The Indie Machine

This piece of shit now has every single great indie game released this past decade
>Shovel Knight and its DLC
>Hotline Miami
>Enter the Gungeon
>Stardew Valley
>Dead Cells
>Into the Breach
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Hollow Knight
>Katana Zero
Props to Nintendo for doing something right

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I hate how people refuse to play these indies unless they have a switch port. It's so close minded.

>i hate this nonexistent thing
proof or gtfo, poser

Buddy, I just wanna play Hotline Miami while taking a shit.

Indies aren’t attractive when you have a 300+ plastic box that is constantly shilling Uncharted 5: The Movie The Game. When I see an indie add for PlayStation I just think “meh I’ll get it on the Switch”.

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happy basedjak wearing a pink pussy hat.jpg

Nindies give me my tendies

I enjoy my ps4 however indies are better for on the go or on the shitter

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You do realize that the majority of the 2010s was monkeys screaming "PS4 PORT OR NO BUY!" to every single release, big or small?

I guess that's cool if you're into playing in handheld mode, but literally every one of these are already on PC.

how is ori

Nothing amazing, but it's alright.

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Why would I limit my self sitting at a computer to play them when I can play them lying down on my bed with my switch? Or go outside and play it on my porch?

It writes itself XD

It doesn't have long live the queen.

To be fair, a good portion the popular indies ported to the switch have had some sort of "definitive edition" made for them

Really because everyone is making fun of it becasue of that.

>wheres the first party games Portendo?

this really opened my eyes on how brain damaged some consoletards are

That's Nintendo's next handheld system -- the Teat. Suck on some games.

Indies are just fun games to play on the go. Unlike high graphix tripe A mmo games, which just come more to their right on at home with a stbale internet connection and a good graphics card.