This game honestly isn't very good. Sure...

This game honestly isn't very good. Sure, it had some cool ideas for its time and it has a few memorable boss encounters, but the actual gameplay is miserable. Between the completely dated controls and numerous annoying sections like the backtrack for the sniper and the ascent up the command tower it's rarely enjoyable. I can't imagine anyone who isn't blinded by nostalgia still enjoying it to this day.

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

zoom zoom

I played it for the first time 4 years ago and it was fine

>backtrack for the sniper
literally takes 3 minutes

I like twin snakes more. Suck me.

MGS is the principal moviegame. MGS is the worst thing to ever happen to action games.

>zoom zoom
One of my favourite games is Ocarina of Time, a game that came out the same year as MGS.

You might have had a point if it were a decent '98 release like Half Life, Thief or Parasite Eve but OoT is the meme zoomers use to pretend to be boomers.

Recently replayed MGS1 since 13 years ago. It's still fun. The only things I really didn't like was the rappelling part., and how sometimes the camera is limited that you're unable to see enemies attack you off-screen.

MGS>Thief>Half Life>OoT>Parasite Eve

Attached: 1433422352948.jpg (295x300, 35K)

Disliking popular things doesn't make you interesting. Most people would agree MGS is a good game, you're the exception. It's a movie game. If you're looking for top tier raw MGS gameplay, go play substance's VR missions or mgsv.

This is what kojimaboos actually believe

You cannot blame an old game for being old. But nice try, cockfag.

>no that doesn't count!
I like popular things too
Sure, but there are plenty of old games that are still enjoyable

>Dated Controls
...well yeah it's 21 years old

You just weren't playing it properly user you were supposed to wear a blindfold.

Pro-tip: dated controls is code for not casualized controls, all medern trash plays the same

I like other games like the original Resident Evil titles. Difference is they account for their controls by using things like auto-aim and having a generally slower pacing in gameplay.

A surveillance camera?!

>he doesn't even know that if you attack Meryl in the wolf cave and immediately get in the cardboard box, a wolf will piss on you

Just what kind of filthy plebery am I dealing with here

MGS1 has auto aim to though

dsp pls go

Read the thread

Do you have any opinions of your own?

oh so you're a child

Yes, as represented in the OP. Do you?

bing bing

I am usually not bothered by older games but when I tried to play mgs3 the controls were unusable. Can were probably worse in mgs1 ...

Did you even play the game? It has auto aim. Also, how do you get much slower than a ps1 stealth game.

so you're a zoomer

>nooo my 90's game is much better!

Stick to nintendo games then.

>buy MGS1
>press O instead of X to confirm

Sure, but only if people who like MGS are also zoomers, given the fact that they're similarly normie and popular games from the same year

People shit on MGS all the time. Nobody shits on OOT because it’s le epic Nintendo jank-fest instead of a third party one.

I’ll ask again: do you have any opinions of your own?

here we fucking go

I haven't got any problems with Playstation games though. Stop trying to turn this into console shit flinging.

its not very noticeable for the bosses since you use explosives on most of them but guns like the Famas are like 100% aimbot, my biggest worry before playing the original version was how I was going to aim since I'm a mustard that rarely touches console shit

>People shit on MGS all the time
Do they? It's often praised as an all time classic. You know Ocarina of Time also gets criticised from time to time, along with every game that's ever received critical appraise?
Oh yeah, I forgot OoT was so much more zoomer and normalfag despite being similarly popular and coming out the same year

Attached: 562.png (1597x1600, 627K)

This, except I only played it for the first time a few months ago. There's a certain magic to old games and I'm going to guess that it stimulates your imagination due to the shitty graphics.

>You know Ocarina of Time also gets criticised from time to time
Should be all the time. That game hasn’t aged well. Certainly not well enough to be the number one game of all time on seemingly every list. It isn’t even the best Zelda game.

>the backtrack for the sniper and the ascent up the command tower
It's a homage.

Sounds like you have some MGS victim complex. I agree that OoT is a flawed game but it gets more detractors than you seem to acknowledge. Also reminder that MGS also turns up on a lot of "best games of all time" list.

>top tier raw MGS gameplay

bait? it's barely an mgs game.

What bait? I like a lot of Playstation games as well, just thought OoT was a good comparison given that they're both beloved games from the same year. Unlike you fags I'm not constantly looking to make a console war out of shit and falseflag.

>MGS victim complex
Whatever that means?

OOT has many of the same technical pitfalls that MGS has (and countless other games from the same era). To criticize one while saying you like the other in spite of similar flaws is retard-level hypocrisy.

>OOT has many of the same technical pitfalls that MGS has
Such as? I think there's too much messing around in the menus in OoT but otherwise it plays relatively well for the most part. Hell, 3D Zelda's up until BotW mimmicked its controls and gameplay pretty closely and none of them felt particularly aged when they released.

That's actually how all of the Japanese games are. I guess they just forgot to port it for the American version.

So liking any 5th gen console game while disliking another is hypocrisy?

>Such as?
Dated, cumbersome controls and sections with tedious padding.

My bad. Just went back onto the game to check and you're right. I think my issue might have come from the single button press to fire as oppose to a button to aim the weapon and then firing. Feels a little flimsy to me.

Saying you don’t like X 5th gen game because of bad controls or dated game design that are standard to 5th gen games is hypocrisy, yeah.


>Dated, cumbersome controls
Already addressed in the previous post
>sections with tedious padding
Only example of this I can think of in OoT is the trip back to the Lost Woods to visit Saria again

I dont see the issue with OoT's controls though, standards point where you want to go and a lock on system that is pretty much the same as anything modern just with less subtly in the camera. confuses me as much as when people claim Older CoD games are """janky""" when they all control the same

>Already addressed in the previous post
Poorly. I would say the game controls pretty badly even for the time. If you can ignore that, good for you.

>The only time there’s padding is where there’s padding
Good argument.

Like I said, good for you. There are probably thousands of games that control better with the same mechanics, few if any of which get recognized as being superior to OOT.

>I would say the game controls pretty badly even for that time
Combat is responsive and snappy with a range of movements that can be performed easily and the items are relatively intuitive in terms of how they're controlled. Again, these controls were used as a basis for future 3D Zelda games which didn't feel dated on their release.
>The only time there's padding is where there's padding
Yeah, one rough patch in the entire game isn't too egregious compared to MGS which has numerous shitty parts

Your opinion is fine, but of course it’s going to be dated it’s like 20 years old. But I played it about 2 or 3 years ago for the first time and started it again the other week, and I think it’s great, if you want an updated experience play twin snakes. It’s no where near as bad as people say it is and I generally a solid game.

We are talking about Metal Gear Solid though, not the games with better controls

same OP

>liking a game means that you make ever factually incorrect shitposting thread about it

The stealth is fun its just there isn't enough of it, that and they introduce something like footsteps or spotlights and never use them again. I agree some of the action setpieces were weak, should have removed them for more stealth sections

bad controls, shit tier story, slog of a game. you must have to have autism to enjoy this shit.

The game is only a slog after the helicopter fight when the rest of the game is just pure backtracking and codec conversations

it still plays well today fag you were just born too late