Should video games be reviewed based on their own merits or external factors?
Should video games be reviewed based on their own merits or external factors?
>Try to own the Epic Store libtards
>Your game ends up selling poorly
Steam recognizes these events and they are by default not incorporated into the user review score. You can however still let this count if it does matter to you.
>game is dogshit
>but the devs are B A S E D
kill yourself if you do this
>literally who dev refuses epicuck bribe
>makes epicucks seethe (again)
>meanwhile steamchads dont even know this shovelware exists
feels good
These are the 3 most upvoted reviews on the store page. In fact, the overwhelming majority of reviews say nothing about the game but only talk about a failed business deal on another platform.
>Epic: We'll pay the development costs of the game if you release your game exclusively on the Epic Store.
>Dev: No. Fuck you, Epic.
>Epic: Fine, we won't let you sell your game on our store then.
>Dev: I don't care. Once I tell people about my heroic efforts, millions will buy my game.
Sounds like Epic dodged a bullet more than anything
>$20 for a 1 hour limboclone walking simulator with no replayability whatsoever
>"I don't like the game but I will buy multiple copies for my friends because fuck china! :)"
what game even is this
>what game even is this
>>meanwhile steamchads dont even know this shovelware exists
Also Steam chads don't exist.
Exactly, and those get flagged and don't count towards the user score unless you specifically want that.
You say that like steam shills haven’t been treating this like the Panama papers.
It's a game called DARQ, developed by some alt-right incel from /pol/ who got denied when he asked Epic for a contract and then made some huge blogpost with fake pictures about how he was actually the one who denied Epic to try and win free sales from Steam drones and even they wouldn't buy it
I hope the devs never sees this lmao
>epicuck spends his afternoon reading steam forums just to get mad
>gets mad
Limbo/Inside rip off but goth game called DARQ
But they do
It's actually funny/sad
>Guy pats devs on the ass
>But doesn't buy the game
So, how many more of these you're gonna post today?
Also, nice post removal janny, did I hurt you?
>Writing fan fiction to cope
User reviews don’t mean shit if people use them to play politics.
>muh /pol/
>n-no, we- I mean Epic turned them down!
>it's photoshopped!
Checks all the right boxes. Your social credit score had increased by 2 points!
Based steamtards once again proving why EpiCHADs are right in removing this useless "feature".
Steam forums are the official forums of Epic games
so how many copies of this game did you buy Yea Forums?
need to buy a lot to show epic who's boss!
>Steam drones say that Epic is buying up all the bad games
>Now Steam drones are buying up those same bad games like DARQ
Oh yeah, I'm having such a hard time knowing that some literally who got BTFO and scammed a handful of Steamcels LMAO
Don't worry, Steam drones are footing the bill on this one. Pirate away friends, but only if you're into indie shovelware garbage
>i-its not like I wanted to play this g-game steamchad
>haha e-enjoy it the 10000000 game on y-your store
>im h-happy with one (1) new shovelware every m-month on my epicuck store
>they are h-hand picked d-did you know?
>w-why are you laughing
>s-stop laughing!
Not a thing
Who are you quoting?
>Dude my principles are why I'm in the poor house!
That happens more often than you think.
absolutely not. If developers do something worthy of respect, then they should get credit for it, but overall their game should be judged for its own merit.
Tell that to Steam drones
Why does Valve allow this, besides the clear conflict of interest?
People can review a game based on whatever criteria they choose because theres a thing called free speech
Makes a better gift than bad rats
>muh /pol/
opinion discarded
seething incel detected
>We'll pay the development costs of the game
>Pay dev costs
>Not just buying several thousand copies
Well now where have you been reading that?
(you) farmer detected
>let's throw money at people because they did a virtue signal instead of if their product is worthwhile
>t. Steamcuck
>Let's try to buy out devs into exclusivity contracts and farm users' data for Chariman Xi
>t. Epictards
>Phoenix Point's Epic Store exclusivity deal is worth $2.25 million, says Fig investor
It's also an assumption. I imagine the Metro Exodus devs and Borderlands devs got much more than Phoenix Point.
I mean this makes sense from a capitalist perspective. Vote with your wallet, if you hate Epic Games store then support games that don't go on it. If enough people do that it will make EGS deals look less appealing
well sure, but there's a difference between what you can do and what you should do. Technically, nothing's stopping me from chopping my fingers off but it's not really a sane thing to do. Extreme example but I hope you get the jist of it. Praising a game for something that's not in the game is pretty retarded. It's another thing to go on Twitter or some other gay social media website and praise the developers for taking a stand. But it's another thing entirely to go to the Steam game page, and leave a positive review on the GAME because of real life company politics.
On a store page where the reviews serve to function as whether you should BUY a product or not, yes.
Yeah pretty much this. If a lot of people show financial support to games that don't take EGS's offers, the whole EGS shitfest will come to an end. Show the people who refuse EGS some good will, and pretty soon most devs will do the same thing.
I don't disagree with that concept, however, do you think reviews on products are helpful if they're not actually about the product? For example, if I left a 5-star review on a 1-star average Microwave on Amazon stating: "Jeff Bezos gave me a $100 tip at Outback Steakhouse, great product".
So essentially I'll be upvoted on Steam if I manufacture a story about how I denied Epic's offer to sell my game on their store exclusively?
>Jeff Bezos gave me a $100 tip at Outback Steakhouse
yeah user, but you see, that would be a selfish reason to rate something as positive. This is for the "cause"
The problem is with review scores. You should actually read the reviews and decide for yourself if you care about whatever the review brings up. Don't just look at a score
>buzzword buzzword detected
Sit down close your eyes and count to 10 slowly, maybe we can talk when you're done
There is no wrong reason to buy a game, or not buy one. Customer's money, customer's choice.
Isn't the entire point of reviews to help others? And wouldn't that review help Amazon be successful which in turn would allow Jeff to do more goodwill to others?
Hm, that's a fair point. I think we would want to remove recommendations then as well since they form a "score". At this point, why not remove reviews and just allow people to view forum posts like the days of old?
user, stop. You're not an Epic shill, you're not getting paid for this. You've posted this same message on every fucking thread for the past 2 days. I don't say this often but go outside.
Buzzword is just a buzzword. The thing about words is they describe things. There was nothing incorrect about
That doesn't even answer the question. Stay on topic, please.
user, stop. You're not a Valve shill, you're not getting paid for this. You've posted this same message on every fucking thread for the past 2 days. I don't say this often but go outside.
Remember when that one Taiwanese game gets reviewbombed by butthurt chinks?
I bought it because the aesthetic and mechanics reminded me of Limbo and Inside, and I enjoyed those. The EGS stuff was just icing on the cake. Stay mad, Tim.
It's still nice to be able to sort by positive and negative. I usually ignore positive reviews and just look at the negative ones and see what they complain about. And then you can look at what percentage are negative to see how many people had these issues, so like if people are complaining about the game crashing but it's only 5% negative it's probably just a rare thing that only happens to some people. If 30% are negative and you see the same complaint over and over again chances are a lot of people had that same problem. Basically what I'm saying is you can extrapolate without having to look at every single review and get an idea of the general problems people were having and how many people had them.
You can do the same with positive reviews of course, but usually I think I know if a games premise interests me and I'd rather know what the issues are. But maybe your on the fence and want to know if you'd like the game so you can see what people like about it and decide if that's something that interests you.
I do the same. However, you could argue that it would be nice to be able to sort by scores as well, but I would personally argue that there isn't really a difference between the two since:
>Basically what I'm saying is you can extrapolate without having to look at every single review and get an idea of the general problems people were having and how many people had them.
Still, I think if a company is going to allow reviews they need to remove both positive and negative reviews that don't pertain to the game itself. Personally, I'd say there's too much manipulation going on so I'd rather just see posts in a forum to see what others are thinking since they're much more likely to be genuine.
Which one was that?
>that pic
atleast post the good one
game ended up being removed from steam due to chinese backlash
>less than 2 hours played
looks like they all refunded the game after all
Makes sense, since Tencent has deep influence over Valve
What was it called?
It's absolutely foolish not to take the money if you have employees. You don't have to like it but it's your job to make sure your underlings are paid.
What good is a king who doesn't protect his small folk? The peasants(workers) need to be looked after and guided. Take the money, deal with the backlash, and them make another game.