Anyone wanna play multiplayer and do some missions together?
No Man's Sky Thread
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Is this game worth it now? I've never been into Minecraft particularly but I did like Fallout 4 base building and stuff.
Not right now because a big update just released and it's a glitchy and buggy mess, I wouldn't recommend it for base building because chances are that your base will just disappear for no reason until they sort this out
I wish I could play but I can't get more than 30fps now
I bought it for the update and I've been having a blast personally. I haven't encountered nearly as many issues as other people, the worst I've gotten is some weird clipping through the floor.
i have fun nice to claim a planet build bases and chill
its space minecraft but exploration and mining and trading isn't pointless shit
>do some missions together
no such thing in this game
go to the nexus
There is though?
He is still in TORtanic mode
It's comfy but at the moment it's riddled with more bugs than a bethesda game. Either wait until they're fixed or use a portable save module before visiting the nexus
>tfw we will never have a true mix between Starbound + Elite Dangerous + Star Citizen perfect game
The Nexus is fine though?
having only played ED and NMS id prefer if ED pushed itself forward further with more realistic depiction of space cause that's magica,
NMS should be happy being minecraft in fictional space
No it's not, I got glitched inside it, my ship couldn't land because all the spots were taken and basically I couldn't do anything since it was locked in the landing process and when I reloaded the game I fell through the floor, the game crashed and when I loaded back in my capital ship was gone
I've been to the Nexus like a hundred times and never had an issue.
You must not have been there when the update first launched. Performance tanked, you'd crash if you loaded a save in the nexus, other players could kill you by punching you in VR mode, sometimes you would land on an empty nexus that would crash the game once you left, ships not finding a landing pad and spazzing out mid-air, freighters and exocrafts getting deleted, etc.
Most of these are fixed now. The ship thing is annoying but can be fixed by reloading saves.
Next time you go to the nexus, either disable multiplayer in network options or make a manual save beforehand. Disabling multiplayer fixes it for some goddamn reason, and reloading a manual save is a last-ditch effort to unfuck the situation.
>You must not have been there when the update first launched.
I started a new character for the update so you are correct but if its fixed now...who cares?
I would, but I would never ever spend money on this game and I assume pirates can't play multiplayer
The game has more issues than the nexus, the nexus was just the biggest problem. You can't adjust refiner output, food recipes don't show in the catalog, mass uploading discoveries is broken, some ships are missing a wing on one side, the wings on certain exotic ships disappear after folding, ship landing sounds in multiplayer loop forever (which is why the nexus is so damn loud), the fucking upgrade module popup that won't go away, freighter storage rooms being stuck in the floor, etc.
It's still a fun game but they really should have let this update sit in the oven for a little while longer
do you like resource gathering games
if yes then buy it right now, if no then avoid this game like the plague
>Can't give the food guy all your food at once, you have to sit there and mash a button for half an hour giving him 1 item at a time
>Can't give the cartographer all your data at once, you have to sit there and mash a button for half an hour giving him 1 item at a time
>You can only transfer items from your cooking stove to your inventory on a planet or owned capital ship
It's the little things that annoy me the most
Why can we only own one multitool?
>still can't select charted waypoints and set a waypoint
Then what's the point?
Navigation data for planetary charts? But you can get them with 15 nanites anyway which is fucking peanuts, so there's no real point to activating waypoints. Not a massive issue but annoys me in its redundancy.
>still no ship customisation
It would be nice if you could at least transfer installed technologies between multi-tools, you can move technologies to different slots now so I don't see why not
Some random Vy'keen guy gave me this one for free after I punched him in the face. It cost like 1.5m units to repair so I'm pretty happy I got it for cheap.
I keep hearing this game is good now. But i have the same question i did when it launched. What do you do in this game? Whenever i see people playing this they are farming minerals so they can build something to farm better minerals so they can build something better so they can farm even better minerals so they can build something even better and so on. I see you can build bases but for what, so you can store your minerals? Is this game just Minecraft in space? Farming and building should lead to something other than farming and building. What the fuck do you do in this game other than farming and building?
seeall you do, is farming, exploring randomly generated planets and building, and now theres a very mediocre trading element
dicking around in VR or multiplayer
You must not play very many games if you're honestly confused why people play this game. It's another grinding/crafting/survival game like the literal billion others out there
It's exactly that. The devs forgot to improve the exploration part of the game and now it's an inventory management sim.
Elite just needs content more than anything. Flight model and combat are good. But the missions are beyond Terrie. Go here, click on data link, mission complete. Like are they serious? Where are the crafted missions with waves of enemies or multi-stage ground base attacks?
>Farming and building should lead to something other than farming and building
*laughs in stardew valley*
you farm minerals to make a profit or fix tech or build a base, you build a base to explore an area grab languages, loot caves or buildings.
Honestly its minecraft in space but going into an actual direction.
Tutorial sucks dick but after that it gets better.
How do you get so many nanites? I can barely break 1000
the latest update is an absolute mess
>can't build a medium refinery anywhere but prefab rooms, can build large refineries anywhere for some reason
>spawning without a ship while leaving the anomaly station, forcing you to restart the game or crash when changing camera view
>floors not loading on the station randomly
>save files getting completely fucked in multiplayer (friend makes base, join multiplayer and crashes, his base now belongs to me on my save, but still shows as his on my save)
>literal text placeholder bugs on some technologies in the tech tree
>falling through the floor into the void on stations
>falling through the ground on someone else's base
>glitched out missions (like the sentinel depots one,you destroy the depot but get no credit so you gotta look for a new depot on your own and hope that one will count)
>supposedly using the anomaly station teleporter randomly deletes your base and freighter
meh i dont do missions i just mine, trade and explore.
The depiction of space is pretty good, not perfect. scale and everything is pretty incredible and seeing shti like neutron stars is amazing
The goal of the game is to get rich and to become a space overlord with your own fleet. Once you're finished doing that (you wont ever be) you fuck around in multiplayer and wait until HG releases more interesting combat missions.
No Man's Sky was explicitly not supposed to be a base building game.
Looking for S class ships, S class multi-tools, upgrading your exosuit, upgrading your things with S class modules, building a self sustaining base so you don't have to grind anymore, looking for a cool looking planet, fight pirates or engage in fleet battles with your own fleet that you have to build from scratch, race around on planets with exocraft, do side missions for rewards, do main story missions, fuck around in multiplayer, chill on a nice planet while looking for animals with podcast playing in the background, actually try to get to the center of the galaxy. The game is a sandbox experience through and through, if you aren't able to set your own goals then stay away.
almost like we're 3 years into its release and priorities can shift
>Hopped in and decided to try out VR.
> Get completely lost in it, since I'm a sucker for space games
>Lost 3 hours in
Man that first ship flight is a blast
>can't build a medium refinery anywhere but prefab rooms, can build large refineries anywhere for some reason
yeah that sucks
>spawning without a ship while leaving the anomaly station, forcing you to restart the game or crash when changing camera view
idunno never happened to me and i go to anomaly A LOT
>floors not loading on the station randomly
never happened to me and I go to spess stetions A LOT
>save files getting completely fucked in multiplayer (friend makes base, join multiplayer and crashes, his base now belongs to me on my save, but still shows as his on my save)
>literal text placeholder bugs on some technologies in the tech tree
>falling through the floor into the void on stations
never happened to me
>falling through the ground on someone else's base
>glitched out missions (like the sentinel depots one,you destroy the depot but get no credit so you gotta look for a new depot on your own and hope that one will count)
ive had main missions be bugged out a lot
>supposedly using the anomaly station teleporter randomly deletes your base and freighter
never happened to me
seeing how they are pushing out a patch a day its not too hopeless
it was "supposed" to be an exploration game and lotsa people argued that inhabiting the explored planets (aka base-building) should be part of exploration, which is why the devs have added base-building in the first place
3 years into the game and exploration is just as bad it was on release.
>idunno never happened to me and i go to anomaly A LOT
been playing for merely 2 days and I've had it happen at least 3 times now
NMS Gods please post your best strategies or exploits to get Units and Nanites
the only good exploit i know about is reloading to buy infinite salvage data. Dont feel bad about doing it considering you literally need like 400 to buy all recipies
My old character had tons of wierd shit happening but when I started a new character, the experience was pretty good.
The update doesn't seem to mesh well with existing characters.
agreed. the only thing they added was horrors, exotic planets and some QoL stuff but theres still no biomes and animals still look and behave like garbage. I hope that will be the focus of the next big patch. I feel like Multiplayer is fleshed out enough now so they can start focusing on other things
>tfw still no freighter
what do
At what point are you done with the tutorial? I just got the hyperdrive
I lost all my bases and freighter with all my items and ships due to some bug with a teleporter apparently? How the fuck do you fuck up a game so much, that with the only goal of farming you make players just randomly lose all they've farmed for because bug lol! I can't believe I actually fell for this game AGAIN, as if launch wasn't enough.
Recommend me a new game to grind, thanks
you get a free one after a while
dunno if its time or quest based.
But keep reloading until you get a decent free one (mine was worth 80 mil, 30 slots and 4 tech slots)
I'd say when you get to anomaly space station
Once you reach the Nexus, that's pretty much the end of the tutorial.
>investing time in NMS pre- Beyond
its your own fault for not valuing your time
>But keep reloading until you get a decent free one
what exactly is the tactic here, from what I gathered you get some kind of combat event to win it, so are you guaranteed the event in that system if you reload in it?
>But keep reloading until you get a decent free one
I wish I did this, no I'm stuck with my garbage C class low-slot freighter until I make a ton of money.
It can be slow going, but harvesting the alien horror eggs (or whatever tf they're called) is a decent way to make cash.
That, and having a full fleet and constantly sending them out: you'll make a million or two for each successful excursion
after i think 3 hours of playing the next time you warp into another system you are greeted with a guaranteed "protect the freighter" mission. The best strategy is this:
>get the economy scanner for your ship
>warp into a wealthy system for a higher chance for a good freighter
>save the freighter
>check stats
>if trash reload, warp again
Tech modules can be refined into nanites, as well as runaway mold and larval cores.
As for units, your best bet is to raid factories to learn trade product recipes and/or build a farm.
>no flying as a mercenary pilot
>no enemy faction to fight
>no space trucking your hauler to a far-off colony to earn vast riches
>no bounty hunting
>no player run space stations
>space is such an afterthought to basebuilding that your freighter, the biggest and most impressive thing a player can own, is literally just randomly given to you because an NPC pilot got bored
3 years and all they've done is turn the game into a super janky minecraft. Fuck No Man's Sky.
It's actually kind of amazing to see that people are stupid enough to make this literal pile of shit a success.
Can you actually do this? I thought the game will always give you a C class as the starter, not that it matters to me now since my starter freighter disappeared and I have to buy a new one for credits but it's nice to know
doesnt matter what system you warp to, once all conditions are met you can warp to ANY system and the event is guaranteed
well shit, I have 22 hours but I only jumped maybe 2-3 times, fucking hell I spend like 3 hours on exploring a single planet and then 6 hours on trying to manage my inventory
There definitely 100% is.
How are we 3 years into the game and managing the 10 storage vaults is still such garbage. I should be able to look at ALL 10 storage units at once and access them at free will. Who the fuck wants to keep teleporting back to base to get that one stack of whatever the fuck that he currently needs.
It always gives you a c-class but the amount of inventory slots is random
you can buy extra inventory slots aboard space stations
>It's still a fun game but they really should have let this update sit in the oven for a little while longer
I think you just described NMS at large
It's literally as you say, this game is so poorly documented and filled with no one actually discussing it (probably because there's precisely nothing) that I went and played it myself to confirm.
There are guns and tools for combat but combat doesn't exist in any appreciable manner, and there's still nothing to discover within the planetscapes, it's still just the discovery of the planet itself. It pretty much amounts to finding a planet you like visually and just building a base on it, with the occasional random event to get a different ship, gear or whatever (none of which particularly matter beyond preference because there's no content to make use of "better gear" on.)
I felt it was only a digestible experience when you can mess around with someone else - ironic since there isn't anything that's purposefully cooperative, even missions are instanced.
>the game isn't what I want it to be so its bad!
>>no flying as a mercenary pilot
you can take missions and fight
>>no enemy faction to fight
pireats but its piss poor
>>no space trucking your hauler to a far-off colony to earn vast riches
there is
>>no bounty hunting
there is
>>no player run space stations
we really need player built space stations and player controlled economy or something
>>space is such an afterthought to basebuilding that your freighter, the biggest and most impressive thing a player can own, is literally just randomly given to you because an NPC pilot got bored
yeah thats bullshit
>no flying as a mercenary pilot
attack frigates and other ships --> there ur a mercenary pirate now
>no bounty hunting
>space is such an afterthought to basebuilding that your freighter, the biggest and most impressive thing a player can own, is literally just randomly given to you because an NPC pilot got bored
you can literally build a base inside your freighter, what more do you want?
Minecraft, except you can't just build anything anywhere. And the amount of changes you can make to the world are hard-limited by the game.
Can I get a big Star Destroyer and cruise around blasting shit to pieces?
>gameplay loop
What did he mean by this
What’s the deal with discovery bulk uploading? Is the bugged stellar body upload button supposed to upload plants and animals as well? If not that shit is a massive downgrade from before.
Hol up there's VR support for NMS now??
ive spent like 10 hours on 1 ice planet building bases and exploring and mining for profit
>game isn't what it was advertised to be
And it is bad, objectively.
you can. The best you can get is a free A class freighter (noone has gotten S yet)
Mine is B.
>before this update multiplayer was basicall non-existant
>all I did with my friend was build duping farms
>harvest cryopumps and nanites all day
>sell for GORILLIONS
>tfw I log into the game after 1 year and still have more cash and nanites than I can spend
Now I might finally finish the campaign.
Yeah, that's literally the selling point of this update
People complaining about the update are so retarded. Is this your first time playing? They always put out big patches then put out tons of smaller patches to fix things, all the bugs wiill be worked out in time.
every time you warp you can get 2 inventory upgrades, one from the space station and one from the nexus. I would keep warping until you have a max-size inventory before doing other stuff so inventory management becomes less shit
Most of what they advertised has been added to the game.
wheres the one in nexus? it doesn't even have a fucking trader
next to the guy that gives exosuit blueprints
Found this planet that's literally just full of salvage caches and trading posts, it's has toxic clouds and shit, but you can make many many millions in literally a few minutes, is there any better way to make money or should I set up a base here?
Are the nexuses just pocket universes shared across all people or are the ones in each system actually unique so if you go far enough you'll never meet anyone?
The game generates freighter battles after completing X number of jumps (for instance, it spawns one reliably every 15 or so jumps).
If you help the freighter under attack they'll offer it to you for free (only once though (like, you can't get a second free one later)). Just keep jumpin space cowboy
Why do you even do anything you stupid faggot
sounds like you havent played since 2017 considering you pretend like there isnt a storyline that introduces exotic planets
No, you can get something that looks like a star destroyer and use it as a mobile base around the galaxies though.
Quicksilver still disappearing? Can you get glyphs now? If not, no.
well I better get to warping.
I was really excited about getting some new materials for tech in current system but it's becoming a hassle
ah, but if I decline the free freighter can I get a chance for a new one, or should I just reload if it turns out to be shit?
also experience a good bug yesterday, from what I gathered you're supposed to fix the drop pods before getting the free inventory slot but for some reason it just gave it to me straight away and then asked to repair the drop pod.
All I want for the game is some sort of map system to be added. Surely it can't be that difficult to add procedurally generated maps? Other games do it. Or at least make it so you can warp to waypoints and other key locations.
I found a exosuit upgrade station once and I didn't have antimatter at that point in the game and I just couldn't do anything about it. I could put a custom market down, but I use custom markers all the time for other things, or I could build a base around it, but otherwise if I leave that planet then I have no way of finding that location ever again. It's really frustrating
The former, it's basically like the tower from destiny or the towns in Guild wars
if you decline the free freigther the next one you meet (which can take another 3 hours or more) should also be free. But it seems kinda buggy now so i just kept reloading until i got a semi-decent freighter.
I wont lie, it has it's fun moments but its also glitchy as hell.
Don't try permadeath until you are comfortable with the game, and DONT play permadeath multiplayer until you get the hyperdrive built and left a system, other wise you will be fucked forever
Is this game worth it without vr? I find it hard to justify $400 purchase just to play 2 or 3 games.
>ah, but if I decline the free freighter can I get a chance for a new one, or should I just reload if it turns out to be shit?
That I don't know firsthand. My guess would be to reload instead of trying for a different one.
But, if you don't have one at all, the game may keep offering a free one till you take the one you like.
So what was the purpose of adding wires and power generation? Are the devs mentally retarded?
exosuit upgrade stations are free on every station, its a waste to use planet ones
Everyone starts on a random planet near the edge of the galaxy. The only place you can go to decrease your chance of seeing someone is farther towards the edge.
All the new electricity stuff seems bugged. None of my plants in my freighter seem powered but its not like i can build generators inside my freighter. Also why the FUCK can i not build a teleporter inside my freigther
>If the first rescued freighter is refused, the second freighter will also be offered to the player for free, and it will be a capital freighter.
Please sean, if you're listening, fix the flight mechanics and this will easily be the best modern space sim
>exosuit upgrade stations are free on every station
They are not free, they cost money. That's the point of using the planet ones, those are actually free.
actually its better makes base building more interesting
nibbas just mad the casual shitters have to use noggin
Activated Indium farms can make you 100 million + passively while u do other shit
Pls respond ;(
ah okay great, I'll just reload then
also got any clue as to what to look for in a freight to deem it 'decent' at best? I don't even what they look like, in terms of the compare window
fuck that im rejecting second one I wanna earn my freighter.
Having to wire literally every single lightbulb to a power source isn't interesting in the slightest
they cost almost nothing and planet ones are pita
literally just a high amount of inventory and tech slots. Freighters have nothing special to them aside that. For reference my B class freighter had 30 slots and 4 tech-slots. So anything above that is great, anything below that i would reload.
>not managing wiring with switches and shit to automate
>shit requires power now
I assumed the tech already had built in power systems. This shit just limits base building.
what's the difference between general inventory and cargo?
Automation is fun, but it's still tedious.
planet ones cost more in resources than the station ones cost in units. Also you can literally get 250k units for scanning a single animal so the costs are irrelevant
That's acknowledged within
> it's still just the discovery of the planet itself. It pretty much amounts to finding a planet you like visually and just building a base on it
The whole planet is riddled with whichever special biome it spawned with, the same as any other biome+planet combo. I've only played this game the past several weeks.
Best ways to get money i know of:
Get S-tier Scanner upgrades
>every scan gives you 200k+ units
Build a circuit board farm
>every circuit board gives 900k units
Anyone have any better methods? Also any good strats to get Nanites? The best i see currently is the nexus missions that give like 250 nanites each
>freighter drives go to 100% from one warp cell, compared to 20% on a normal ship
>and they can go to all star colors without upgrades
why is this
Cargo used to have bigger stacks but now that even general inventory can hold stacks up to 10k I'm not sure, I guess it's just more cargo space
cargo has higher stack size (for example 10 metal plates instead of 5)
But now that resource stacks go up to 10k by default the differences aren't all that noticable
No they aren't. Once you reach the Nexus, antimatter flows like candy and other mats you need like cobalt and sodium is so easy to come by. It's pretty much free at that point in the game. Before the Nexus, I can see that being justifiable but as of it this update, there's no reason to not just rush through the story and get to the Nexus then start building yourself up.
I'd rather power one Generator than having to manually fill all my plants with carbon like before this update
survival is still 250
>freighter drives go to 100% from one warp cel
really? sounds like a bug
fuck bros i wanna play nomans sky, build an institute and raid an dead planets outpost and caves now
It's a feature.
I would suggest not exploring until you either find a freighter or get the hyperdrive upgrades that let you explore red/green/blue systems.
Most of the yellow systems are just garbage.
I hope the devs dont run out of money anytime soon. It takes quite a while for them to push out updates (understandable since their team is pretty small)
The game isnt in a spot yet where im willing to dedicate tons of time but it definitely has the potential. In a year from now if they did the following things it could be my GOAT:
>add mechanic to space stations/nexus that lets you costumize ship/freighter appearance
>upgrades are actually visible on your ship
>planets have several Biomes
>Improved animals behavior in general. Have them move in herds or stalk/hunt other animals. Have them live in their own nichés for example some only live near lakes or some only live near specific plants. Make them more believable in general
>More randomized generation like they promised instead of the samme 10 base ships and 10 base animals that just have some sliders moved
>Randomized space station interiors instead of all of them being the exact same
>Hostile factions
>antimatter is easy to get
>so its easy to warp
>2 upgrades every warp
>can have maxed out all your inventories in less than 2 hours
Your method sounds cost and time inefficient as hell
>Once you reach the Nexus, antimatter flows like candy
enlighten me, what did i miss?
I never said you should go out of your way to hunt exosuit upgrades on planets, that's obviously retarded. But acting like its not free and so that justified them not having a good way to revisit those locations easily is retarded.
So if theres 32 player multiplayer now, what Planet should become the home of Yea Forums where we all start building a giant city filled with swastikas?
I wish i could join you on Yea Forumsenus but i now only have 2 glyphs despite having finished the questline so i wont be able to teleport there
anyone elses lighting in the freighter been all fucked up since the update? Also electricity seems fucky inside my freighter
Personally, I don't like have hundreds of systems in my discoveries list. It's just annoying bloat, makes teleporting a pain in the ass too when I have to cycle through 10 pages to find a specific system.
Find a paradise world, in a system with most, if not all the common resources and "plants" with weather that is calm, serene, clear, etc... Makes it easier to build without having to refill your survival bars.
Do people still play survival? I thought it was practically universally abandoned.
Most systems are useless. I literally only want high wealth systems of each type and a few base worthy systems with good materials, and that's it. The rest should just come from the story.
just like real life most planets are empty rocks and the ones that are special are truly special.
I wish NMS didnt throw life at you constantly, they should've made 1 planet in 1000 be inhibited by life.
add me on steam
they should introduce a callable service that extracts you from planets or brings you base resources and maybe even lets you go in debts. The only reason i say this is because it would allow them to stop having literally EVERY planet filled with the same ugly flowers which they HAVE to do because without them you could get softlocked.