How would you make an Aggretsuko game, Yea Forums?

How would you make an Aggretsuko game, Yea Forums?

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Parappa the rapper

Rhythm game a la Future Tone

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Point and Click a la TWD S4, with action/rhythm elements.
Dialogue is important, it has to feel like you're watching an entire season, like Ubisoft's South Park games.
Lots of story branches, and by lots, I mean at least three.
40 bucks brand new, with a 60 dollars and 100 dollars deluxe edition that include Sanrio official merchandise like a plushie and a manga with the prologue of the game.
Also Hello Kitty cameo where Kitty is old and fearful of being an adult.


just change it to metal and rock songs

Sims game with an anger meter, karaoke mini game.

flash game with every male character but that one cumming in her

Visual Novel with generic music game sections.

On mobile released episodically.

Microactions for different outfits.

It’s not what you want but it’s goong to be made and just shit out $$$

This. Sort of a 'Theme Office'.

Gameplay is papers please but accounting.

Step 1: Be a huge faggot that likes Aggretsuko

Rhythm game set to heavy metal would be perfect.

season 2 was disappointing

Ah here it is. I was scrolling down V and was getting worried there was no furry thread.
Hey guyssssss

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This too
Would be pretty chill and fun


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Yakuza with retsuko

I wouldn't

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so, necrodancer?

Sadly, yes.

>inb4 gets derailed with haidafags

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who are you even kidding? you made this to be a furry thread

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I wouldn't because that would be a bad idea

Management sim, but with a support/matchmaking system Ala Fire Emblem. Some pairings might be productive, others are distracting. There are office events to raise morale.

Maybe you can build an avatar or something.

It's a dating sim
but you play as Fenneko and lets you have pity sex with Haida every time Retsuko gets a new boyfriend

whats retsuko anyway, a red panda?


A bitch

visual novel/point and click

This whit a nyango star dlc

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Dating Sim with rhythm minigames

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He's so cute
Hi trash user

I was honestly just going to work myself to death.

Brutal legend 2 ft. aggretsuko

I wouldn't make one because that show is garbage

>Hi trash user
what? I just brought that pic from an old Yea Forums thread

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Hire Zone to make it of course.