*saves Metroid*

*saves Metroid*

Attached: Metroid_Samus_Returns[1].jpg (315x315, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not AM2R

Not with that melee counter you didn't.

You can seethe and cope as much as you want but in the eyes of Nintendo Samus Returns sold enough to finally greenlight the sequel of Fusion. Maybe it even convinced them to not cancel Prime 4 forever.

As long as Metroid is in Nintendo's hands, it's never saved
I look forward to the next fan game that trumps everything they've done for the last 2 decades

*dies again*

nice romhack, bro

Good game, but it didn't really save Metroid. Zero Mission sold better, and many fans are still waiting for MP4 instead.

Samus Returns exists because of AM2R.

>remake a bad game
>it turns out bad

this game was hideous. It looked like somebody shat out a bunch of neon colors.

This series cannot be saved. It's done. Pack it up. The funeral was over in 2010 when they pulled Other M out of the corpse.

>nintendo sees am2r
>"hold my beer"
There was an effort at least

I still don't believe Prime 4 is actually coming out.
If Metroid 5 isn't announced by the end of 2019 this franchise is officially dead.

Attached: sample_950da44e2356ec924a79c45097c01584.jpg (850x1202, 522K)

>ANOTHER remake.

Yiked and oofed.

>tfw metroid 4 was 17 fucking years ago

imagine believing this

It is fairly dead. Metroid doesn't really mesh with Nintendo's image.

>Keeps the Metroidvania genre going

Attached: 1562793248881.jpg (500x422, 38K)

It was okay.

Until the king (queen) returns

Metroidvania is the term for a Castlevania game that plays like Metroid

The word you're looking for is Metroidlike or action-adventure

We still have early next year for a Metroid 5 announcement.


Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (600x528, 23K)

Yes, it will be the next ND, TVGAs or sometime next year.

*Nintendo releases Metroid Maker

Attached: introblog.png (960x720, 120K)

Did they, I believe they sold about the same for remakes on dead consoles.

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Samus Returns' art is sex.

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>sold enough to finally greenlight the sequel of Fusion.
That's the first I hear about it. Source?

Attached: brickblog.png (960x720, 201K)

He doesn't have one, because he's talking out his ass.

I thought it was a greenlight to remake Fusion, not make a sequel to it.


is this a super metroid remake

AM2Rfags are the cancer killing Metroid

I'm honestly kind of worried that when Metroid 5 finally comes out that a mixture of years of hype and Hollow Knight being so good will make it a disappointment for me.

>needing to remake perfection

Attached: 1547082592627.jpg (210x240, 30K)

AM2R died so you faggots could have Fusion 2 and possibly Prime 4. Show a little respect.

Not him but Metroid 5 was coming no matter what, it restarted development in 2015. Also, Sakamoto already confirmed they're not doing any more Metroid remakes (thank god).

Bruh I already know how fun super is but what is with the nigga taking screenshots from what looks like a remake or a resprite project

so it's super but worse

Attached: 1515362074094.png (586x586, 352K)

Is this a good place to start the series?

Awakening saves Fire Emblem
Zero saves Star Fox
Brawl saves Kid Icarus and Mothahahahahaha
3DS saves Luigi's Mansion

Attached: 1247546134378.jpg (265x297, 11K)

And lest we forget, SMT IV and Apocalypse. SMT *saved*? Hmmm reckon so, friend ;^)

>mercury shit saving anything

Attached: hQrtSiW_d.jpg (640x576, 29K)

Every major Nintendo IP that found its way to the 3DS, except for Animal Crossing, was there in a holding pattern because the Wii U sucked so fucking much no one wanted to commit major installments to it. And they were right to not want it because a majority of the ones that went ahead anyway ended up sucking shit, e.g. Star Fox. Some brand new IPs ended up doing well, like Splatoon and W101, but the Wii U was a port/rehash machine and the 3DS caught the ones that didn't end up there.

Literally nothing wrong with this.
It just means more fucking Metroid, which is, guess what? What any sane Metroid fan dreams of.

While you fags were throwing feces at each other, I was enjoying two great games.


Please reply.

Thanks for the appetizer bro.
But I'll carry the genre from now on.

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 44K)

It's fucking terrible.

nice graphics, bro

Attached: bloodstained.jpg (1920x1080, 558K)

There are emulators that can reproduce Super Metroid. Start with Super Metroid you dolt.

Why? Isn't that a sequel to Metroid 2?

And why would you care if you are already starting the franchise out of order?

>Samus Returns exists because of AM2R.
If that were the case then Samus Returns would have happened years ago. Hell, Nintendo doesn't even know about AM2R.

I'm asking why Super would be preferable.


Attached: am2r DMCA'd.png (869x333, 35K)

>Nintendo doesn't know about AM2R
>despite DMCAing it a week after it released
>only to then reveal a trailer for their own remake six months later
>and then release said remake which was clearly rushed on the one-year anniversary of AM2R's release
Yeah bro, Nintendo totally didn't know about AM2R.

Yeah because that's exactly what we need: a bunch of fucking retards and little kids cranking out 98% garbage Metroid games on a maker the same way the SMM community cranks out 98% garbage daily on SMM.

>he doesn't know

SR had already been in development for like 2 years when they shut down AM2R.

Because if you were to play one game in the Metroid series, you should play Super.

Developers lie all the time in interviews to save face. Considering the state of SR, the claim that SR was in development for two years when they shut down AM2R is clearly a lie.
Just like how Grezzo claimed that they "faithfully recreated" many beloved Ocarina of Time bugs in OoT3D, only for the game to later be revealed a port once it got datamined and new glitches were found on the N64 version that ended up working the exact same way on the 3DS version.

To be fair AM2R had been in development for like 10 years and the demos were all freely available.
The DMCA was kind of an asshole move because the dev didn't make any money from the game, but Nintendo is a big company that is pretty much required to protect its brands. Not that that's a good thing or whatever, but you must be pretty dumb if you didn't see that coming.
They knew they couldn't remove it from the internet altogether and they delivered their own reimagination of Metroid 2 which is honestly a win-win for the fans.

Not him but there have been several fake DMCAs under Nintendo's name for years.
Sankaku has also recently gotten a DMCA that uses the same e-mail as the one that took down AM2R and several other fangames.

So chances they didn't know a thing about it until the fake DMCA hit the media.

This is a piss poor argument that reeks of desperation and "m-muh nintendo can't do anything wrong"

Honestly AM2R felt a little bloated
Especially with all the extra bosses thrown in there

I can't seem to find anywhere to pirate this game. The 3DS emulator site claims that the game runs perfectly on it.

So what you're saying is that research and proof that ignoring this DMCA won't result in further action is desperation?
What did I expect on Yea Forums you people just hate Nintendo to fit in rather than actually knowing what's bad about them yourself.

It does. Played through it on Citra.
AM2R would be utterly perfect if not for Serries and the shoehorned escape sequence. Almost makes it as bad as SR.

What's wrong with Serris? It was established as an SR388 life form in Fusion. Why not take the opportunity to backport it to a remake of the game that takes place on SR388?

Nintendo has a wide variety of games for their image. They just released a game with girl hitler burning the corpse of one of her troops.

He's shitposting you know.

>girl hitler burning the corpse of one of her troops
excuse me which game would that be or are you just pulling that out of your ass

Probably Three Houses

this game sucked dick though

>Metroid 5 restarted development in 2015

>not 2D
>not a perfect carbon copy of Metroid 2 in every single way with no changes
>not made by anyone not named Nintendo
Absolute shit.

3 years to make SR? Unless Mercury Steam has 30 employees or less I doubt it.

Attached: Metroid5_in_Development_longer_than_thought.png (1602x1203, 175K)


that doesn't confirm shit but I hope it's true

we already knew all that.

Attached: dims.jpg (580x329, 40K)

How about you give some damn info on this user? I'm already salivating.

Sequel for 3DS when?
Also post your fav ost


Original and best

> finally greenlight the sequel of Fusion
But Other M already exists and it sucked ass.

Attached: yuck.jpg (600x450, 76K)

>Other M
>Fusion sequel
Even if it hadn't been all but erased from canon at this point, it was a prequel.

>Other M
>sequel of Fusion
>chronologically comes before it

Other M is a PREQUEL to fusion not a sequel

>Ruins what was good about Metroid II exactly like how Zero Mission ruined what was good about Metroid
>saving the series

Hard to ruin nothing.

What was so good about Metroid 2 that SR ruined? And please don't say muh atmosphere, besides the area prior to the Metroid nest where there shouldn't be enemies the rest of the game looked good.

I can't wait to hear Prime 4's music

M2 didn't even deserve to be remade. It's hardly even a metroidvania, not to mention the copypasted enemies and bosses.
>but muh gameboy atmosphere
neck yourself.

What is this?

I love that alien insectish chirping sounds metroid has

>It's hardly even a metroidvania
No shit, it's the second Metroid game. Even then it's still more metroidvania than most Iga games.

Here you go, buddy:


>No shit, it's the second Metroid game.
What's that supposed to mean? Metroid NES was a fully-fledged metroidvania. M2 has a fixed order of areas to progress through. Not a single Metroid/Iga game does this.

samus returns had some neat ideas but it's a fairly average game compared to what it's trying to succeed, and also suffers from serious methodical problems with its combat system and lack of enemy variety

Because it made the game feel overlong by that point.

Attached: void suit.png (624x576, 634K)

Prime's soundfont is just too fucking good

>What's that supposed to mean?
Are you retarded or something? It was the second game, there wasn't a set formula just like Zelda with Adventure of Link.
Also you're forgetting the fact that each area in Metroid 2 had a non linear progression.

>lack if enemy variety
This I agree on, the flying blue things got boring after a while

>prime soundfont
Damn, I need this and I'm too lazy to make my own.

same, I would love to learn how to make some music with the soundfont

>It was the second game, there wasn't a set formula just like Zelda with Adventure of Link.
Is that supposed to be an excuse? It's okay to ruin what made the first game great because they were still "developing a formula"?
Nintendo didn't like it either, hence why they went with M1's "formula" (which allegedly doesn't count as a formula) with the later games.
>Also you're forgetting the fact that each area in Metroid 2 had a non linear progression.
Every other Metroidvania has that PLUS exploration in different areas. It's just piss poor design, there's no reason to block your progress like that.

It confirms it restarted development and that guy was right about SR being in development.

>greenlight the sequel of Fusion
>Mercury Steam
user, you can't possibly imagine how much I'm seething.

Metroid 2 was a handheld game at a time where handheld games couldn't be considered comparable to console counterparts usually (some exceptions aside). They went for the way it was designed so players could dive in, go kill a few Metroids on a bus ride, save and then pick it up again later. It's a product of its time.

Compare and contrast to Zero Mission and Fusion making save points more abundant but being Super Metroid-sized in content two generations later thanks to better hardware and altered ideas of design focus.

I have a potentially stupid question.

Did AM2R get finished before discontinuing or did they get DMCA'd halfway through?

It was finished.

It finished, and it was going to get more updates, more content and some bugfixes/polishing. But it got DMCA'd not long after its first update if I remember right, and then the following E3, Samus Returns got announced.

Nintendo DMCA'd it the day it came out, they didn't even warn the dev or anything before doing so

>finally greenlight the sequel of Fusion

What? That never happened. Da fuck are you talking about?

>Nintendo doesn't even know about AM2R

Ah yes, they send an DMCA notice to a game they don't even know it exists. Thats makes a lot of sense.

He may or may not have been referring to the devs of SR, who had no idea AM2R was even a thing until their own game was announced and the fan backlash from the DMCA got to their attention.

Motherfucker, both Sakamoto and Reggie acknowledged AM2R in interviews. You think no one asked Nintendo why they send an DMCA notice to a ROM hack? If it was a fake DMCA they would have already confirmed that ages ago. Jesus, you are retarded.

It "finished" but it was expressly a "get it out the door" kind of finished. There were a multitude of features and updates that were going to get implemented, but couldn't. Things like new game modes, additional scan points, an ending cutscene to tie into Fusion, and a complete graphical overhaul to remove any trace of graphics borrowed from Zero Mission and Fusion.
Most of that stuff has since been applied by the community.

A rumor isn't a confirmation, smartass. And considering how Nintendo loves to cancel Metroid games (see Metroid Dread and Next Level's unreleased 3DS Metroid), this could easily become a vaporware.

>Most of that stuff has since been applied by the community.
It has? Any download links?

It did ended up getting updates, new content and bugfixes/polish tho. The game has been getting fan patches since 2016 with the next one already scheduled to be released by the end of the year.

If somebody updates the game making the Metroid fights not shit and the Serris and Queen fights harder I would gladly suck him off, yes homo

This post makes it sound like it was unfinished. It was finished, in a playable complete state from start to finish. The author wanted to add even more stuff to it but didn't feel it was worth delaying the game even more after ten years, so he released it as it was, planning to continue development and update it over time.


She doesn't even have to be dead before she burns her.

The only good metroid game is zero mission. Fact!

Neither of the games are bad. I like them both, and they are wayyy better than fusion.

Seeing as they obviously know AM2R exists, do you think the devs of Metroid 5 will take inspiration from it in any capacity?

There's this video essay that argues that both AM2R and SR miss the point of the original metroid 2 game. I feel that some arguments of his are out of place, but its always fun to talk about what interesting feelings the metroid series resonate with, depending on what you seek.

Guy was right about SR, dipshit so I believe him.

Yeah, but i really enjoyed it's take on the speedbooster. All the aeion abilities where fairly well implemented.

I normally don't mind Mark Brown but this is a fucking terrible video. It's incredibly pretentious to say that these games miss the point of the original because said point is entirely his own interpretation of the game (in fact, it's not even his interpretation, somebody else came up with it).

Hope so. It's the only Metroid game where the controls don't feel like an intentional handicap.

Guys. AM2R is baller-ass. What other games will I like if I enjoy the semi-linear nature of it?

Metroid Fusion

It really is something special. As for similar games if we are purely judging semi-linearity, we have modded metroid fusion. There are also more variety on the indie market. Google metroid-likes and you should be golden.

In terms of game design Samus Returns fails. AM2R is simply surperior by being more open.
But that's about it.

It's some fan SM remake that hasn't been updated since December I believe

Who else is holding out for the ultimate Metroid romhack?

Attached: 75978426_p0.png (1080x1920, 1.75M)

what were they thinking?

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The melee counter was fun and added more to what Samus can do.

I want Samus in Death Stranding so I can see her pee.

X-Fusion is going to be very technically impressive, but that won't mean squat if it doesn't have good level design. Another thing that can bring it down is fanfiction, but that's more easily ignored.
That said, I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Attached: Hyper Metroid 1.png (513x1124, 66K)

I don't get it. Why not just download the game on an emulator? This looks identical to the pirated version I played
>10 years ago

Attached: George.jpg (618x412, 40K)

This guy misses the point about Metroid II entirely.

>my child, miscarried

Attached: 1566145620418.gif (275x206, 1.7M)

Oh wow, this seems like genuine deviant art-tier floortile-fucking faggotry.

Attached: 1557969960631.jpg (960x720, 147K)

It's still very early in development, it's probably just using assets for now. I'm betting they'll make new, better-looking sprites and do some good control changes like AM2R did.

Since it does all the work with x-parasite, sprites and enemy scripting, level design can be the least concern since other people could just make their own hacks changing that.

at first i thought this game was really amazing and that the counter added new spice to the action which usually took a backseat in past metroid games.

but at some point you notice that in past metroid games you were kind of able to run and gun and kill everything if you were kinda good, whereas in samus returns everything has inflated health and incentivizes you to stand still and wait for an attack which you then counter to one shot the enemy.
kind of ruins the pace a despite giving the illusion of making you progress faster (since you're one shottign most enemies)

so yea ultimately idk what to think about this game

But despite that, Hyper Metroid is an extremely good game. X-Fusion is looking to have something of a similar batshit-tier fanficiton plot, but I'm holding out hope for the game itself to be good.

Attached: Hyper Metroid 2.png (513x899, 21K)

I'm still very mixed on how the am2r aesthetic revamp is turning out. It looks a little too busy and muddled for my liking, and yeah the original game used assets from the official ones but that least made it look less, well, fanmade than these do

Attached: vVrDk2f.png (912x489, 38K)

oh god, her arm
her arm is gone

the thing is why even add fanfiction bullshit in the first place? metroid fusion is more plot heavy than any other 2d metroid; samus already has inner monologues throughout the game. i don't understand what would possess someone to add more or change what's there.

>"Hey we're revamping the graphics, how should we do the new samus sprites?"
>"Just take zero mission's sprites and reduce the colors to 8bit"

But is it really just set in one sector? I liked the variety vanilla Fusion offered.
>am2r aesthetic revamp
So basically AM2RR?

I don't know what the fuck the developers are going to do with hardware as weak as the switch. At best we'll get a micro metroid a la metroid hunters for ds.

>There are people in this thread that think Metroid 5 is a thing that exists
Do you enjoy suffering? At this point a MP trilogy port seems like a long shot

Attached: 1544555232978.gif (333x281, 1.67M)

I have to assume it looks really good in motion or something because right now it doesn't

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>old good
>new bad

>Hollow Knight being so good
I'm worried because someone with taste as bad as yours is allowed to exist.

Attached: 1513371595967.png (733x765, 136K)

Are you kidding user?
They could make a game like any they've made in the past on switch, not really sure why you would be worried about that

Attached: 1566072447029.png (407x397, 249K)

That's pretty cool, actually.

>Guy who leaked SR says a new game is in the works
>E3 leak that got almost literally everything correct says a new game is in the works
>Sakamoto says there won't be more remakes, next 2D Metroid will be brand new
>Sakamoto also says the Switch is an attractive piece of hardware
>Warrior Chozo tease in SR
Metroid 5's prospects have honestly never been better.

no, what was cool was how they showed what was going on with that arm in Metroid Prime.

That was also cool

Attached: beam switching.gif (494x256, 1.76M)

Care to explain what's wrong with Hollow Knight?

Most switch games visually look fucking garbage, usually I don't fucking care but for prime 4 it's kind of a big deal

Prime 1 was a graphical masterpiece for its time

why didn't they just allow you to parry stuff while running? combined with that slow motion ability this could've made for some pretty stylish movement.
the actual problem with SR is however that all Metroids and bosses in the game telegraph their attacks like in Prime so that boss encounters essentially become Simon Says. AM2R got those right.

I honestly feel like the lighting engine is more important in this series than the graphics. That and the audio. Like, what sound were they even trying to replicate in this theme?
Sounds like two rubbertires grinding against eachother.

Explain what you guys lvoe about SM because it's easily the least fun experience for someone that plays all games/remakes except original 1 and 2.


>salivating at literal trash
cringed and bluepilled

This video is autism incarnate

They can make the game gorgeous via artstyle and lighting, along with very high attention to detail.
The graphical effects don't need to be something special to be a great looking game.

Why doesn't Nintendo just sell the ip?

I hope Prime 4 has environments on par with Prime 3's.

Attached: PirateHomeworld.jpg (1920x1080, 1.43M)

>B-but Sakamoto
You just never learn

Attached: 1556339983396.jpg (375x484, 85K)

It actually did, that Metroid drought was disgusting back then, specially after Fedora Force. Imagine the wait for MP4 without SR.

this, I love how the drones are always REEEE full force at it though

more like kills metroid
nintendo handed metroid over to some faggot spics whose past games were terrible 3D castlevania games

>old beta shots
at least try before shitposting.


>down the tubes

Attached: 1496503923615.png (300x310, 7K)

Shut the hell up.

>These mental gymnastics

Attached: file.png (250x250, 105K)