Why doesn't Valve immediately ban cringy weeb profiles?
Why doesn't Valve immediately ban cringy weeb profiles?
Because it doesn't violate any rules.
>Why doesn't Valve immediately ban cringy weeb profiles?
Because luckily valve doesnt give a single shit whats happening on their platform.
We are allowed to do everything you can imagine there, but you obviously get triggered by a random retard with a weeb pic, instead of mocking them, you post on 4channel
Because you are a crybabie zoomie faggot so check this 5
>UGH these incels don't even realize how fucking problematic their chink cartoons are
>like what the fuck... I just... ugh, no...
>valve banning weeb profiles
>by the way guys be sure to pre order asagi's game
Explain in under 100 characters how or why this matters or affects you at all
Posting wojaks outside of Yea Forums should be a bannable offense
>Posting wojaks outside of Yea Forums should be a bannable offense
Why do zoomer get triggered by anime pics btw?
add me up losers
>Posting wojaks outside of Yea Forums should be a bannable offense
But then /pol/ would be crippled
not your personal army
if you hate anime so much why don't you fuck off and go to reddit? I don't walk into your favorite gay bar and bitch about all the homos stinking up the place, so why do you come to our anime site to whine about anime?
People are afraid of what they don't understand
/biz/ would instantly implode
Well, implode more than usual. Wojaks are heavily integrated in their board culture.
But yeah I agree about making it a bannable offense on Yea Forums
>where were you when the wojack crash of 2019 happened
>Summertime Saga
>Anime avis living rent free in your head
bazuotas ir raudonpiliuliuotas
>watching CSGO tournament
>they spectate a player with a smug anime profile picture
10/10 amazing moment
Fucking subhuman. t. Latvian
My steam profile isn't my resume, so I really don't give a shit anymore.
I play some CS:GO every now and then, but that's it. Why would I care if somebody hates my steam profile?
>thread turns into a wojack shitpost thread
I would say that it's a shame but that implies OP had any chance of not being a fag.
normies think everything should cater to them
Because they're a source of cute 19 yo boys for me to get nudes of
Being a redditor outside of reddit should be a bannable offense
go eat potatoes Janis
The ironic part is that under nazi rule music, vidya and anime would be censored to hell and back.
They whine about anime titties being censored while advocating for massive regulation on everything.
I swear, gamers are the dumbest subset of motherfuckers across the board.
Fail to see the problem
I'm gonna start doing stupid shit like this whenever I'm home and see more wojaks. Thanks for the inspiration. Maybe it'll get banned faster.
Wojakposting is reddit as fuck
Because they're not retarded authoritarians like you.
The only bannable offense is some other faggot using my wife on his steam profile.
>anime avatar
>weeb shit profile art
>eastern europe
>nazi flag
checks out
>ban everything I dont like
ban yourself from this earth
What has happened is 2 people on Yea Forums have conflicting opinions and somehow your takeaway is that one person is being contradictory to themselves.
You are the idiot here.
You have a point
Pink wojak is very much fine over there.
It probably 'feels' fine because it's making fun of themselves instead of it being the equivalent of a little kid repeating what you said with a retarded voice.
90% of wojak memes make fun of redditors. KYM and every redditor site ates "Yea Forums is always making wojak memes waaah".
Anti-wojak posters pretty much out themselves as redditors every time they cry about them.
Its an shitty edgy joke, stop overthinking.
You dont get how you keep exposing yourself and it's hilarious
Okay OP look I gotta ask, is this your profile?
reddit is based though
So you're saying there are no genuine nazis on Yea Forums?
And I'm not talking antifa "anyone who has right wing views" nazis, I mean actual nazis?
Because that's absolutely wrong.
>Dark Cookie Monsters
I can´t wait for the shitstorm when Summertime Saga is available in STEAM, with incest content since they aren´t PATREON
It's not wrong.
It's literally impossible to be a Nazi when the German people are the 2nd biggest scat fetishists and 1st biggest furry population on planet Earth.
>nuh uh u are
about as much as you can expect of a redditor
A joke usually has to be funny. "Lol Hitler" is as funny as "lol white people be like". Which is to say, not at all.
But I guess there's more edgy 14 year olds on here than I want to admit.
Not at all, man.
The same reason the government didn't ban you from being born.
>reddit is based though
>it's not funny if i don't feel it
That's like saying it ain't hot chili if i don't feel it while others are tearing up. The only one missing out on the fun is yourself, and on that account you are the one in the proverbial toilet.
Explain how it's funny? Because it works people into a lather?
"You're fucking retarded" is a joke too I guess.
>The only one missing out on the fun is yourself.
What fun? Wehraboos are absolutely insufferable in general conversation, you ever actually talk to one? They're furry-tier, they inject it into everything.
9/10 would add
>guy is an obnoxious fucking retard in game
>check his steam profile
>its full of anime bitches with commie, nazi, or commienazi gear
>every other subset of people find them annoying and retarded
>u just dont get it dude ur missing out
He suffers enough.
Political nerds need to be gassed en masse
>complaining about weebotry on a mongolian horseback archery forum
>Explain how it's funny?
Comedy is intangible and abstract, not logical. Trying to apply logic to comedy is like trying to convince someone to like a different color than they do or a different taste than they do, it's peak mental retardation on your part. Which is why comedy is divided into many categories just like music, film, etc.
>Wehraboos are absolutely insufferable in general conversation, you ever actually talk to one? They're furry-tier, they inject it into everything.
Ironic. I'm finding you as dumb as they are.
You just don't get it dude it's funny because I'm an obnoxious faggot, truly it's comedy genius
I wonder how many of these incel mass shooters had steam accounts. Probably most of them. Or some game account. What happens to it? Do they delete it? Or does it just rot away forever. I wonder how many profiles on steam have dead or imprisoned owners....
you can literally explain comedy in logical ways in this case I'll say wojak posting is toilet humor tier and I mean some guy just saying peepeepoopoo or shitting himself because someone might think it's funny
>no you see its actually abstract so the huge amount of people that find us unfunny insufferable faggots are wrong, not this tiny braindead subset
>youre as dumb as them for daring to criticize it
the delusional state of these retards
Nice pseudointellectualism. I bet when someone tells you a knock-knock joke you would probably describe it feels.
Ironically, your entire speech was a joke I laughed at.
you're more obnoxious then they are, trust me. I've had both of you on my team and I'd take the anime nazi over the faggot with the king of the hill reaction image pfp who bitches about him non stop and wont put down the fucking awp after he gives it to the team 4 rounds in a row.
such a metal picture holy shit
Surely Valve wouldn't delete them. I would expect that they rot away forever. This is a good point. I'm going to make sure someone has my steam account info before I die, so that in case I do kick the bucket unexpectedly, someone can access all of the games on my account.
I'll take both of them over you. I'll even take a fucking furry.
You can only attempt to explain comedy, whether someone will react with laughter to it or not however is not something you can explain or anticipate, nor can you explain reaction as evidenced by many people having a laugh at stupid shit and admitting it themselves (but where then did that laughter come from?). Again, humor and comedy are abstract, and ironically it's Nazi-level and Communist-level of retardation which is required to even attempt deconstruct comedy.
>huge amount of people
You aren't a huge amount of people user.
Also there's 2.5 billion seconds in an average lifespan, so 5 billion people and their opinions can be written off right off the bat.
>the delusional state
I'm not the one trying to insert my dumb subjective take on comedy like the Wehraboos i'm accusing of the same shit.
You're not fooling anyone, you know that right?
>you're more obnoxious then they are, trust me.
Literally impossible
There's no pseudointellectualism.
If you can't explain why someone can laugh at a stupid joke they know is stupid, and what laughter is in the first place, then you have no authority to define comedy and humor. So convince me first that you have any knowledge on the topic Fredo.
>whether someone will react with laughter to it or not however is not something you can explain or anticipate
People laughing at lowbrow comedy like Toilet humor are usally retarded or a kid so I think I can
So Einstein was retarded for laughing at stupid shit? Gottcha.
He literally had autism
Where do YTPs stand?
Einstein was also very childish.
His sene of humor was shit, yeah.
But I'm 27.
>Einstein was also very childish.
Seems to have worked out for him better than whatever you are running with I bet, but that's only something you will know.
At least you've backtracked from "no humor" to "sense of humor" since you realize it's subjective and abstract that you can't apply absolutes to it like a Nazi-level retard. That's some progress at least. We dilated your senses and mind a little.
They fluctuate depending on the joke, like some I M Mean videos were pretty funny back in the day but some where also shit because they had almost nothing but dick jokes
Even a professor can laugh at a stupid joke if they don't expect it.
Something like the same material being repeated over and over bores people.
Everyone but weebs understand weebs.
that means he was autistic and found those jokes funny because of his autism
>Something like the same material being repeated over and over bores people.
So then, for the material to be successful it doesn't need to satisfy old dinosaurs but new people. Sounds like we've established now that there is an expendable irrelevant class, and an excess profitable class to focus on as relevant. We've made progress.
>all the SEETHING tranny weebs ITT
He ubered?
>An anti-weeb makes a thread
>somehow it's weebs that are seething
that profile is harmless and basically you're a fascist transfaggot
it brings me joy knowing that you pathetic weeb virgins will never reproduce.
Are we seriously trying to have a serious discussion on what people find humorous now
Sounds more like a self-justification on why you keep wanting to laugh at stupid jokes
>Getting this mad OP doesn't like your profile
looks like someone i'd add for erp
I don't hate anime i just hate all the attention hungry moe trannies
My younger cousin is like fifteen years younger than me and never watched anime growing up like I did. It was a lot of western cartoons. Now, there's nothing wrong with that but I see that a lot these days. I also see a lot of teenagers and twenty year olds freaking the fuck out over loli stuff for some reason and they try to act holier than though on twitter about it (and sometimes get called out for being into similar shit.)
Me too. God if I had kids I would have so much less time to post here and watch anime
Fuck off bitch I'l slit your throat and rape your corpse you WHORE HAHAHAHAHA DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL TAKE A SHIT ON YOUR DEAD BODY
nudity (in artworks or screenshits) is a ToS violation, just saying
Using random Asian girls is superior though.
eeh, what the...
The pink/green wojak is not exactly shitposting and original stuff comes from it.
That is why it is ok in /biz/.
what's stopping you
>you know what the ultra authoritarian, strict regime of the Nazis would've loved? Chinese cartoons!
>it's real
Did I accidentally pass into another alternate dimension like the time I went from the one where Rutger Hauer died in the 80's to the one where he died in 2019?
Because they support freedom of expression, you fucking jannie.
Why do weebs do this? You just know it's some sweaty fatlus behind these.
>I know I like to fuck children but at least I'm not a weeb
Every Neofag and Resetranny ever
Quick reminder that anime messes up you brain.
Pic related.
Here it is, a defesive post about how we shouldn't mock each other's sense of humor because we don't understand it.
This is what happens when you have no idea how to defend yourself.
That's basically bullying the mentally disabled, user
Let them add eachother and jerk off while wasting money on cards for steam levels.
>shota boys are the best
>gender: im a fucking woman
This is a transfag pedophile.
>including favorite hentai categories
>it's all terrible faggoty
>over 1000 games
>99% completion rate
What the fuck
seems to be a confusion of Google's algorithm because some r*dditor posted this picture into /r/fakehistoryporn as a pic of Tiananmen Square Protest and now Google thinks this is it kek
>Checks out
>Posting wojaks outside of Yea Forums should be a bannable offense
>i'm still a degernate who wants to fuck squirrels
HS asap, user
based germ
Mad much you leftard?
add me up losers
Why do people write all this shit thinking anyone gives a fuck
Worse part they outright deny federal fucking law standing Loli is not CP
>Indistinguishable from an actual minor
Rustle lolis look nothing like real kids
It's a fact that you don't understand it though. You only understand what works for yourself, while we understand that we don't need your presence in particular to be successful.
So this discussion boils down to simple math and economics.
For economic success all that's needed are 3000 people to laugh at it who fill the seats in standup, not even 0.00001% of Humanity.
For life success all that's needed are 150 people who are the common type, Dunbar's number of how much an average person can take in their lifespan to any coherent memorable level.
In the end, the defense that you and your particular humor are irrelevant holds tight.
The above is also the thing that woke-left doesn't get, and also something the Nazis and Communists didn't get.
That's why it's so insufferable. There's a reason they gotta hide everything behind a vineer of irony. It's because if they had to legitimately defend their ideals for once it would instantly fall apart.
Quit farming for (You)s like a faggot and spamming your faggot ass ironic weeb profile in every steam thread you see
I can appreciate a well drawn hand?
I'm sorry, I immediately filtered the whole speech since you unironically posted a pepe.
Xi Jinping pls, the pepe is just an easy way out for you, made out of empathy that you lack in your mentality.
Imagine being so fucking sheltered that you don't understand why people are put off by art depicting children getting fucked.
Sure, it's not real CP, but you lolifags are fucking delusional.
Keep your weird fetishes to yourself if you don't wanna get treated like a furry, it's that simple.
>only source is some doctor from Vancouver
How about you try fixing your progressive shithole of a country first, leaf?
Because they're busy not banning cheaters.
And this is why i don't play tf2 and cs go, fucking valve.
this kind of detatchment a lot of anons around here have always was odd to me
>fap to furry porn and shove it into peoples faces
>fap to loli porn and shove it into peoples faces
>its merely a drawing and legal so its fine :^)
what hand?
no one gives a shit about furry anymore though
Yes they do, and they should. Just like they should with lolifags.
hello my fellow zoomer.
Nah, I'm 24. I'm just sick to deal of lolifags acting like "what's the big deal dude it's just hentai of kids getting fucked" like it's not fucking awful shit.
Is this some subtle attempt at making people laugh?
>Omg anime & nudity waaahhh
So what? Did they hurt your feeling OP?
>i'm 24
shut your whore mouth zoomer.
You didn't address a single point made.
Ok pedo
Fucking hell
You're a hypocrite if porn is 'fucking awful shit' but wonton murder is acceptable entertainment. It's all fucking awful shit and the onus of the consumer's behavior is entirely on them..
You're defending porn depicting children getting fucked. I rest my case.
Before the election wojacks were far rarer and thus tolerable
It's not real retard. Literally no one was harmed.
now post his mugshot for getting arrested for cp
Since when you need consent from drawings before you can fap to them?
>porn = kids getting fucked
Skipped a part there. You can't kill kids in most vidya either
if you're a pc gamer, you're automatically cringe. not liking anime doesn't change that.
is this the steam profile thread?
any noirpilled chads?
That wasn't my claim. My claim was the person masturbating to it is a fucked up weirdo who should be ostracized, which is correct.
lol wut
I didn't mention kids on purpose.
I am comparing an act people consider reprehensible to an act people consider reprehensible.
One is okay because it doesn't hurt anyone, the other is bad because it doesn't hurt anyone. It's fucking stupid.
don't talk to me
>england is big nosed people and brown people
dont you have some new hot memebuzzword to spread?
Well, it isn't normal, I wouldn't expect anyone to be okay with it but you can't do jack about it. It's like busting up into someones bedroom and berating them for jerking off in their own house though.
You're in our house.
>The ironic part is that under nazi rule
>Everyone I don't like is a nazi /pol/tard!!!
the worst part
taunt it
Is it gay to use a pic of an anime guy and not anime girl on your Steam Profile Pic if you think they look good/visually nice (in a non faggoty way)? I swear every weeb on my friend's list uses anime girls in most cases.
Probably. You'll trigger less redditors I suppose, they can't handle seeing a drawn female.
>not reporting the rape =!= it didnt happen
based cant understand how stats work
name of background?