Fucking gaming

fucking gaming.
fucking normies.
fuck casuals.
games should be hard.
you should be forced to put 10-16 hours a day to play a game.
i hate how games are a big industry.
games should be made by nerds for nerds.

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>Give option to make game easy or clusterfuck hard

games made by nerds = best games 80% of the time

get a job

I can beat most old nes games in an evening.

Why would I need 16 hours a day for that?

>get a job

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the truth stings wojakposter

What's the perfect balance between hard and fun?

>the truth stings wojakposter

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multiple games

>10-16 hours
not while being a wagie you won't

Here's your gamer bro

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>10-16 hours a day to play a game
The irony is that casual games are bigger timesinks than hardcore games could ever be.

>being a wagie
why? Why do you subject yourself to slavery? Working 9 to 5 while making someone else richer?

Jesus fucking christ, kys. NOW

>just want to relax after a hard day at the wage factory with some comfy games
>wojak posting neets bitch at me about how games should be harder

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>quit job because don't know if staying for more than 7 years in first job is right for anyone to do
>6 months pass, no income, living off savings
>feel like I'm bleeding money
>now looking for a job again
I thought you NEETs said you're all iving in cruise control. This fucking sucks, I want to work again. Playing vidya now just makes me feel like I'm wasting my life, instead of wasting time when I got home from work

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>there still isn't a free open source game that doesn't look like complete trash while also having a decentralized team of 20+ devs each working on every aspect of it over github, plus a decentralized p2p network to establish a connection between clients without the need for a server

Literally why? Does everything have to be for fucking profit?

because I don't want to be homeless?

>there still isn't a free open source complaint that doesn't look like complete complaining while also having a decentralized team of 20+ devs each working on every aspect of COMPLAINING
Why don't you go do something with your life, and start this wonderful idea then, ideas guy?

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Dumbass, you're missing the key ingredient - autism bux. What, you seriously believed that adult human beings can survive on JSA alone?

see u in wow classic

Personally as long as I had money I didn't have problem with being a NEET, then again I do live frugally so money could last for a while for me.

The trick to being a NEET while living on your savings alone is basically to amass as very large amount of money and then just living very frugally.

MMORPGS are video games for ham handed losers with no problem solving skills or dexterity who trade raw time investment for in game accolades.

I shouldn't be forced to do shit faggot OP. Go cry to your mom instead.

>"Ah man after waking up at 6 AM to work at some deskjob I just wanna go home and chill for 2 hours bro"
you are what is wrong with games today