Playstation - exclusives - platform costs >200$ - good

Playstation - exclusives - platform costs >200$ - good

Xbox - exclusives - costs >200$ - good

Epic games - exclusives - costs 0$ - bad

I get it, that pc used to have storefronts selling all over "pc platform", but epic store is separate platform happening to use a pc.

Why then exclusivity is bad here? Especially when devs get more money for making better quality games.

Attached: SAVE_20190819_191031.jpg (1200x1393, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why should I care about devs when my experience suffers as a result?

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How does it suffer tho?

>I get it, that pc used to have storefronts selling all over "pc platform", but epic store is separate platform happening to use a pc.

>Why then exclusivity is bad here? Especially when devs get more money for making better quality games.

Steam drones don't have to make sense, they just are.

Attached: steam exclusive.png (1426x752, 101K)

I have to use an inferior client.

Now let me fix that for you.
Playstation - exclusives - platform costs >200$ - Co-developed - good
Xbox - exclusives - costs >200$ - Co-developed - good
Epic games - exclusives - costs 0$ - Last minute purchase - bad

Why would I pay for a game when the paid version is less convenient then pirating it? My steam purchases meant when moving to a computer with a smaller drive, I could just delete everything and rely on cloud saves.

>End user gets an overall shittier experience
Nah, I think I’ll one on the Echink Store.

>another egs shill thread

Knew this board was garbage, but gimme a break







tell me, what does epic provide as a "platform"? what are they doing for you, the customer?

also i want to know how exactly their money is really helping studios when they only buy exclusivity for games that are already financed and in fact already taking preorders from existing outlets?

Console exclusivity is bad, too, when it's arbitrary and not for hardware reasons.

Consoles and storefronts are tools for playing games; a means to an end. Arbitrary exclusivity treats the console or store as if that was the end. I don't care what platform I'm playing on or what store I'm buying from. Let me buy the fucking game and don't do stupid shit that inhibits my playing experience. That's why I play on PC and buy from Good Old Games. I don't want DRM, spyware, and another fucking useless launcher bullshit.

woops i misquoted please end me.

look like Tim is paying shills extra today.

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But isn't it developers choice tho? To make actual ingame gameplay more fun, with more money, and not just to add things like achievements. And if they don't add it in, it's developers made game still - you can play the game,therefore not epics fault, besides added features are planed for the future.

Any exclusive on PS4 & xbone which are paid exclusives are shit. If the developer chose only to develop on one console, or it's an internal team, then so be it.

And not directly giving my card details to chinks is priceless.

>devs get more money
Why should I give a fuck about that?

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>Why then exclusivity is bad here?
Sony & XBox Exclusives:
>games developed for the console
Epic Exclusive
>game that came out on other stores and people in some cases already pre-ordered but was removed last minute for exlusivity

The only reason anyone is upset about Epic store when things like Origin, Uplay, GoG, etc were quickly forgotten or given a pass, is because Epic is the first competing storefront that actually poses a threat to Steam. It all funnels back into Valve loyalty, it has nothing to do with customer rights or business ethics. Every explanation for why Epic bad falls apart very quickly without this.

But you can still use Steam.

>competing storefront
Bribing publishers for exclusives isn't "competing"

Numales are just mad at Epic because they want Valve to have a monopoly. They honestly think Gabe is their friend, it is pathetic.

2 social credit points have been added to your account

Support better game store you fucking retard

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>it isn't competing unless you let Valve win

I can't support GoG after they tried to appeal to incels with waifu shit. Hard pass

It isn't competing if you have to bribe your way to holding a monopoly on certain games. Competing is offering a better service or lower prices than your competitor. Fucking stupid insect

the epic store is not the entire pc platform you retard
the problem is that there are now a bunch of these digital stores on pc and they have their own exclusives so it divides the community
i don't remember the ps4 having 2 different stores with each having its own games

No competing is offering something diffrent. Be it price/products whatever you want.

>No drm
>No spyware installing
> No forced exclusives.
GoG is superior. And EPIC game store is just a chinese spyware with badly made game launcher attached to it.

Attached: DjiGMpXXcAU3e8v.jpg (900x900, 189K)

If I can't buy it directly from a dev (or publisher) then I will pirate your game. Deal with it.
I'm not installing launchers.

Of course they'd be out in full force for Gamescon.

>Claims to be the future of online gaming
>is 20 years behind in technology

Well yes, because pc gaming is an open platform. If you dont like it go to consoles

Neutral piratechad who occasionally buyfag here. If steam want to get my support, they need to release Source 2 for public. Which doesn't suck.

Fuck off and die already fuck.

>competing is offering something diffrent
So, Microsoft is competing with Honda?

>has no arguement
>"Y-y-you're just a Chinese shill"
That isn't what competing means. You are either an ESL or a faggot who tries to change the definition of words to win an arguement. Regardless you need to fuck off back to r/gaming.

Thanks for proving me right.

>Playstation - exclusives - platform costs >200$ - good
>Xbox - exclusives - costs >200$ - good
>Epic games - exclusives - costs 0$ - bad
You missed the point..Sony and Microsoft finance games early on. Epic just buys things shortly before it would release on steam. It would be different if epic would release their own exclusives. No one complains about Blizzard games or Fortnite not being on Steam.

Attached: 1.jpg (700x596, 54K)

>But Steam was just as bad 20 years ago!

now imagine ps4B came out that just used the ps4's system but you had to download a different installer that was really annoying to use, had even less options than ps+ and didnt allow you to play with other regular ps4 users

If honda offer something that could be consider as substitution goods compared to games then i guess yes. You have as much economical as a cockroach so i don't think you will understand what i am saying.

There is no issue with the exclusivity other than the issues already present on XBOX and PS exclusives. Both result in some people not buying the product. A big point of contention I have seen though is how out of their way Epic is going to purchase exclusives, which I agree is mildly annoying when a crowdfunded game that would of been on steam, and said they would be on steam gives the people who supported the project the middle finger.
As for the launcher itself and why I believe some people don't want to use it.
A lot of people prefer what they are comfortable with, and steam is what a lot of people are comfortable with. Epic's launcher has neither the features nor innovations needed to really attract a lot of people for things that aren't exclusives. There are also the controversies surrounding certain games, an overall dislike of fortnite amongst certain crowds, and I would be lying if I wasn't at least a little bitter about the lack of an unreal tourny 4.
I don't want games exclusive to any one store, I like that dev's get a bigger cut on the epic store, and think the epic launcher is honestly a great deal for some indie devs, and I think it makes sense for such devs, but for larger devs or publishers like Take-two its not nearly as justifiable to a lot of people. When it doesn't you get shitshows of companies like EA and modern activision.

TL;DR Exclusivity is bad period, but the way epic goes about it is upsetting more people than exclusivity typically does. Its the 'in' thing to hate for a reason.

Reminder the data guy literally announced his steam release date the day before epic gave him an offer. I can't tell if they do it intentionally to stir shit or are just incompetent.

They just enjoy farting in steamdrones faces,can't blame them. Bullying incels is simply fun

Yes it fucking is, that's how exclusive. What do you think Naughty Dog stayed Playstation exclusive out of the kindness of their hearts? Do you think Microsoft gets their exclusivity deals by asking pretty please with a cherry on top?

It's called business user, large companies pay smaller companies for exclusivity and in exchange those smaller companies don't have to go in debt to finish their game.

>Broken English
>Thinks it's competition unless you have a single company providing absolutely everything.
Gee, I wonder where are you from.

Just like it's my choice which platform I use, and it's your job to make a platform that I would want to use.
>added features are planed for the future
And in the future, America's gonna be great again. Call me when you got something of substance

Get to work, cunnyposter

>Epic is allowed to do whatever they want to "compete"
>I am not allowed to choose not to buy from them
I will never understand Epicdrones

Who are you quoting?

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>being this triggered by cartoon girls
You'll never be a real woman

I believe Naughty Dog stays with Sony because Sony is Naughty Dog's "Parent Company" since 2001.
In Epic's Case. They aren't the parent company to any of the developers or publishers they have bought exclusivity for.

What games are exclusive to steam apart from valve games?

You don't have to buy anything (I pirate my games personally), but crying on the internet because Epic is taking money away from your best friend Valve is peak incel.

He will reply with games that Devs and Publishers were too lazy to sell on anything else.

How much does Tencent pay you per post?

Monster hunter world
Dark souls series
And like 29 000 of other games

Nothing. He does it to improve his social credit score

>Playstation - exclusives - platform costs 200$ - good
>Xbox - exclusives - costs >200$ - good
No one said that, exclusivity is trash

Besides the fact that people did get mad about all of those, except gog, but they also host their own games that they made.
No one is mad at epic for being the only platform with fortnite they are mad that they are introducing shitty practices to pc all while having an objectively worse service.

Are they in an exclusivity contract/forced to sell exclusively on steam?

Right, so as a parent company, Sony just hangs back and lets ND fend for itself and gives them no funding for any of their new projects? Get fucking real dude, this is basic industry stuff.

See What did I tell you?

>buy steam games exclusives to make them EGS exclusive
WOW ITS FUCKING NOTHING at least get good games for consoles retards

They are exclusive, i'm not the owner of the IP for me to care why. I'm the consumer

>unironically defending platform exclusives
Neck yourself.

>$20 Sweeneybux have been deposited into your EPIC Games account

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Epic doesn't do that either though.
They buy up exclusive rights to sell a finished product. They don't fund the development of anything.
Hell they have bought the rights to sell Patreon and Kickstarter funded products that had goals to sell on Steam.

>I can't tell if they do it intentionally to stir shit or are just incompetent.
Could be just them checking the market for what will release soon and it showed up.
On the other hand they have shown they don't care about the consumers much. Wouldn't be a surprise if they do it on purpose just to get some attention.

Be careful user, people have actually pretended that there are behind closed doors deals valve makes to enforce games being only on steam. I saw a retard on Medium actually make that claim, but odds are they were just fishing for (you) outside of 4channel

>better quality games
Reminder that since the rise of consoles games have been declining in quaility with devs struggling to ship them on many diffrent platforms at the same time. Not to mention that everyone got used to that so devs can ship out halfassed games on exclusive deal in some shit tier shop that i think we all agree on is shit and get even more money out of us.
>competition is good hurrr
Not when the competition is fueled only by one side trying to grab any sort of attention.

All Chinese shit forces got extra cash because of Honk Honk.

Valve never bought out developers to get exclusives. They were free to sell their games in whatever store they wanted aside from Steam.
Epic tries to force their shit launcher that is lacking in most basic features by holding games hostage. On top of that, they apparently refuse to sell games whose developers don't want to sign an exclusivity deal.

But is it because Valve made an anti-consumer move to force them to sell only on steam or because the publisher thinks steam's exposure is good enough to not want to publish elsewhere like gog?

> Exclusives - Bad
Fixed. Now, Stop being a faggot.

Hey, look! It's Flabber from the Beetleborgs. He's looking good in 2015; younger than ever.

>They don't fund the development of anything

Wrong, they do both.

Name something they are funding the development for.
Don't say Shenmue. That already got it's Kickstarter funded.

>Valve never bought out developers to get exclusive

Oh wow, it's almost steam is so big you can't comepte with them without exclusives. Weird

Attached: brainlet.png (200x226, 16K)

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>dev gets a higher cut of sales AND guaranteed money
>games continue to have denuvo, cost full price, have microtransactions, day 1 season passes, and the devs continue calling me an "evil entitled gamer"

So what benefit do I get again? The "luxury" of games being locked to another DRM client, instead of just letting me enjoy the game without this filth?

Yeah, hence why I said "another DRM client". I know you bugmen aren't allowed to read too well, otherwise you get sent to the gulag, but try and keep up.

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>Valve never bought out developers to get exclusive
>provides no evidence to the contrary

>steam is so big you can't comepte with them without exclusives
Doesn't stop everybody else from competing without resorting to bribery, does it?

Look, his game didn't pass Epic's quality control filter, based Tim Sweeny said so

steam drones are just ill

>So what benefit do I get again?
The joy to know your corporate masters get to buy a third yacht. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

>inb4 b-b-but that's fake! Timmy said so!

Valve has never forced anyone to sell only on steam.
They only force Valve made games to only sell on steam because Valve is Steam and they are the developer of those games.
Only reason devs and publishers don't sell to other stores is because the other stores are terrible. They are either Publisher run stores like Ubisoft and EA or they are piles of unreasonable shit like Epic.

The reason they pick Steam and Gog is because they are the only good choices.

>>Valve never bought out developers to get exclusive
>provides no evidence to the contrary
portal, cs go, not even dota is a valve ip

Shenume is one of them, because of epic funding they can make a bigger game. Sure it would be there withouth epic, but with less content.
Which shows that epic is good for games and gamers, not for steamdrones tho. They could eat shit as long as it's on steam.

Borderlands 3 is another game that got additional funding before release.
And there is so much games that will be better because of epic i'm not going to bother listing them all. Sure there is also metro exodus, but who cares. They didn't change the game for worse or better.

>epic is good for competition
>to afraid to compete

I know you're baiting, but I have to clarify Epic approached him, and not the other way around.

Mate, if I HAVE to use steam in order to play whatever game I want to play at the moment then I don't care what's the reason for it, it is exclusivity no matter the way you look at it.

So much fucking this, one(1) sane person on this whole damn site

The Quality control for Epic is "Can it only be on Epic? Yes: You're in here's a few thousand dollars. No: Get bent, you are never coming to this store.

>>Valve never bought out developers to get exclusive
Post proof
>Oh wow, it's almost steam is so big you can't comepte with them without exclusives. Weird
Epic could have. With the money they make from Fortnite alone they could have spent an extra year developing their store/security/servers to deliver a better platform then steam and get a better return in the long run and surpass Steam's numbers easily after a couple of years. Instead they went for the quick route with short-term gains. It's a stupid waste.

Except those are games made by valve

Yikes and cringe, get out

you get the game ?

But it isn't a payed exclusive, that's the whole point of the thread.

>Straight up purchasing an IP, dev team and all
>same thing as bribing a publisher for 1 year exclusivity contracts
Just when do the Chinese get kicked out of school and sent to the factories?

I figured the sarcasm was obvious, but I guess the (you) baiters make that hard

Those publ...I mean devs don't pay themselves. How else are we going to pay those investors and shareholders if not with the extra cut?

What part of "don't make shit even worse" you don't get?

valve never made portal or cs they just bought the ips and the studio (like epic just worse)

Devs don't even get a higher cut the publishers do unless the devs also published the game

The studios were bought by valve during development.

No, I don't "get" the game. I only get rented a license, as is the regular of these disgusting DRM clients. If this game was rightfully on GOG, or better yet, on piratebay, it would be mine forever without any stupid "hurr durr rental" agreement.

Borderlands 3 wasn't funded. Just ensured that the Publisher get's it's paycheck if the PC version fails to live up to expectations.
Like all other Bought Exclusives on Epic.


>we aren't in a position yet
And they never will be. Over a year just for a fucking shopping cart? They will never code a killer feature that will make people prefer EGS over Steam, given the option. They will rely on exclusivity for years, and that's if bad PR pressure doesn't get to the publishers

Developed and published by them though. You don't seriously consider buying an IP the same to bribing an independent publisher/dev-team right?

>>Straight up purchasing an IP, dev team and all
and how is this better than helping out devs so they can make their own games without hesitation ? or giving them more money at all ?

Epic having exclusive games isnt bad. What is bad is getting a game that was heavily advertised on Steam just for it to be an Epic exclusive, but that's more of the publisher's fault than Epic.

What does it matter for me as a customer whether the exclusivity was paid for or not? It's just as vexing either way

Making up your own definition of the word doesn't mean everyone else shares your addled minds version of it.

epic is drm free based retard, the dev actually needs to pay up for extra drm when they publish on egs

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>playstation exclusives $200 good
>Xbox exclusives $200 good
Said no one ever

epic = fortnite = bad

>valve never made portal
This is the stupidest thing i have read on Yea Forums in the past 2 hours

they still own the IP

>epic is drm free based retard
>can't download a single game without getting the DRM client

Just like how steam is "Drm free" right? Corporate apologists make me sick.

Why should I care about devs/publishers? They get more money and I still get the same shitty overpriced, bug ridden, season pass pushing rehash as before.

no drone, they bought the ip and the studio
> bribing an independent publisher/dev-team right?
giving indies money so they can devolp their game without getting bought by publisher is much better than getting enslaved by them you fucking sub 80 iq drone

It matters that you are being forced to use the store to get the game, if every game was on every store costumers would be able to choose which store was right for them, but unfortunetly we don't live in that world. I just want my games on GOG dammit

It's up there in the dictionary though
>3. Not divided or shared with others: exclusive publishing rights.

Misses the panel where he chooses steam out of all the other ways to buy games

ah yes, the world famous dota:allstars game studio working for free for years on dota allstars

Yeah because hiring some college grads who made the concept of portal is the same as buying an IP and studio.

>They gave the modders jobs and provided the capital upfront to make full games
>It's be better if those devs made games independently eating beans and rice for dinnerthan bought the game after the fact based on projected sales
You got a point, Valve giving the devs jobs shows they weren't in it for the passion. Fuck Valve

>>can't download a single game without getting the DRM client
why are you lying ? is it the illness ? there is a lot of non drm games their, you download them via epic and never start the client ever again, stop coping and now your place subhuman, just stfu when you dont know shit

Steam at least doesn't prevent games from release elsewhere, that's on the publisher. I would prefer every game got a GOG release but many big publishers unfortunately don't like that. In contrast to Epic whose exclusivity literally fucks over people who want games on GOG too (see Phoenix Point)

>Bribing publishers
>Same thing as helping out devs
God, Chinese education is even worse than I thought

>getting enslaved by them
Ah yes i remember when valve invaded the house of the people who made Narbacular drop and forced them to make a game for them at gun point, it's amazing how they totally didn't give indie devs the oportunity to have resources for their games

Because they get a more secure position than if they stay independant.
How is bribing devs better? Only thing they get is a fat check and a sellout/greedy reputation.

You just went full retard user

I feel you, mate. I wouldn't pirate if the fat reddit man or ching chong store would let me just download the games without forcing me to get their damn spyware

>hiring some college grads
that is literally a normal indie studio nowadays
>eating beans and rice for dinnerthan bought the game after the fact based on projected sales
what are you even talking about drone ? they stay independent and get their money see obblets blog
>Valve giving the devs jobs shows they weren't in it for the passion.
moving the goalpost doesn't hide that you got btfo

>you download them via epic and never start the client ever again,


Attached: 1560966917142.png (546x608, 340K)

They don't have exclusive publishing rights though.
As for your Dark souls comment it is shard with Consoles and all 5 versions of Dark souls 1-3 +SOTFS and Remastered 1 were all also on the Microsoft store.

Exclusives that are not first party are literally cancer and are setting back the industry. Anyone who understand how digital products work can tell you that. It's capitalism for the sake of capitalism.

>Bribing publishers
why are you lying sub 80iq steamchinkdrone ? too much perfect world cum ? most egs games are independent

They were not even in a studio fucking retard. They were just some college dudes who Valve saw after seeing their prototype for the concept. Keep spinning shit for (You)s to rest of these clowns I'm done.

>Exclusives that are not first party are literally cancer

If no other internet store offers their game then for all intents and purposes they actually DO. And I didn't mention dark souls, anonymous is not a single person

I'm in agreement with you retard. It's pretty fucked up to buy a studio and give them an income. Especially when they don't have a full game ready to ship

Reminder that this man makes countless Epic shill threads daily just to keep the hatred strong.
He doesn't want the insectoid menance to lie low and try again with new tactics, so he makes sure everyone is well aware of their likely tricks.

He's an unsung hero, and one that will have to deny all of this to keep his cover, but just remember that he doesn't believe a word of what he's posting.

Attached: 1494011646547.jpg (500x279, 35K)

2 points have been deducted from your social credit score

>implying anyone but the most braindead normalfags defends console exclusives
This is the mind of the epic drone. Stop consuming so much gutter oil

Stop projecting braindead subhuman

Funny how the chink shills say valve force/bought the devs behind portal/cs/dota but ignore epic buying the devs behind rocket league.

Attached: MoonMan.png (614x545, 367K)

>talks about drm
>now using something to download something is drm
you got btfo kill yourself
>Because they get a more secure position than if they stay independent.
that is just your cope, epic money is literally saving them thats why are you crying and talking about bribing them, you dont like indies at all you want lazy cooperate slaves

The most based part of him is he gets all the contrarians shitting up these threads to each other instead of the rest of the board. This guy is a fucking hero

And guess what? The guys who were bought by Valve stepped up in the industry, have grown their influence and made a good amount of bucks legitimately. Meanwhile the few indies receiving money from epic have their reputation crushed and are tied to their hands if they want to enlarge their audience to another platform. Which reduces their possibility to make another successful title on their own after Epic discards them like a used condom when they're finished with the first game.

>now using something to download something is drm
That's how it works genius. DRM is third party software that prevents you from accessing a product unless you let it rape your computer.

>you dont like indies at all you want lazy cooperate slaves


Attached: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.jpg (224x225, 16K)

If Steam does not prohibit sales elsewhere, the issue lies with the devs. When EGS forbids sales elsewhere, they are at fault. In case you wonder why people did not complain about steam before. It's pretty simple.

>calls others corporate slaves
>while he rabidly defends Epic
well I guess that is the Chinese mindset

You don't know of GMG, Humble, or any other third party key seller site do you?
Steam may have the game on their client but they allow anyone to sell the games on the client.
Other than the game only being on the launcher. the games are far from only be sold on it.

so a normal indie dev, no a normal indie dev doesnt have a studio at all anyway last you because you got btfo
>It's pretty fucked up to help a studio and give them an income beforehand
why are you moving the goalpost ? why is helping out devs bad, why is buying them better, making them cooperate slaves better
last you

but epic is free, they dont block you to access it you fucking pollack subhuman

Exclusivity is always bad.

I just hate fuckepic reddit faggots

Free of money. Yes.
Not free of insecurity.

>but epic is free, they dont block you to access it you fucking pollack subhuman
Then how do I download games from EGS WITHOUT downloading the EGS client? Keep in mind that I can download any game off of GOG without even touching a client. You literally get the exe from them directly, no clients or third party DRM involved.

Selling steam keys outside of steam does not solve my problem in any way because I am still forced to use the steam app.

I don't care who's to blame because the effect is always the same for me- forcing me to use whatever launcher.

>ebin shill thread

Attached: 01_LIGHTL.png (55x29, 331)

>see obblets blog
Exactly. They made a quick buck and sold themselves out. Are they going to have a future in the long run though?
It's dishonest and shows you don't give a damn about the "dream game" you set-out to do and dont have the passion you claim to have to make games.

wait you develop your own software ? you dont use google,amazon,steam,4channel ? but wait this is not even the topic back to facts, epic is drm free.

>>You literally get the exe from them directly, no clients or third party DRM involved
Well, yeah, but that's just because they're that based.

You're forced to use the PS4 to play PS4 games.
forced to Switch for Switch games.
Forced to use the Pc for Xbone games.
It doesn't matter. The problem is they keep making more things you are forced to use to play something instead of everything being in one place or not being forced at all.

yes egs is drm free
>GOG without even touching a client.
but you touch their website you need to log in, its the same, an website is also software sub 80 iq drone.
>Are they going to have a future in the long run though?
epic secured their future, their game will not flop means they get a shitton of money so they can make more games in the future

It's not. you have to download it to download a game from it.
Not like GoG's DRM free which is you download it from thier website and don't have to have a third party program to get the game.
EGS is DRM. End of story.

>steam is a full-fledged system like consoles
Ok, kill yourself

>but you touch their website you need to log in, its the same, an website is also software sub 80 iq drone.

>accessing a website is the same thing as downloading a separate client that has full permission to access all of your files

Attached: e10.jpg (960x599, 94K)

kill yourself you need to log in too, its litteraly the same client wise
>Im a lying subhuman. End of story.

Attached: la4ep8.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Yeah, I login to GoG once, download their game, close the browser and play the game without ever bothering to use anything GoG related for as long as I want and without their software running constantly on my pc. Not the case with either steam or egs

>talking about drm
>0 programming knowledge
okay drone, kys and keep buying tf2 hats

Not what I said.
But go ahead and twist my words to your agenda Chink.
It's literally not.
I don't have to download and open up a program to download a game. I just get the direct game files for a Website that doesn't install to my computer.

>I login to GoG once, download their game, close the browser
same with egs you download egs, download the game, closing/ uninstalling egs result you have the game

To be fair, in China it is the same, as everything you do is logged and sent to grorious government

>advocating against any kind of DRM
Are you mentally handicapped, perhaps?

>chink calling others a chink
honk fucking honk.

Attached: chink be gone.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

>you open a webiste (download files)
>you log in (giving access to your data)
its the same

>receiving money from a corp that buys copies of the game to publish "huge" sells number means its a success
>not the amount of players playing and buying it in the first place

Wait, really? Can I launch the game without EGS?

Wtf no

You're defending Epic. So If anything you are.
They gain access to the throw away email and spent money cards.

>accessing a website now lets that website have full access to your computer

[citation needed]

Holy shit, work on your english Chang and learn to distinguish between downloading something in a browser and being forced to download through a client

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Why would you post this?

Eat shit faggot

Why are you so asspained somebody doesn't like your storefront?

>this whole thread
Holy shit what happened to brains?

Already told him last thread but he refuses to even use a fucking full stop. That or uppercases when this esl retard start his sentences.


I see we love to play pretend

i love how he ran out of arguments once he found out that I'm not even defending steam. Calling me a stream drone or a steamcel or a gabe cocksucker seemed to be 90% of his playbook. Sad, really.

you are aware that there have been over 100 games that tried to get on Epic, but epic refused because they wouldn't take the exclusivity deal right?

I'm gonna need a source for that.

Shills out again. We get to go from one form of drm to an even shittier form of drm. yay.

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Is that chris-chan?

>>provides no evidence to the contrary

I can post proofs, but you will just ignore it

>The video reveals how Healey, who went on to co-found LittleBigPlanet maker Media Molecule, found himself demoing the side project to a huge crowd at the Game Developers Conference and, just a day later, accepting $10,000 from Valve boss Gabe Newell to secure Rag Doll Kung Fu's release on Steam in 2005.

Darwina is another example and pretty much any game in 2006 released on steam was also bribed into being on steam. This is business kid, that is why valve is not crying about what epic is doing.

To be fair, that is the case in China where everything you do gives the government full access to your computer

>you don't play along with steamdrone stupidity
> hurr shill
you're retarded

No, in china you are forced to record everything going on for a certain period of time. Everyone who operates in china have to do it because it's literal law, and yes valve does it as well.

because EGS' ideology is incompatible with mine, therefore I refuse to give them money just like I refuse to give ubisoft money, it's just that simple

One of the recent one is the Darq dev. Though he was reluctant to be public about it apparently.

You should probably be in jail for even having that on your computer...

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Good thing we're not in China

Cool blogpost

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Well, golly gee willickers, it's a good thing I dislike steam too. otherwise you cheeky wankers probably would've had an argument.

I know it happens, I've heard about Darq. It's the number I have issues with.

>100 games
>here's 1
You're retarded

>console exclusives

Who, other than Microsoft and Sony, ever says this? I'm sure pretty much every owner of either console would love to be able to play all available current gen games, without buying two otherwise indistinct grafix rendering boxes.

Explain to me the wonders of Epic vs Steam mr. Shill.

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>bringing up Valve
But we were talking about how logging into GOG's website is the exact same thing as giving EGS unrestricted access to your computer. Why would you bring up steam?

Good for you user, i have nothing against people with brain. Just against steamdrones

Sterling put out a video that mentioned the more vocal of the few that said no to the exclusive deal and Epic just shut them out. The guy behind DARQ being the most highlighted one so far. Linking right to the main source instead of the articles out there

Yeah I know it's ledit but it is the direct source of the info on this one

stop shitposting on my board and go back

Man, this blizzard launcher is pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to us gamers
- No forums and community hubs like steam, WTF?! Blizzard actually wants to lure people to their website when we want to talk with other people about their games?
- No modding support! Hello?! It's 2019! How am I supposed to install mods if the blizzard launcher can't give me this super basic feature!
- No support for controller rebinding. I am severely handicapped and it's literally impossible for me to rebind keys if my launcher doesn't support rebinding controllers like steam does. All your games are literally unplayable for me, Blizzard!
- lack of regional pricing for a LOT of regions. Because of this, Overwatch is about 300% more expensive here in Uruguay than anywhere else. You are EVIL people for discriminating us like that, Blizzard!
- Lack of shopping basket. Go ahead: Try to buy multiple games at once. Protip: You can't. Instead we have to go through the HORRIBLE ordeal of checking out and paying multiple times when we want to buy both Overwatch and Call of Duty at once. WE ARE NOT SLAVES, BLIZZARD
- The call of duty series used to be sold on steam, now it's exclusive to the blizzard launcher. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I AM NOT USING YOUR FEATURELESS LAUNCHER
- The blizzard launcher has had multiple instances in the past where email addresses have been leaked and accounts have possibly been compromised. I refuse to trust such a leaky launcher
- Did you know 5% of Activision-Blizzard is owned by a chinese company called "Tencent"? I refuse to give my data to such a shady company

Attached: blizzard.png (846x671, 560K)

>Why would you bring up steam?
Because it's literally the only argument that Epicdrones have. And it's a retarded argument at that.

Autism and the need for PCkeks to always be fighting with someone. Now it's just inhouse fighting instead of shitting up all three console threads. I prefer it, greatly. It's straight up autism. Two extra clicks that cost nothing else. But it's great because devs are fighting back actually, and finally calling PC users the same things everyone else has for years.

Autism speaks

I'm just trying to show off Chang's perspective and explain how he might think that logging into a website is identical to allowing a program full access to your computer

>i have nothing against people with brain.
Don't be so hard on yourself.



(They even have forums!)

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Outer Wilds, Subnautica, Ooblets, Hello Neighbor, these are all games where the devs have said Epic's money went right into development.

Ah, makes sense

Paid shiller defending drm speaks.

>No u

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Welp, abandon the threads everyone...

Oh hey, a launcher that launches exclusively games published (except in more recent times Destiny) by said merged company, and NOTHING ELSE. It's almost like they can make the rules as they want for THEIR GAMES.

Last minute implies it was made exclusive just right before release, but epic made the purchases during the developement which helps and basically funds their next project

>I can post proof but you will ignore it.
They all say this.
They claim they can back up their bullshit but then immediately backed down with a pitiful excuse of "You will ignore it."
Not once was there anyone who actually did back up their bullshit.

>he's against DRM
You're a retard.

I just fucking did in the post you tagged, here is another

Attached: 1564683373000.png (1697x925, 76K)

Subnautica was finished.
Ooblets has a Patreon that still funds the nearly finished game before epic came around.
Hello Neighbor was also finished.
The fuck are you smoking?

They pay you by the post eh?

Argument discarded. I haven't defended them once ITT.

>Epic doesn't make the rules for their own service
You're a dumbass

or i can wait, because they are just timed exclusives.

>costs $0
Yeah I’ll have the $0 PC I’m sure it runs great

I can't find anything about "more than 100" games there. Care to help me out?

And I don't care about Reddit, unlike other retards here. Sometimes it is the best source for something.

The ass end of Development. few short weeks before going Gold.

Wow three shit indie games. Now talk about TOW, Borderlands, or literally any game that caused Yea Forums to actually explode in autism. No one cares about what you posted, you're just saying it to prove some worthless """point""" while ignoring things that refute it

>he's not retarded like me
>he must be a shill

>We got some cash money upfront from the deal so we can make the game we always wanted to with fewer compromises.

From ooblets blog post. I can bring any amount of example showing that epic is in fact helping these game in development. But you will just ignore the truth, because you're a mindless drone

>provide a source to add to the discution
>implying I'm the user who claimed the 100 bs
Fucking cavebrain

You guys dont give a shit about healthy industry, if you did youd support actual good companies like GoG but instead its just valve loyalists annoyed they have to use a different launcher, at least the console wara have fun memes

Man, I really recommend you find some better straws to grasp onto

Jeez that is fucking terrible, why it's even worse than Origin and Uplay! Can you imagine a launcher that had all of those faults AND poached games from other companies, making them exclusive to their shitty platform when they didn't even make the game? That hypothetical platform would be easily the absolute worst.

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Your own words are proof fag-o-tron. You need links to shit.
TOW had a publisher before Epic so they were already funded.
Borderlands 3 was two months from going gold and also already had a publisher.
Epic doesn't fund development. They fund exclusivity. end of story.

Well, good to know you were steamdrone afterall. Because who else would be mad about calling them stupid if not a steamdrone?

Why doesent Yea Forums complain about nintendo buying out bayonetta?

>Steam doesn't ask for exclusivity, and I know it's hard to get on there

So you defend Epic because? Its cool? Its better for gamers? Why?

>I can bring up hundreds of PR posts proving my point
>If you don't believe them, them you're a drone!
All this coming from the guy who thinks that logging into a website is the same thing as giving a program unrestricted access to your computer

>I LOVE valve, dota underlords, artifact DOTA FREAKING 2 DOTA CINEMATIC UNIVERSE IS SO EPIC!!

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Isn't Epic owned by the Chink politburo? Or at least like 40% of it? I don't trust Chinese with my credit card information.

Where is there anything about exclusivity in that quote?

Because Nintendo is actually funding games and not just lining people's pockets

Then dont look at what valve is doing in the dota scene

Literally yes.

Tim Sweeney has said that they don't influence his decisions at all, never, and also thanked them for the guidance they have provided.

I don't give a shit about Dota.

>EA has Origin for EA funded games
>nobody gives a shit

>Ubisoft has Uplay for Ubisoft titles
>nobody gives a shit

>Rockstar have their own launcher for GTA V and stuff
>nobody gives a shit

>Epic Games Store buys exclusivity rights a few weeks before the games release in order to generate controversy and outrage
>for some reason those people are quite angry about it

Not to mention that EGS is easily the worst storefront on PC right now. And that not even due to features missing.

>refund system basicly requires you to submit everything you have except for a blood sample in order to apply for a refund and even after that pain you can still get denied
>despite having a lot less features the thing eats pretty much the same amount of ressources Steam does and people already consider the Steam client bloatware
>its quite literally spyware
>had more security breaches within 2 years than Steam and others had in 10 years combined
>the future doesn't look great either looking at their plans to add more features - the team working on the launcher is clearly understaffed thanks to everyone else working on Fortnite content
>"not customers will decide who wins - developers (publishers) do"

The fuck are you on, the money epic gives funds projects just as much as any other developer, do you think those developers will never make another game after getting funded by epic?

Next time tell people that
>b-b-but i was just adding to the discussion
lol you're a faggot

What does that have to do with what I asked? Did you want games in development for three years to be funded by a source that didn't exist until a few months ago?

>Well, good to know you were steamdrone afterall. Because who else would be mad about calling them stupid if not a steamdrone?
What kind of logic that? I'm disappointed that you brought up steam in an argument that had no mention of them, for no reason other than to call me a steam drone.

Watch, even if I told you that I 100% support gog and hate steam being DRM too, you've already set your narrative in stone. The only way you can win this argument is if you paint me as a steam shill. It is LITERALLY your lifeline at this point.

Keep your tinfoil hat to yourself faggot

Because i'm not retarded like you

Because it's not Yea Forums, just autistic PC drones. See

>Brazilian IP
sasuga, faggot-sama

>Not to mention that EGS is easily the worst storefront on PC right now
Fucking Origin & Uplay has better security and servers than Egs. I never thought I'd see that. Epic could have had an amazing store if only they invested into it.

I love it when you just keep repeating the same refuted arguments in defense of everything else that gets refuted before their eyes. It's like you are stuck in a loop.

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If they're going to make games exclusice to their launcher, at least finish the fucking thing before doing so. Plus, with Playstation and Xbox, it makes sense since their exclusives are made by studios they own. Epic just throws darts at a chart of upcoming PC games to hold ransom.

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What fucking argument you moron? We agreed on something and i insulted steamdrones for the fun of it and you went into rampage.

what the fuck

Can you give 1 reason why it is better for gamers than Steam?

Kek, off yourself

You literally said it not more than half an hour ago you turbo chink. Can't ignore it and pretend you didn't btfo yourself

>4channel is one person

>shoppimg carts

Nobody gives a shit because none of those are competing with Steam . They're just a platform for their own games to bypass the 30% steam

>we agreed on something
What? You called me a steam tranny nigger faggot for preferring GOG, and then refused to explain why. I'm still baffled why you called me a steam drone, even though I think only GOG is worth supporting.

Are GOG and steam in cahoots and I wasn't made aware? Please, tell me.

No, because you clearly are a zoomer who has no concepts of why Oligopolies and monopolies are bad. Go to school instead of arguing pixels on the internet.

Quick! Grab the goalposts!

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Autist detected

>There's more than one chink defending tencent in this thread
Sure thing champ

Trashing on epic is fine, but pretending valve is any better is just plain delusional

None of this affects playing vidya.

If they were smart they'd be using the DARQ money to invest on a system for putting games into the store easier so that they don't have to decline them when it's not exclusive

People ABSOLUTELY hated the move to Origin, Uplay, AND the rockstar launcher.

Chinks gonna chink. They probably have a flowchart that rolls back around to calling you a valve drone no matter what.

You're so lost on
>I'm not a steamdrone
That you don't even know what is going on anymore, quite fun

You literally proved the point of the person you replied to, retard

Add no preloads also. Great for big releases, that will totally not be a lagfest for every users and has never happened in the past 15 years, especially in the always-online era.

People liked to shit on Origin when it got released because EA made it

Pretty much nobody cried over turds like Mass Effect 3 or nu-Battlefield skipping Steam in favor of it

Literally metro exodus

Why would you say epic games store is ok?

Not everyone is from steamddit here, try harder tourist

Im a 35 year old man lol. So Epic is not making a monopoly for themselves by bruteforcing exclusives? Competition would be good if they were competing on prices. They are not. So there are no good in Epic for gamers then?

See, it's hopeless. You're arguing so dishonestly that it's not even worth the time. Go on, keep calling me a valve drone. See if that'll make me want to use EGS anymore, instead of just sticking to GOG and torrent bay. Maybe if you continue licking Tim Sweeney and Gabe Newell's boot, they'll give you 10% off on a game, you damn corporate apolost.

I feel like EA did me a favor by making ME3 origin exclusive. That way I didn't buy the game day one and spared myself the torment

Epic is saving pc gaming by providing more money to developers. Fighting the cancer of valve is worthy of admiration

They do affect how easily publishers can dupe idiots into buying them full-price and get fucked afterwards though.

The Borderlands 3 release is gonna be glorious. I can't wait for the shills' excuses then.

If Epic cared about funding new games they'd be, you know, funding new games. Not buying publishing rights for games that already mostly or completely done. What you're doing is some hardcore rationalization.

And from that they funded the next metro,

It's just a falseflag. 90% of people don't give a shit about any of those (except for regional pricing). It's just an excuse for drones to antagonize Epic

Developers don't deserve more money. If they think they're entitled to that extra cut, they would release the games without DRM on GOG.

Thats all ypu have then. That 1 old tired argument. So no benefit for me at all then. Got ya.

>muh steam drones!
Yep, definitely you, Chang. How's your social credit score?

I don't fucking care what you do, i'm not your mother.

Battle.Net is just as bullshit, except there's literally like 8 games on that thing. All being ActiBlizz owned.

You're a retard

They arent funding games im just saying that what they are doing helps the developers a lot since they get money to ensure their survival

Just go back to your favorite subreddit, will you? We both know that you are a ledditor

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>rumors say the Square Enix is interested in going epic exclusive
>but only for their western/EIDOS division titles

No suprise considering how hard the community shat on Womb Raider the Unchartening and the new Just Cause titles.

Big Publishers like Square or Capcom already got special deals with Steam so the 30% cut meme doesn't apply to them but some of those publishers surely hate the steam review system.

I know I'm not your mother. That goes to China, who basically does everything for you, including thinking.

Is this supposed to be ironic or serious? How the fuck is anything on here effecting your experience? How old are you if things you can do literally anywhere else on the internet, and better, are reasons to boycott a store? Go watch streams on Twitch. Go listen to music on Spotify or pirate / buy. Go get reviews conglomerations from Metacritic; user reviews and individual critic reviews are retarded, shopping carts kek, you're on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW, lmfao achievements zoomzoom, your computer can take screenshots retard, wishlists profiles friends chats groups... movies? Don't die choking on that 2inch steam dick, beta

Both playstation store and xbox have the bare minimum of having a shopping cart.

Exclusivity is retarded to begin with. But in this case, it's not even the exclusivity. It's Epic's awful, predatory business practices to support their shitty, unfinished storefront. Most people wouldn't care near as much if this wasn't the case.

Yeah, I’m sure those take two and deep silver shareholders are really thanking gamers for the extra profit this fiscal quarter

I wish they took another year or 2. They'd easily surpass steam if they had waited and developed it further than what it was when they launched it, they wouldn't even need exclusives deal. They could have been Steam 2.0.

The cash can't hurt either.

>making a monopoly for themselves
what the fuck does this even mean

Choose your side

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Then what you're saying is irrelevant to the Nintendo/Bayonetta comparison that sparked this discussion. That was funding new games, which by your own admission is not what Epic is doing.

So lets look at the niche each non-steam platform has

>GoG, old games and drm free
>Humble, loads of games generally for the cheap
>Uplay, ubigames
>Origin, EA, it's in the game

What's Epic's niche? It seemingly doesn't have one. It wants to flat out fight Steam which is honestly needed, Gabe has gotten lazy in his old age. Maybe Epic could scare him enough to get a third game out of him (hopefully L4D). The rub that gets under everyone's skin is how Epic is trying to beat Steam.

>epic claim they help the developers
>by buying exclusivity rights 1-4 weeks before a game releases

Yeah i am pretty sure that money helped them with the development. After all 99% of the development gets done within the last few weeks before release.

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The shills have 1 argument - they pay devs more. jippi fucking doda.

I thought the Diablo 3 release shitfest couldn't be surpassed, I remeber I couldn't login for a whole fucking 5 days. I doubt it's going to be worst but the risk is there...

And honestly, why should the devs get paid more? They continue to nickel and dime us with DLC and season passes and broken, buggy games. They should be forced to work for minimum wage under horrible work conditions if they want to justify any of that.

>not using steam drone for once
I'm impressed that you've finally learned enough engrish to know when you're being called out. Good for you, Chang

EGS is one of the most incompetently managed pieces of digital distribution software ever fucking developed, hardcore issues with security, many basic features still mission after months of being up, and no actual benefits to consumers even while boasting about being "competition to steam"
While other publishers have their own distributors, they would at least keep theirs up to date with security and efficiency to at least show that they are willing to earn your purchases rather than just be forcing you to buy on their store rather than Steam
This piece of shit's claim to fame is just money hatting worthless exclusivity deals that will only push people to piracy

That's the worst thing about it. Now improvements to the launcher takes a back seat since the funds are used to get exclusives instead. In a perfect world, we'd be seeing competitive prices between the two, possibly even alternating sales and launchers that actually mean something

>Epic uses AWS

Keep dreaming drone

I don’t think anybody likes the Blizzard launcher, it’s just that the Blizzard launcher isn’t buying up timed exclusives.

They have 1 argument if you're a retard

PC gaming was just PC gaming until Tim came to ruin everything. A free, open market with no censorship and no limits. Now he wants PC to be the anti consumer epic walled garden platform of filth and underhanded jew practices.

Absolute tool and total hypocrite who cannot die fast enough. Fuck tim.

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Nobody defends the Blizzard launcher though. This is a really poor plan of attack.

>Epic pay indie devs a few thousands for 12 months of exclusivity
>meanwhile Valve/Steam isn't responding to all of this
>Steam makes +4 billion USD revenue a year

Bethesda came back as well after their failed attempt. Just like Ubisoft did with Uplay initially. The Epic deal is a free win for Ubisoft either way thanks to every Steam nerd with Ubisoft games having Uplay installed so all those Epic haters will just get their games on Uplay directly from now on

Attached: file.png (581x658, 884K)

Yeah, this. If Blizzard was moneyhatting devs like Epic the shitstorm would be the same.

Name an argument other than they pay publ- I mean devs more

>not using Epic's nightmarish PR right now to push their own influence further without having bad pr themselves.
They were even praised as saviors with their latest xbox pass deals, giving access to Metro exodus, and perhaps even BL3 at release. You're in for a surprise

>you can play the game,therefore not epics fault, besides added features are planed for the future.
You are stupid as fuck, damn fortnite kids

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>this other places have shitty exclusives that means that exclusices arent bad
Wake me up when you get a functioning brain

No one would have problems with egs if they paid for the development of the game from the start and not just throw money at a dev/publisher that is about to release a game. Doesn't help that /ourguy/ Tim acts like a cunt on social media.

In a pure function vs function deathmatch would you pick the epic launcher over steam. Say you had no steam games, the games you wanted was on both platform, and they costed the same. Can you honestly say that you would choose epic? If you can please defend your post

>Why then exclusivity is bad here?
because it doesn't matter for any reason but to force users to download shit they don't need

Bayonetta 2 would exist without nintendo, they just bought exclusivity rights

PCfags users don't like Epic because instead of winning over the consumer to get more marketshare like how Steam did it, they're winning over the publisher to get more marketshare and PCfags aren't used to not being constantly catered to.

>what the fuck are you even gamers who cares about groups and chats and friends and achievements and shopping carts none of this matters just play the game

>oh by the way those features are all coming so please download Epic Game Store already

Do those features matter or not Chang?

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Why is epic getting the hate for the exclusive stuff and not the developers?

>PCfags aren't used to being some advertiser's bitch
hey bro download the epic store client so you can see all these cool fortnite ads

>indie devs
>Epic pay

Attached: dont think.jpg (640x480, 18K)

What's your point?

Imagine if they were still working in secret on their store. They launch it at E3 2020 with more features than Steam, the same cut-deals they have now, a better security system and a new Unreal Tourn. game or something made by them.
They wouldn't need to pay millions to publishers to secure exclusivity and Valve would have been shaken to the bone. They went for the easy and fast route, it's a such a shame.

Imagine not liking vidya unless you have things like music and movies and shopping carts
Doesn't sound like you like vidya to me

not only that, as soon as you create an account you will get bombarded by fortnite ads send directly to your email as well.

They make drones like you cry

the developers are also on peoples' shit lists, in case you hadn't noticed.

>implying anyone should get hate

There's a few different reasons to hate on the EGS and people crying exclusives are at best retarded and at worse glow in the dark chinese spy niggers

More like I’m bombarded by emails of login attempts from russia

something something gamergate something something integrity in journalism something something kotakuinaction something something andy ngo

who cares

Who else here hates both valve and epic and supports based GoG?

They really thought what they had was good enough, and the stupid customers would lap it all up. If only they were just a bit less stupid about their greed...

Next EGS exclusive

How many exclusives did Epic get at gamescom? Just woke up.

They just announced another one too. I didn't see what it was called though
2 Epic exclusives so far

>exclusives are good thing, goy! Only the retarded don't love being corralled into a concentration sty where we enforce full buttfucking control over them while giving them nothing!

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I love how increadibly weak the only argument is that doesn't instantly get torn down.

How else to compete but with exclusives?

Pirate bay exclusives are also 0€/$/£ , why would I want a chink spyware attach to them?

Exclusives are shit but that's not an Epic problem, that's a gaming problem. That's like trying to blame all the world's ills on one group XD

I honestly think it's going to be a one year exclusive but it's still funny that they immediately put up a Steam page.

not an argument

SeASon 5 OF ForTNiTe Is NoW liVe.

>BL3 massive cheering
seems like no one fucking cares except autists

Not to mention Private Division is the publisher and they were the ones handling Outer Worlds.

It's an Epic problem if you're retarded, like this guy

One thing I did notice was that the pricing cut argument Tim uses wasn't only directed at Steam, he pulled Fortnite over from mobile app stores over the same reasons. I think the dude is just a means to an ends guy and he genuinely thinks that the percentage is too much, but I think it would be a while until we see a launcher as complete as Steam running on 12%

Why not pirate everything pcbro

Lower prices? Better service? No DRM?

>crowds cheering at e3/GamesCom/any con
>not paid/overhyped brainless shills
Color me not surprised

That is true, but I'd rather not have more companies perpetuate that problem

still not an argument

He's never said a bad word about GoG, even though it take the same cut as Steam. He's only picking the targets he thinks would get him good PR, he doesn't genuinely care about any of this.

>Complaining about the owner of windows controlling windows

And I can understand that logic to a point. If Epic took enough backlash on the EGS to hurt them badly it could a be a solid sign to other companies to cut the shit out. The question then becomes can it happen?

>Also not realizing his argument makes his boss look like a hypocrite.

Devs make less sales, ergo less money, balkanize their community and everyone on the platform gets a wicked victim complex. There's no reason for it other than trying to grab a peice of the pie.

Yeah, is not like people using the EGS go to the steam community when their shit ain't working.

Oh, do you actually think Yea Forums represents anything? Do you think your epic coup of EPIC is going to stop BL3 from selling?

Didnt work out for gog

That's what's such a missed opportunity. EGS could have run on a 12% (even lower for the first year) cut for years if they had invested enough in the store to attract both gamedevs/ publishers choosing it by themselves and their user-base to follow in a natural way, and new customers. It would have taken longer to form a user-base by itself (though with a new game developed by themselves it could have been enough to attract enough new consumers to it) but in the longrun they would have been fine, with a good reputation and a solid store that could have crushed steam easily.

Do you?

GOG 2.0 is the way tho, lets wait and see.

I'd say probably not, but if Epic succeeds then there would be a bigger chance we'd be seeing more upstart stores using exclusivities. I fear that it would be sort of like a dam leak

What do you mean it didn't work? It's not big but it's profitable, something you can't say for EGS.

You make no sense. How can that be true if Epic is the only place actually using exclusivity as a weapon?

Before you answer that though, reminder that this article about why exclusivity is horrible for PC gaming was written by Tim Sweeney himself, not 3 years ago.

Attached: tim.jpg (784x834, 277K)

>Supporting DRM

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You're thinking about only the PC market but Insomniac has two different games I would like to play on two different consoles

There's a good chance you're right

Hey, if you're not a pirate, then you have nothing to hide

Ironic that with Epic's exclusives PR nightmare he's paving the way for Microsoft to grow their influence and monopoly on pc. They're going to push hard on their Xboxpass and will include EGS exclusive titles (like Metro Exodus).

Steam has great Linux support, epic doesn't give a shit about Linux. If I were a windows user, I wouldn't care. But I work in Linux so it's my preferred environment at home as well and with steam it is easy to just play my games. That's why it's a bummer for games to be epic exclusives.

Basically a dude with a mutilated penis.

>devs get more money
not if they sell less lol. also steam reduces their % if games sell over a million

Speaking about that... xbox pass is actually really cool. Paid $5 to try it for a month during the promotion, played metro and a few other games. Really convenient... but, for no reason at all, microsoft sent me the money back. No idea why. So I basically got all that for free.

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Eh, I can just pirate any EGS exclusive without having to deal with their shit, same experience.

>They're going to push hard on their Xboxpass and will include EGS exclusive titles (like Metro Exodus).
it's hilarious to me, how EG had to pay a bribe to keep metro away from steam for a LIMITED amount of time, then forgot to add a clause for a workaround like this.

NOW IMAGINE, if steam added a beta for a pass-thingie just to use that workaround as well

It matters since you should be bitchin' at the Devs instead of Steam.

don't understand all the hate steam gets, nobody gave a fuck about PCgaming 10 years ago but valve decided to fix the distribution problem. now you all act like you're hardcore pc gamers that got wronged by this company who helped you out when all you could find in the PCgaming section was a couple of shitty work sims

stupid cunts

Miscrosoft would be fools to not seize that opportunity desu. If they're able to include Borderlands 3 at release on their pass they're gonna make bank.

Epic store isn't a platform. It's a fucking store on WINDOWS/PC platform. Make something exclusive to a store is fucking stupid considering all these games are made for Windows and can be sold by any digital distribution store.

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It's just shills and contrarians baiting for (you)s

It's just a Sonyfaggot

>MtG:Arena is an epic exclusive
Ummm. Excuse me?

tim needs a card game

I'll say what everybody's thinking.
>dabbing on Artifact

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Isn't it just a f2p mmo you can download from the devs site anyway?

It's consolewarriors finding a new place to shitpost. Same exact shit, instead of nintentoddler its steamdrone. Same wojaks too, except even more poorly edited.

>When MTG Arena launches on the Epic Games Store, it will continue to be available for direct download from Existing players on the Wizards platform will not be required to create Epic accounts.

Though being said, I could see them doing some booster pack deals for people on the EGS.

Also, Exclusives are usually published because the companies help fund the game. Epic said it was gonna do that, but it basically just buys exclusive rights to something and covers the first few thousand games sold.

There is no equivalent explanation for it besides what it is, It is just exclusive for exclusive stake and is going against what I wanted Epic to do. Instead of driving competition for services to improve by competition, now it is forcing people to handle multiple launchers and browsers instead of making it easy.

Well technically they still help fund the game just in the most round about backasswards piss off as many people as you can way possible.

You get datamined by china

I love when Valve takes a game that is about to be released and has been anticipated by fans on another platform, and signs an exclusivity deal to get it off that platform.

Bnet is actually garbage though and once Destiny 2 is off it's launcher I'll probably uninstall it.

>Nobody gives a shit

I stopped buying games from all those companies the second they wanted to madk me jump through hoops for the privilege of giving them money. For EA it was a blessing because I used to really like BioWare stuff. I would've bought Dragon Age: Cisquisition if it was on Steam.

So was that it? What did Epic get aside from Magic?

Apparently Oddworld as well.
And well people probably think KSP 2 is going to be an exclusive despite it having a steam page already.

Why is Hasbro so fucking dumb? Why not focus on mobile?