Did RE2 save the franchise?

Did RE2 save the franchise?

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literally a male's body

Not much to save when it was only the 2nd entry though

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is a remake of a old game idk if that counts

is that supposed to be that streamer "girl"?

perfect waifu

For such an 'epic' game that people waited 20 years to play, discussion sure died down like a month or two after the game released. I doubt the game will ever approach RE4 levels infamy. Probably a example of Soul vs Soulless(RE2Remake)

Dude, a games fame does not accurately reflect its qualities as a game. You'd have to be fucking retarded to think that.

So what other IPs are tainted by that eceleb?

RE7 did more for a franchise resurrection. The crux of the matter is that REmake 2, while decent enough, isn't really in the style of the older games for the most part, so you know that the fact that so many people parrot a belief to the contrary indicates that they were actually brought on board when word got around that RE7 got "back to horror."

virtually all of capcom

while I don't like it very much, RE7 did


a woman's male body*

What did James Kelly mean by this?

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Feed nana

Resident Evil 2 made it a franchise, dipshit. There was less than two years between it and the first game in the series.

>Posting someone mid transition as if to imply that's what they look like now

Sad, you might as well be admitting she looks great because it would be impossible to call her ugly with a recent picture

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... Who?

Delusional retard you can hang alongside him

I didnt know taking hormone pills will magically change your posture and make your goblin nose smaller or tuck your ears back nice.

bonus round:

yes, and?



Try to find a recent picture that looks bad then

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Post her dumbass evo outfit

you keep trying to force that narrative but the RE and DMC series have always been garbage

Every capcom game that isnt MH.
Tranny May Cry
Redisent Tranny
Tranny Crisis
Tranny Savior
Tranny of Rage
Tranny vs Capcom
Rival Tranny
Ghosts n Trannies
Viewtiful Tranny
God Tranny

Oh man, I completely forgot Tranny Fighter and Megaman

Rent free

>God Tranny
>not Tranny Hand
One job

>Lost Planet
Mega based. ALSO LOST PLANET FUCKING 3 when?

You are aware trannies make sure to photoshop their pictures, take them at the best possible angle to make their jaw look smaller, use only the best lighting, and also use makeup. Also surgery
Maybe that guy will find a terrible looking pic but yeah he's a gross tranny and nearly all of them dont pass. So go commit suicide you gross tranny

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But Lost Planet 3 exists and it sucks.

>Can't even admit a trans person is attractive because it goes against his retarded /pol/ narrative

Keep dropping those excuses, alt-right fatass.

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That's because Tranny Planet is our reality and not just a game anymore

Not him but this guy doesn't even pass in his fan art.

You're just a bigot who can't give trans people any credit because you mistakenly believe you'll lose ground so you're just autistically against trans people no matter what. Stay delusional.

Didnt i say "nearly all of them dont pass"
That implies i think that a very small tiny itty bitty percent of trannies can actually pass and i may find them attractive(might seeing how tastes differ between people) but that doesn't mean you or any one else should become a tranny because you'll end up being fucking gross and committing suicide
That fag you're talking about does not pass and ain't attractive
I dont even browse /pol/

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The one who streamed herself getting fucked bareback in the ass by a filthy looking pervert then going ass to mouth and sucking his cock? Yeah that's them.

>search this image in the archive out of curiosity
>most of them are posts made by me this year


Lmao I wonder what this thread will be about xD
Does anyone want to go on Discord with me and post pictures of girls (male) and encourage me to masturbate? Because lol that would be so video games xD

Cope harder, fatcel.
You and your kind are going to the way of the dinasour, so you might as well kys already

I just happen to be attracted to women, which he is not. Get over it.

r e n t f r e e

oh look, another mental midget making a sue thread

Oh, we're only allowed to post photoshopped pictures that were hand picked by the tranny himself and accept that as to how they really look?

>If I can't get a waifu, then I'll become the waifu.

There's daily RE2 threads here. The fuck are you smoking? RE7 brought the franchise back from the brink, but ReMake 2 all but ensured it's survival. Capcom has a perfect template to work from.


it sure worked for Sue, she is a lot of people's waifu

you dont want to watch this

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I think Sue looks nice :)

Wait-- that's a fucking trap? fucks sake

Looks like the average beaner teen. Will age about as poorly as one too.

Not a trap, a transexual. They got fake tits and hormones so trapness is invalidated.

James is not video games, mods do your job and remove this freak's attention seeking thread.

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>those hands

Trannies can be traps, the only qualification is that you look like a girl.

That picture doesn't pass

No, traps can become trannies but in essence a trap is a biological male that can pass as female with little to no effort. Hormones, fake tits and other surgery is a hell of a lot of effort. Also a lot of traps are straight or gay, not trans.

a man born a man is still a man. Regardless of tit implants or hormones. Fucking clowns.

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A cute male.

dudes ugly as fuck call me when trannies look like this

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>with little to no effort.
The amount of effort put in is irrelevant


>with little to no effort
The colloquial use doesn't support this definition. What separates traps from transexuals is gender. Traps are cis men. Which means yes, traps are gay.

This meme is peak irony. The matrix was a giant trans allegory.

Mr. Smith was deadnaming Neo by calling him Mr. Anderson all the time.

No, it is relevant. A trap is just a guy that can pass as a girl. A transexual is a guy of any quality that wants to be female and be looked at as female and who gets work done to look more female regardless of whether they pass or not.

Being a guy and liking traps is super gay, i'm just saiyan.

gamer posture

Trannies are like rectangles, they can be a trap but they aren't necessarily one by default

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>Being a guy and liking traps is super gay

>creators become gross ugly trannies
>they start trying to give new meaning to their old work because they want attention
No fuck off gross tranny

I didn't say it was a bad thing, just stating the obvious. I love traps but it's gay as fuck. They're better than trannies though.

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Alright just checking buddy, keep doing you.

There's so many better looking shemales out there and Yea Forums spams the one nerdy jewish kid looking one because he does RE videos. Get some fucking taste.

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It cut so much content that it did not matter you are in the police station then the sewers for five seconds then it’s over


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Not sure if that's an edited Haku or not

It's a flashback from Shipuden using newer animation to reference the scene from the earlier show.

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>There's so many better looking females out there and Yea Forums spams the one nerdy jewish kid looking one because she does RE videos. Get some fucking taste.
This is nothing new.

Yeah, this site is more or less a hangout for shitty people with shitty tastes

Where the hell are you from then, newfag? Maybe you should go back.

>N-no, I like coming here for [insert lame excuse]

Fuck off.

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>getting this upset because I said you're a shitty person with shitty taste
Grow a backbone, faggot.

It ultimately killed the franchise because it is now nothing more than some badly balanced action game franchise

Bailey Jay is the only man id fuck

I like Sue's RE videos but goddamn if he isn't a little whore, or used to be one at least. I think he regerets letting people fuck him on camera.

Whoops, that's not the right word to use. Eat shit, faggot

Are you really getting this butthurt because someone made fun of you for liking an ugly tranny?

>or used to be one at least
He is still one at heart, just listen to how he says 'I love you all' at the end of his videos

FAT _____!

>I think he regerets letting people fuck him on camera.
Probably something a lot of trans people go through. There's a huge market out there for trans porn and it's a quick way of getting money to further any medical needs you have. I had to convince a trans friend not to do porn/camming because I knew they would regret it later since once that shit hits the internet, it's never coming down.