Play Monster Hunter World

Attached: IWouldHandleHerNamean.jpg (1920x1080, 429K)

I am now but no way in hell am I spending money on handler clothes. I ain't an orbiter.

Fat bitch

tempted to buy that skin just so she doesn't look butt ugly all the time

Why pay for this when you could pay for clothes for your favorite streamer to wear?

MHW on gog when?

Who the fuck wears this to the fucking beach.
No one.
MH are just too prudish to give us slut armour again.
Thanks Sony.

its free

No. Play Frontier instead it's going to close soon.

>add character customization
>can't make our characters look like her
why do companies do this?

I'll go back to it when Iceborne drops
I have no desire to play right now

It's 3 bucks on steam.

just download some mod


She is wearing entirely too much clothing.

Gog on mhw when?

I don't want to see him again

She's too wide.


>played through all of monster hunter world
>did all the farming for tempered and every slightly harder version
>did behemoth and its ex version
>got everything i wanted
>not even interested in iceborne anymore

Which part of handler would you lick first?

cute pits

oh hunter, when will you realize that I'm the perfect handler for you

Attached: Serious_Handler.png (326x384, 261K)

I can see her belly button, haha.



Is there mod to skip the cutscenes?
It's dumb that you can't join in on story missions until they see the cutscene.

i prefer my handler, at least i know how will she look when she taste my weinner

I like when she cooks me food and tells me I'm a good hunter

Hub ship girls are hotter. I do nearly everything from the Celestial Pursuit and avoid the handler.

>That stomach
>That navel
Cover her back up.

>playing a hyper casualized version
no thanks fag.

Because no streamer will wear clothes that could get her banned.

dios mios

It's the eye sockets. She would look so much better if she didn't have the russian meth eyes.

Ok aibo!

Attached: summer_handler.png (2000x2000, 1.34M)


Did what?

>A game with like 60 armor sets
>Only 5 of them are worth the grind
>They all look ass

I don't like MHW. What's the fucking point

We fucked the monster, fucked it good

Handler is best girl