in an ongoing investigation to first amendment violations?

I accept your defeat commiefag

If calling an in-game character "he" gets you banned and it's not in their rules, this is not a rule and is an attack on free speech. Deflect this more, maybe it will make your point correct. Oh wait... it won't, so just hang yourself.

They just aim at the complete deconstruction of everything traditional and natural, only then can you have perfect consumers because any sense of meaning and identity they will try to derive from the shit they buy.

Stop giving money to retarded companies

I accept your concession, commiefag.

the way steven seagal is holding that rifle is making me angry

It is in their rules though

It's show boating to make normies think Congress is going to punish them, but Congress has been bought out by those companies for a while now

Ban all the French.

Not wanting to buy something doesn't make you a commie, you jackass.

Stop supporting western gaming.

Demanding your feelings override property rights does

Not from the game. From the official forums nobody in their right minds would use.

>show boating
>Google/YouTube is going to get federally audited and regulated due to numerous leaks of internalized censorship and admitted intention of political interference in upcoming elections
>Twitter flaunts US domestic laws
You are tinfoiling a bit there my dude. There is huge bipartisan support for knocking down Facebook and Google/YouTube in particular several pegs and even treating them as monopolies and thus having them broken up. It can happen because right now, these tech companies have no sway in congress and bad PR.

>hey this is a neat puzzle
>shame if I...... told you how to beat it every time, twenty times per dungeon

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>What has gaming come to

It’ hasn’t changed that much besides technological progress and themes, it’s still the gay meme hobby for lobotomized retards it’s always been.

>bipartisan support
Where? Only ones who care are republicans because they're the ones getting banned and silenced.
Dems dont give a shit because they're convinced flooding the country with illegals and silencing dissent will win them the election

Will I get banned for referring to FL4K as 'she/her'?

No it doesn't. Are you retarded? Do you even know what communism is?

You only buy things that you will enjoy and that doesn't make up for lackluster development with SOCIAL JUSTICE!!! bullshit.
Basically just avoid AAA western games.
Indie games can still be pretty ok so long as it's a game and not a walking simulator.
You can't save games but you can at least save yourself and only engage in that which you'll enjoy.

This isn't to say that this stuff can't be in games but there is a clear difference between when it's something relevant to the game and when it's just there for rainbow points and to deflect criticisms.

tl;dr just avoid games and game devs/publishers that like to play "Hide behind the gays" or "hide behind the browns" in any capacity. You will have a much better life.

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she's only annoying because she spells it out in words
3D Zelda's have always been notorious for handholding
Someone has to have that webm of WW in the final dungeon literally spelling out how to solve that puzzle
You guys know the one

Western gaming is on life support

>any sense of meaning and identity they will try to derive from the shit they buy.
Hmmm...I suppose that makes sense.
Nothing is a hobby anymore. It's a culture or a community.
God damn.

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>only referrers to some gay ass forum you should have no business being on in the first place.
Yet another clickbait outrage thread by Yea Forums. Literally the only time I hear about this shit is when Yea Forums mentions it.

Disrespectful pricks not welcome! Yea Forums BTFO forever!

It's borderlands they know there game is shit so they just pull dumb shit to create controversy so people remember they exist



>do a bad thing
>get punished
Woah... Unbelievable...

>It's a culture or a community
You even see it with transgenderism itself and how they're pushing it, it's peak consumerism, you don't just buy a product or even an identity based around a franchise, you buy a new persona entirely.

Also, I love that art, who's the author?

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I thought you guys were inmune to journos sensationalism.

Fortnite killed this game

Said who?

don't know. grabbed them from the wallpaper boards here.

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gaming is fine since i pirate, im sure HE wont mind.

How long will it be till it's so widespread that every single game will enforce this sort of nonsense to the point where you can't say anything at all?

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It doesn't exist in English either. The correct pronoun is "it".

the only thing that should be bannable to refer to as anything besides an 'it' is Randy Pitchford.

Reminder that there is nothing more BADASS than sucking another womans dick.

There's already a bunch of games where typing messages is impossible and you can only send pre-set ones and emotes.
Until you send the wrong one too many times and get banned anyway.

At this point extinction would be a mercy. I'll enjoy watching the world fall to pieces once the whites have been effectively exterminated though.

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I'm free to say whatever I feel like. It's not my fucking fault that you're such a homophobe.

You were almost there. It's the underclass that will be genderless and the overlords that will still be allowed to have genders. That way the underclass, whose unskilled positions are being taken over by machines anyway, can be quietly liquidated without the horror of full on extermination.


We just need more cats like this.

tell me this isn't real...
treated like an actual child...
I'm not sure about that. The working class people really aren't on board with all of this shit. Barely even tolerate it. The third world being imported definitely doesn't jive well with it.

In the Senate. Both Cruz and Warren are leading the charge against Google.

Cruz is a slimeball

Ted is the people's hero.

Just pirate it
They can't ban you if you pirate the game.

they can still send goons to your house

>claptraps are referred to as male
>it's a box on a wheel
>FL4K is an "it"
>it's a fully humanoid, masculine, broad shouldered robot

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isn't that the same in Spanish, Italian and basically all latin languages too? Plus even though I'm not a native speaker, I always thought they was used to designate multiple people, using "it" for an undetermined entity. I mean that robot is a singular entity and yet you use "are" ?

You realize this is just an elaborate troll by the devs, right? Their intent is to ban /pol/ faggots, making a dumb move like this is just a way to get you morons to expose your power levels.

Hello Jessica Yaniv

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Of course it isn't real you absolute mongoloid.

Who else here is a based alpha gamer?

>Doesn't care about the politics, policy or drama behind the scenes
>Doesn't let influencers influence him for good or worse
>Only deciding factor in buying a game is whether or not its a good game
>Isn't poor and doesn't resort to pirating, but might honestly test the game out first to make sure

Theres a difference between being offended and thinking someone is acting silly.

Daily reminder that if you buy a game from these fucktards you have no right to complain later.

>broad shoulders are "masculine"
This is post is transphobic and literally rape and harassment. There is no such thing as biological gender, to imply otherwise is hate speech. How DARE you?

We need a world wide revolution.


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Complain about what? I care about nothing but the game itself.

That's a huge insult to machines. Take it back you fag.

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When was this made?


Why do conservacucks hate capitalism so much

Kinda glad actually. Perfect valid excuse as to why I didn't buy this piece of shit. I always thought Borderlands was boring as fuck.

Literally look outside you dumbass

Who cares about Borderlands after 2?