How can Personakeks ever recover now that their GOAT has been so thoroughly and utterly dismantled using facts and...

How can Personakeks ever recover now that their GOAT has been so thoroughly and utterly dismantled using facts and basic logic?
I hope this video causes Royal to flop so Atlus can get back to making actually good games again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But style is more important than substance.
Don't own a playstation btw.

some good points in that video but the guy is also a huge nitpicker.

Stop shilling your garbage video, nigger.

Nitpicking is fair and deserved when a piece of media is constantly praised as one of the greatest ever made in its genre.

by actually playing games instead of getting their opinions from pseudointellectual youtubers.


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Nobody ever from the release said it's perfect, unless it's blatant shitpost. Persona 5 has many flaws, Hashino is a hack, but visuals are fucking god tier, yet overtime it seems like it's getting worse and worse in quality (writing, animations and dungeon design). Still, it's fun game and Atlus is going to milk this cow, because literally who on YouTube is not going to change general consensus unless he has PT superpower of rewriting consciousness.

But the opinions presented in the video are ones I've already concluded before watching it.
I just like that somebody with an audience is saying what I've been thinking and arguing since 2017.

So what is this. Another assblasted SMT fan raging in a video?

>But style is more important than substance.

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>Nobody ever from the release said it's perfect
Except many people are. The game is on hundreds of top 10 lists and is often praised as one of the best JRPGs made in the past decade. Which is why a video like this needs to exist.

Something Yea Forums has been saying from years

Kamoshida good
Social Links and Mementos bad
Story and writing is awful
Combat is mediocre
Music great

He just goes into a lot of detail.

Style is substance

>this thread again
you got dabbed on pretty bad the first time

Cvit you retarded nigger, this video is unwieldy. Organize your ideas better and put them into a video series. The stupid "chapter" intros and the jarring music choices also need to go.

The video is right though, don't know what OP has to do with it.

>Nearly 5 hour video

The description has timestamps that already organize it chapter by chapter. It's more convenient to organize it into one video rather than 30 videos which will mostly be ignored.

>5 hours of nitpicking

Don't tell me you watched this shit, fag.

about a 45 hour movie

Good thing it's not.

>Someone pathetically shiling their video on Yea Forums
Fucking sad

what kind of retard does this? the worst part is that he's still not as bad as you guys because at least he's talking about games. jesus christ, though.

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You actually watched it?

Yeah, it's a 100+ hour game with 45 hours of cutscenes.
If you're going to have a serious discussion about the contents of the story, then 5 hours seems almost reasonable. Hell, his discussion is honestly fairly fast-paced regardless of length.

He made a 7 hour video talking about a Pokémon game

persona 5 isnt the GOAT persona, its the second worst

But P4 comes after P1 though
So P3 is in the middle

Except it is. If you pay any attention to the discussion of the game, you'll see that.

Long man bad

>*posts screenshot of [LITERALLY WHO'S TWITTER]* HEHEH, BTFO

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Honestly at that length he's blown past how long a PhD student's dissertation would be. Guarantee over half the video's content is redundant, him repeating himself, etc

That wasn't him.

>5 hours

Imagine being this mad about P5’s success.

>Persona 5: It's no Masterpiece

Why does she have a pumpkin full of melted ice cream

Will Yea Forums ever stop seething over P5 being the best RPG of the decade?

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>visuals are god-tier
It was just corridor after corridor. Only the painter's world was any good

Oh, never mind then

>imagine saying everything negative that's been said before but making it a 5h fucking video
Opinion discarded

>Persona 5 is bad
>Actually, a ton of inconsistencies and bad gameplay designs are presented

Oh no, another one of those eceleb autists. Can't wait to have something inconsequential that noone ever complained before, suddenly become a regurgitated main talking point to justify why x game is the worst thing ever.

>hurr why is Makoto treated like she's the smartest durr
Because, due to who the phantom thieves are, she's likely the least retarded of the bunch.

Joker has 1 point in academics at most when she's introduced, Ann is a dumb bimbo, Morgana is a literal animal, Yusuke is an artbrain, >Ryuji

t. contrarian

>people are still assblasted over persona 5

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The guy isn't even known well enough to be an e-celeb. He's a literal-who getting shilled by a contrarian.

What game would warrant a 7 hour long video?

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But style is more important than substance.

Skipped most of the social links since he was mostly shitting on them constantly and saying the implementation of mementos was awful and took agency away from those characters and their stories.

He basically just claims what Yea Forums has been saying for a long time now, Kamoshida is a great villain because stakes are pretty high and you see him being antagonistic to you personally, then the later guys are not really as strong in terms of characterization and not as impactful or satisfying to take down and that the reasoning behind their palace themes makes no fucking sense in the case for Futaba or Okumura, Haru joins too late and trusts the Phantom Thieves for no reason...

The TLDR is that people who thought about this being one of the best JRPG got easily impressed by the style and art direction of persona and because of that they kind of brush aside a lot of the issues with the game, even though the writing (particularly this part, he says it's fucking awful), characters and their confidants are really shallow and the combat has been done a lot better/robust by other JRPG (showing Final Fantasy X as an example) and, well, he's right, normies are just shallow people easily impressed by presentation more than quality.

Reminder to all the summerfags that if you enter "sage" in the options field then the thread doesn't get bumped. It's especially useful when replying to bait threads, advertisements, or otherwise shit threads, like this one.

>tfw seething Yea Forums cucks mad because P5 is a successful game and will probably be remembered for a long time while an angry Yea Forumsirgin makes a 5 hour essay that will probably only get like 500k views then be forgotten after that

t. waifufag


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If explaining why something is bad to a person will take you 5 hours, you are either shit at editing, or an obnoxious pedant (likely both). There are degrees.

An MMO depending on how much time you’ve spent

You're right, but nu-Yea Forums loves weebshit, so nothing you can do about it.

>Anything but irredeemable garbage in every way
You could at least play the games you shill, fucknugget.

Or that the game is such a tall pile of shit that it genuinely takes 5 hours to present all its flaws.

lol not even DS2fags got this much triggered over the 9 hour criticism of their game

The only 5 hour game review worth watching.

I'm telling you what he mentions, how can you be so retarded to think that's my opinion?

It's not even remotely reasonable because the game doesn't have anywhere near that much actual plot. Vast majority of the game is spent on character asides that don't have anything to do with anything

>Bubsy 3D is one of the worst games ever made, watch this 180 hour video to learn why!

Yeah, because that's how it works. The worse the game the more time it takes to explain why. You got it user!

Literally no critique on any media, even in a serious academic context, should ever be 5 hours long or really even near that.

Honestly it amazes me that people let the game live rent-free in their heads like this.

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no way bro I aint't watching this shit if you have problems with the game just make a 10 minute video so I can dismiss it by saying the uploader did not explain himself good enough

I really liked P5, but this video helped me realize I was just trying to convince myself it was decent, and instead I just sank 100 hours into a shit game. Made me feel embarrassed in retrospect for playing and pretending to like it, but at least I know better now.

It is reasonable because the game has thousands of lines of dialogue that can introduce ideas to the story in less than 5 seconds of playtime. You might brush it off as nitpicking, but there are tons and tons of nits to be picked and they add up to a nonsensical storyline.

I don't know if I agree with that. The problem with youtube pedants is that they never really go past the surface. It's usually recounting technical flaws and minor inconsistencies for most of the time, like reading a bug list.

>comparing a bare-bones shitty platformer to a 100-hour modern jrpg
I suggest taking a nap with your waifu pillow to relax, and then come back with some non-strawman arguments

Watch the last 20 minutes of the video. Specifically the "Morals" time stamp in the description. It sums up his thoughts on the game overall well enough.

>Make a 30 minute review
>Make a 5 hours review
It's just me or is Yea Forums just fucking retarded?

I could understand mgs4 and p5 since they're really fucking long movies tackling a plethora of themes.

But a fucking RERELEASE of POKEMON has them beat.

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It's almost like Personafags are full retards

>5 fucking hours

>passive agressive seething

and yet they had to pad out their video with egregious nitpicking to get five hours' worth of adsense revenue.

video games are a visual medium
read a fucking book if you don't want to nitpick the story of a game for weebs

No I mean -actually literally- there are people whose entire 20s were devoted to critiquing Dickens and their final presentation on it is maybe half the length of this youtube video at most.

But yes the sheer lack of substance (oh the irony) is another pillar of the issue with these videos.

Is that five hours long

Jesus christ you dont need to spend 5 hours talking about why you didnt like a game

Games criticism on YouTube is busted, your embarrassing video about a video game takes as much time as most of the fucking lord of the rings trilogy

Get real

>>Make a 30 minute review
who's said this

So, the shitposting for P5 really intensified when the Switch port didn't happen, were people that upset over it not happening?

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Based, OP has no legacy and will die alone with no traces of him ever being alive

It doesn't work that way, dingus. Either a line of dialogue matters or it doesn't, and very few lines of dialogue in P5 actually matter. Going over every single line is sheer unbridled autism. All you need to do to say it's a shit game is to say that it has a basic ass combat system where all you do is trial and error to find weakness, then spam it and congratulations you win, which is not nearly engaging enough to support a game that goes on for as long as P5 does


unironically kill yourself for letting e celebs dictate your opinion

And then you would complain he just spouts generalizations and had no true arguments

I actually watched the whole thing, it got really tiring by the time they were stealing Futaba's heart.

The only new persona game that had substance was 3. Because it sold well they doubled down and made it simpler, cut the bleak tone for a broader appeal, made it more accessible and with more cliched anime characters and released 4.
Overall it was a good move from a commercial standpoint, because 4 sold gangbusters, had dozens of spinoffs and made Persona a household atlus name.
So for 5 they doubled down on it again, which made it insuferable.

>lol not even DS2fags got this much triggered over the 9 hour criticism of their game
dark soul fags are the biggest autists who eat that shit up
you would think a fandom that praises a game for being subtle in its storytelling and minimalist design would take those values in their own video making

>5 (five) hour long video
>"but it's summed up in the last 6% bro"

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Is this guy the new joseph anderson

A tomb and space space station did fit a depressed neet and the big bang CEO though

Have your damn (YOU). But be warned. Your fuckin wrong kiddo. Most of that video is gameplay of the story. The CUTSCENES however only make up 1 hour of the game and are all skippable. AS SUCH YOUR POINT THAT PERSONA 5 IS A MOVIE IS COMING FROM SOMEBODY WHO HASN’T PLAYED THE GAME AND CAN’T MAKE A VALID ARGUMENT FOR WHY PERSONA 5 IS A MOVIE/TELLTALE GAME!

Is it something other than what Yea Forums keeps saying? Because more often than not I've foubd that Yea Forums general assessment rarely goes beyond cliffnotes and sometimes just openly pants-on-head stupid shit.

Fuck off Cvit you autistic moron.
Even in actual legitimate academic critique, you present the point you want to make, provide a handful of examples that you believe illustrate your point, then continue to the next one.
5 hours is either massive overcompensation because you wanted attention, legitimate seething autistic nitpicking, a love of your own voice/superiority complex or a mixture of all three.

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Aesthetics matter retard. As he said, read a book if you don't want a visual medium.


play it again
he didn't give you a review, he gave you his experience

you had your own experience

Fuck off, as an actual game, P5 is the best since 1. P3 is the one where they doubled down on the casualization. DURR THINKING TOO HARD, just let AI do it all

Fuck off

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30 minutes is already too long and makes content creators become repetitive drones who need to overanalyze everything and explain minute details where "WE NEED TO GO BACK AND EXPLAIN X FOR TEN MINUTES FOR THIS ONE PARAGRAPH OF ANALYSIS"

A good review is a solid 15 minutes.

How many jrpgs from the last decade have actually been good to warrant bumping P5 out of the top 10. Never played it by the way.

There is nothing you can do to destroy the love I have for persona 5 and the experience I had playing it. Hoes mad

You are forgetting that we live in an era where people gravitate moreso to games that are pretty over having a captivating story or memorable characters.
I liked P5, but not more than Persona 2 IS, P3 or P4.

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Judging by Yea Forums's reaction to the video and the fact that it gets kneejerky thumbs down, I conclude that the criticism is valid and true.

you know these are games right

The fact that he has to give a huge warning right of the bat about "not liking your favorite game is not a personal attack", "understand criticism if this was you first piece of media"
or to pretend the game is meaningful because "it helped you go through a part of your life" sums up the IQ of the average persona fan.
Everyone knew 5 was bad and a letdown in the series as soon as it came out.

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Imagine being so mad you make a 5h video to argue with people who moved on years ago

>100 hour game
>1 hour of cutscene
>80 hours of boring text conversations
Its worse than a movie game.
Its objectively bad for people who arent into the premise and setting, and fantastic for those who are into such things

It could've been literally anything else and you know it. They probably already had those dungeons and wanted to use them, that's all.

I trust the opinions of experts more, they can better identify things better than I can

I'm a simple person. to me anyone who gets Akechi's story completely wrong doesn't have authority to comment on anything regarding P5.

Being in top 10s and being praised as one of the best in a mostly shit genre does not mean everyone said it was perfect. Anyone who says a game is perfect (even if it's your absolute favorite) is a retard.

>The only new persona game that had substance was 3.

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most reviewers do this.
becuase most youtube comments become a sesspool of that stuff and the reviewer doesn't . want to be hated

but its mostly because most reviewers don't have conviction with their criticism, they don't already trust that most people will understand what they mean
especially this guy. its why most of his review is going into every detail

I mean, if you like P5 you're obviously fucking retarded, so indeed you need an expert to help you out


Just wait until P5R is out in the West then everyone will love the game again.

he's not an expert, what he's made clear is he doesn't even understand the premise of the game or that its even a game

>autist on the internet

It was very obvious from the beginning that only people who never played Persona or are already shallow liked ot at all. Atlus must have put a fortune into paying journos.

He probably means SOUL


He's a literall nobody who has only ever """"critiqued"""" fucking Yugioh before.

>ADULTS BAD (unless they are waifus)
Nice premise


Nobody makes a 5 hour video without intricate knowledge and insight.

Fuck off, at least now I know better

>Yea Forums unironically likes shit games like P5 because of waifus
How fucking braindead you have to be to defend that pile of absolute garbage? P4 was already bad enough, but P5's writing is just awful.

3 didn't have that either.


>ginormous compilation of arguments reliant on subjective factors as means to objectively quantify quality
gee where have I ever seen this before HMMMM
>imagine being so desperate to defend something that you have to try your best in asspulling shit to make a point
what’s your source? a random weeb gaming website’s review?

>been saying the game shits the bed after Madarame since it came out
>mates are all "sure thing elitist, lmao"
>5 hour video comes out saying the exact same thing
>"man, the game shits the bed after Madarame"

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Iwai is mai waifu

I thinks it’s more that they gravitate to things that make them feel good, rather than having to dig under the surface for substance.

no they are not you retard
films are visual medium, games are combination but gameplay is more important (unless its a game type where gameplay is indended to be shit from the beginning so it doesnt matter)

Congratulations, you are truly, unironically, everything that is wrong with people in this day and age

Over 2 years and 3 playthroughs too late to tell me a game I enjoy is bad.

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>Nobody makes a 5 hour video without intricate knowledge and insight.
or being incredibly autistic and self-important


Good job I guess

Didn't you make this same shitty thread earlier this week and everyone shat on you for getting your opinion from a literal who youtuber?

Yugioh is more coherent than P5 at least

>youtube e-celeb who makes pretentious five-hour videos about children's toys

Just like every other dungeon lol

It's good that the video had none of this shit you mentioned

>The only new persona game that had substance was 3.
3 is my favorite but that game is also style over substance. Look no further than the tactics system and the reasoning on why it was implemented.

Does this mean 4 is the patrician neo Purse Owner game? Fuck no, that's the worst one out of the three.
This all means Hashino is a hack who is all about style over substance.

>How many jrpgs from the last decade have actually been good to warrant bumping P5 out of the top 10
This is precisely the reason why P5 is so overrated. People who never played it think it's good because of the visuals yet the story is so fucking terrible you need to have terrible anime taste in order to enjoy it.


I've been saying for a year and a half that Persona shits the bed, yet weebs still eat that shit up

Oh my god who cares? Stop wasting time bitching about games you don't like and talk about games you do.
It's like that fuckwit in XC2 threads.

>all these mad personafags reviewbombing the video
LOL hit a nerve there?

thats the premise
part of review is understanding what the director was going for and if what they made successfully showed that

it'd be like hating The Shinning because you don't like the idea of a man going insane and trying to kill his family

>Nobody makes a 5 hour video without intricate knowledge and insight.
Or just extreme case of autistic pedantry and contrarianism. Also, you can, right now.

P5 fanboys can't take P5 criticism. Probably the most sensitive fanbase out there right now.


It can be bad and you still enjoy it, nothing wrong with that
Personally I got really bored before finishing the first area with the coach, but this thread making me wanna give it another go.
Question tho, are there many more high school, regular instances? I really cant get into playing as a kid and doing normal life shit.

No it's the sudden heel faced turn when a video essay comes out that gets me.

>no they aren't
>but they are

dude fuck you

>facts and logic

Back to /pol/ with you and your shit taste, Shapiro stan

>this is what smashfags, mainline-only fags and p3babbies honestly believe

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Pharos gives Igor's contract to the MC and proceeds to be completely unrelated to Igor for the rest of the game.

>P4 was already bad enough
P4 is a literary masterpiece compared to 5

The premise is laughable, though. Is the director a manchild or a self-hating adult?

What, am I aupposed to listen to you instead, dipshit?

That's irrelevan next to the content. You can totally be smug, autistic and self-important, if you're an expert in a given field.

I don't even see how. The game is more or less the same quality from beginning until like 3/4 of the way through, because just like the prior 2 Persona games, it just repeats the same scenario over and over until it remembers to have a plot



>The premise is laughable, though. Is the director a manchild or a self-hating adult?
if thats what you got out of it, sure
make a 5 hour video about it

You enjoy eating shit. Nothing wrong with that. You love Naruto and Sword Art Online as well, doesn't make it any less human. You are a tasteless anime nigger though.

>Nobody makes a 5 hour video without intricate knowledge and insight.
sure they do, so they can get the adsense revenue.

>so Atlus can get back to making actually good games again.

Does it even matter? People will repeat the video endlessly and will finally regard P5 as bad as it truly is. Win-win for everyone.


>this faggot still shilling this video

That only speaks volumes about how bad P5 is though. P4 is and always was anime garbage.

>That's irrelevan next to the content. You can totally be smug, autistic and self-important, if you're an expert in a given field.
or you can just be autistic and self-important

>so far made tutorials for children's card game

The theme is terribly explored. The characters barely have any fucking trauma and just have fun taking down the most cartoonish villains ever written. It's trash.

Please, tell me what the correct opinion on this game is, great one. I don't understand weeb games like you do.

>I really cant get into playing as a kid and doing normal life shit.
The whole idea behind the game is that you have to balance both, the dungeon crawling and the social sim aspects, which makes up like half of it. If you just want some demon pokemon dungeon crawling, then you should look into SMT.

I hate persona but
>5 hours

I hate all these Mauler tier autists

by not caring about what a literally who has to say about it

meanwhile in reality, p5 will continue to be an acclaimed and popular game no matter how hard nu-Yea Forumseddit shitposts against it.

if you're struggling to make a point about something, it means you either lack communication skills or your argument is shit and requires intricate verbose to fool your audience by disguising its lack of grounding

just cause your opinion is long doesn't mean its a fact

this is his experience
hes made that clear when he felt the need to give his opinion on every scene
including each rank in each social linkl

>P4 is and always was anime garbage
P4 spawned an anime series that was actually good (supposedly). That is a first for gaming and proof that the story is levels above other JRPG, and especially trash like P5.

That's basically the gist of the video

Oh, I'm sure he has at least a doctorate in Big Brain Vidya Gaem Critiqué™

They really cant take criticism, the amount of backlash is pretty amazing

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My copy of P5 is still sealed and i'll play it someday but for now i'll enjoy the asshurt in this thread

Reddit can't possibly accept any criticism of that piece of shit.
>muh critical acclaim
Yeah, gamers have terrible taste. What else is new?

Nice projection m8. Hope you get over your insecurities.

t. DS2 contrarian

I do not have the technical or analytical skill. Plus, I liked P5 when it came out, so I'm biased.

Peiple don't make videos purely for ad revenue, fuck off.

I'm a Personakek but I agree that 5 was lacking in soul.

There's a lot of mechanical improvements but it's all wasted on the fact the main plot is bad and the party kind of sucks, since the majority of the game is devoted to the lifesim aspect. I truly did not give a fuck about anyone in the party but Futaba by the end since Ryuji/Ann get boring by the third dungeon despite the strong start, Yusuke is always just sort of a joke character with little to make him likable, Morgana is a prick through and through, Haru gets barely any development, and the push Makoto gets and how the game bends over backwards to build her up killed my buzz more times than I can count.

The villains also sucked shit, Goro in particular.

Im not wasting 4 hours on some jack off bitching about a video game

>5 hour video


I mean yeah I'd trust somebody with a PhD in civil law more than the internet when I'm in trouble civil law wise.
But this is the equivalent of somebody reading 5 lines of the civil law book and then making youtube videos about it. Far cry from an expert.

define "expert"
I'd rather trust a Fatlus weeb with a save data counting 300 hours than a Professional Game Journalist

Yeah can't wait to visit my palace and fight the evil blueberry version of myself!

>muh popularity
FIFA is the greatest game of all time by that logic.

Eceleb zoomers should be gassed

Kill yourself op

Just throwing that in to piss some of you off.

Based. Tastelets absolutely BTFO

>That is a first for gaming
not even close.

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>>Make a 30 minute review
If you fail to explain yourself "good enough" within 30 minutes, then reconsider getting into the critiquing business.

There's literally nothing with style.
Look at DMC.
One of the greatest series of all time and it heavily relies on style.
Kill yourselves.
Regardless, Persona still sucks cuz it's gay weebshit.

How dare you state Persona 5 had no soul? Soul entirely consist of music and visuals and it doesn't matter that the writing is worst ever for the medium.

>Peiple don't make videos purely for ad revenue, fuck off.

Attached: youserious.gif (400x260, 1.83M)

Hint: He's fuckin biased too, you mongloid.

Based and SFIIpilled

This, P5 is the ultimate normie weebgame. No self-respecting person would adnit to unironicallly liking it over any other Persona game.

>The characters barely have any fucking trauma
why does that matter
The way I see it is that they lack any deep trama because the creators wanted to keep them relatable
How that really affects the story and the character's motivations?
I think they could have done more to explain why most wanted to continue to be the Phantom Thieves. I guess you can say its just how they like to hangout with friends and none of them really have any

Thats not believable for Ann though

>literally the next "It's No Masterpiece" or "In Defense of Dark Souls 2"
>it's for fucking Persona
>Yea Forums will agree with it because Yea Forums has a burning hatred for P5 even more autistic than the hate for Bloodborne

>Jack Saint
Why would I listen to that retard?

>it doesn't matter that the writing is worst ever for the medium.
There's no need to horribly exaggerate. There's plenty of decent writing in P5, it just happens to mostly be relegated to short arcs (e.g. Kamoshida stuff) or the Confidants.

There are many, many, many JRPGs with worse writing overall than it even if you just take the main cast and story too. It just happens to be that none of the other Persona games fall into that category besides maybe the travesty of a localisation P1 got on the PS1.

He shows deep knowledge about the game and the themes it was supposed to show. Hell, I bet a lot of people would have no difficulty with crating a better package than this lazy garbage. He was just the only one brave enough to say it.

Bullshit, proper criticism is the obvious sign he does NOT have bias.

>meme reply

>read a book
Go and watch a fucking movie. I want a game.

>because the creators wanted to keep them relatable
If you want to make them relateable, put them through some challenges. That's writing 101.
>I guess you can say its just how they like to hangout with friends and none of them really have any
That's Persona 4. But P5 borrows so much it might as well be called Persona 4.5

How about making Persona 5 a good game instead of lashing out at people who don't like it?

Only a minority of the Confidants are well-written and even the better ones suffer from the Mementos plague

Persona is to fake fans in vidya what JoJo is to fake anime fans.
people like to jump in the fanbase to look cool and hip for being part of *popular thing*

So if I go on and on for 5 hours about the dangers of nuclear energy because I read one academic paper and 3 wikipedia articles I'm an expert? Damn, thanks man.

Imagine being so upset over the P4 years ending that you've actually convinced yourself that P5 has the worst writing of any game

M-maybe Royal won't be a steaming pile of trash, r-right guys?

Spending hours recapping the game is not criticism

Kamoshida is average for the medium. The rest of the villains are straight up terrible.

Some Social Links are well written, I agree. The main cast and plot is amateur. There is no subtext, no nuance, no overarching plot for the majority of playthrough, in medias res intro that doesn't continue for 70 hours etc. It's an embarrassing mess. I can't believe how someone can say they liked the story with a straight face.

P5>>P3>>dogshit>>Tadashi games>>>>P4

>this nog considers some literal-who wannabe Joseph-Matosis up-an-comer an expert in anything and signs over any sense of thinking for himself over to dregs like him
Even if you're just fishing for (You)s fuck all the people who "think" like you.

dogshit > Persona games

If you can be convincing, I'll believe you, because you clearly put the effort in.

Yeah, most people who played P5 never played one before and never after. It's why the sales of P3 and 4 were worth more, because they got loyal fans at least rather than normie garbage.

>If you want to make them relateable, put them through some challenges. That's writing 101.
how much of that is marketing
>That's Persona 4. But P5 borrows so much it might as well be called Persona 4.5
i can agree with that actually. but that was pretty clear to me walking into the game

one difference is that P5 has a very memorable supporting cast while P4 has a very memorable main cast

A lot of y'all are complaining about the semantics that people think P5 is great when they should only think it's good which is really pedantic and not worth committing arguing.

It's also silly to pretend that style and aesthetic are not objectively measurable and thus not something that goes into a games quality. That cinemasins level nitpicking and a 5 hour length somehow proves a games quality.

Have sex.

>Imagine thinking someone gives a shit about spin-offs
Yeah, buddy I'm so upset over the lack of rhythm games. All 5 people that played the game on Vita and the (then dead) PS2.

>53 minutes

You listened to a retard who sperged out for 5 hours about persona 5. I don't know who that guy is, but it's a pretty good case what this kind of spergouts usually consist of and why it's not really that insightful.

>I am an edgy tasteless nigger
We know, user.

that's a movie you moron

dude what you don't have an attention span

>53 minutes to say something that can be said in a sentence
Good to know that you and your youtuber buddy are hypocrites

Persona games always have meaningless, overly heady, corny stories. The games appeal is immersing yourself in the world (school, friends, adventure) through gameplay. The specifics of the story are secondary and why a lot of people give it a pass.

P3 and P4 do.

SmtIV came out this decade too user

Persona 4 Golden was good DESPITE Marie
but P5R will probably end up like Dark Souls 2 where the DLC ended up compensating for the base game
I'm thinking Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind will end up offering a better expansion than this lmao

>that people think P5 is great when they should only think it's good
No, retards like to pretend that it's the best JRPG ever when in fact it's the worst in the series. And casuals believe them because the game looks good, unaware of the fact that the writing is terrible. And that's a big deal in a game where you read for at least 50% of the playthrough.

Mementos was poorly handled but it didn't really hurt my enjoyment of the better Confidants desu.

>Kamoshida is average for the medium
In execution maybe but the subject matter is actually socially relevant and doesn't pull punches with any "teehee shio actually escaped the assault so she's still pure! she's only depressed about the attempt!" shit to pander to otaku or try mask the hurt. For that alone I'd put it above a lot of other stuff, it still ain't great but I appreciated the attempt to play things straight with it.

I agree for the most part with what you've said but not quite with there being zero subtext/nuance. There is, it just happens to be undermined (e.g. the handling of Kamoshida gets gradually shot to shit by the treatment of Ann later on and the other kids suffering abuse like Yusuke) or wasted on an absolutely fucking awful payoff (the clues you can catch in hindsight about the big twists, in particular). P5 has some, it just isn't going to elevate or be worthwhile after the poor main story and character writing.

that's a joke, right? most 3 and 4fags never played 1 or 2. they hopped on the bandwagon when the series replaced tadashi's kino writing with hackshino's anime cliches.
some "loyal fans" they are. they skipped half the series in the first place, then they quit the series when 5 came out because their decade of exclusive shilling and pandering was coming to an end.

Wind blows
Rain falls
Yea Forums seethes about P5

You can only immerse yourself if those characters are believable. Persona 5 fails at that and fails badly.

>five hour video
Let me know when Matthewmatosis uploads a new long form video that's actually good

Attached: 1535923251705.jpg (604x416, 99K)

Persona 3 is better

>You can only immerse yourself if those characters are believable. Persona 5 fails at that and fails badly.
does the phrase suspension of disbelief mean anything to you

His base statement is, you can tell that it was written by about 20 people and a lot of cause and effect is in there for the sake of it. Mostly to fulfill all your fetish fantasies.
People claim it fixed J-RPG combat by just putting sparkle stickers all over a very bland system and he hopes that The Royal will fix some of the more glaring issues.

Twitter weebs and Personababies are absolutely assblasted about it because its babies first J-RPG.

The video is really good and well structured, the music choices are kinda odd tho.


user, it was literally awarded best JRPG of the year at the game awards

>No, retards like to pretend that it's the best JRPG ever
i have yet to see anyone unironically call it the best jrpg ever. chrono trigger and ff7 continue to dominate the best jrpg lists like always.
>when in fact it's the worst in the series.
now this is sheer delusion.

Isn't it kind of dumb to release something like this when a rerelease of the game that probably has more content and substance is on the horizon?

Compared to what? No one has played 1 or 2. 3 is fucking shit. 4 is Scooby Doo: Completely Unfitting for SMT Edition. Fuck you contrarians with shit taste.

>almost 5 hour long video essay
Why do people do this?

>Nope, you're are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye

3-4 fags respect 1 and 2 though, unlike P5fags, who will refuse to play any other game in the series

>cvit is the only person i know that can complain about persona 5
>for 5 hours

Attached: 12 hours.png (1186x670, 853K)

>In execution maybe but the subject matter is actually socially relevant and doesn't pull punches with any "teehee shio actually escaped the assault so she's still pure! she's only depressed about the attempt!"
I agree with this, but the execution is still lacking. My memory might be deceiving me since every villain afterwards was complete trash.
>There is, it just happens to be undermined
I'm referring mostly to the party conversations where they discuss the villain for 5 minutes every day. It's just poorly written exposition and lacks any drama compared to conversations in P4 or even 3.

>someone putting effort in to make a point and support his claims is now considered retarded by boomers
Do you have ADHD user?

>Persona 5 is the BEST game of all time bro!
>Someone offers up an in-depth, 5 hour video on why its just mediocre
Personafags are pathetic.

>Yea Forums, the bastion of wasted time and doing nothing important, complains about a 5 hour video

"Bad characters break the suspension of disbelief" is another way of phrasing my comment. What exactly is the problem with that?

>no one listens to your longwinded opinion

>3-4 fags respect 1 and 2 though
no they don't. they're the ones who pushed the meme that the series started with 3.

>3-4 fags respect 1 and 2 though

Attached: smugmeat.png (293x268, 95K)

how do they though

>i have yet to see anyone unironically call it the best jrpg ever
You have to be living under a rock.
>now this is sheer delusion.
It's worse than 3 and 4, the remaining 2 games in the second Persona trilogy.

The best part about all of this is that P5 had better writing than P4 in pretty much every area, and better writing than P3 in most areas, but paradoxically most people that picked it up didn't even play it all the way through, making it too popular for Yea Forums

you're joking but expertise ends up being a matter of sound reasoning.
you don't need titles to prove how smart you are. if you can hold your ground after just reading a few articles, it will show.
you think all these ancient greeks had Wikipedia to check their stuff? their knowledge lasts until today only thanks to their own effort, not because they got majors validated by some local authority

It's not like it had any real competition lol

>It's worse than 3

Attached: 1320529223886.jpg (363x310, 28K)

The problem is that it's not just mediocre, it is outright bad

You haven't been here long, huh?

By being contrived?

Only as a lighthearted joke, they understand the series and its roots better than P5fags

>takes five hours to say it's like any other Sony exclusive

>The best part about all of this is that P5 had better writing than P4 in pretty much every area
Jesus fucking christ imagine believing this shit holy fucking fuck ahahaha rofl

Been here long enough to know that the problem is squarely with P5. If it didn't ger made, the fandom would be in harmony.

Walter is a better character than anyone in p5

explain yourself
you don't need to make it a 5 hour video btw

3 is the best in the full series you pleb and 4 is the worst

>people don't want to see me talking for 5 hours straight
>obviously they do so because they can't argue back

Ironic weebs are seething

>Bullshit, proper criticism is the obvious sign he does NOT have bias.
Oh yeah, he's a robot.

The fact of someone hating the game has obviously no impact on things like: being non-charitable, misinterpreting the facts in an effort to make them sound worse, and exaggerating things that have next to no impact on am average person's experience to a colossal degree.

So we are gonna prettend one of the best jrpgs of this gen is bad because a fat cuck said so?

I don't play games for other peoples enjoyment and I certainly don't have 5 hours to waste on someone elses opinion. I enjoyed the game, that's good enough for me.

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Can you explain why it's a good game? Not trying to say it's bad, but why is it one of the best JRPGs? Or are you just going off of the visuals?

>it's yet another Mauler wannabe
More like length over substance.

P5 was always a bad game though

>Can you explain why it's a good game?
Because I liked it.

there's something ironic about a person complaining about "style over substance" and then making a video so long literally nobody will ever truly watch it from start to finish when he could have gotten his point across in maybe fifteen minutes max.

Mentally ill people can't cope with its near perfect review scores, they are desperate for a reason to denounce it. Also Switch fags are still absolutely seething over what Persona 5S turned out to be.

>Only as a lighthearted joke
i guess it's also a "lighthearted joke" when they tell newcomers to the series to skip 1 and 2 altogether and "just read about it on the wiki instead"?
or when they dismiss p2 as a "flop," even though innocent sin sold way better than vanilla p3 and eternal punishment only did slightly worse?
or when they screech at atlus to remake p3 again, but throw a hissyfit whenever anyone mentions that 1 and 2 are more deserving and would benefit more from a remake?
face it, 3 and 4shitters have zero respect for the series' roots. they hate 1 and 2 because their mere existence is a reminder that 3 and 4 are the same shallow weebshit they accuse 5 of being.

>you're are

Hell no, p3 at first had a relatively peaceful interaction with the rest of megaten, but p4 started the antagonistic "persona is the future of megaten and the series started with 3" mentality, and retroactively made p3 fans act smug as well and keep further dividing the megaten fandom

Still a fun game, why get so assblasted about it? I enjoyed playing it, the only thing I would have added is the option to skip cutscenes in NG+ instead of having that fast forward only thing.

He doesn't need to be uncharitable though, the problems are apparenr bright as day. If anything, the fact that he does not lambast it more is proof he is unbiased.

if p5 never got made, p3babbies would still be flinging shit at 1, 2 and 4. p3babbies are the source of all the drama in the fanbase.

The trauma they supposedly faced is not reflected on their behavior in any meaningful way.
There is no chemistry between the main cast making it unlikely that they would ever be as close as the game forces them to be.
The villains have no satisfying resolution, they just go quiet like fucking retards.
The conversations between the cast is just exposition about the next cartoonish villain they are about to face.
There is barely any inside drama for the entire length of the game, only doing the usual "mascot that self reflects" Persona shitck.
I could go on.

Okay, fair enough, but a snarky response doesn't tell me why you like it.
>inb4 beauz it's gud

>near-5 hour long video essay
Christ's sake who would watch this

>one of the best LOOKING jrpgs of this gen
fixed that for you user
Persona 5 is as much of a shounen drama as SAO. even Tales of Berseria tries harder than this game in terms of effort.

3fag Slav here, my overall experience with the series in order
>started with 3
Kinda retarded but unique
Very retarded
Piss easy
good enough to beat but gets old fast
Quit the series

>still assmad over the game not getting localized

Attached: burch.jpg (621x345, 33K)

>imagine seriously listening to the opinions of this fat cuck Yu-Gi-Oh fan for 5 hours because he's still triggered by the review scores from 2 years ago

Attached: 1.png (1200x1078, 2.01M)

P4 was legitimately way different that the rest, tonally and is in a way the quintessential Persona game since every element fits perfectly. 3 is just closer to 4 than 1 and 2 so of course it became part of a nuPersona duology.

>Persona is mainstream
>SMT is dead
We’re in the wrong timeline

You are deliberately misrepresenting history. Only P5 fans whinged out, the rest were fine. P3 and 4 fags regularly recommended 1 and 2 and spoke of botj game appreciately. The whole favorite-wars only came with 5fags and them being intolerant.

I don't even get this argument, the other Persona games didn't have amazingly depth combat either, 3/4/5 aren't some super deep complex JRPG battle systems, there's not a lot of JRPGs that have complex systems as well, JRPGs are more about the feeling of leveling up and getting more powerful not necessarily using tactics.

Does he suffer autism or is he just a complete contrarian? The games translation is as good as any other translation.

No, we're pretending that it's bad because it's too mainstream, killed SMT almost for good, and took up a smash slot despite not being on Nintendo

Yeah, it's your choice really. It's meant to convince people who think this kind of criticism is good and insightful. If you are already on board, there is not much to gain.

I watched the whole thing. A lot of times he goes on random tangents or keeps repeating himself. He explains WAYY too fucking much about the game with no comments like we don’t know what Persona 5 is. Plus there’s parts where he’s blatantly fucking wrong about something because he forgot. And the mixing for the music in the background is really shit too? Sometimes the music is too loud and the music selection itself is bad.
He definitely did not need to make this video 5 hours long. It’s like only 40% of the video is genuine criticism.

Attached: AC20A45D-95DC-4512-9429-26712C7AC992.jpg (1536x2048, 340K)

it was always meant to be like this user
the world is normie
Nocturne (and to an extent Strange Journey) is what is is and gets treated with shock and fear by the general public because it represents the exact opposite of what they want

How did that retard come to the conclusion Akechi was killing before he met Shido?

Nope, you are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye.

Because it's good.

>5 fucking hours
Absolutely pathetic.. Five fucking hours how autistic do you have to be

He even revealed that he's so stupid he couldn't work out the conditions for a hold up. He complained that sometimes it wouldn't trigger because he didn't know that the last enemy attacked needs to be downed or killed by a crit. His opinion isn't worth listening to, really seems like he was already buttblasted by the game before playing it and just rushed through it so he could make his pathetic video.

Not going to watch a 5 hour video, my time is too precious for that. Guess I win!

You are the one misremembering, it wasn't that long ago that p3 and 4 fans flinged shit at p1 and 2 and mainline fans, p3 fans were just less vocal than the obnoxious 4 fandom

Because retards don’t want to actually pay attention to anything Akechi says because of their blind seething rage for him.

The whole point of the game is to be half dating sim and half dungeon crawler.
Of course it's going to have lots of text.

>Only P5 fans whinged out
p5 didn't even exist yet when 3 and 4fags started dividing the fanbase. i've honestly seen more respect towards 1 and 2 from p5 fans than from 3 and 4fags.

Yeah, that's about par for the course for purseownerfags.

Because he rushed through the game which he already hated before playing as quickly as possible so he could make his autistic video. Definitely a sperg from Yea Forums

Nah, it's wildly inconsistent. But it's hard to polish a turd.

>it wasn't for me
There is a way you can express yourself without seeming like an actual autistic person in future

You don't understand user.
Atlus FAILED the fans by not changing the characters into pickle fetishists and rice balls into jelly donuts.

Attached: atlus fail.png (1129x886, 116K)

>imagine being this narcissistic
drop that chip on your shoulder m8
crying about it won't make you right

There’s the tiniest shit that he forgot that made him look retarded.
>”After Madarame is defeated Yusuke shared his contact information with you all and is now in the group chat”
>”I guess everyday he hung out at the train station because he didn’t know if they were going into the palace or not?”
This man completely forgot that Ann had Yusuke’s phone number and talked to him everyday.

>He's nitpicking
>Says Yea Forums as they nitpick a part of his video and dismiss the entire thing

Nah you're just autistic if you couldn't understand what people were saying. Localisation is cancer, literal as possible is best. Stay seething.

Did the remaster of SJ even do well sales wise?

>he still shills this garbage

Good thing he publishes the video as something that is purely his opinion and not objective fact like how 99% of Yea Forums puts out opinions.

>3 is the best
>game about of the inevitability of death
> "hey let's add wacky rap music and Batman & Robin effects XD"
> If electricity isn't working in dark hour how do you use your bike ?
>"It's special ;)"
>Tartarus is fucking chore to go thru but hey let's add tired mechanics so we can stretch another 10 hours of the game
> good

Attached: ;).gif (365x254, 1.87M)

I know it's just bait, but that user going all
>if you put that much effort for a 5 hour video, I will believe you are an expert
explains too fucking much about how people parrot random youtubers of all people.

normies love nocturne because of ONE MORE GOD REJECTED and le epic dante from devil may cry. the media raved over it at the time and it even got a nomination for best rpg at the game awards.

They never explain what happens to planes during the Dark Hour.

Attached: D821BB4F-069F-497F-8ACB-0FD96088B738.png (780x690, 380K)

What are you talking about?
Everyone knows Persona 4 is the GOAT.
Persona 5 is alright I guess.

Attached: smugku11.jpg (640x480, 53K)

last I checked it was pretty lukewarm
but hey, as long as they break even, it's fine

did he really need to take five hours to say that though?

Oh great, now we're going to get a defense force going

When will SMT V come out and hopefully be good so I can make fun of Personafags?

"style over substance" basically describes japan entirely in everything they do

>game comes out
>Yea Forums gives constant criticisms of the game in the face of the universal praise it's getting
>youtuber comes out and makes a video where he takes his time and goes extremely in-depth with many of the same criticisms while adding even more valid criticisms not even pointed out on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums now hates all of the arguments they've been making for two years and insists that they love the game and the video's maker is a seething SMT fanboy
Contrarian until the bitter, bitter end, huh?

Attached: 1437255811690-2.jpg (250x250, 5K)

P3 would be way better if it had the tone of it's intro and animated cutscenes

But they don't play it, just like that user above mentioned the fake JoJo fans who spam memes on social media to look cool.

>game about of the inevitability of death
>junpei and chidori both get revived from death
>shinjiro's death can get retconned in p3p
>atlus has even given themselves an out to revive door-kun
let's be real, p3 is the game about nothing, it exists solely to waste the player's time.

>extremely in depth
>forgets basic shit about the game

>Shit Megami Tenshits still suffering from the spin off series dunking on the main series at every turn

shitposting and baiting vs posing as an intellectual is quite a difference

>its special
line was foreshadowing that Misturos family is linked to the creation of the dark hour and tartarus/has knowledge of the dark hour to the extent of having developed tech that works there
>tartarus isn't a chore
No it isn't you sound like a brainlet.
>batman effects
It's a game that's supposed to replicate the feel of an anime/manga you absolute moron

Just stick to Persona 4 it definitely seems like the simple game for you.

Is it really dunking if Persona 5 was weaker than previous games like 2?


>>atlus has even given themselves an out to revive door-kun
What is this out? I don't think I'm going to get back to P3 any time soon so I can find out.

>playing p3p over FES
Yikes, there's your problem, P3P is like a fan fiction game made years ago and written by diferent people just like P4G.

Original P3 does not revive Chidori (and going by Arena games, she stays dead).
Shinjiro likewise stays dead. And Door kun is in limbo mostly for Liz's character arc, not to spit on the premise of the game.

Anything else retarded you want to say?

>5 hours of video that isn't going to change my opinion

Attached: 1519940438482.jpg (453x508, 68K)

>Nocturne comes out
>hey this game good
>P3 comes out
>suddenly not allowed to like Nocturne anymore
>P4 comes out
>not allowed to like P3 any more or Nocturne
>P5 comes
>Not allowed to even like western games any more
I want off this wild ride. I just want to play video games.

Attached: nocturne.png (500x706, 347K)

It's disgusting dunking if the game is isn't very good but still more popular and beloved than the main series games


Based video. Already watched it twice. Has some really solid editing and The Protomen inserts are ace.

the Answer in P3 FES for PS2


You missed the posts where they mention he cannot even get obvious mechanics in the game right or what?

Does that keep you up at night autist? Planes don't run on electricity, a plane would not fall out of the sky because electricity stopped working. Damn you're retarded son.

no, go play Strange Journey you uncultured swine

That's a spin off, user.

Isn’t it funny how Royal fixes many of his problems that he had with the game?

Attached: EFB79053-F258-44D2-BE9E-E00675424A8C.jpg (1684x947, 176K)

I was trying to play through the Personas in order but decided to take a break with Persona 1 and 2 so I can play through the more modern games.
Ill start with 3 but I really just wanna blaze through so I can get to 4. It see to have the most life.

nigga just how long are you gonna samefag and passively aggressively taunt the same people you came here to shill your video
what's your endgame?

>spends 12 hours a day shitposting on a basket weaving Hong Kong board.

The only think I know about Nocturne is spoony ranting about not being able to do anything without a walkthrough.

Strange journey and vanilla IV are masterpieces tho

ok then why do trains stop when they use fuel

STOP THIS, PERSONA 5 IS THE ULTIMATE SMT GAME (I never played any other game in the franchise btw but I watched my favorite streamer play them). JOKER IS EXACTLY LIKE ME STOP INSULTING THIS GAME!

Attached: 1565893443419.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

>Isn't it funny that you can fix the game's problems for a small payment of $60

Attached: 1548807401672.jpg (900x377, 30K)

>and going by Arena games, she stays dead
no? ultimax actually makes her revival canon.
>Shinjiro likewise stays dead.
not if you max out his social link in time as femc. then he survives through an asspull.
>And Door kun is in limbo mostly for Liz's character arc, not to spit on the premise of the game.
the mere fact that he's in limbo removes any of the emotional resonance from the ending and it does spit on the premise of the game. you can't shove "memento mori" in the player's face and then refuse to actually let any major character stay dead when they die.

Nobody here pretends it's a worthwhile endeavor though.

IV was so irrelevant that I keep mistaking SJ for the actual mainline game

>>Nocturne comes out
>>hey this game good
>>P3 comes out
>>hey this game is good
>>P4 comes out
>>not allowed to like SMT any more
>>P5 comes
>>Not allowed to like anything Megaten other than P5 any more

>Strange Journey still seen as a spinoff
I just want doomguy to get the recognition he deserves.

>parrot popular opinion that was on imageboards like, four days after the game's release
>be praised and get youtube fame for stating the obvious

Did most P5 fans actually think there wasn't a major downslope in quality after Kamoshida? Am I so out of touch?

Subculture fanbase war reached peak in zommer age. You can't like game X if game fanbase is enemy or creators of game have different political views

>damn you’re retarded
Bitch all the people in the plane are coffins. Even if it was still moving it would crash.

Save me 5 hours and just tell me if his point is that P is bad unlike SMT which is somehow good? Because that's just rdiciulous.

She works for you literally for free multiple nights a week in the same degrading maid outfit she was using to pay off cartoonishly evil people. Also, you missed the point he's making. It's not that her services are inherently bad, but the fact that it's juxtaposed with the story of her being freed from financial slavery at the hands of exploitative people that makes the message confusing.
Most people agree that it's obnoxious to listen to.
Tell me his character and his development outside of spouting exposition and forcing conflict where unnecessary. All I can think of is "believes he's human" and "wants to fuck ann" both of which are forgotten by the script by the end of the game.
Cvit never suggested Akechi literally killed "hundreds" from what I remember of the video, just that he's a mass-murderer. Which he is.

Is there anything sadder than parroting an e-celeb?

No, no it is not. It is not numbered, but is considered mainline, like SMT if.

>he thinks 60$ is a lot especially considering all the added content

P3portable is not part of the ongoing storyline. Shinjiro has stayed dead.

>coming out
user I...

>be praised
Have you looked through the thread? 98% of the people here are shitting on him and the video.

people who actually played the game know that sae's casino was the peak.
people who didn't play the game parrot "style over substance" and "peaked at kamoshida" like good little npcs.

I enjoyed SJ quite a lot. I didn't care for IV despite my best efforts to enjoy it. It just felt hobbled by the hardware it was on.

Kamoshida as a villain was great. His palace was shit. It was littered with tutorials and the puzzles were pre-school level.

They never explain what happens to Teddie and why he's suddenly in the velvet room when he's never signed a contract.
They never explain how they recorded the calling card to Shido in the phantom thief outfits
The series is full of inconsistencies which is why a strong suspension of disbelief is needed to enjoy them

>you missed the coping that prove his video right

Hating P5 as much as the contrarians in this thread do

But the guy who made the video AGREES that the Casino is the peak of the game and its only real complaint is that the music can get old after several hours of listening to it.

Fandoms need someone they need to rally behind, just because they're not your favorite person, does not mean they're wrong.

It's going to come out even if I have to put a banana into a microwave.

Raidou Kuzunoha 2
Now that was a persona game

>Did most P5 fans actually think there wasn't a major downslope in quality after Kamoshida?
They did. The problem are the people who didn't play the game and defend it because of the platform.

Please don't pretend The Answer is not a waste of time.

It's the true smtIV user
IV is V
V is VI
Sj is mainline

this is bullshit, the game is pretty straightforward in terms of looking where to go next.
there are two or three situations where you need to go a bit far to advance the story but you only wander around aimlessly if you skip dialogue which is something you shouldn't be doing in the first place.
as for combat, yes there are some bosses that will rely on you dying to learn their patterns. but all you need to keep in mind is that this isn't Final Fantasy so you have to rely more on weaknesses for press turns, status effects and buffs instead of just going all out recklessly

>but is considered mainline
No it isn't. Kaneko tried to force it into the mainline series but was bitchslapped by the SJ team proper.

Sae's Casino isn't really a "peak", though. You have the worst fucking dungeon in existence preceding it. As a stand alone dungeon it's fun but I'd say Kamoshida's is still more atmospheric

Basically what I've said multiple times
>The story is garbage and predictable af, it peaked at Kamoshida, then it goes downhill whith shitty villains, shitty palaces, bad characters and muh colective consciousness predictable twist that brings an even bigger shitty "palace" and final boss.
>The story is about "We are good boys and we are going to punish muh corrupt adults because we know better as the kiddos we are" So let's procceed to do so by brainwashing them with magical powers!
Thematically is horribly done and makes 0 sense.
>The confidents stories are written like shit and even contradict with how the characters are in the main story. Also what should have been stories about aceptance and superation, is about "Joker go to mementos and brainwash this person"
>Mementos sucks
>The best palace is the first one, also overall they are too long and with some really boring and brainded puzzles.
>Some stuff comes too late into the game to even give a shit about it.
From p3, p4 and p5, p5 is easily the worst, no wonder they delayed it that much.

>Tell me his character and his development outside of spouting exposition and forcing conflict where unnecessary. All I can think of is "believes he's human" and "wants to fuck ann" both of which are forgotten by the script by the end of the game.
I bet you think him coming back was also contrived bullshit.

in short, yes, extremely. Hell , this thread is proof enough, if people weren't that salty you wouldn't see a thread like that with more than a few posts

>No it isn't you sound like a brainlet.
But it is. It's boring and long. Ally AI desighned specialy to drag game length more, when they cast the same weak elemnt spell on the same enemy while you can finish this with 3 cahin spells and all-in attack. It's stupid and repetitive

Attached: (Baby-baby-baby starts playing).jpg (295x397, 25K)

>tfw no Raidou Kuzunoha 3

IV was too ambitious for the 3DS. Atlus consistently made statements before release that they wanted to make the best RPG for the 3DS for the rest of the system's life. There's too many themes that weren't expanded upon, not enough characterization, bizarre character changes, but even with all that, it still stands as a very good 3DS game and mid tier SMT game.

let's be real, atlus felt the need to release three different versions of p3 in a four-year span because it's an awful game. and it didn't get much attention until it coattailed on p4's success with p3p.

The nips didn't

Attached: Favorite-Persona-5-Scenes-Poll.png (673x907, 263K)

>bizarre character changes
Such as?

As someone who owns this box, you are a tard, and obviously not someone who knows shit about this series.

Attached: SMT-Deep-Strange-Journey-LE-03.jpg (1686x946, 153K)

I agree, it felt like they tried to jam too big a game onto that handheld. It left me feeling like IV was such wasted potential after how big Nocturne felt.

Everybody knows the game turned awful after Kamoshida, the only people who argue are literal brainlets who got fooled by the bells and whistles.

Assassin ≠ mass murderer

It is. There is no reason to assume he would magically come back months later even though the Metaverse is gone and he should've vanished with it.
They give some excuse about how he survives because they remembered him or something, but it's more of a handwave than something that makes congruent sense with what the game established.
Also you didn't refute a single point I made.

it's popular because it's a power fantasy / wish fulfillment for young people who think they get how the world works

IV and IVA are what made me upset that their generation of SMT wasn't on a proper console. I can't imagine the kind of scale a new age nocturne would have.

Nips have shit taste though. They legitimately need a western narrative consultant, who could teach them how to write a fucking story.

>doesn't know how planes work
No it would stay on its flight path at level height for an hour, at most it would go off course unexplainedly to the pilots

Assassination is literally murder you tard

That's even worse you fucking retard.

What is it with resurgence of p5 shitposting, i thought this shit died down, did something new happen?

Kawakami is doing this on her own free will because you basically saved her life.
>Most people agree that it's obnoxious to listen to
Literally nobody ever said that.
>Tell me his character and his development outside of spouting exposition and forcing conflict where unnecessary.
He’s a little boy that’s a fish out of water. Based on him calling Sojiro the “ruler” of the world. He’s smart but immature. He’s like a child in the way that he doesn’t even want to fuck Ann. Just date her. He just wants to be taken seriously.
>Cvit never suggested Akechi literally killed "hundreds" from what I remember of the video
No he literally said “killed hundreds of people”.

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Why does Jonathan even care about the archangels, even after going to Blasted Tokyo? Same goes for Walter. It literally only changes them to serve the purpose of law and chaos here. Compare that to SMT 1, where this trope comes from. Chaos hero fuses with a demon because he is bullied for being weak since his introduction. Law hero is killed and brought back against his will making him a messiah zombie without his own will.

I was just trying to meme you man, you clearly know this game better than I do, I don't wanna argue

P3P is not the canon version of the game, its fan fiction just like P4G, written years and years after the original game came out by a different wriitng team just like P4G. P3FES is considered canon. Femc doesn't even exist

it stings to realize that smtv is going to be held back by the shitch just like smtiv was held back by the 3ds.

>The story is about "We are good boys and we are going to punish muh corrupt adults because we know better as the kiddos we are"
Why does every deluded gigasperg who has no self-awareness act like this is a genuine criticism?
>There are people who exploit authority


>As someone who owns this box
Yet you never actually post your own. Anyway, every single time you post it someone has to correct you with this interview explicitly stating that SJ, the original game, was always intended to be a spin off.
>Retronauts: I've heard rumors that Strange Journey was originally intended to be published as Shin Megami Tensei 4, but was turned into a non-numbered spinoff instead. What do you think defines a "true" SMT game? In your opinion, where does a spinoff like Strange Journey fit into the franchise or universe?

>EI: To be exact, it was developed as a spinoff from the start.
Not once have you ever had an argument against the word of the director himself.

Hell that box is just for the console releases of SMT hence why none of the other titles are on there.

Futaba could easily have some sort of ability that records them in the metaverse.

No switch port

It's popular because it makes them feel good about enjoying that while tricking them into thinking its something deeper or more mature.

Please don't pretend that anyone actually plays the answer or defends it. The Journey of P3FES is what most people consider complete canon.

>P3P is not the canon version of the game... Femc doesn't even exist
will fesfags ever stop seething and coping?

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Don't forget that 25 of those 55 gameplay hours are battle transitions and animations

Eric trying to force his narratives again. He'll move on to another game soon enough.

Nitpicking is critiquing a part of something that doesnt really matter, he's just wrong/

I'm onl going to defend this by a simple thesis- people who desire traditional JRPGs purposefully want the traditional mechanics, and not many RPGs of this variety ever get too creative with them and are still considered traditional in style. That said, where can you wow your audiences? With the visuals.

>SMT IV held back by the console and budget, couldn't even realize 1/10 of the original vision from Kaneko's drafts
>Persona 5 basically had infinite budget and all of Atlus' support, yet Hashino somehow wasted all of it just to make Persona 4.5
What a horrible timeline

>Kamoshida Palace
Vast, imposing, sure there's tutorials but every fucking first dungeon will have one. Tense story reason to fuck this faggot's shit up
>Madarame Palace
Getting kind of weak with the motive here, but you're Phantom Thieves, so stealing some art for dosh is fine. A non-tense situation is alleviated by a really cool and trippy dungeon with painting worlds and shenanigans
>Bank Heist Palace
This one goes on too long. It's the coolest dungeon up until you go down to the lowest level. Stakes are to avoid starring in a Sadpanda doujin
Cool dungeon with melancholic theme. Futaba is a bit of a meme character but the aesthetic really ties into her issues. Pretty good dungeon
fucking kill me. morgana is throwing a bitchfit because fsjakdshaksa and now you have some bitch you barely even know or care about.
Cool dungeon with fun gimmicks and a great song. Narrative tension with Groo threatening to tattle on you and the player wondering how to get out of this one
What could have been a great dungeon is ruined by door opening puzzles. Good atmosphere at least
>Mementos Jail
This dungeon tries to capitalize on the Tartartus climax feeling but Mementos is fucking gay
>Final Rush to kill Yabbadabba Doo
If I cared about the gang at this point it'd feel relevant but well, shit. Just end this and kill God like all good JRPGs

Attached: I went to college.jpg (221x228, 11K)

"Western narrative consultant" at this point would just tell them to add more niggers and trannies.


Trains in Japan, at least the one shown in the game do not run on fuel, that was an electric line which only worked because it was posessed by a demon which is explicitly stated. I swear P3 detractors are just mad p4 fans who haven't even played the game

Royal is coming soon, the switch port rumors that made Yea Forums love the game were fake, Joker has not only been in Smash but won Evo, SMTV continues to be almost vaporware. Yea Forums being this upset over it fortunately makes it pretty much impossible for anyone to take its opinions seriously.

Here it is, faggola. Eat shit. Also, Atlus has obviously retconned the game to be mainline.

Attached: JPEG_20190604_183241~2.jpg (3024x1533, 876K)

Based, fuck underage contrarians

Functionally the same

>some literal fucking who makes a video on persona 5
And I'm supposed to care because? His opinion has just as much weight as some random shitposter on here.

>with 45 hours of cutscenes.
More like 60 to 80 depending on if you only do the necessary stuff

Are you pretending that PQ is canon now too? kek

Attached: noncanon.jpg (600x338, 60K)

less seething. more coping.

>literally every night for years every single plane mysteriously ends up an hour off course at the exact same time no matter who the pilot is
>nobody bats an eye

nigga are you retarded?
if they did that we would end up with some LGBTQ bullshit instead
I'd pick tired anime tropes any day over this crap

You are supposed to care, because from now on, you won't have a persona thread without some faggot mindlessly parroting the literal who's opinion and shilling the video.

>can't into critical thinking
>abominous root word to abominable
>being a retarded contrarian for an internet income

You could watch this shit video for over 4 hours or you could watch this video. If you have 5 hours and feel compelled to listen to something tangentially related to Persona you would be better off listening to a Carl Jung audio book. I'm not even crazy about Persona 5 or the SMT series. I have never finished any of them despite putting in 90 hours each in to P3 SMTIV, P5 and DDS. I commend the dedication to editing a video of this length. Ultimately faggot OP (both OP here and video OP) says very little about the title deciding to be overtly contrary without displaying any critical thought. Hey I understand griping as much as the next guy, I'm just glad that I block ads on youtube because I'd hate for content like this to be incentivized by income by my watching them. Also reminder not to post comments on youtube because that counts as interaction.

I almost posted this on youtube after this same thread yesterday but then this thread came up again as it will continue to come up as OP shills.

Reminder to install Ublock origin and adblock plus so you don't give any money or at least can limit the income these fucking brainlets get off of making clickbait garbage in the form of poor banter.

Alternatively let me know when mattosis comes along with a P5 video at least he isn't incapable of thought.


>Atlus has obviously retconned the game to be mainline.
And where's your proof of that? The most recent statement on SJ is that interview and it mentions nothing of retconning it to be a mainline title.
Also I like how you didn't even show the right side of the box.

Yes you really should if you consider PQ, arena and the dancing games canon. Do you really think if P3 or P4 got a proper sequel game FeMC would be in it and they'd work all the events of the dancing games and arena games and PQ games into the plot? No. They'd just finally admit they aren't canon. Atlus tells absolute brainlets like you that these games developed outside the company and written by randos are canon because it makes absolute brainlets like you buy them. Pure fanfiction garbage.

Neither did the video


bro I'm looking out for you here you might wanna delete that bro you posted cringe

>Kawakami is doing this on her own free will because you basically saved her life.
She was also giving the parents money of her own free will when she could've told them to fuck off at any point in the story without relying on you to use mementos to magic away her problems. Point is, you're saving her from exploitation just to turn around and exploit her even more.
>Literally nobody ever said that.
People have been saying since the game's release that Price is one of the weakest palace themes.
>he’s a little boy
>he's immature
>he's like a child
Wow, way to say the same fucking thing in three different sentences. You're straining so hard to think of Morgana's "personality' traits that you're just repeating yourself.
"He's smart but immature" what a well-rounded and complex character, not like those are basic-ass traits that could be applied to literally the entire main cast. Also you made no mention of any real character arc, because the game fucking forgets about it halfway through.

smash that subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications

It is bad, though.

I would have watched it if it was five hours long but once again JEW OP had to suckle seven minutes away from us the gamers.

>Atlus tells absolute brainlets like you that these games developed outside the company
Except every spin off was made by Atlus in house except Arena.

Dude Kawakami KNOWS you’re a Phantom Thief. She knows that you’re saving people. She wants to help too. That’s all there is to it. I also never said that Mona was a GOOD character. Just that he indeed has one.

Exactly why I didn't post that picture, dumbass. It's a picture I took months ago, hence the filename listing June 4th. It doesn't need to be explicitly stated when the game is shown alongside every other mainline game on a 25th anniversary box. Unless you also want to claim that if and Nine are spinoffs.

>5 fucking hours
please for the love of god get an editor you worthless youtube video essayist cucks

I wonder how many of the self proclaimed fans actually played the game until the ending. Especially people new to the VN style. Wouldnt suprise me that quite a lot people saw the trailer or gameplay, got drawn in by the style and get turned off by hours and hours and hours of walls of text.

Attached: 1549676104555.png (203x254, 96K)

atlus themselves treat the spinoffs as canon. of course all the material from those games would be worked into sequels to 3 and 4. what, are you actually expecting atlus to stop being autistic?

not really, it's just kind of what current western vidya writers are interested in. and trying to ape marvel humor. weebshit has it's issues, but at least it still has soul.

Still aren't written by the same people who write the main games, they are written by an awful B team and the writing shows that very quickly. The same awful B team done P4G while the A team worked on P5, that's why P4G has such a massive drop off in tone and writing quality.

Don't forget abot pic related
>Let's name our SUPER SECRET School club Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
>I don't have a persona, but don't worry about the fact that I don't turn into coffin every time during Dark Hour
>lol let's hook Ken up in the hostel together with guy who killed his mom.

Attached: P3_Ikutsuki_protrait_Render.png (250x470, 106K)

get over your obsession. Not every writer writes or even cares about LGBT issues like you do, since you're willing to inject them or mention them every chance you get.

>Just that he indeed has one
He doesn't though. The traits you listed literally apply to the entire main cast. Being a "fish out of water" is not a character or personality trait, just a state of being.

Name six western games that came out within the last two years that put LGBT issues as a major point in its narrative..

they treat them as canon UNTIL they want a real sequel game a cut above all this garbage
Just look at what happened to the Star Wars expanded universe when they decided there was going to be another real movie. 'nah none of that was actually canon, thanks for the increased sales from believing it was for so long though!'
I'm not dissing Atlus, saying they are canon probably helps sales massively.

No, OP.
It's fantastic that something exists to break down in great detail -why- P5 is objectively ehh, but at the end of the day opinions are opinions.
People who consume P5 also like anime, and anime consumers are some of the dumbest sheep on the planet. It's very impressive how little standards they hold to everything.

It's not worth breaking down why weebs consume garbage. It's all they do.

Attached: 1553105670177.gif (828x631, 2.13M)

>It's a picture I took months ago
In that case your image is invalid.
>Unless you also want to claim that if and Nine are spinoffs.
Yes, they were always designed to be spin offs. Do you have any evidence suggesting otherwise?

>hmm, who should we pick to conduct our dangerous science experiment in the dark hour?
>i know! let's get a bunch of high schoolers (including a retard like junpei), a 10-year-old, and a dog!


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>Futaba is a bit of a meme character but the aesthetic really ties into her issues
How? How does an Egyptian pyramid tie into her character? I know it's because it's a tomb, but why specifically a pyramid and not an Aztec tomb or even a spooky graveyard?
Her character has zero interest in Egypt or history, so it's really out-of-place for her palace to be a pyramid.

>she could've told them to fuck off at any point in the story without relying on you to use mementos to magic away her problems.
Not if she wants to keep her job.

you are arguing with a retard

It disgusts me how we've corrupted the position that something being visual immediately means it can or must lack any greater substance beyond surface aesthetics.

Something being bereft of effort always has been and will be a MANUAL choice by the lazy and brainless, no excuses.

Ikuski was supposed to be a bit obvious, his reveal was nowhere near the main twist of the story he is P3's Akechi
What's wrong with the name SEES exactly?
The player does not know that shinji killed kens mother for a while and also does not know that Ikutski knew this either. All of your points are as retarded as the anons you replied to,

>Doesn't even know about the Fatlus shitpost

Do you have evidence suggesting that if and Nine were not designed as mainline titles? Also, fuck off with this picture shit. I would post a timestamp, but I'm at work, so I opted for an older picture. Unfortunately, it seems your autism has no bounds.

>game that is almost entirely story has a bad story
>game is universally praised
Explain this


it was the perfect storm for normies
>previous game was critically acclaimed, lauded for being easier and more accessible for newcomers compared to 3 (which was already shat on by SMTfags for being casualized) and got an expansion that got so popular it became the Vita's system seller
>new game was cross gen and got an unique artstyle
>presented at E3 as THE WEEB GAME for the ps4 at the time alongside mainsteream stuff like Final Fantasy / DQ and fighting games
>Tales was in trouble at the time
of course normies would eat that up

>Still aren't written by the same people who write the main games
You say that but Kido has been part of the planning team for every game since 2 again, bar arena.
Not to mention Kanda also worked on
The writer for Q2 also worked on P5 as an NPC planner

Needless to say they aren't as disconnected as you thought.

The whole "we know you're a sex worker and we'll get you fired" thing is literally introduced at rank 8 as an excuse for you to go into Mementos, and is a non-factor throughout the entire Confidant before that. Until then, she has nothing to lose from just telling them to fuck off.

How does a European castle tie into Kamoshia's character?
How does a bank tie into Kaneshiro's character?

>Her character has zero interest in Egypt or history
Different user, but naming her hacker group Medjed kinda hints at that.

I don't even really give a shit about Persona 5 but imagine thinking that some random YouTube dipshit's 5 hour long masturbation session is somehow going to damage the broad appeal that the Persona series has.

You're delusional, OP.

She literally has egyptian shit in her room and her online name is Alibaba. AND her hacker organization is called Medjed. You’d be stupid to think she wasn’t at least a little interested.

>Do you have evidence suggesting that if and Nine were not designed as mainline titles?
You're the one trying to claim it is, burden of proof is on you buddy.

>but I'm at work
Are you at work 24/7?
Because you give this excuse every single time for something.

>not everyone cares like you do
>every chance you get
your projection shows everyone here how the only one jumping at every opportunity is you. your staunch defense of something you claim to not care is ridiculously ironic and evident

Thing is, OP is trying to devalue criticisms of P5 by attributing it to a youtuber not unlike what happened with Sonic Adventure 2 and Projared a while back.

So barely anything? Why are anime consumers so dumb? Why aren't you bothered?

Jesus christ.

It's totally fine to make a story about brainwashing people or even killing them if you want if you think that you are doing "good" or "correcting the world", it's your typical story that brings the morale debate of human nature or to what are extent you are doing it and if it's right or wrong to do so, and in that case if it's even going to to work etc etc etc.
The problem is that the game doesn't do anything of this nor sees what's doing through those lenses. For the characters everything is super good, even brainwhashing someone for just being a little bit of an asshole and at the end of the game it tries to give some kind of message of freedom or superation or what not that it's completly moronic and has zero to do with the game or the themes it should be treating.

Cope, P5cuck

No, your claim was that if and Nine are not mainline games. Burden of proof is on YOU. Also, this is the first time I've ever posted about owning the 25th anniversary box. You may be thinking of another retard. Currently at 1:35PM EST, it is the middle of the workday, and I am not a NEET, so it is to be assumed I am at work. Dunno how this is hard for you.

that's a stretch, it's like saying FF7R is guaranteed to be good because Nomura worked on the original game

Kamoshida sees himself as a king
Kaneshiro sees himself as a big time criminal / bank robber

maybe you should've picked another one that doesn't make sense like a fast food man being the leader of a space colony


Omg dude why isn’t Okumura interested in space?
>his company is called big bang burger
So barely anything? Fucking weebs. Why aren’t you bothered?

the guy spend a ridiculous amount of time to create a 5 HOUR video over something he doesn't like
what do you call that?

>Burden of proof is on YOU.
Says the person still making the claim, waiting on that proof.
>this is the first time I've ever posted about owning the 25th anniversary box.
Don't kid yourself, you use the same file every time and don't even bother changing the name.

Jesus Christ, was there EVER this much hostility when the first 4 personas came out?

what did he mean by this

weebs play an 80 hour game with 3 hours of gameplay

How am I the one projecting when you're the one who mentions LGBT issues when no one else did, prior?

Never said that. What I'm saying is current western games have shit stories and writers mostly care about inserting random social issues with literal who quest npcs to boast about on social media.

The advice a western writer would give them would be just to do that. It would be pointless.

Name 6 western games that came out within the last 2 years with strong, tight narratives, noticeably superior to nip games.

You mean the first 2 personas (P3 and P4).

Nope, it's a mix of extreme contrarianism and pissed off platform loyalist sprinkled with some good homemade autism

Yes? Have any of you never been in a P3 or P4 thread?
The answer is no, I already know. Just lurk and shut the fuck up.

Cvit fuck off

>No, your claim was that if and Nine are not mainline games.
You made that claim here user

I think that Persona 3, 4 and 5 are all extremely overrated. P3 has nice themes, but its an absolute chore to play, the social links tend to be awful, and theres just a ton of padding with useless, repetitive dialogue. Unfortunately, this is the strongest of the latest persona games.

Persona 4 is just P3 but with worse characters, themes, and storyline. The gameplay and dungeons are improved though, but that's not saying much since P3 was pretty bad in that regard.

P5 has MUCH better gameplay, but it's just as bad as P4 everywhere else.

I've leanred my lesson, and i wont waste my time with subsequent persona games. I'll just stick with SMT and maybe ill try out Persona 1 and the 2 games someday.

Why doesn't kamoshida see himself as king of a japanese castle

Holy shit, schizo user, unless someone has access to my phone, that's the only picture that's been taken of my bookcase. This is ridiculous with you saying you've seen the image before. At this point, congrats, you are either the most retarded person on this board or the worst attempt at a shitpost I've seen in a minute.

>She literally has egyptian shit in her room
You mean the room loaded with knickknacks happens to have an egyptian thing stuffed in the corner? Oh I see, it makes perfect sense now!
>her online name is Alibaba
Ali Baba is Arabic (specifically Syrian in origin I think), not Egyptian.

Which has more autism, the p5 nitpicking video or the rolling rocks sm64 video?

More LGBT is nothing compared to actually developed characters, a coherent narrative and an understanding of continuity, which only wester writers are capable of.

No. The reason why there's hostility now is because Persona 5 is worse than the other 4 and P5fags always try to shove their shit in other people's throats.