I didn't mean to hurt anybody...
I didn't mean to hurt anybody
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody does.
It's ok Walker, they were only Arabs.
Then why did you bring a fucking gun with you?
I love how butthurt this game gets ameriuruks
That ending sequence was kino
Linear game to make cucks think they had a choice
>Wahhh, why can't I have choices in my game
Fuck your narrative, I can do what I want, and I want my good ending!
Spec Ops is flawed for many reasons, but this isn't one of them.
I'm American and I love Spec Ops: The Line.
How about you worry about your own third world problems in your shithole country?
point proven, lardball.
Seething lmao
Don't forget to check up on your mud cookies.
Don't wanna let them get too dry.
If the ending was supposed to be about walker taking responsibility, why did he shoot the other guy? First time I played I had him shoot his reflection and then he just killed himself
lel, fucking retard
Congrats, you hero'ed yourself.
>How about you worry about your own third world problems in your shithole country?
But I don’t live in the US lol
You could also either shoot the soldiers or go with them. I chose to go with them.
Technically there’s three endings at that point: you go with them, you die in a shootout with them, or you kill them all.
>Y-you had a choice, y-you could've stopped playing the game!
It's only ok when Kojima does it.
>waaahhh why didn’t the game have an option for me to trek back through the desert, wait for evac, and then get a job at a Walmart back home so that I could roleplay as the good guy!
>namefag has rarted opinions
Shock imagined
Why do people self insert instead of just viewing it as Walkers decent to madness?
>user needs to appeal to the masses to feel included and secure
Give me another reply so I can chip away at you
>he loves movie games (in the sense that the player has no plot agency, removing the singular virtue of video games as a medium) and has saved an image on his drive for the specific purpose of defending these movie games
Why do you want to have a name on an anonymous board? I don't understand you namefags, off yourselves or go to reddit so you can collect updoots like the retard you are.
Shit game with shit story. "U TEH MONSTUR XDDDD" fuck off
>pseudonyms aren’t anonymous
>why won’t you obey our precious user culture
Man, what a shitty game. As soon as I noticed you couldn't get past the white phosphorus section without using it, (basically, an infinitely replenishing army of dudes keep attacking you, so no matter how good you are at the game you're forced to use WP) I realized the game is a piece of shit.
Does anyone have that anime picture of the post white phosphorous scene with Lugo being all mad?
Thanks friend
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I like how mutts sperg out over morality in their gaming and look to use anything as an excuse. The game is a story about Walker but you say it’s bad because you don’t get control over his actions all the time, but that’s true for any video game or narrative. The idea is that you get to explore the consequences of his actions.
>another namefag outed as an egoist faggot who believes that being contrary is a virtue
Here's that (You) you specifically requested.
Exactly. That's why Spec Ops: The Line doesn't work. The devs wanted to make a point but that's not the right medium for that kind of story.
People payed 60 bucks (more or less) for a game, it's not to stop 3/4 into the story because a cutscene told the player that "war is bad, m'kay?".
Not really but at least Kojimbo lets you play the game from start to finish (except MGSV).
Because the game explicitly frames you, the player, as being responsible for the actions of Walker, the character. This approach is fundamentally rarted.
>another user who needs to feel like he belongs projects his own mental heuristics onto others, unintentionally spilling his insecurities and inadequacies
Never played this game. Does it shit down the throats of civic nationalist ameritards? It seems to cause butthurt with those types.
No, the game calls you special guest, not a star.
>People payed 60 bucks (more or less) for a game
I mean if you look at the sales for it I doubt that many people actually paid full price for it and its infamy spread around pretty quickly
It shits down the throat of any military industrialists and right wingers. Civics slightly less so, but if their nationalist for US they will be slightly butthurt as well since the game specifically targets US interventionism.
It butthurts Amerimutt Israeli patriots who can't stand the idea of their middle east adventures not being pure and virtuous
Rent free
It's a vaguely anti-war game that pretends to be a generic modern military shooter (plays like one too) and came out around the popularity peak of modern military shooters
Hence all the buzz
Based Syrian post
>psychiatric and philosophical cladding around a child's "no u"
Here's another (You), faggot, enjoy the dopamine.
Based. Will check it out.
the game only wants player to empathize with walker. it's a dark character study. no one watches taxi driver and complains about travis' arc being so twisted.
>can’t help being mad over a mirror put in front of their face
That usually signifies deep issues that you’re struggling with. This is typical if you are going through puberty. Otherwise it could be indicative of some inner guilt you have over something.
That's because in Taxi Driver, you do not drive the taxi.
>more dunning-kruger psychologyposting
Be sure to replay it. Game has multiple endings and tons of little well crafted details that are easy to miss
>TFW you realize that the strange figure in the firefight is a woman holding a baby and hold your fire so you don't kill her
>TFW seeing her dead body among the civilians melted by white phosphorous.
I never asked for these feels, bros.
but if you were driving the taxi you would be more immersed into the story. interactivity is just a storytelling method. not some epic moral statement.
Maybe if you label it it will go away!
You had a choice, you just didn't like the consequences of your choices. Too bad, you're still a good person.
I liked the story when it's about walker, but the game also frames the player as being complicit in what Walker does.
I didn't feel like the Last of Us was accusing me of anything when I made Joel gun down that doctor at the end or any of his other actions. That was just Joel being Joel. But certain parts of spec ops seem to accuse the player, such as the loading acreens that tell you that you are still a good person. It felt more heavy handed
>heavy handed
Do you feel in charge?
A storyteller should be aware of, if not taking advantage of, the psychological effects of his medium. SO:TL would have been a great movie along the lines of Heart of Darkness- as it is, it has a serious identity crisis.
>identity crisis
Are you sure that’s not just you trying to cope with your own dissonance over liking the idolizations of war and soldiers and being told by the game that it’s morally reprehensible and misguided?
Because I didn’t see any identity crisis. I knew what the game had in store for me from the get go, knew what it wanted to say, and saw it through all the way till the end. No “crisis” for me!
>more of the same, but vaguer
In America, true patriotism means acknowledging our country's missteps and mistakes, but recognizing our nation is still the greatest in the world. Our soliders sometimes kill innocents along with the evil, but this is true for all countries in all wars; we just don't hide this from ourselves or the world because our government is not a totalitarian propaganda machine. Spec Ops is a brutal, but true depiction of things our soldiers must go through. I imagine an equivalent game made in your country would be censored like the Chinese internet.
>7 years
>retards STILL think the game is blaming the player for Walker's actions
>retards STILL think the story isn't explicitly about Walker, what he did, and the consequences it had
>retards STILL insert themselves into Walker despite him being a clearly defined character with motivations and awareness separate from the player's
I did and I regret nothing
You can run away from introspection all you like but you will always be dancing to its foreboding tune.
Then why does the game let the player choose Walker's fate at the end?
Speaking of censorship, have you tried searching “torrent Spec Ops: The Line” on google and then tried making the same search on ali baba and yandex?
We are judging him
Absolutely sure. I hate the Armed Forces and the values they stand for. The game was ham-fisted but couldn't land a punch, and you write like a mincing queer.
From a quick glance, it looks like a simple cover based shooter. I hope the gameplay is adequate. I guess it's more of a narrative driven game.
i dont view it that way. the game's delivery is pretty good. the the mix of interactivity and the lack of it lets you feel the exact rage as walker would feel in the wp scene. he even says that "he didnt have a choice!" and that it was konrad's (game's) fault. there is nothing wrong with getting angry at the game, it is exactly the kind of mindset it wants to put you in so that you can empathize with walker, even though he had just killed 47 civilians and another 50 US troops. you cant make a movie viewer empathize with a protagonist like walker. you just cant.
>our government is not a totalitarian propaganda machine.
>dude i went to a random brown country that ends with istan and killed a bunch of random native people there, but I'm totally the victim in the story so give me special treatment lmao
Why are American veterans so insufferable?
This but excluding women and niggers
>our government is not a totalitarian propaganda machine
And you write like an anglo ready to fellate your fellow mutt races in moments of harsh criticism.
Kojima never did this.
Fair. The current administration has taken things in a bad direction.
You write like such a faggot, holy shit. I hope this is a deep-cover parody of what namefags are like, because otherwise you are an absolutely insufferable prick who fools himself into thinking he's the smartest man in every room.
Without introspection, you will always be dancing, and people can see the dance from afar. They won’t need to talk to you much to see it.
>our government is not a totalitarian propaganda machine
>we need to massacre a bunch of rice farmers otherwise communism will take over the world!
>iraq has weapons of mass destruction so we need to invade them otherwise they will nuke us all!
>iran is breaking the nuclear deal so we need to pressure and threaten them and potentially invade them! (again)
etc etc
Okay, this is a parody of namefags. Cool. Keep it up, man, you're doing great.
I guess pacman isn't a game anymore.
Reminder that there are ZERO (0) good Slavic actors who can compete with Anglos.
Which is why he said that, dumb trip faggot
Well that's too bad kid because you hurt everybody.
>months later this anglo is still upset
Hahahaha amazing. I love the fact that no one cares about Anglobyl anymore as well. Must eat you up inside daily.
>The current administration has taken things in a bad direction.
In our current years, the CIA funded tens of MILLIONS to """"moderate rebels"""" in Syria, which is comprised of multiple wahhabist/salafist terror groups. They've framed the Syrian government as responsible for chemical attacks that were done by rebel groups. Your government is a fucking puppet for Israel.
I know, he must be stupid lol.
I know that it's just some faggala shitting it up with meaningless prattle but I really enjoyed the few times the game played with sand. It saw the most use in MP but the MP kinda sucked. It was an okay game, and i'd like to have seen others from them with a similar gameplay design philosophy. The plot was okay, I guess, but nothing special. I liked the executions changing as you got further into the story, though.
All the endings are an appropriate consequence for what Walker did
>>months later this anglo is still upset
From what I remember you were utterly seething in /RBMK/ for weeks on end. Still seem to be doing so itt.
>Must eat you up inside daily.
Not really. Unlike your S*avic self I don't need to piggyback off the accomplishments of a bunch of other people to feel accomplished.
Reminder that Walker died on his way into Dubai and the whole game never happened
having a branching plot is a detriment to a game though as the more flexibility you want to give to the player the thinner the quality is spread among the branches.
if you wait long enough they every avenue plays/looks/fits well within the story then you've likely released an outdated game
>I don't need to piggyback off the accomplishments of a bunch of other people to feel accomplished
lol the irony
>its another user uses a trip for no purpose episode
>second helicopter part
>"wait we already did this"
wtf? how did Walker knew that?
>The game is a hell that Walker has to relive as punishment for joining the army
>lol the irony
In what way my S*avic friend?
Thanks, I knew I was missing somebody.
That’s up to you to figure out my seething anglotwink friend
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
paranoia, temporal insanity. it's like the matrix deja vu scene. a glitch in walker's brains. purgatory faggots shut up.
>He thinks I'm Anglo
>He thinks anybody but another S*av could decipher his inane ramblings
Because some retards can only play games if they self insert.
>random brown country that ends with istan
He's in Dubai and spends 90% of the game fighting other westerners you fuckin goober
Because it asks the question of which choices matter.
In its essence, it's anti typical shooters. Walker is morally doomed right from the second shooting gameplay starts, because he's abandoned his mission and is on his own misguided crusade, everything else from that point is pretty much written in stone.
The choices are there partly as a red herring, to think a superior moral choice might matter in all this carnage, and of course it doesn't. Even if Walker survives by the end, he's still done everything in the game.
What are some other great anglo repellent games like this and Sekiro?
sharing your filters is perhaps the most beta thing you can do on this site, imagine not just skipping over any tripfag post but actually being so triggered by them you have to censor Yea Forums
>he hates Chernobyl
You were so based, what went wrong?
Shhh don’t get them to stop. It’s one of my fav types of replies. I love thinking about the efforts they put into their seethe cycle.
>anglo repellent
Spec Ops is Amerimutt repellent though.
I don’t hate it. I just think it’s average and a wasted opportunity. Could’ve been done much better but oh well you can’t expect much from anglos.
Dae Israel bad so Syria good even though they repeatedly used chemical weapons on their civilians.
Amerimutts are anglos as well
Why? Because they didn't cast some literal who subpar quality S*avs?
This namefag replying no less than 20 times in this thread has made me realize how much samefagging must happen on this board every day. He reeks of being a neogaf refugee. It's okay buddy, we don't bite. No need to be scared of using user and stooping to the level of the open masses. Get bent you fucking cunt.
No, they didn’t cast good actors period and filled it with SJWisms. But this is neither here nor there. This is a video game forum. You can go to Yea Forums to discuss average shows if you’d like.
>I just think it’s average and a wasted opportunity
In what ways? The writing is pretty good, as is the pacing, and it doesn't overstay its welcome.
> they repeatedly used chemical weapons on their civilians.
You seriously bought the narrative? Fucking christ, it was the rebels you retard.
It's a complete fabrication.
>newfags dont know what samefagging means
God forbid people actually stick around to discuss or defend their statements and not just shitpost once and leave
Lmao okay putinbot.
The writing outside of anything that wasn’t following historical events or quotes was shlocky and terrible. Focus on SJWism also brought it down.
What about patriots who are against middle east interventionism?
>No, they didn’t cast good actors period
Who would you have cast in place of this stud then?
>and filled it with SJWisms
user, some uppity nurse wasting time with muh radiation fearmongering over an indestructible reactor can hardly be an SJWism. Is you S*avic brain incapable of understanding that she was in the wrong?
They’re still retarded my nationalistic and following the code of someone else without thinking on their own. They can pretend to be morally virtuous all they like but they’re inherently crooked and i wouldn’t befriend a single one of them.
He's replied to like 90 posts. This guy is only probably in the 55th percentile of being autistic for this place. I bet there's entire threads of people having different conversations with one person. I wish Yea Forums made it so you could just filter all posts with a single button desu, they're either attention whores, ecelebs doing an ama, or people so deluded they think their opinions on a meaningless discussion platform MUST BE HIGHLIGHTED and made "more significant" than others.
>americans, especially the older ones, still believe that they're the good guys/heros
It's implied that he's in sort of a Groundhog Day loop where he has to relive Dubai and what he did there until he accepts responsibility for it
That should say “by being”
What the fuck are you even rambling on about at this point
>since the game specifically targets US interventionism.
Good. The US should not be involved with external affairs.
>actually replying to a tripfag
What the fuck is wrong with you retards
Don’t worry about it my spergy anglo friend
I'm actually Syrian.
White helmets killing a child for UN youtu.be
Staging CW attack videos youtu.be
Go fuck yourself, wahhabi apologist.
>wasn’t following historical events or quotes was shlocky and terrible
There has to be a certain degree of creative liberty, user. You cannot replicate 1:1 real life events. I also don't get your SJWism complaint, I never encountered any while watching the show.
We already went over this earlier, don't worry. Its quite literally impossible for outsiders to understand the ramblings of a S*av.
8/10 very well crafted
You should take it to Yea Forums to discuss.
nah the entire game sans the epilogue is in walker's head. in the jeep ride ending it fades to white because it loops to the start of the game. thats wht theres so much conrad imagery, why the sand raped city is so uncanny and why hoe doesnt have a choice. it all already happened and he's going though the events in his heda while riding the humvee.
Lmao. OPCW literally confirmed all those supposed attacks as fake and staged.
/sg/ is just /ptg/ but sucking Ivan's dick instead, same gay anime memes and image edits, get a fucking life and get off /pol/, you find better political discussion on resetera than there.
Why not here?
It was staged by the White Helmets, who actually work with Al-Nusra Front (the Middle Eastern branch of Al Qaeda) and various other salafist terror groups that comprise the FSA rebels. What you hear on the media and the heart touching documentaries are blatant fucking lies.
These are the very people tens of millions in fundraised dollars get siphoned off to. It's fucking insane no one talks about this. Key members of the White Helmets have actually been safely escorted out of these areas by Israel of all countries.
>half the population of the US is mexican
>thinks he isnt a third world country
>half the population of the US is mexican
doubt. But those mexicans are aware of how shit thier country is, but the majority of them are decent family folks and hard workers. Cant say the same for niggers.