ITT: we laugh at demonfags


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It's just one random dude forcing stupid meme. Nothing to laugh at.

Mind explaining what this is about?

"Leak" from last week about a rerelease of MGSV that adds in cut content and rewrites a lot of the game including playing as John/actual BB the entire time.

Kojima selling hype over nothing


Okay, thanks then.


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Anyone who participates in any kind of MGSV discussion is a fucking moron at this point, myself included. There's literally nothing to talk about unless you want to come up with new reasons to be angry.

It's the blunder of the century.

why would somebody believe this

What if the discussion is about various flaws and FUCKING ANIMAL RNG?

can we stop pretending it was shit?

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>unless you want to come up with new reasons to be angry

But those are old reasons.

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It was a lot of fun in terms of raw gameplay but it was a wet fart as a conclusion to the story, especially as a "missing link" story. People are mostly just upset over the story rather than the gameplay.

Yes, but this isn't the MGS2 thread...

>actually believing this
fucking retarded zoomers

Why would anyone believe this when it flies in the face of literally every aspect of Konami's handling of the MG brand from the last decade?

After I got that stupid turtle I uninstalled the game and never looked back.

Can you stop pretending it wasn't shit?

Gamescom is still not over. They're saving the official Demon Edition reveal for last.

>barren open world full of pointless checklists to go down and nowhere near as many small TECHNOLOGY gameplay opportunities as earlier games
The gameplay sucked too unless you think controls are all there are to gameplay

We better get a suicide stream this time, Caramel.

but it wasn't

There's literally something to do no matter where you are on the map. Do you just wander in circles around the desert in Afghanistan or something?

>but it wasn't

Yes holding B to pick up plants and clearing out the same copypasted checkpoints is such engaging gameplay


>metal gear fags keep falling for it



what a stupid post

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Demonkeks were so retarded. MGSV is already a 8/10


> blunder of the century
> sold pretty much in line with the rest of the series
> critically acclaimed
> best gameplay in the whole series

> blunder

peace walker was more of a conclusion to the game, this game felt like an epilogue to peace walker if anything.

>what a stupid post
Coming from the guy who has deluded himself into thinking V is good and put fucking 555 hours into it, that doesn't mean much. You cannot seem get a grasp on reality.

more like 8.5 :)

Shhhhhh this is supposed to be a 10/10 masterpiece with an incredible story full of plot twist And enganging game play where u dont have to grind for like 60 hours to get the fun And dynamic playstyles by the end of the game where u saw this piece of shit for what it is

>You cannot seem get a grasp on reality.

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>go to base
>fulton everyone in the base
>go out in the wild
>pickup everything and fulton all the animals
wow such engaging gameplay, it's almost like having autism for real

>Demonkeks were so retarded
>MGSV is already a 8/10
*breathes in*

You're absolutely right.

>hurr durr needs more cutscenes

I'm sorry you can't enjoy fun games. Seems like you enjoy movies more.

True. They can try to deny it but it was shit as his worst and an incomplete decent game at his best.

>>fulton everyone in the base

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Not my fault you're a coombrain that is deprived of all creativity and normal dopamine production.

Maybe lay off the porn for a while, huh?

It was garbage. Honestly it feels like the equivalent of MGS4 but for BB and friends.

>MGS: Ubisoft Open World Edition
99% of MGSV is filler

Caramel its time to be a hero

>y-you're p-playing it wrong!

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>literally the most efficient AND easiest way to play
Good design has you decide between one or the other. MGSV doesn't have good design, though. SAD!


Demonkeks are for real 80 IQ tops

It's bad enough that V has less fun shit to do than even 4, but it actively punishes you for not cheesing everything with a silenced tranq.

>it's the blunder of the century
That's 4 mate, 5 at least had some good gameplay

This but unironically

I’ve been out, is Gamescom over? Did Konami announce anything this year?

Everything after 3 was a big mistake and Vfags especially are room temp IQ

it's easily one of the most fun games of the generation. top 5. you're delusional, and a faggot.

This. Hitman Blood Money and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory are great because of this. You decide how you want to play.

>muh younglings

>wait, i cant develop anything because i havent fultoned any goons
IMAGINE game design so shit you cant progress without playing a very specific way

It does have the best gameplay in the series

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At least 4 actually had boss fights lmao
Who can forget such legendary fights in V like "annoying bullet sponge QTE zombies" and "giant robot with less depth than even the PW bosses"

>People actually believed Yea Forums shitposting

>Tactical Running Away Action

>"missing link"
no, that's 4.

Just because you don't know how to play the game optimally doesn't mean it's true lmao. Now go bitch about helicopter rides or something lol

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>especially as a "missing link" story

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This. The game is only fun if you turn on the OSP modifier in Infinite Heaven, and even then it’s just a matter of CQC’ing a guy and crouch walking behind the next guy and CQC’ing him. On top of that the level design is not existent, with the exception of small curated areas like OKB Zero.

4 gameplay is way better, is a refined version of MGS2 and 3, 5 on the other hand simplifies it for the zoomer playerbase. the problem with 4 is the act sctructure, too much cutscenes and the pants in the head retarded story (which is even worse on 5)

V haters are pathetic and boring. Another sequel hated because it wasn't their headcanon.

Kojima is a butthurt bitch hack that can't handle well deserved victories. He tried to do the same thing with MGR:R the fucking hack. Good thing he got fired before he could actually retcon it.

MGRR is a much better ending for the saga than MGS4 it's not even funny, and it doesn't even TRY to be an ending, it ends on sequel bait.

4 has the worst boss roster in the entire series only the final battle with Ocelot is good

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Or you could, you know, get good at FOB.

When exactly do the fanfic fags even think it's going to be revealed?

MGSV has the worst boss roster, because it doesn't even have one.

Stop sharing this shitty clip you fucking disinfo agent.

Better to have no bosses than shit bosses

I will never stop laughing at caramelfags actually thinking that Konami is retarded enough to get rid of waifu.
Fuck SJWs and fuck copefags

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if you think they're worse than the boss fights on 5, you just have shit taste on video games user, I'm sorry

The skulls test your skills and intelligence, they're kino, you're just too dumb to fight them.

I bet you didn't even manage to knock them out and fulton them.

Rising is pure kino because it embraced how stupid the franchise was and just rolled with that. And by doing so, it managed to be more mature and serious than MGS V, hell, it even touches the theme of child soldiers with a deeper meaning, with Raiden being an ex child-soldier and he fact the new PMCs are also dealing with that.

>Better to have no bosses than shit bosses

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go back to sucking your dads dick in the theater while he watches the last jedi

5 does have bosses, just not a boss roster. It has nameless bulletsponge zombies v1, v2 and v3, and sahelantropus. And they are all COMPLETE shit.

The skulls are pure bullet sponges.

>hiding the true ending behind an extremely rare rerelease
Why the FUCK would you do that. I still bought Demon edition tho

>the only fun part of V is something that wasnt curated by Kojipro and doesn’t progress the main story
You are right though, the FOBs are the best part of the game

>The skulls test your skills and intelligence

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user, you can use sleeping gas on them

>4 gameplay is a way better and more refined version of the gameplay the from 2 and 3
All three systems of gameplay are barely comparable. 4 is a glorified TPS that dumbs down everything that made the camo system interesting in 3.

what did konami talk about?
the shitty mini console?

confirmed brainlets who didn't think beyond what their coombrains allowed them to.

What if I told you almost all skull fights are possible to finish with perfect stealth?

And you don't see how decoupling the endgame from the narrative isn't a bad thing?

And lets not forget that Cloaked In Scilence Extreme blows The End out of the fucking water

Nothing. They don't have anything other than playable PES 2020 at their booth.

where is the stream bros?

They’re a stupid terrible concept, have shit designs, and aren’t engaging at all to fight. Get fucked.

The BNB units designs were alright and the fights themselves at least had something to them. Even if they were bullet sponges.
They're better than peace walkers mechs, but even the mechs are more interesting than the skulls.

>What if I told you almost all skull fights are possible to finish with perfect stealth?
I would say no shit retard. Theres nothing in MGSV that requires intelligence or skill, the game tells you what you can do and gives you a shit ton of options to use.

>I'm sorry you can't enjoy fun games. Seems like you enjoy movies more.

ahh, now this is what I call cringe. Probably the exact same cringelords who tried to defend RDR2 by acting like anyone who doesnt like its laughably barebones but still time consuming "realism" element is just a kid when in reality the RDR2 or TPP zoomers have never played anything even remotely hardcore from genres that even resemble these new 8th gen zoomer fied ubishit open world mass market products they are defending. No, Im sorry that you enjoy eating shit because nobody ever gave you food and now youre too retarded with shit for brains to seek out better sustenance on your own

This is the kind of person that likes MGSV. Single digit IQ discord tranny shitposters. No surprises here.

Ahahahah. Holy shit. Aha.

That's sound familiar...

I wonder what these rerelease leaks have in common

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>defend RDR2
Not him but the game of the generation doesn't need much defending.
You seem to be irrationally mad at people liking good media.

Do we expect "good" stories out of these games anyway?

What are you talking about, it's fun to go ham on them with a MG in Metallic Archea or when you gotta sneak around them in the MGS3 style jungle in Africa, shit like that. And they mean business on Extreme mode.


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>4 is a glorified TPS that dumbs down everything that made the camo system interesting in 3.

are you fucking retarded? the octocamo is less annoying to use, harder to use and at once more complex than the shit in MGS3 which was LITERALLY just opening a menu and looking at what facepaint/ outfit had the biggest numbers. The octocamo forces you to cling to the surface you want to masquerade as for a bit AND it thus has a gigantic amount of patterns because every surface or object you can touch in the game can affect the suit

It's not over. Kojima has signalled to me. Kojima is at Gamescom. TPP was revealed as MGSV at Gamescom. Brace yourselves.

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Cope lmao

The fight in the snow was pretty fun

I wonder if that will be the trend for next gen consoles. Instead of porting over games they'll just remake them.

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stay mad I guess

>The octocamo forces you to cling to the surface you want to masquerade as for a bit
So does 3's camo, idiot. $ fucking sucks because it actually was unfinished.

ruse cruse cancelled. no refunds :(

Bullet sponge tier enemies.

RDR2 is a massive failure, youre retarded if it being irrelevant, forgotten and shunned by its audience would ever be reflected in its sales when literally everyone bought it on the mass hype of the previous rockstar games and nothing else. The biggest and most sensible complaint about the game from everyone with a brain was that its littered with time consuming "realism" elements that arent actually hard to manage or perform at all but they still make you hold a button down for 5 seconds all the time to slowly do something that doesnt increase the depth of the game in the slightest, while there wasnt any depth to begin with. Its zoomer, cinematic "depth" by showing you an epic skinning animation of an animal but the gameplay is actually puddle deep, youre just looking at animations play out for an extended time. The exact same clueless retard audience defends TPP because of "da gameplay" while they have literally no clue on the subject and havent even played any relevant games that curbstomp everything TPP does except its laughably embarrassing mobile game element

I can't believe you didn't kill yourself after getting banned from NBGO and Twitter.

Come on, man, it's been 4 years, let it go.

I wouldn't call RDR2 the game of the generation (because I personally hate open world games and think they're vapid experience; that's why I'll never touch Elden Ring) but you can't pretend it wasn't insanely successful.
You can create the best game ever made; if it doesn't sell, it was a failure. RDR2 was one of Rockstar's best selling games in recent history. It was a success.

Someone actually believed it ?

>I personally hate open world games and think they're vapid experience
probably because you're a vapid person lol

I couldnt give a lesser fuck about how much money some product makes for a kike in a suit, the game was instantly met by a shit audience score and the same audience forgot about it in 2 months while the original RDR was wanked about for years everywhere

Yea Forums =/= the entire market.
Riddle me this: if Yea Forums is a perfect mirror of the entire videogame market, why Playstation still exist? Why PC isn't the dominant platform? Why Overwatch exists?

>implying Yea Forums isn't riddled with underage snoyfags

cope harder squirt

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Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did end up reusing the engine and available assets to throw together a what-boss-was-doing-the-entire-time story.

How fucking illiterate and delusional are you? I couldnt give a fuck about what this shithole does, there has been zero buzz about the game anywhere since it released and the online is fucking dead, people still froth at the mouth over GTA5

zoomers and other retards who dont even like videogames are LITERALLY the only people who give a fuck about rockstar games

I think you may be one of the most dedicated people I know. Granted it's about something completely dumb and irrational but I commend your ability to run with it

I said this a couple of days ago, idk why you idiots hype yourself up with lies only to laugh at yourselves when your lie doesn't come true.

yes, now go and also congratulate chris chan for his downie autism

Your "everywhere" is Yea Forums. That's why you believe that a game not discussed here was a failure.
It's as simple as that.
Yea Forums hates Sony and the Playstation brand. Yea Forums loves Nintendo and Steam and pretend that Xbox doesn't exist.. Guess what? In the real world Playstation is the most popular console brand, Nintendo and PC are niche and Xbox exist on a comfortable third place.

>Your "everywhere" is Yea Forums.

How fucking braindead are you? Nobody is talking about RDR2 on any website, nobody is making content for it on youtube because nobody fucking gives a shit about the game, half of the memecal online reviewers were lukewarm about it and some even called it out on its dogshit, the games audience score was in the red when it originally came out and its online mode is fucking dead with zero interest about it anywhere. The game selling X amount of millions of units to retarded casuals doesnt mean anything because once again I dont give a shit about how much money some kike is making, the primary audience of rockstar shit is people who dont even actually play videogames or know anything about them

>RDR2 was a massive failures
What did this tranny mean by this?

Id tell you to go back to memeddit but I doubt they want an illiterate pajeet there either


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No I dont, thats exactly why I play actually good games instead of rockstars newest zoomer shit. Funnily enough rockstar had both of those but nobody gave a fuck about the online and even ecelebs couldnt save the public image of the game that was too boring for its zoomer audience but too casual for anyone else to care

The demon edition was the friends we made along the way


I wish demonfags were ID tagged so we could laugh at them whenever they posted.

it's literally autism

Who is worse, Demonfags or Grinchfags?

They're the same


Sequel bait?/? So you haven't played it at all did you?

this is true about literally anything retard

>haha when was the last time ninja played your shitty game LMOA

lol okay

You know a game doesn't have to be bad for you to dislike it, right?

Okay but MGSV has some of the best boss fights in the series lol like Quiet on extreme or all the different ways you can tackle the skulls, you know, fun gameplay and all that...

Don't reply to me ever again, idiot.

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once again, you would have an argument if you werent defending rockstars casual shit. If you actually think youre anything but a retarded normie while being the RDR2 audience, youre a fucking delusional mouthbreather

It's almost here.

Demon Edition is coming

cope harder lol


Retard the story is about him finding that it's his nature to kill the ending just clarifies that he will keep killing bad guys there's nothing more to add to Raiden story


movies belong on

"cope" with fucking what kid? the fact that nobody who actually knows anything about games gives RDR2 any credit for anything that actually involves gameplay? RDR2 is for the "people" who list TLOU and bioshock as "the best games ever made"


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Okay except it isn't an on rails quipfest like TLOU which is why everybody actually likes it. So yeah cope ;)

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Remember, Yea Forums considers The Last of Us to be a movie and not a videogame while praising Telltale's The Walking Dead S1 as one of the finest videogames ever made.
Therefore Yea Forums is the last people I would liste about what makes a videogame, a videogame.

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Literal mental illness

there is a big difference in mental illness and mental retardation, dont act like the chris chan tier downie has the former

It's not over yet.

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several reasons, most of them stupid.

So this is the thread where naysayers will be BTFO huh. Gamescom ain't over yet kid


>Yea Forums is one person
do i need to tell how everybody knows that you are zoomerfaggot?

>Kojima just arrived
Can't wait for his tears when people cheer for his version of V being erased

caramel. u dont want to see a repeat of this whole debacle: do you?

>the story is about him finding that it's his nature to kill the ending just clarifies that he will keep killing bad guys
Retard, the story is about him finding that most of those are, not bad guys. The moral dilemma was left unresolved. Retard.

The only thing worthwhile that ever happened in any Metal Gear Solid game was that lady having a grenade raped into her pussy

This video is only going to make my victory all the more sweeter.

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What if Caramel was Kojima all along?

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how are you this evening/afternoon/morning caramel?

>ITT retards who still want shitty fanfic five years later get fucked up the ass

Fucking good

Ready to harvest the tears.

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How long does this go

Wait a minute, was MGSV a spin off?

stories are for gays

what is the point? big boss was an evil rapist, there was a gap, and we needed to see the connections established between him and the future characters.

damn dude how jaded do you have to be

Cope with what? Quiet's fight is ass compared to The Ends.


I didn't believe it but why are you so confident? Is event over yet? Was there a Konami stream?
I'm kinda expecting hd collection ports

Hope, user. Hope.

yes, it ISNT MGS5 but MGSVenom


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Konami won't make anything that required any real budget or effort. Survive was the last new thing they made and it was just an MGSV assets flip.

>this is the greatest handgun ever made
>6 bullets
>more than enough to kill anything that moves

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Are you demknfags ready to regret your thoughts and deeds?
Or will he have this same song and dance next year?

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Holy shit DS looks fucking awful I'd rather have a V remake