I've never really played any RPG in my life, but this is 75% off

I've never really played any RPG in my life, but this is 75% off.
Should I get this it? Or is there a game that is better?

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There are many games there are better.
Anyway, it's the last good game Bioware made before they went complete SJW.

such as?

>I've never really played any RPG in my life,
How? I could maybe believe that console players haven't seen a CRPG in their life, but RPG is so widespread it's hard to miss one.

Origins is good though. It's middle ground between old infinity rpgs and full console mode modern action games.


Better RPGs than Dragon Age:
Final Fantasy X
Chrono Trigger
Grandia 2

In my opinion it's probably the best starter RPG.
The systems are pretty straight forward and it's newer so you don't end up bogged down in menus. But still get a ridiculously impressive amount of actual roleplaying and decisions for a 7th gen game. Pretty much any other game that offers the degree of choice that Origins does is many times clunkier than it.

And it obviously beats the hell out of any JRPG for that kind of stuff.

It's worth playing the complete edition with all the DLC and Expansion Pack.

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Shit now that I think of it, I played tons of old RPGs from years ago. Never really finished any of them though.

I give it a low 7/10.

At least give them some extra credit for releasing it during the darkest hours of PC rpgs.

it's pretty good. just don't touch 2 and 3 is...pretty mediocre/shit with boring ass characters and plot.

No, pirate it. The devs deserve to get EA'd as soon as possible.

Here's the correct order to engage in all the content.
>Main game
>In between each main story quest take a detour to play the DLC quests, Warden's Keep, Stone Prisoner, and Return to Ostagar
>Just like the main quests you can do these in any order you like, but Stone Prisoner gives a party member and ties into part of the main quest so I find it better to do early, similarly Return to Ostagar fits the story well happening later on
And then for the extra campaigns
>Play Leliana's Song after she opens up to you about her past, either when she sings at camp or the questline is complete, take a segway to beat this mini campaign
>Play Darkspawn Chronicles the night before the final battle, framed as the Warden having a nightmare, then continue into the final battle
>Dragon Age Origins: Awakening is played directly after the main campaign
>Golems of Amgarrak is played after Awakening
>Witch Hunt is the finale of Dragon Age Origins

>Ignore Feastday Gifts and Pranks it's just cosmetic items that let you cheese friendship levels

>Tfw Bioware was gonna spend years adding expansions and mini-campaign content to this game transforming it into a sprawling Silmarillion-like work that explored the fifth blight in extreme depth but EA made them abandon the plan because you can't sell expansions and DLC at full price
There was confirmed to be 3 expansions originally in the works with Dragon Age Origins: Awakening being the first, Dragon Age 2 started as expac 2 and was going to follow the same general plotline of a peasant being displaced by the blight and rising to greatness and was supposed to last roughly 10 hours. Stretching the content into a whole main game turned it into an utter shitshow. The last story is unknown as far as I am aware but it was probably going to involve the Eluvian and The Architect.

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get it, it's the best RPG to date

source: I played them all

If you're really a completionist, play every origin story before your real character. It really adds to the world.

Eh, that kills the pacing and leaves replays feeling less satisfying. IMO the best way to absorb every origin is over time with multiple replays.

>EA ruins another game series

yeah not shocked desu.

Well, just got the standard edition, and I'm downloading it.
Thanks for your input guys.

I got the Xbox 360 version for free yesterday because of a buy 2 get 1 sale at a local place. I really don't care about graphics or framerate so will I have a decent time with this version?

its like a modernized baldur's gate without d&d rules its a decent gateway into older RPGs

its third person instead of an overhead camera and there's no friendly fire but its playable

But there is friendly fire, dumbass

Shoulda gotten the definitive edition

I didn't know they even carried standard anywhere still


I didn't realize it was that different compared to the PC version. I'll give it a shot soon, thanks user.

Who doesn't play on nightmare? The games piss easy outside of a handful of optional encounters and Amgarrak

The game's real difficulty setting is the number of mages in your party.
Warrior, rogue, 2 mage turns the game into easy mode even on nightmare.

Its pretty much a modern cinematic take on classic RPGS with all the good and bad that comes with it. for 5 bucks I think its a decent entry point

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it's a genuinely good game, especially if you mod it a little bit. One of the last good Bioware games.

Skyrim is still better.
You should also get Baldur's Gate 2. it's better than DA:O and Skyrim and an actual RPG.

Skyrim is barely an RPG, though.

modded Skyrim is the best game in existence. The problem is, it's a bother to install all the mods. That alone could potentially take days

and vanilla skyrim is fucking trash

yeah, true. you can thank Todd "Utter fucking retard and lying Con-Man" Howard for that.

>modded Skyrim is the best game in existence.
Agreed. Peak RTS, racing and point&click.

and also a dating sim.

You're getting a 50 hour game with good replay value and tons of DLC for nothing you might as well. It's old Bioware's last game basically.

No, it actually is a very basic dating sim. As well as a very basic RPG and a very basic dungeon crawler with a simple crafting system. But no amount of modding is going to make it into an even basic RTS. Which was the point. Your definition is too broad.

Do it for her.

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>Your definition is too broad.
intentionally so. I obviously used hyperbole. There's no such thing as a best game ever, but with all of the mods out there you could make Skyrim into an amazing RPG at the very least. And my "dating sim" comment refers to the shit amount of porn mods out there.

>intentionally so. I obviously used hyperbole.
Hard to tell these days.

>with all of the mods out there you could make Skyrim into an amazing RPG
Technically true but it uses voice acting for every line of dialogue and while mods aren't necessary forced to adhere to this standard the base game sets certain expectations. I mean, sure, it's possible to make a mod or two that allows for decent (although "amazing"? not so sure) role-playing options with a protagonist who barely converses with anyone but those would be total conversions most certainly.

That was a mistake you should have gotten the ultimate edition


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Try Fallout 4. It was made for your kind.

It's very good

>Ywn play as your Grey Warden again

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Sure, it's not a bad game.