Yup, i'm thinking it's over

yup, i'm thinking it's over

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It was over when the second game came out.

I pray they die before DA can be raped further.

dragon age hasn't been good since origins
as is tradition, bioware creates one good game and then clinically executes all of their IPs as soon as possible, and then parades the bloated, festering corpse around town for ten years.

Why? What made DA 2 and 3 so bad compared to Origins?

It was over like 10 years ago, user

How much of this game is being outsourced like Andromeda was?

They died with Mass Effect 2.

It was over for fucking years. It's like bioware already tapped out but the referee is letting the match go on. Pathetic

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Why did he left?

It was over after the shit that was DA 2
just play it for a hour and you will know, one of the worst games I finished because I liked Origins

Was Baldur's Gate a fluke?


You know Bioware is near the end when senior employees are fleeing like rats off a sinking ship. I don't hold much hope for DA4.

>major blow
to what? a dead game?

And nothing of value was lost. Dragon Age died with Awakening.

Jade Empire and KotOR are pretty good. Flawed as is the norm with the old BioWare (i.e. when it was actual BioWare instead of some thing wearing its face) games, but good.

It feels like it's made from another company entirely there's much more depth and detail in everything.

Not that user, but here's some of the top of my head. DA2 had
>voiced protag, meaning less role-playing options and meaningful dialogue
>gameplay reduced to button mashing garbage
>reused areas
>literally only 3 enemy types
>can't fuck your sister

>ride the bull
>abysmal war room mechanic with mobile shit elements
>lifeless open world
>all the leaders are black, women, or black women

At least it has Cass. Buts that's the only redeeming thing about it

Are you serious? I mean the hate for 3 is a little overblown but goddamn. Neither are in Origins ballpark.

Story in 2 was retarded, while origins story served it's purpose with enough interesting side details to get people thinking/talking.
2 had repetitive environments and almost entirely took place in the same fucking town.
Combat wise I consider 2 a little better even though I didn't like being spammed with waves of enemies. I remember liking the skill trees in 2 much more than origins.
Characters in 2 were less memorable besides Anders, but only because of his clinical retardation that he obtained after the events of Awakening I guess.
I didn't play 3.

they lacked inspiration, they simplified gameplay, they lost the magic.

the brief glimpse of story i saw from dragon age 2 was not remotely compelling, the gameplay looked bizarre and clunky, and as far as i'm aware, 2 is completely railroaded.

much of the appeal of the older bioware games was the iconic character design and freedom the player had to both create a relatively personal character and explore the world at will, on top of solid, though now archaic, rpg gameplay and leveling.

the characters in the newer games just aren't interesting. i just don't care very much, and when the rest of the game isn't that great and it's stuck in early 2010s brown is real graphics where everything looks like dirt, i just don't have much interest. the world is boring, in dragon age 2, and that's a no go for a fantasy game. 3 looked better, definitely, but by then i had given up on bioware as a studio, and refused to contribute to their efforts to further run these ips into the ground.

let me guess, da3 and andromeda were your first bioware games


That was when the sjw takeover began. Bioware was one of the first studios to fall to the leftist invasion.

No, not really. The second game actually improved upon the first in every way aside from things that come down to personal preference like starting out at level one or the more limited scope of the story. So there was talent and the will to improve at bioware at some point. Unfortunately, they never managed that again afterwards. Every sequel they produced after BG2 never managed to be an overall improvement on its predecessor.

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