Package is secured.
Package is secured
draw a dick on the envelope
Where's the black hand?
5 and that baby goes up your ass
If 8 throw it away
Sharpie in pooper
Haven't said that in like a decade
so close
4 and you cum on it
7 says piss on it
2 and you go poo
5 and you burn it
burn it op
oh snap
Open it
7 and OP is a poo in loo.
5 and you take the biggest shit on that package
Pee in it
Boomer detected
MGS HD collection.
Xbox game.
>Xbox shit
Who cares?
>xbox shit
3 and you switch it with a different xbox game so we'll never know what you actually got
Dreamcast is great you zoomie fuck
Be careful, it's a trap!
3 and you go pee
Terrorists win
2 and you skadoo
Is it gun valkyrie?
That's reverse compatible on the 360.
cool now burn it
nigga what
oh i didn't know that was on xbox
Stick the disc up your butt.
pretty based
Simply epic.
Did you pay $29.99 for it
You can download that game for free on PC. FPS are unplayable on consoles
kys check this 5
Now this is ebin
The maps in that were superior to all its successors. The bank one where you could navigate through the ventilation shafts and ambush enemies from behind was one of my favorites.
It was like 4 bucks and change.
awful thread kys op
Sharpie is trash
you dropped this