Help me decide
Horde or Alliance?
Help me decide
pre-belfs? Horde.
post-belfs? Pick your poison.
Chad Panda.
get a job
Uninstall Wizard
neckbeards in MUDHUTS
Horde when playing for fun with your gf/wife
Alliance for solo and hardcore raiding
Play FFXIV instead.
im going ally fem gnome warrior BiS pink pigtails on a horde dominated pvp server to just fuck with them
horde, obviously
alliance players are shit tier toxic faggots historically, taurens are gigachads, the choice is clear
Alliance if you don't want to be a canonically black guy.
Blizz ruined everything in the very first expac. Kind of amazing to think and look back
need help still what to pick!
wtf is with this map?
Vanilla content is beyond trivial so pallies being generally favorable to shamans is of no concern. Every competent guild will one-shot bosses anyway.
Horde on the other hand is min/max in TBC and Wrath that might or might not follow (killing pre-nerf Kael/Vashj on the first week with nothing but Naxx gear and the few pieces you got while getting attunements might not be total pushover so greater throughput does kinda sorta come into play here, the same goes for doing pre-nerf Yoggy+0 with WotLK Naxx gear during the first reset), and can be projected to be better in new OSRS style content that similarly might or might not follow (windfury scales with gear, paladin buffs don't).
Do you want to wear shoes or not
It's presunderring lil zoom
+10% to all stats doesn't scale with gear?
Global conquest
did peter jackson make that?
The race you like the most, gonna play with the same types of people taking it all too seriously regardless.
I was being retarded and forgot about kings, I had cached thought about shamans having better scaling and didn't stop to think about exact reasons when writing the post. Nevertheless, shaman scaling IS stronger, both in terms of buffs and their strength as individual healers, doubly so if hypothetical future patches evolve classes along the same lines as in TBC while keeping paladins and shamans unique to factions.
No, Azshara
>normal sized - big dick? Pick alliance
>micro- tiny penis? Pick horde
thats what Azeroth looked like before Y'shaarj got killed and fractured the world into the world you know it as today, back then it was simply a pangea called Kalimdor.
and that was the extent of the night elf empire under Azshara's rule
Alliance. Draenei or Worgen.
For classic, horde has the better leveling experience. It's known that horde had heavy favoritism when creating WoW.
This game doesn't even have /dab emote it's shit.
>horde has the better leveling experience
in what way serious replies only
imagine being an apologist for literal alien invaders
Why are blood elves white
>thats what Azeroth looked like before Y'shaarj got killed and fractured the world into the world you know it as today,
Alliance. Unless you want +25% stun resist
Alliance because based Asmongold (Trump voter, race realist and certified chad) will be rolling ally and all of the other cringe and blue pilled snowflake e-celebs are rolling horde like sodapoppin.
Many storylines in expansions seem to heavily focus on the Horde and its interal struggles while Alliance is just kinda there, take recent expansion for example, heavy focus on Hordes upcoming civil war while Alliance, despite being their rivals there, just sorta exist without big changes
Also green Jesus
none of what you said has anything to do with horde having a better leveling experience in vanilla
We are talking about classic not nuwow and expansions. What makea horde have the better leveling experience in classic?
It was the fault of nelves, not old godz.
Play a good game instead
man of gorkamorka i see