You dont smoke

You dont smoke...

Right user?

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Lungs were made to intake air exclusively.
If you don't believe this you've been brainwashed.

I do, Marlboro

I smoke the occasional cigar

>smoke cigarette
>be good at vidya

I'm too cheap for that.

Only thing I smoke is fat cock

This is true, and it's not just cigarettes, any kind of smoke is harmful to the lungs.
I smoke Pepes. Not even a meme, that's the actual brand.


"Winners dont use drugs"

I smoke weed and here in Europe most people roll joints with tobacco.


Been smoking for 15 years since I was underage, kids are stupid and will do the opposite to be edgy

We do shit knowingly bad for us all the time.

t, g*rm

>Xbox stops smoking
Sonyfags btfo lmao

get kids to smart smoking in elementary school. then middle school and high school kids will stop/won't smoke because it's that annoying thing the little kids are doing. there, problem solved.

Makes no sense to me unless you don't have enough bud for a full joint

Life is meant to be lived exclusively. Yet many of us want to die

I'm Dutch but I heard it's also common in other countries like Spain. I don't like tobacco but it's a neccesary evil, I don't have the money to roll pure joints.

It burns better

at the cost of a shitty head buzz and having to taste tobacco. Roll tighter if you have to.

That's pretty much it. Rolling pure weed would bankrupt me, I buy like 2G every Monday and Thursday and I gotta make it last.

I don't, cigs are too expensive and in the end of the day give nothing in return

Humans or living beings as we understand them were clearly not made to venture out to space.

We adapt. That's what we do

Kids don't smoke anymore, they vape

If by adapt you mean develop robots more fit for space travel and send them instead, I agree.

That's playing with fire though you might get addicted to cigarettes over time just having tobacco in the weed. Once that lightheaded feeling stops you know your body has adjusted to the nicotine.

That one episode of south park where they smoked stopped me for the longest time

Stick your head into a full bathtub and adapt to breathing water, genius.

if you smoke or vape anything then you are retarded

Okay let me get my scuba gear, faglord

Smoking and vaping are for absolute faggots.

Like I said, the tobacco is just a necessary evil I put up with. I don't smoke regular cigarettes or anything without weed in it. I didn't smoke at all before I started smoking weed, it is ALL about the ganja for me.


Don't drink either

I just struggle with porn addiction but that's it

That's not adaptation. That's just lung cancer user.

>dad smoked for about 20 years
>moves to vaping and quits cigarettes
>uses it only as a habit now like chewing your nails, with no nicotine, just flavored smoke pretty much

Still expecting him to die early unfortunately when 5-10 years down the line people find out that vaping makes your lungs randomly explode or something

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what's the scuba gear equivalent for smoking then?

Not being a pussy