Critically acclaimed WoW killer

>critically acclaimed WoW killer
>already forgotten one month after launch
What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've been playing pretty much nothing but it since launch, personally.

frog fate is up in khlousia, come up loser.

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Sex with the twins when?

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i want to be isekaid into the worl of ff14 as my viera, and whore my self in the quicksand

Most people have done the content.
The only thing that remains to be done is glamour

This. Then again I don't have much passion for video games outside of a handful titles nowadays.

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I thought the frog suit fate was in the tempest

i've never heard of this game

if you call your game a wowkiller, or if anyone calls your game a wowkiller, it is not a wowkiller

its for the frog mount

Perhaps they mean the ironfrog mount. And then with the fuath in Il Mheg, gotta wonder what's up with frogs this expac

What gathering will make me the most money?

are you new or something
since when did knowing absolutely nothing about video games to the point where you dont even know whats out become something worth bragging about on a video game enthusiast forum

I'm playing a lot. FFXIV doesn't have a ton of sustaining content though. A lot of ppl play the story content and quit until next update, or wait until next expac is announced and binge to catch up. Right now if you're still playing you're either progressing Eden or leveling alt jobs.

That's a positive thing to me.
I'm much more motivated when there's a clear end in sight

I actually have lots of other games I feel like playing, just that FFXIV is on the very top. If I don't feel like it that day, I just play something else though.
Some people play it all day even if they're not enjoying it and I think that's retarded.

I'm having fun levelling alt jobs and doing their story. I can't wait for the SMN rework by the way, the gameplay is clunky as fuck.

No one has forgotten it, retarded. Servers are constantly full and people have been hard at their goals since launch.
Try as you might to see it as otherwise, this game's the king of the genre right now.

Twins fucking when?

the amount of sheer cope
>people quit after the single player story is done

I bought Shadowbringers after just 4 days of being a returning 1.0 player. I like how I don't have to level samurai or red mage from level 1

I'm leaning toward mining since so much requires those dwarven mythril nuggets.

>already forgotten
>top all-time MMO score in metacritic

i am implying that your game is so fucking shit that even i, an authentic gamer, have not even heard of it, because it has escaped my omniscience through vile jew sorcery

just grind fates and sell materials you can buy from Shared FATE vendors.

>cleared E1S in two weeks
>only had 4 days in total spent on fight
>have good hopes the static will beat E4S
>Alexander Ultimate drops in 5.15
>we get to hear the live version of RISE
Prepare your butts.

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neither every server is populated with bots who will undercut you out of the market near instantly.
the best you can hope to do is get new shit on patch day before the bot hordes outscale your production

i, an authentic gamer

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>e1s two weeks
bro is ur static fucking retarded that was like the most mind numbingly easy savage fight in the last 2 years short of aute right.

Still playing it though

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How do I make money then?


>all of the first 3 eden savage fights are just omega split into 3 different fights
feels pantokrator clone man
i don't think any tier has had such content recycling as this

are you new or something

if you want to do it slow do crafting and sell shit with good margins or sell shit the day of a major patch.
if you want to do it fast get 7 friends who don't suck and sell content runs.
both gathering and crafting are plagued by people who bot and are far richer than you so you will never make insane money.
but money is worthless outside of decorating houses anyway.

>still trying to clear savage
>prepping for 5.1 by gathering materias
>trying to reach personal goal of hitting gil cap
>want to level all jobs to 80
>also want to complete chocobo racing
I wish I had more time honestly.

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I haven't yet looked into housing, just heard it's a pain because of plot space. How much of a pain are we talking?

>friends make a static for eden
>invite me because i'm the only one who's done savage content before
>haven't done any serious content with them before so it should be fun
>they are literally the worst people i have ever played with
>rdm who never uses any of his cooldowns and manually walks up to enemies to do his melee. still wearing af + leveling gear
>sch who gets hit by every aoe and cannot heal anything
>smn who uses titan egi as dps and tries to heal people with physick
i want to leave so badly because they don't listen to anything i say but i don't want them to hate me

It's already hard enough to find a plot depending on what server you're on. Then you have to fight hordes of bots or macro spammers for hours and hours to successfully purchase the plot. Or some dude who already has a house can just relocate to it and make all your efforts wasted.
then repeat

>only had 4 days in total spent on fight
Ladies and gentleman, the average puggers reading comprehension.
4 days in total
2 weeks
2 days spent on each week

you will have more money than you know what to do with before you will even have an opportunity to buy a house. all plots are taken and when they rarely lapse there is an army of bots outside clicking trying to buy it when it randomly unlocks.

basically idk what you need money for unless you want to be a hardcore savage raider who wastes a fuckload of money overmelding and excessively using pots like a retard.

Not only did Shadowbringers fail to kill WoW. It failed to kill a rehash of Vanilla.

People would rather play a barebones and shitty vanilla WoW over anything from FF14.


>>top all-time MMO score in metacritic
>forgotten already one month (ONE MONTH) after it is launched

Meant for

It just doesn't appeal to the traditional mmorpg players, that's all. FFXIV is just about story, while doing meaningless things and time wasters on the way of it. "progress" raiding doesn't really exist, since the crafted gear is just as good. Also the fact that you can't really customize your class makes it really boring to play. in WoW you at least have trinkets and enhancements that change the way skills interact with each other or used to have talents, but in FFXIV it's just always the same and waiting for the next big update that just dumbs down the gameplay even more. Eventually the PvE of FFXIV will look just like the PvP, where you've got a single button that executes your entire rotation. Obviously this kind of game only appeals to people who want story and they'll jump ship once they got through all the story quests, since there's no endgame at the end of it.

WoW wins the battle but FFXIV wins the war.

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Should i start leveling now for Crafting content in 5.1? Feels like it could either be a big thing or just another Doman restoration quest line like in Stormblood.

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i think hes implying it took him over 72 hours of wiping to the first fight to clear it.
I don't know this nigga better be esol for typing such a dumb sentence.

Oh well, my FC already has a house and you can buy room in it iirc so I'll just do that. A shame, but since there's no housing in Ishgard it's not that important anyway.

user, whatever you say, wont change the fact that its the #1 MMO, you can join too, theres a free trial that you may like.

They said it's a legit thing. Supposed to be like competitions where you craft together with people or some shit.

You should put some effort into grasping the english language. Just like your group needs to put some effort into getting good if it took you more than two hours to beat e1s.

>video game critics are good when they agree with me

> Critically acclaimed.
> By no-name journalists and onions outlets.

Why are literal queues such a horrible yet wondrous thing to witness?

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Nothing, it basically saved Square Enix and that's all it needed to do.

bro I don't know what you're talking about. there's discussions (lol) about this game every day. Just because your jannies keep the wow threads and ban the xiv ones doesn't mean it's ded

I feel this is a bit over-exaggerated but you as an experienced raider can't expect completely new people to be at your pace. I just don't think you realized what you signed up for joining a new crew.

buy an apartment in a citystate as opposed to your fc house incase you ever leave them/they melt down and implode over tranny drama like half of the playerbase does.

>#1 MMO

trannies AFKing doesn't count my dude and we all know what particular minority the games media panders to, because if they counted then black desert would've been then #1 mmo, but it isn't because AFK retards dont count

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>it basically saved Square Enix
and that's horrible

i hope we get pepsi boi, cruise chaser and brute justice in ultimate

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>botters immediately ruin it

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they say this every time. expect dumb shit like having your fc members squat in the airship room to have crafting permissions

I take great pleasure in knowing that asmon will get blacklisted by richturp.

user you are deviating from the topic, but dont worry its a normal reaction, it will pass, have a nice day.
Yes user, you are right, have fun.

What do you expect from an mmo that focuses on store and no actual content? The story is good but the servers are already empty. It's like they spent more money marketing for the game instead of making one.

I would have at least one gatherer and one crafter at level 80 with high end gear.

if they are doing this at max level there really is no saving them. abort for your own sanity.

What about Sephirot, Sophia, Zurvan, Kefka

>not actual content
Then why is the game so highly rated? There is nothing wrong with single player MMOs.

I understand not everyone will top tier right off the bat but this is literal basic fundamentals they're not understanding no matter how much I try to teach them. I try showing them rotations and offer to craft and meld gear if they need it but they completely ignore it.

None of it it is over exaggerated by the way. This is literally how they play.
The SMN in question is some kind of autist who keeps trying to play it like it's a healer. Back in SB he went through Eureka just so he could meld mind to all his gear.

>Introduced as selfish and heartless characters
>They are actually fucking sweet as fuck

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This. Monkeys will undercut everything. Even if you sell X for weeks for 500k they will turn it into 1k. Half pf game population are bots.

>The story is good but the servers are already empty
What? I have queues every time I try to sign in. It's fucking 11AM and I have queues.

I think he would have noticed if his friends were really playing so badly before.

I want this more than anything. Some big ugly amalgamation of the four demons. Sophias head popping out of zurvans asshole to blast you.


Ff14 won a small battle when shadowbringers launched. It completely lost the war with all the classic servers being full already needed to make more servers.

FF14 servers are already empty. Only house owners and ERP communities are still subbed.

>Tfw E4S phase 1 is kicking our collective asses up
We're getting better at going to phase 2 with everyone alive but goddamn fuck the meteor phase

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>but the servers are already empty.
I had to wait in a queue yesterday to join mine, as I have for most of the sessions over the last month. This is hilariously false.

you dont need to stay logged in
dont even need to stay subbed
and thats a good thing, fuck endgame grinding, i feel better downloading gacha and spinning the wheel than farming loot and items that inevitably get outdated
That said, whens the next live letter? Thats probably the 5.1 one right?

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invite to xenosys layer



Explain my "I clear faster" flexing in game where second tier will be released only in 2020.
6 months of farming same 4 bosses
SIX months. Every week E1S, E2S, E3S, E4S.

>take break from playing with fc for e3s
>pug it today
>see enrage only once because people keep fucking up easy mechanics constantly
I have a headache now. Hopefully the fc group can actually get us past tsunami 2 after the weeklies.

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>FF14 servers are already empty
I literally cannot remember the last time I didn't have to wait in a queue to play. On multiple worlds.

They threw a man off the tower to his intended death
They had a redemption arc but they were definitely bad people

pop sprint and move your ass. Tell your healers to prep indoms/lillies/lightspeed for that part.

It hits the same wall most MMOs do aka grind the same fucking content on repeat until more content is added.

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Damn I can't stop playing FFXIV. So many other games are waiting for me and I just can't stop now. Heck I haven't even finished nier automata yet.

you only have to do it after finishing the msq

>Explain my "I clear faster" flexing in game

that shit had me laughing my ass off thank you for the (You)

>falseflaggers still falseflagging with XIV vs Classic in both Classic and XIV thread
You should be really delusional to believe that XIV is even close to WoW popularity. Simply not possible.

Since finishing the MSQ i've been jewing the market board and selling crafted gear to raidfags.

You should make sure to finish it before 5.1, I think.

>what is moral relativism

leveling trusts is easy now user
Big thing that saved my sanity was having multiple jobs to level at once
Assuming you only have one 80, getting trusts ready for dohn should be the work of getting a job to 73, or several jobs to 72.

>I feel this is a bit over-exaggerated but you as an experienced raider can't expect completely new people to be at your pace
You can. It's called common sense. After 1 hour of training, a static should be able to beat the majority of phases in the game. That's what the whole game is about. You learning the mechanics of upcomming fights, where the cushions are taken away one by one. This was a design philosophy when they launched 2.0. It would give you a training phase between levels 1 and 35. You either knew what to do at this point or you would straight up wipe the entire group and couldn't even complete a basic ass dungeon. That meant the only people that got to level 50 actually had the experience to be up there. That changed after 2.3, but if you can't dedicate a hour of your time to concentrate, then just don't fucking attempt the content. Go back to your e-brothel and just ERP. There should be honestly a benchmark every player has to do every week that makes sure that they are at least capable of casting one spell every 5 seconds, before they are allowed to use the duty finder or group for instances.

the level of blizzdrone cope in this thread

No, they dismissed him since he couldn't draw the kind of painting they wanted
And since he wasn't one of the free people he had to find a job or they were kicking him
he couldn't find one and Vauthry decided to throw him off
They didn't decide to throw him up themselves, though they are still at fault but not directly.

>pepsi boi
They should actually do this and finally kill the raiding forever in this game.

did they outright confirm more ultimates?

And even then they feel incredibly guilty about it and were right onto making amends.

This isn't true at all. You met plenty of retards in 2.0 getting stuck on demon wall. So nobody was gated out of high level, because you could farm fates quite easily in coerthas and north than

at this point im convinced that there are more bots playing this game than I am. I see like hundreds of them daily. they just teleport to npcs and insta kill mobs and shit, it's fucking retarded that a company can be so incompetent at dealing with this. I couldnt even believe it when they said making glasses and shit for the new races was too hard

Nah that's good, no wow refugees on my servers

yes, but no idea as to what exactly
could be thordan, or warring triad or alexander
could even throw a curveball and have it be stormblood ultimates, but thats a stretch

>Legend tank leaves
Why are they such drama queens? HRT?

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More ultimates will come but they were not very transparent on how many or when. My guess is 5.1 will not have one but 5.3 and 5.5 will in order to help with that pre expansion drought.

Stop bringing down their parses, faggots.

That's how their society works, they knew that by dismissing him he'd get tossed.

nobody wants to deal with afk healers

They have said they will release more ultimates but not sure on the schedule of release. They didn't even confirm if we'll get 2 this expansion.

Maybe try hitting some damage buttons instead of standing still, retard

no meaningful content as always
the entire endgame is a poor facsimile of wrath-era WoW that is desperately in need of some variation

>both DPS players suck
>healer does 0 dps

I'd leave too.

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>already forgotten
>login queues at all times of the day

This sort of pseudo shitposting we have to have in order for janny not to nuke the threads is tiresome

>Tranny degenerate can't clear dungeon without healer DPSsing
Imagine being this bad. Imagine tryharding in casual game for anime kids. Imagine tryharding in dungeon.
Futaba's FFXIV thread

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>4 people in line
>takes 30 seconds to get in
>200 people in line
>takes 30 seconds to get in

Honestly I'm pretty convinced that this is fake. Outside of the prime time (afternoon and evening) the cities are empty and nobody is out anywhere questing. I remember the ArchAge launch where +20.000 people were queuing up at any given time and it could take 8-15 hours to get into the server and it had that for weeks, despite having so many alternative servers that all had the same problem. Every spot with quests had like 50 people trying to do them. It seems strange to me that with mega servers that there are such a low amount of people sitting in the cities. I also play the game, but im trying to be realistic here.

>Mael and Flames have images of their actually enlisted soldiers
>Gridania just has their patron goddess on their banner

Adders confirmed undermanned shitters

WTF is this chink chong shit ?

>Outside of the prime time
What other time matters then, retard? God forbid people have lives?

Adders know what we like, and it's boobs

FFXIV fans are just loud people
They scream hard and say their game is a wow killer to bring more people on their dead game
That's how it works. Fanboyism at it's peak.

When your choices are between Pirates, Riches and racist forest niggers, you have to put something on there to attract at least someone.

>DPS is good
>but healer doesn't dps
>leave party
>ruin experience for 2 DPS who did nothing wrong because if egoistical whims
>in team based game
There is no morale high ground in this situation. But I suspect it's happens because of Xeno XD epic video. Since he's hero for all wannabe raiders

That right there is probably the hardest part of the fight

Imagine queueing for a dungeon just to /follow the tank and stand still until you see a health bar go down

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>Legend tank
There's your problem. Anyone worth his salt who actually cleared ultimate won't wear the title even when being held at gunpoint. Only people who bought their clear do this. Vanityfags are the most "toxic" and shit part of the playerbase. Heck if you told me he had a crown as well the image would truly be complete.

You guys! What are the most aesthetic Deepshadow and Edengate/grace gearsets? Also which has the better looking weapons? Which is the worst looking gearset/weapons, in ya’ll’s opinions?

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>Was it because it was because the power of stagnation was flowing into the original world due to the flood of light?

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>What other time matters then, retard? God forbid people have lives?

It's indicative of the health of the playerbase, which, you know, is important for a mmorpg.

perhaps striking for deepshadow and maiming for edengate

More like Twin Udders

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How can fags like you say there is no content when blizzard is literally rereleasing decades old content?

Please entertain the thought for fun. Imagine a 2.0 classic server. What do you think about that?

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And the appropriate amount of people are still in cities during non-peak hours. Plenty for the time.
Summer is also over, school is starting up again.

>Male au'ra run animation
I'll never get tired of it, it look like they're skidding around like high school autists

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They assumed that he'd either find other work, or be escorted back out to gatetown, not thrown from the parapets

wat the phucc going on with her areolars

>level 50 BLM
no thank you.

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I never leave in experts because they're just too easy for everything but a few pulls. Last pull in Amaurot and first pull in Anyder, respectively. It's especially bad in Anyder because I have no way to judge the party's skill before that pull comes up, so I have to go slow or risk it for a biscuit. And when I go through all my cooldowns and 3 full health resets, and every single fucking mob is still alive, so I die and we wipe, and then some fucker dps goes "bit off more than you can chew, huh tank ;)" then I blow my fucking lid.

1.0 was better than 2.0 tho

2.0 was actually bad but we didn't know it at the time, no one would be happy

I wish they would release a 1.0 server just to shut you contrarian shitfucks up once and for all.

why didn't you pop a vitality potion you retard

>Male au'ra run animation

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soken shows debug sound test menu and talks about stuff

>actually having Vit potions


Fuck that's so spot on

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I can't. So many good QoL updates would be lost. Number 1 thing I thought of would be PLD's ability to block magic as well.

This is why I loved Eureka made over 50 mil just on pet drops.

Yeah but they both suck. I ended up using my double exp buff to level drg and BLM instead

>blizzard is literally rereleasing decades old content?
Well it's pretty different content. Different game. Like 1.0 I guess. But XIV doesn't even have such luxury.
If anything they should stop pandering to wow raiding audience
EX and alliance raids are better than savages and ultimates.
>voice acting
>unique music
>unique mechanics

to never feel the pain that this tank felt when some shithead healer can't keep him up during the first pull

because it's key jangling garbage designed to attract the lowest tier of gamer anime dipshit to post endlessly about their character's feet. even includes a pedophile race to make sure they get all the degenerates.

Explain in detail

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No one forgot it but smashfags report every no smash thread

what was their intention?

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In shadowniggers completing fates will award you with a crystal currency, which you can use to buy shits from shadowniggers NPCs.

No vit potion can save you when the dps can't kill a single mob in over 2 and a half minutes. Even a second immunity wouldn't have saved me. At some point you run out of tools and when the incoming damage hasn't been reduced at all, you just die.

Literally who?

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God that would be the worst fucking thing, what would you even do?
2.0 was not a game of untold adventure it was finite, sure there was a lot of shit to do but it was finite.
What would you even do? Run Coil? And then collect all the items in all three coils, and then what? Collect all the gear in the game? Craft all the 4star recipes? Do your sightseeing log and then what? Hunts? Fucking old ass Cartenau with the PvP materias? Do the Crystal Tower raids? Not like we're having these every damn roulette or anything.
Bloody hell that has to be the worst idea i've ever seen.

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So the sin eaters are all gone right or are there still more out in the wastes with more lightwardens?

Cute kot

all 3 heal classes can output more hps than required to raw mitigate the first pull in whatever the fuck it called.
the real reason you die is cus they get greedy and retarded and go for a gravity when you've long since pasted the safety threshhold of having cds.

So i just sell that shit on the market board?

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our guy

Not anymore, used my free fanta with the game time code to become an elechad

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You buy the shit they sell and resell it on the market, yes.

Fucking based

And all DPS CAN output enough damage to kill enough mobs so there wouldn't be any danger when the cooldowns fade.
People suck though. Sometimes you get a shit group that can't handle it.

>going back to Realm Reborn after Shadowbringers, Stormblood and Heavensward

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Look like some kind of Urianger in his teenage crisis.

For 1 gil.

holy shit, cute.
Not bad but I'll always prefer female over male. Elezen are my favorite males though.

I was gonna say it looks like Urianger and Thancred fucked

>play frontlines
>pick mch
>mash buttons
>13 killstreak
what the fuck

MCH/BRD are best jobs for pvp because of how shit pvp in XIV

Elezen are quite literally the de facto based race to play as in this game anyway.

They started a 300 year war with a bunch of alien immortal dragons and apologised for jack shit.

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I think you already posted this cat once and back then I told you to lose the earrings. Earrings make you look like cattle especially if you have beast ears like miqote and whatnot.

>Play GNB
>Stun and kick healers off cliffs

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There has not been a moment with 0 threads for this game on Yea Forums since it launched.

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What are your Hopes, Expectations, and Fears for the relic weapons in shadowbringers, Yea Forums? personally
each relic weapon has a unique glow in the last tier, fantastic models and glows, stats are choosable and not randomized
relic weapons will look okay by the final tier, Anima/Zodiac weapons will still look better for several classes, stats are ???
glows are uniform like eureka, mediocre to bad models, randomized stats, made via mindless grinding like eureka

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There is a couple of things i miss: Pharos Sirius/Amdapor Keep being so hard party would vote disband after a few failed attempts and Spiritbond parties.
You remember spirit bond parties at the Odin fountain?

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>Joins Friends FC
>Worry that it's all orbiters and drama fags
>There all helpful, they will help on story shit, and also craft you anything if you have even half the shit needed
>Someone is always activating buffs
Wow you faggots and your FC horror stories. This shit is great

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I don't particularly care for glowing shit so I hope that there is at least something interesting about them.

I like how ffxiv trannies have to constantly bring up metacritic score as if it matters because they know there's nothing about the actual game to praise outside of critics liking it

Eureka was the most fun relic grind in the game
that's not saying much, but I prefer it over both of the other ones. Random stats can fuck off though.

More like my biggest fear is that they'll lock it behind garbage like eureka again.

I want Eureka/DIadem. I want GRIND and CHAT with randoms.

>Level 50 jobs
Would rather die

Has dilatima been unleashed yet?

I will never for the life of me understand people who prefer "Run 10000 ARFs" for their relic as opposed to something like Eureka, even if Eureka was somewhat poorly implemented.

>BLM without Leylines
No thanks

>already forgotten
>friends STILL cant make new characters on my server because of congestion
haha yeah, classic wow is gonna FUCKING OWN BRO

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I love how wowtard keep thinking a botched rerelease of a more than a decade old game will do anything to xiv at all.

I agree completely. Grinding A1S for light wasn't any less mind numbing than grinding mobs for light.

Doing God's work.

Don't tell me you're not missing that sweet un-nerfed Flare and awesome Freeze spell, the most useful spell.

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we all know the moment a game you like gets a top metascore you're gonna shitpost it everywhere. its the only time anyone cares about review scores

>300 year
1000 years actually

That's literally what the director intended though. He doesn't want people to poopsock and have the game ruin people's lives.

It's because once everyone is done with eureka, the relic becomes imposable to obtain. "Run 10000 ARFs" can be done whenever you want.

nobody is talking about it because everyone is too busy playing it

>2.0 with busted Twintania, useless WAR, and 300ms position updates

>Un nerfed bane
my penis

How long will it take to reach the current content if I'm starting fresh?

male elezen always look pretty based in game but they unfortunately have the weakest/stiffest animations.

? they said they're planning on making Eureka solable. It's dumb that it wasn't made with this in mind, but still.

>he still samefagging without (You)s
user just post epic shit about XIV in classic threads. Maybe they will notice you.

That's not anything nerfs couldn't fix

> 9+ years of development.
> Still not as good as FFXI.

only trannies and tranny lovers care about this game

Probably more than 100 hours

half of year with slow pace

if you dont skip cutscenes and average several hours a day, probably 2-3 months.

to spiritbond i just wore crafting gear to dungeons

Asmongold will have a literal army with him at all times

>Use fantasia
>Keep same skintone and hair color

That kind of switch is actually kinda rare isnt it

They're not aiming for the same thing at all. What we have is an unapologetic themepark game, i doesn't shy away from it, doesn't try to hide it in any way. At least they're honest about it.

you mean holy spam/chocobo leveling parties? im sad I missed out on that shit. I didnt level WHM until a week or two before the initial holy nerf

Why are XIV twitch streamers so whiny? It's just pretty much passive aggressive bitching in game and shitting on them on twitch.

which shouldn't be allowed imo.

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Because you didn't have to run 1000 ARFs if you wanted to take it slow. Previous relics had various ways of completing every step, Eureka is the most mindnumbing shitshow of all time. Its literally just "hit this overworld mob until it dies, one hundred thousand times". I'm sure they'll do it again for ShB and i fail to understand why anyone even wants it

Should I buy 80lvl treasure maps? Or their loot already undercutted by apes?


Only reason I’m not playing it now is that I’m at work and when I get off work I’m go play.

I still want them to give us Dragonsong War Ultimate with Shiva, Thordan and Nidhogg

Ah not cool man, there were parties for that purpose. Running back and forth grabbing water sprites and bats. Massive amounts of Tier IV crafting materias.

they're worth it if you can get 2-3 friends to split with, though the profit dropoff hit hard a couple weeks ago. another couple weeks and you probably wont profit at all unless you gather them yourself

>prancey faggy running animation
That's not how it works

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It got 3 expansions, OP. That's not dead

Holy was a bomb, i'm not sure i even like the new Holy in SHB because with the reduced cost/Casttime it feels less important and even though it's more powerful it seems like it's less powerful.

>AST before ShB fished for Balance
>AST after ShB mad that all cards buff damage
What do ASTs actually want? Should they just remove the damage buffs from the cards entirely?

Actually based

More like the threads are deleted on a regular basis.

FFXIV streamers also suck at raiding. I was watching Scottzone doing E2S and he kept fucking up and doing the same mistakes over and over again, and he is suppose to be a hardcore WoW raider.

It's fake ques retard

I thought he got banned on Twitch

honestly the worst thing would just be if they reverted firestarter calculation timing, having to delay casts or lose firestarter procs was the worst shit ever

Things are harder without DBM to carry you

Doesn't have to since they're both different kinds of games. And XI is still going so you can always go and check it out. You might have missed it by now but I think they also had a free login campaign.

I think he got back, because I saw him streaming today.

I'm not going to take what someone who can't fucking spell queue says seriously.

>they're f-fake queues! This game is dying NOOOOOOOOOOO

Fucking pathetic

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Sin eaters probably still out there but without lightwardens they don't have any guiding intelligence, and Norvrandt is the only habitable place on the star so they'll congregate there regardless

He's a man so he can't get views with tits so he has to be edgy to get his views. Being a viera slutfag playing on crystal doesn't help either.

>hardcore WoW raider
That actually means he's shit and can't play without addons doing the work for him.

It's really sad that people are so invested in this fake rivalry that they feel the need to make shit up

Seeing Dyrus smash his head on savage raids by going in blind and outright refusing to watch a guide video has been entertaining though

Nah I don't care about ultimate or any kind of extreme content besides maybe the occasional EX trial. It's just my general observation after seeing that almost anyone wearing the title is shit.

>can't play without addons doing the work for him.
>meanwhile XIV
Is this irony?
Free (You)s
Someone post bots webm

It's retards that think bole or ewer were good for anything but some ultra rare niche cases.
The new card system is kinda boring, but still miles better than what the old one was. If they want to give AST back some of it's old "utility" I think they should expand on the seal system to give it more flexibility and different utility instead of reverting cars back to "balance, aoe fodder and shit"

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Explain why a que that is 2000 and a que that is 10 both only require 20 to 30 seconds. Only to login and no one is fucking playing. It's fake retard.

>meanwhile XIV
XIV has no addon support, retard

Last time I checked xiv doesn't have addons that play the game for you, and no I'm not talking rmt bots I'm talking about addons that fucking do trials and raids. Heck wows content is even being made keeping in mind every players is being handholded like a babby.
That's why you have so many tards now that doen't even know what a stack marker is.

>Join a Titania practice group yesterday
>Our MCH is a sprout
>After a bunch of tries with everyone trying to adjust for their mistakes he says "Everyone is so much nicer in this game's prog than in WoW, makes it a lot more fun"
Is this true?

I miss arrow...

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There's an add-on for ACT that can call things out for you, and every single WoW raider I've played with since ARR launch has been totally incapable of doing ANY fucking mechanic without it.

>n-not official
Don't play dumb. People use triggers, CD and servers ticks

I miss giving BLMs arrow and BRDs spear

AST sucks now

Tell him to fuck off and go back to WoW

2000 player queues do not take 30 seconds

and yet there are millions of parsers that go through your combat log in real time

2000 player queues don't take 30 seconds you fuckwit

i have to wait 30 mins to get in behind 500 queue after a maintenance so you are full of shit

I'll take your word for it since I don't have AST leveled. I decided to look at the healer forums on the OF and that's all I see

why are there only 8 servers

>parsing is the same as using 50 add-ons to play the game for you in WoW

Having ACT call things out isn't any different than your raid leader doing call outs isn't it?

>What do ASTs actually want?
The job we had and not this cancerous, boring balance-bot.
The only people that complained about pre-ShB AST were those that didn't play it. AST after the malefic recast reduction was one of the most flawless MMO classes of all time. Fuck Yoshi and fuck anyone who complained it needed changing.

FSH is hit or miss, depending on if current raid food requires it. Right now it doesn't, but there's a popular crafting food that uses 2 fish so you'll have some sales.

the game is that dead, don't listen to these people telling you that it's active

I thought it did. Two raid foods need king salmon at the moment.

Why does Yea Forums have such a deep hatred for r3ddit? You can get some good advice and guides from there but people will literally refuse to use it because it's r3ddit.

Listen guys, I know you hate niggers but if a nigga is gonna operate on you on the doctor's table, don't be a retard and say no.

A person doing callouts has the potential for human error at least, but personally I don't even like that because the party gets reliant on just listening for directions instead of actually learning how to resolve mechanics. I'm the type of person that spent an hour before each raid night studying Nael's dialogue mechanics so I could read them and react myself.

Rubberninja and Plague of Gripes sometimes stream this game and it's comfy, each in their own way.
Raid streamers tend to be annoying though.

>second biggest MMO
>8 servers
oh no.............

There are more, they have their servers in clusters that interact with other servers on their cluster.

Just fucking stop.

People in wow kick shitters that fuck up and get better people. In FF14 the floor is low and thr average player is expected to be a retard. It's why you can barely get a pug to finish a fucking savage. Meanwhile wow has even mythic pugs which are more difficult than ultimates.

Wow playerbase is extremely elitist and doesn't take shit. Not even from blizzard. Meanwhile thr average FF14 player never complains that their sub based game has a huge fucking in game store. If you are a bad player in wow you will get nowhere. In FF14 shitters can easily be carried.

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Are you baiting or something? It is different.
Your raid leader is human. He need to pay attention for call outs.
Addon is not. Addon is always right and can't be tired

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King Salmon is bought with White Crafting Scrips, not fished up.

>/ffxiv/ Reddit
90% of the time it's avatarfagging or people posting their shitty art.

like every 2 star food, you buy the first ingredient with white crafter scrips. You cannot or ever will be able to actually fish up a king salmon

Are you a retard? You realize it takes 30 minutes not because of the que right?

>Meanwhile wow has even mythic pugs which are more difficult than ultimates.
Ultiamtes are harder than mythic.

ok kid

Why did you reply to me? Your post has nothing to do with mine retard.

>unable to put Bole on a bad tank so you can use a cooldown for them
>can't bully bad MNKs with enhanced arrow
Fuck this

If I google a guide for something and it's on reddit then whatever, I'll check it out. But there's no way in hell I'm actually going to browse reddit itself

I want the time related shit back. Hyperspeed is fucking boring.

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Shit. Guess this isn't the game for me.

king salmon is a scrip item

rose shrimp and sweetflesh oysters are needed for current crafter food though, the fsh aethersand is also really expensive

Yeah but when people redirect you to guides on R3ddit. People will dismiss it just for the basis of being r3ddit despite being actual helpful advice.

You'll even redirect to the balance despite the exact same people are the ones posting on the site are the ones posting on the discord.

no fucktard, just prove that 30 secs to get into a 2k is literally impossible

>irl lorelet doesn't get how the concept of keeping time is literally astronomy
I'll give you a hint user. How do we measure a year?

only XIV streamer worth watching is Shizurin anyway

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>ultimate harder than mythic
What retard believes this?

>The new card system is kinda boring, but still miles better than what the old one was.
Fuck off nigger it was great, god fucking damn people like you for ruining it

I can't understand Japanese.

>finally E3S and got to 2nd phase Titan
>every other friend and their static has cleared it claiming to buy diapers to just fucking ham at it
Do people really buy diapers for shit like this?
>watching streamers at all
Play your fucking game, no streamer is worth watching.

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It's Yea Forums. Look at XIV threads. People always crying about pugs and glorify JP. But in reality XIV threads are full of parsefags, disocrd memers and tryhards. They're what they hate most.

The queues are fucking fake.
Every time I log on there's a

Reminder to hug your local mooncat!!

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Now I know you're baiting. You can't jsut cancel and log in immediately anymore

actually it's que
maybe you should read a book, instead of polluting you're mind with internet filth

Yea I really liked it when RNG made my re/draws worthless half the time, faggot.
I hope you hate every moment you play as AST now.

the only reason xiv has high pop servers is because of the bots

But a vocal minority of retards were too braindead to utilise spread/minor arcana correctly, so we should completely overhaul the job into a fiddly, clunky absolutely nobody wanted.

Literally fact. Ultimates are harder than mythic.
mythic not even close to this

>first post
>pick clean increasing by 3 is a bug
gatherbros... we got too cocky...

>You can't jsut cancel and log in immediately anymore
Thanks for confirming they were always fake and with this new expac they finally fixed the exploit.

I want cards that do different shit and that also work with the rest of your kit instead of being a tacked on minigame that gets you a barely tangible buff every once in a while.

I'd give WoW a chance if it wasn't fucking ugly. But instead of improving that they're just doubling it down and making it even uglier. Sure they did texture updates here and there but it's still shit. They should just remake a new game from the ground up.

go back to /xivg/

It's fun seeing other people's reactions. It's even cooler if they point out lore or tips. I just want a chill streamer/YouTuber who isn't totally obnoxious.

I really hate twitch streamer comments though.
It's a bunch of people who are smartasses but when you point out their mistakes they'll just go nuh uh.

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My EB is a mooncat.

They likely assumed he'd get ascended, which they believe to be a good thing. Remember the little girl who could no longer sing?

Dumb spic

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Shhh players are busy playing.

no they're not

Honestly while I don't have a metric for Mythic as I don't play WoW I do think Ultimate is only considered hard because the game does a shit job at teaching people how to play their job. Think about the big difference between those who bother to get a basic understanding of their class and the stereotypical player. It's horrifying how shit this game is at teaching you the basics.

>"progress" raiding doesn't really exist, since the crafted gear is just as good
talking about Savage prog probably, as normal mode stuff is mainly just for getting easy 450 gear for free, if you don't have crafting stuff leveled, just takes forever because of the weekly limit.

>ad hom
ah, i see i am dealing with a idiot
shouldn't of wasted my time trying to educate you

Crazy how FFXIV actually expects you to read your fucking tooltips when you get a new ability.

Reading is hard.

but what if I am playing a mooncat?

Don't @ me subhuman filth

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>b-but reading
Anons the game still does a shit job at teaching you how to play. I care enough to keep on top of my MCH since Heavensward but the game does nothing to encourage getting better as most of its content is made faceroll to the extent that just mashing most buttons in the majority of content will still get you clear with the variation generally just being timeframe of completion. The game is badly designed if it can't even get the stupidest player at some basic grounding of the game.

>Just trust me bro they're fake

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The problem is the hall of the novice and that other leveling guide quests are optional

>Look I know they were fake the entire time but now they're not bro just trust me

Then i will hug you.

>game gives you one ability at a time
>game assumes you can read
>expects you to read the details of your ability and figure out how to use it
It never forces the average player to get better, but they have everything available to them they need to get better. They just have zero interest in improving because they don't want to improve. They want to get welfare gear and go back to talking in discord.

its funny because people that actually play the game know how retarded you are
I started from level 1 and went all the way to the end of shadowbringers as a tank and my q times were never higher than 15min

only parseniggers bitched about balance

the job fucking sucks now and cards were fun before because minmaxing a draw with TD/CO felt really good and the cards actually did different things

the seal system is bland and easy, divination sucks, the cards feel like a chore and they don't do shit

>fake the entire time


Outside of stuff like "slow" and "refresh" not being clear enough to people, everything can be explained if you read the fucking tooltip. People are going to be bad regardless of what the fuck they do. It's up to the player to get better, the game shouldn't constantly hold your hand to get there.

Everyone's busy playing it.

Role quests aren't optional

>He plays DNC as a male character

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Up until shadowbringers you could bypass any queue by simply hitting cancel and login again.

>Yea I really liked it when RNG made my re/draws worthless half the time
That's the point of a card draw you stupid fucking faggot.

>finally make it to the end of Stormblood
>decide to start Eureka
>can't find a party because the zone is completely dead

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>he plays DNC at all

Stop playing shit classes

>he's an /xivg/ avatarfag
Go back

Which ones are you talking about?

Even on japanese servers beating ultimates with pugs is great achievement. At this point your pug is static. You don't think it's hard because you cleared them probably. This is always case of "hard" content. Once you clear content no matter how hard it was for you it will become "easy". It's how difficulty and mastery works in real life. Ultimate dance is long and daunting. Designed to crash your morale. Because of small raid group size compared to WoW, mistakes here are more punishable. You have more personal responsibility.

You can't have high points without low points. The new cards are awful because everything is exactly the same.

Trying to catfish.
What's the best girl character/race/class that's believable? I already have paid mic software that makes my voice sound like a believable female.

Anything else I should take note of?

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Post more of this cutie.

Lalafell or Elezen


every female elezen is played by an actual 30 year old woman

Au'ra anything.

Is MNK fun?

>Game gives you a ton of tutorial information and every single skills tooltip explicitly tells you what it does and if anything combos with it
>Game even lights shit up if you use a skill that it combos from
>Game even BLATANTLY pushes new players towards the Hall of novice
If you ignored the hall of novice you have no right to bitch about the game "not explaining things well," because it does if you actually wanted to know.

What is your picture supposed to convey? Are we bashing the streamer or his teammates?

>the cards feel like a chore and they don't do shit
Fucking this. They feel like something thats constantly getting in the way of doing your actual job.

I bet he's the sort of faggot that turned off the tutorial pop ups.

Hmmm... I don't know about that.

I'm aiming for an Asian American High School Student Personality. I'll be using my sister as a basis for my personality and pics of her as well. I already told her about this.

I guess I'll go lalafell. I wanted to make a midlander but I think that's a redflag. Any redflags I should take note of to avoid?

Why isn't she a cat girl in game as well? Looked at one of her videos and saw she was a viera.

Not him but he's talking about the ones actually called role quests in-game, the ones in ShB. Did you mean Class and Job quests.

You rarely got queues before shb and there were like half the people playing compared to now so by the time you hit cancel and tried to login again the need for a queue was already over. Now there's loads more people trying to play while the servers haven't increased in size at all so the queues are obviously going to take longer and actually force you to wait

How big the noose should be.

Au Ra are always, always, always, ALWAYS trannies.

I got a queue everytime I log on and they just added new servers, why do you think its dead?

As other anons said, it doesn't have lasting content. The story/first few weeks are excellent, but by the time Eden drops, let alone Savage, I've already done everything I wanted to do. (DoH/DoL all 80, all FATE stuff complete, role quests done) Savage was a good distraction for a week but we cleared Tuesday week 2 and now I've basically been raid logging. I have no desire to get better gear/cap tomestones because as was made evident this tier, I can just make a full crafted set of i480 when 5.2 drops and still clear the tier without the need for upgrades.

At least in WoW I'm actively playing for the majority of the raid tier, which takes 2-3 months to clear instead of 2-3 weeks.

Every 30 year old woman I've encountered has played a catgirl or a highlander

Don't act too feminine, only trannies do that. Be like a normal player but casually mention you're a "girl" every once in a while. More believable

There are certain little things that the game really doesnt tell you. For example that cureable debuffs are marked with a blue line.

Why are you trying to catfish, personal pleasure?

do we know when the next live letter is?

well she used to be. Must've fanta'd after >Shad came out


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its called lurk more faggot

>magnitude 5.0 yellow markers
>Titan sits his fat ass on the line between two tiles
>literally can be hit from any of the surrounding 6 tiles as a melee range job
>hurr durr ranged dps spread to the map corners bro leave the nearby tiles to us tanks and melees
>do as they say
>there are ALWAYS two unoccupied tiles around him as a result
Fucking pug retards. I don't look forward to doing this until I get a weapon for my main job

No, I'm talking about the things in duty finder that actually teach you concepts about how to play the game. I forget how they're called.

>by the time you hit cancel and tried to login again the need for a queue was already over.
if it takes

Go back to WoW then?


Anything that I can say in which I casually drop that makes it obvious I'm female?

I don't see how that has anything to do with what we were talking about.

forgot my quote

>What is Hold, Spread, Redraw and Minor Arcana??!?
Fucking morons like you are the reason AST sucks now. And the irony is the cards are far more annoying to use than they ever were before.

I don't play WoW untill calssic. Wish XI was f2p

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you gonna jack off to it?

Period jokes, complain about cramps a lot.

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Just like every other ff14 expansion/patch ever
>spend a few days doing the story
>clear the fights
>farm them for mounts
>spend months grinding the raid tier while having almost nothing else to do in the game unless you're a glamslut

>I'm full of shit when you're here trying to claim that 2000 player queues and 20 player queues take the same amount of time and that SE is part of some grand conspiracy to create fake queues for some reason

t. BLM who died in melee tile

I think you need to re-examine who you're arguing with.

>trying to claim that 2000 player queues and 20 player queues take the same amount of time
That wasn't me

>SE is part of some grand conspiracy to create fake queues for some reason
I have made no claims about the reason for doing it but the fact remains that the queues were fucking fake my dude

>the fact remains
Literally where is your proof

I'm just mad at everyone indiscriminately.

More like tank who tried to move into blm's tile then (((adjusted))) to the other tank's tile and died while the tile underneath Titan is fucking empty like always

me on the left being held by my strong gunbreaker gf

Are you denying that queues could be bypassed since they were implemented up until ShB?

What fucking proof are you looking for?

If you can skip a queue it's a fucking fake queue I don't know what you want.

Is this a stealth XIV thread.

Don't want to to bite the bait


Nah. Not that weird. Just smirk and feel good about it.

Did you not play the game until a few weeks ago or something?
This is common knowledge.

why didnt you stand in the tile under titan then smart guy


Yeah most of the time you can't make an xiv thread unless it shit on xiv since Don Janny will come off his fat ass and delete said thread if he sees one.

Attached: THAT'S HIM.webm (852x480, 1.96M)

>wish XI was F2P
>paying a sub to play Classic

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>exploit is proof they were fake
Still need proof they did it on purpose

EU has no queues anymore tho. Typical daily 13-20 people on most populated server in DC.
ShB launch had 2500 queue max. On same server. 300 for savage first day

People are to busy playing it to shitpost about it. nothing 'went wrong' ya autistic fuck

I told you I have no idea WHY the queues were fake but they undeniably were get it through your mongoloid skull

Long story short it's a single player game with multiplayer aspects. I play it for the main story because I actually enjoy it. I'm still in the quests after the first expansion and I have 7 days /played so it was well worth the money. This is certainly a game where the journey is better than the destination(end game)

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Dead game.
Classic... We are going home...

>EU has no queues anymore tho
literally lies. I'm a Lightfag and logged in just a while ago and had to wait on a queue.

It's all really good in my opinion.

>more populated than Chaos
Stream your queue. And no 10-20 people is not a queue

>Dude they're totally fake just trust me
It's more likely they were shittily coded and kept you longer than they should have rather than just straight up fake

>fact remains that the queues were fucking fake
I guess the queues during the DDoS not too long ago were fake. You know, the 800 or longer ones that took significantly longer then the 20-40 long ones.

stop talking about queues you retarded fucking virgins I'll queue your arm through a fucking lawnmower

>A queue is not a queue

>be wow fag
>class has three abilities
>still not enough brainpower left after managing my "rotation" to pay attention to the right
>have to use an addon to help me
>addon flashes text on the screen to tell me whats happening and how to react along with a literal air raid siren sound effect AND the screen flashes red
>it's not enough and I still die

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You know, maybe not, but the 100s of queues that I skipped since 2014 or whatever definitely were.

Re-read first post you replied. 10-20 people is standard """queue""" for overpopulated server. But of course if in your mind 20 people = 2500 people well yeah. XIV is big. Even EU bots are people

Can't wait to ERP with this cat.

Tell me more!

DDoS unironically can be fake. This is not first time when DDoS excuse was used as promotion for MMO. See Wildstar

ffxiv is doing pretty well
>no it's not
they just opened new servers
>doesn't mean more people are leveling
the servers are congested frequently
>they are lying
there's a queue everytime you log in
>they are faking it
the capital cities are over flowing as is the globlet and major zone settlements
>doesn't matter
well then fine take a pic of stormwind or orgrimmar right now and lets compare
>total silence


muh twitch views

Piss of back to wow or whatever sorry third rate mmo you came from. No amount of doomposting from you faggots will change the fact that xiv is the only real mmo out there. The rest just doesn't fucking compare and you know it.

You better do it outside of an FC, because FCs=discord, and any female that doesn't use a mic in discord almost certainly has a dick.

forgot that one lol

>WHM is the regen healer
>SCH is the shield healer
>AST is the buff healer
why is it not like this?

Can't wait to cock vore this cat.

Devs are retarded

>download parse tools
>still have default keybinds
People have fucking retarded priorities in these games. Like the first step to being better is fucking not pressing Ctrl-9.

C-Cock vore my cat instead please.

>Piss of back to wow or whatever sorry third rate mmo you came from
I literally play XIV. Name server. I will create character and stream so everyone will see queue.
Light right? Name server

too bad for you there's no developmental disability healer

>ok maybe ill try leveling Trusts to level dps
>que as BLM
>try a big pull
>Thancred takes too long to pull and i guess Urianger dies instantly and wipe
>try again, big pulls are kind of janky but barely work
>ryne and urianger being a useless shit, pull drags on forever
>get to 1st boss
>takes forever again because Ryne wont trick attack the boss??
>just an absolute agonizing run until 2nd boss
>get stack marker
>AIs run toward me
>actually they ran past me and I die
>insta wipes party at 5%
god if you leveled trust at all you're a neanderthal, that was the hardest NOPE ive ever done

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Can do. Give pics.

because SE is dipping it's toes into the "bring the player, not the class!" mentality and it's a disaster as expected

It's more then likely this. On long queues you'll notice that it updates every now and then, I'm pretty sure for smaller queues the reason it takes longer then it probably should, is because it doesn't know the queues over until it updates the numbers.

>AST is instead the electric slide healer
i mean i enjoy that but i wish I didnt have to press 3x the buttons that the other healers do

they tried this already. turns out people only cared about things that allowed them to do spend more time on dps (shields and buffs)

yes, after trying one dungeon with trusts and realizing they use literally 0 AoE moves EVER, I gave up on that trust title for good

>tank main
>got GNB to 80 awhile ago
>decide to get WHM to 70 this week
>have way more fun optimizing healing than I ever did tanking
Am I crazy, or is tanking just boring?

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You're supposed to put the stack marker in the middle of the other puddles. The AI goes there instead of bumfuck whereever you were trying to put the stack marker.

some people just have different preferences. I always end up going back to healing

Because SE clearly has no idea what to do with healers.

heres how to rework healer healing niches
>delete Medica 2 and cheapen Cure III
>Turn Regen into an instacast Cure I upgrade

tanking IS boring but healing is even more boring and you're crazy

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Once I figured out their disadvantages I'm still fine using them. Definitely wouldn't recommend it over just doing a normal dungeon run through DF, only advantage it has is no several minute long queue.

Too much focus on story and not enough focus on everything else. That being said I'm excited for the next Ultimate.

>delete WHM's regen spells
Explain your thought process.

Cool job bro

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dps the trusts do scales with yours so you're better off doing nothing each pull if you actually want them to dps. And they can't aoe for shit.

Weird skin color, but she'll be milky white cum and bones soon anyway.

>watching the game like a cuck instead of playing it yourself

Have you seen the clear rates fo the high end raids? There's a reason they don't get a ton of fanfare and focus.

>playing male anything

>already forgotten
I still fondly remember msq

One million players dude.

Attached: EU morning.webm (458x346, 2.3M)


god damn lmao

>implying there arent also bots on other MMOs


God yes please. Dissolve her into becoming nothing but sperm!

I've had zero problems doing Trust dungeons. The CPU party members are good enough to finish any ShB dungeon smoothly if you keep in mind that they're basic bots and not super-intelligent AIs. Try not being an impatient retard and actually observe their behavior so you can play around their programming.

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Those all suck.
>draw spire/ewer
>RR it
>draw something gay
>minor arcana it
>50% chance it turns into a useless heal
>Keep drawing until you finally get the 1 good card to spread
Dude fucking awesome bro

How is tanking boring? You're literally the leader of any party. You set the pace. You need to manage and time your cooldowns for trash pulls, tank busters, and raid-wide damage. All while keeping your GCDs rolling.

Healer is more or the less the same, with the added RNG factor of dumbass teammates taking unnecessary damage.

DPS is just brain dead.

Savage with trusts when?

Yeah but can you post same shit for other MMO?
I can make webms everyday. 200+ BLMs, 200+ BRD and 200+ WHM. And now they use world visit function to crush your market.

the fact that we have 3 charges proves its broken

why did you pick the skin color that 99% of femezens choose? shit never looks good in game

And bones. Drop some contact info so my hrothgar can pay her a visit then add her skull to the thot collection.

>doing trial roulette
>shinryu normal
>only melee DPS
>get asked to use LB3
>shinryu flies off and suddenly I'm teleported to one of the arena sides and just slide off the edge while animation locked
Stupidest shit I've experienced in the game yet.

1. pushes whm into chunky heal niche
2. pushes ast into regen niche
3. medica 2 and cure iii overlap too much, med 2 is just better in all regards unless you need burst
4. better flavor for AST having regens/delayed heals as their thing
5. regen is a movement/weave tool at best

I feel like I know you and you didn't add me last time I tried...

>muh regen ast
nocturnal sect exists, retard.

here's my crazy idea
>give passive regen aura to WHM
>remove whm's ogcd heals, overcharge gcd heals AND damage spells, so you have to commit to either but it's worth it

>give more aetherflow gain and spending options to SCH, they can just throw healing out between broils whenever

>give excog to AST and give them more delayed healing, turn them back into time mage with buff extending,
>healing gives a damage staggering buff, like WoW's brewmaster monk

I don't know you, but if you don't wanna it's w/e. Meals have to be permanent anyway.

I just want SCH to have faster casts on their Broil3 like AST does, so I can single-weave pet abilities without having to resort to Ruin2.

It shouldn't desu
>we have a regen and shield healer, what do we do with the third?
>just give it both lmao
neutral sect is a lazy idea.
I disagree with that user's removal of regens for WHMs, but focusing more on chunky heals seems reasonable.

nocturnal ast is the ugliest healer
it should just be a temporary steroid like Neutral sect

why the fuck wont they let us swap in combat

>not waiting until you get to the 2nd part to use lb
Only yourself to blame

It creates the illusion of politeness in a genre where people tend to mob quest givers and such.

That's a really good question.

I have a believable voice and using paid software to add a filter to my voice. It's very believable

I definitely wouldn't mind being required to cast more GCD heals but these posts have convinced me AST players should never be in charge of anything.

like react to whats happening with the fight and swap to prevent damage

Content that's less predictable is a double-edged sword. It naturally has to become easier, then, because most everyone is going to be worse at it. People already can't memorize even basic fights.

Give it anyway, though. Meals don't get a choice in the matter.

>really want to "roleplay" as the warrior of darkness I'm supposed to be
>leveling my lv30 DRK is a chore
>just love the fuck out of gunbreaker
>the last stormblood quest give me edgy clothing
>mirage isn't the buttfuck jump through woops it was in SB
fuck, we CAN have nice things after all

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We were on the second phase

isn't that how healers are meant to be played though? Like think of the fight everyone knows titan, we know we are going to get hit with a nuke before hand in that transition part

scholars will put down a shield and spread galvanize

white mages try to time their cast to go off with good timing

and astrologian could swap to noct and then swap back

Nu-Pepsi would be a speedbump if anything

To be honest healers in pugs are weakest part. They just can't heal even without damaging. XIV need more content that teach people how to heal and dpsing before reaching EX/Savages.

redpill me on all the classes

>Neutral Sect not only gives you a power boost but shifts you from one sect to another every 2 minutes or however long the cooldown is
>It's also not named Neutral Sect but named Dawn and Dusk because it such an obvious way to name it god fucking dammit

>SCH will shield
>WHM will time their heal to recover quickly
>AST will shield and then heal
I don't like it. Is shield and heal really all we can think of?

AST should be a pure regen healer to play with the time manipulation aspect. Stack multiple regens, extend timers, speed up or slow down tics as needed, and then some time bomb heals like Earthly Star

There's no way for bad players to grasp "overheal" as a concept without parsing and without raw numbers to look at there's no reason for them to think they're doing anything wrong if everyone is topped. Meanwhile they have 5k healing with 50% overheal and the co-healer has 25k with 25%, there's no easy way you could get someone like that to understand what's happening without making them look at a parser

The devs were so retarded with how they handled the dps for healers rework. They wanted us to dps less without giving us anything else to do. It's like guess what dipstick just because you simplified our dps doesn't mean we aren't still going to dps
not even 2 mins, five seconds alone is enough to make you commit to a stance
well there is healing, healing over time, and damage prevention

unless we want to add the tf2 version of over healing we need to think of something brand new. Maybe a healer that works by fucking with the boss?

Think bigger, AST gets reverse regens that slow damage and spread it over multiple ticks instead of healing it outright.

>healer that works by fucking with the boss?
Terrible way of phrasing it given the heal-slut meme, but a debuffing healer might be cool.

that would tie in really well to the whole concept of altering ones fate

fair point
but think instead of giving a X amount of shield on the tank instead it reduces the damage the next hit does by that target by X amount

1.0 THM was kinda like this but they will never do something like that now because debuffing isn't really a thing in this game.

>the devs were so retarded with how they handled the dps
Oh they knew what they were doing. They were setting it up to make balancing easier in the future. All they have to do now is reign in the healing potency across 3 classes and get them on par with each other without worrying about dmg output.
>debuffing isn't really a thing
Yeah because they kept neutering everything since Coils. There is no more CC nor reasons in any content design for it.

they all have 2.5s gcd

Isn't the prevailing theory that it was for the trust system to be easier to program the AI?

tget over it, enjoy your double AST healers for the evening


The fuck is with all the WHMs in Savage PFs who only want to play 1-button-DPS? Use a god damn heal, don't make me have to double-succor to top off after I've already done Indom+Blessing.

gotta get that orange parse bro

edgelords, jumping on the expansion-job bandwaggon
Flavour of the month, Superbolide use is often stupid.
unga bunga
either decent or absolutely atrocious. Expect clemency spam at 90% HP or lower before you can even use ogcds
special snowflakes and/or girls
fags or girls
either bad, insufferable or you dont notice they are in your party
weebs, trashy players or chill bros
hopping on the bangwagon. If they played BLM previously and are competent they are cool
baby's first dps. Still brainlet-tier
It's just WoW's ranger at this point. Players are about as skilled as your average WoW-player
Despite having a lot more people on it now because of the rework and the robot, a lot are surprisingly competent. Brain-dead job now.
girls, trannies and fags


Why would I literally ever tp to a town and afk there when there is a mb five feet from my house, and I can put everything else I need inside there? I only go to towns if I'm leveling or picking something up

I'm doing coils and never had the chance to do it when it came out. How many people should I bring along for it since I heard some of the turns require a certain number of people to do properly or we wipe.

Funny because I have the exact opposite experience, usually I have 5x the healing of the Scholar and 30% more DPS than them and they won't even bother to shield even one of the tanks for any tankbusters.