What a genuinely awful game.
What a genuinely awful game
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>duurr I watched vine sauce
You don’t know jack about this game. Fuck off zoomer
Doug Tennapel is a piece of shit, but that game is comfy as fuck
The gameplay looks tedious, the puzzles are retarded, however the animation and music is god-tier
Typical case of style over substance, and Yea Forums tends to love these. Neverhood is a bad adventure game with a great setting.
why do gay people hate Doug Tennapel?
because he's a good christian man
not woke, got broke
he's a bigot
el dilator
The game's just a meh point and click adventure, but the style and OST are fucking amazing. The cutscenes are jaw-dropping, they are so long and meticulously made. Humour is alright, too.
I saw the Vinesauce stream about it recently, why was chat full of people saying "the creator of this is a scumbag but the game is good"? What's wrong with Tennapel? Earthworm Jim and this are classics.
Does it play as sluggish as it looked? It looked really slow to go do things that were elsewhere.
Fuck off, vinesauce fag.
Ban this faggot. Such horrible taste have no place on Yea Forums.
HeвepьвХyдo was a great game with amazing humor, creepy atmosphere and some fun puzzles with a few troll moments.
Я нayчy ткeбя кypить и зaвиcaть oднoвpeмeннo!
get these commie moon runes out of here fegget.
this, anyone who thinks this is a great game for game's sake is retarded
the pacing is absolutely fuck-awful
Fuck off e-celeb cock sucker
It is a great classic game, but that doesn't mean there aren't any issues with it. Certain aspects of it are so good that they elevate the mediocre gameplay to amazing heights, thus making it a classic.
VTMB is a poorly made and rushed "game", but it's a great experience due to many factors outside of the general "gameplay" like music and writing. Same as this.
>t. never played a point and click
>music is god-tier
dis. Everything else sucks thoug
where can i play this?
you need scummvm
Should have just been a dreamworks animation short, the "game" side of things takes away from the whole experience.
i know vinny played it but im too lazy to watch it, did he not like it?
Apparently he's christian and his chat is filled with degenerate tranny fags. He had to disable comments on mario maker 2 because tranny's were shitting up the game with trans rights bullshit.
yes but where do i get the game files
is myabandonware fine?
i dont think its sold anywhere like GOG so yeah
>Apparently he's christian
How dare he.
>He had to disable comments on mario maker 2 because tranny's were shitting up the game with trans rights bullshit
Sounds based of him, but how did he not get "cancelled" for this?
ok thanks
Imagine thinking your childrens toys discussion is as important as real humans rights issues.
Why is Doug so based, bros?
because despite holding strong beliefs that others may not agree with, he ensures that it doesn't affect the art he produces
Awful gameplay, great everything else.
>human's rights
He believes in God and is conservative. The game is also based on The Book of Genesis.
Why are there so many vinesauce fans on Yea Forums? Every time Vinny or Joel streams something threads start popping out about the game. I don't notice this happening with any other streamers.
Some parts felt too long, but this game has such an amazing soundtrack. I never felt tired listening to the music over and over.
>not going back to rebbit
Nah, it's great. Skullmonkeys is pretty terrible though.
>Yea Forums is full of furries
>Yea Forums is full of trannies
>Yea Forums is full of zoomer memers
I wonder...
Can't discuss it with delusional people who avoid the problem. Tranny's have a lower suicide rate by going to a therapist and being told to be comfortable with who they are. They ignore this because they're a bunch of fragile little shits who want to ignore statistics and crybully everyone into their beliefs.
He loved it, even considered playing Skull Monkeys in the future
I love him, but hivemind faggots whos hobby it is to shame people on twitter are to blame
Vinesauce made its start on Yea Forums
Describes him perfectly. You don’t need to subscribe to his personal beliefs to enjoy the art he makes.
>plebbitor thinks he knows me
I just want to dress up like a cute anime girl and hava fun fuck off~
vinesauce newcomers shouldn't comment on a game you should have played as a kid
Reminder that Vinny is a thin-skinned faggot who gets super pissy and passive aggressive when you criticize any of his shit boomer tastes like what music he likes.
Remember to make fun of his musical tastes every stream.
Lgbts are just insecure gays.
Skullmonkeys was good though
geez, and you'd think vinny's chat tends to be a cleaner place than whatever the fuck joel's chat tends to be.
I do too and even want to stream while doing it, but traps are problematic apparently and tranny fags will cry crocodile tears at everyone into submission until you're at the point where you're fined hundreds of dollars for misgendering someone. They wouldn't have been a problem if they didn't try to force other people into their beliefs.
He disabled the comments because his chat was split on saying the trans right comments are stupid and others screeching about dumb human rights shit as if trans are being hunted down like it's WW2.
They hate him because he misgendered a journalist that was critiquing his old earthworm Jim game.
Yup, you're definitely a schizo. Seek help redditard.
skull monkeys and boombots are better games, neverhood is just not good at all.
Skullmonkeys is shit
and it's still better than neverhood.
How is that even a thing, or even a word. Get me out of this hell
Doug Tennapel is a hero
I just made every dilator ITT clench up with so much rage that it sealed permanently
This and Skullmonkeys are the only games with soul.
Which stream?
haha wow
you deserve this upvote
Pick one.
>trannies calling anyone a redditor
intimidating jaw
>his chat was split on saying the trans right comments are stupid and others screeching about dumb human rights shit as if trans are being hunted down
Happens every time the word "trap" appears on Jerma's streams, too. He just ignores it, but the TRANS RIGHTS spam never ends. Fucking psychos.
>Doug Tennapel
but why though
>using children's toys to push your agenda
And you're surprised the reactions are childish?
Are you a retard? Dumb? Mentally ill? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Joel chat are just memers, thats it, annoying but only that at the end of the day, ill take joel chat over vinny chat any day because atleast joel chat is not a time bomb constantly ticking.
Pic related, it's you.
i ask myself whenever i see those pictures being used if it's a tranny or just someone who wants to fuck that character
That's why you keep them separate from one another, you don't seem to understand that though.
doug is livestreaming as we speak go shit talk his game to his face you fags
it starts as someone wanting to fuck them, then from years from projecting themselves through anime girls they turn into trannies
Your parents must be so proud of there little manchild.
Is it because I know the difference between a trap and a mental case with gender dysphoria?
It's gone now but Vinny's part 5 on his youtube is the last one with comments up it looks like since part 6 I can't find a single Mario Maker comment. At one point in part 6 he talks a little bit about why he disabled comments without going into detail because he didn't want the chat to go ape shit again.
I have a transsexual girl in my class and thought it was a girl
During their introduction they said that they're trans, you could hear it from the voice too but if they'd be silent the whole time I would've thought it's a full fledged girl (vagina)
Neverhood has been in the back of mind for so long I forget about this
No, him drawing reminds me that I'm a talentless nobody.
true but at the same time I like how he calls out people for saying stupid shit
>wow I'm finally passing as a girl the society will finally accept me as a woman my dream is realized
keep trying user if you enjoy drawing and like the stuff you draw shouldn't that be enough?
I hate when girls flash me their (vagina)s in class.
>Some ugly fat girl mentions she's a he while one of our Uni professors is gathering everyone's names
>Very noticeable manvoice but physically he just looks like your average ugly fat girl
>Nobody cares or gives him attention because prof is jumping from person to person at lighting fast speed
>He sits alone of the entirety of the first semester, have honestly never heard his voice ever since that very first day
>Completely disappeared for the second semester and has never been seen in the faculty since
Tranny or not, nobody will care about you if you're an ugly introverted faggot.
Enlighten me schizoid.
It does.
The game has tons of ways to pad the playtime like one-way screen transitions, having to redo puzzles/press switches to revisit areas, that fucking hall of records that you HAVE to travel back and forth and even features a window at its end just there to mock you that you can't jump out of, the kinda pointless wallcart rides...
I guess even the devs realised near the end that it was too much and included a code that lets you travel the world MUCH faster.
He has committed too many sins.
He is White, Straight, Male, AND a filthy Christian.
What a fucking scumbag!
A trap is just a boy, who says that they are a boy, that could pass for a girl. A mental case with gender dysphoria is a tranny.
Don`t respond to 15 IQ animeposters
>thread about video games turns into tranny thread #20394852093
I'm so fucking sick of this shit.
Sounds boring.
Wait Yea Forums is Reddit...shiet
> yfw you're arguing against an tranny animeposter, while you too are an animeposter.
I'm the kind to not care about sharing a hobby with others but fuck they make it difficult.
>an tr-
Trolling is a art.
>comes to anime board and complains about anime
This isn't an anime board. This is a video game board on a website that also has anime boards.
Grow up tranny, removing your genitals isn't going to make you happy, you aren't a woman, you have several psychological problems that you REFUSE to fix.
I've been here since 2013 and animes always been here, deal with it reddit baka.
I've been here since 2005 newfag. No one outside anime boards gave a shit about anime when this site was created, but now you niggers infest everything like roaches.
>almost 7 years
Troll is obvious, have fun with your reddit thread fag.
I think it's' in part faulted by the fact that moot created this place because something awful did not allow anime.
> something awful did not allow anime
Yeah, I can honestly see their point.
Yeah, exactly. It was made by people that wanted to talk about anime but it became a niche community for people to post shit they couldn't post elsewhere because of the anonymity. It was a lot better when there was more of a focus on japanese culture in general instead of low IQ trannies that jerk off to moeshit animes posting nothing of value.
>desu desu desu desu
Yep, no anime on non-anime boards back then, sounds about right.
play skullmonkeys
What the fuck is vinesauche? I just played through it myself and the painfully slow animations and gay sound effects put me off.
What did he even say?
I love it when somebody calls him a boomer and he gets genuinely butthurt about it every time
Based Doug dabbing on trannies
lolwut? The only thing he's done that isn't somehow tied to or influenced by judeo-christian mythology is EWJ, mostly because everyone else working on the game acted as a filter. The plot of Ratfist was literally "Libs will give you cancer"
Me too. This board fucking sucks.
>He loved it
>someone likes game
>Yea Forums spergs out
like a clockwork
>first this
>now the whole Ion Fury bullshit
Man, no matter how lightly Vinny threads on those eggshells for the retarded part of his audience, it's never enough.
You will never be free
Wherever you go, there (you) are.
Skullmonkeys 2 when.
OP is a faggot
I really like Doug's ideas and worldbuilding, but I don't think he is really good at making games, except for Earthworm Jim.