Just a week to go, breh...
Classic WoW
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Alright. Enough fucking around. Is Diablo III a good game or not?
It’s over retail bros....maybe they are right...maybe retail just isn’t cutting it anymore...
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk
No one cares. It’s going to be a treat watching you morons get disappointed by nostalgia. I give it 3 months tops before this wow vanilla fad is over
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
I think it's pretty fun.
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
are final cuckold trannies losing it right now?
Riding home
Dying hope
Hold onto hope... Ohhh...
Riding home
Home, riding home
Hope, finding hope... Ohhh...
Stupid frogposter
Pretty obviously a falseflag spambot.
Who ya calling a spambot you bundle of sticks
For me it's human mage
Just play POE
You know that most people are playing vanilla servers for years right you niggerlord?
jannytrannies are in on it, its gone on for days
Pretty hyped. Have a buddy going priest while I go warrior, levellings gonna be fun.
I believe it, anything to make FFXIV look bad.
Big FFXIV fan here, but I hope you enjoy your game, retail or Classic.
One week for this fucking meme to die already, yes I also can't wait
That's going to be kino. My bros and I have a full 5-man ready to ride.
I felt hype until I realize how shitty classic actually played and how it was only good because we didn't know better
yea I like it
but I also never played D2 so that probably affects my opinion
what spec are you going my fellow warrior bro?
Its pretty mediocre compared to Diablo 2, but its a game you can enjoy for a while
Ah, level 40 mounts
retail player will go back to their garbage game once the next loot pinata patch drops.
My wife is going to be my pocket healer
Both are true
Isn't every single spec a one button rotation?
I wish I had someone to be a pocket healer for...
I'd definitely be a lot more hyped if I was a NEET/young like I was when WoW was a thing; kinda don't want to play it without being able to devote a lot of time to it. Feels bad.
>muh rotation I need artificial busywork to feel like I'm accomplishing something
just keybind frostbolt to four different keys and change icons and pretend you're doing your epic BfA rotation
Feels good being a neet loser with no RL right now.
Warlock, Mage and arguably Paladin and Shaman are single button, others have at least something going on, dunno about hybrid meme rotations
I find it interesting how many people speculate about what's going to happen after Naxx. They should just do what the private server scene did ... just roll the servers over. People were happy to spend loads of time with friends playing the game on one server and when blizzard shut it down everyone was happy to reroll on another server and start over. Just announce an end date some time after Naxx has been out, everyone will gather together like on
Nost and all say goodbye after a couple of great years together, and Blizz can create an event and open up fresh new servers in a week or a month or whatever. Keep the lights on so long as there are people willing to be in the game. It's the only way to avoid letting the god awful modern developers give us terrible "classic+" content, and stop the tidal wave of idiots clamoring for Wrath servers or panda servers et al
My hype for classic died as soon as I realised that outrage culture normies and zoomers will be the majority of the people trying it out.
There ain't no going home
>wake up 6:30
a dream for 90% of the working population
the reason they wont last is not because the game is too “hardcore” its because all zoomers have ADHD
paladin is literally auto attack bot
Official vanilla servers are what people wanted because people DON'T want to lose their characters over and over again
I love shadowbringers. I also can't wait for wow classic next week! I hope everyone enjoys the games they play!
ff faggots are cringe af. I even play XIV, Wow is better mmo. Infact Modern wow and XIV are just Online RPGS. Real mmos is what I want.
what happens when all the kids last longer than five seconds because a lot of people with nostalgia for WoW and excitement for classic were about the same age when they first started playing
bullshit faggot.
Check offical forums ,its full of boomers shitting on LGBT and faggots and all dumb drama. Tons of 30+ 40+ 50+ people who dont want this faggot drama.
Then wow classic claims there souls and they become to have taste in vidya.
>Paying money to the company that killed the game you love in the first place
I hope he can make some decent money from all this
This is demonstrably false, loads of people constantly rerolled on pservers for years because there is no such joy in the tavern as on the road thereto. Unless you want to only have this one chance to pop an old favorite back in the console, and never again? Stupid argument.
You then wake up from your dream
Gonna level a watercooler while I wait for Banjo and Kazooie to join Smash Bros
How will legolas elflets ever recover?
Pservers also don’t require money so there’s that
>We wuz hunters n sheeeit
>2 warriors
Have fun fighting eachother for 90% of gear drops till 55. Should switch out a war for a hunter/rogue instead
bro did you hear his house got hit by a tornado. Well it hit his area and he barely got out of it. His house is okay. He got power back.
i guess the difference is when we were teenagers we didn't have other teenagers roleplaying as hairy garage-dads to shit on other teenagers as a daily occurrence
Because the prospect of a sub fee clearly killed the demand for classic? People seem to be happy to pay for vanilla, whereas retail has been hemmoraging paypiggies a decade
w-what did she do with her tiger?
>People seem to be happy to pay for vanilla
What a bunch of retards
>whereas retail has been hemmoraging paypiggies a decade
And yet all the money from classic will be pumped into retail
>he thinks we're playing for ilvl
>he thinks we're not on the RPPVP server
>he thinks we're designing a group to be optimal rather than everyone playing what they think is fun
>he thinks my buddies are conceited enough to fight over gear like teenagers
>all of these retarded niggers saying "hurr durr ded in a week...wait a month...wait three months (soon to be a year)"
>mfw if I play for three months with my friends that's more time than we've played a game together for in a long time and the most time we've played WoW since WotLK
>implying I can't unsub once I'm bored
absolute shitbrains
>tfw no 5 man bro squad to level in character the whole way through with.
You just know..
>He thinks he’s going to get anywhere in game
>I can't unsub once I'm bored
See you a week after launch then
What makes you so sure Blizzard will take resources from a successful game and dump them into an unsuccessful game? Investors don't give a fuck which iteration of WoW is making more money, so long as Blizzard is making money. Not convinced Classic is going to have its resources scabbed onto Retail. If anything, classic will take what it needs to run the servers and Blizzard will scab the majority of profits into developing other ill-fated new projects like Overwatch or some dumb shit.
I don't think official forums are a reflection of anything. Healthy adults have to provide for themselves which leaves the subhuman zoomer class of people to infest and destroy the only thing I was looking forward to this summer.
Play with us on Grobulus A-side m8, there's always room to make new frens
it was people making fake "The Offical DICKSUCKERS server is X"! all day. Now if any of them actually try to make a serious post it gets shit on like all of the fake ones.
Someone REALLY didn't want their server of choice to get Gayed. Pretty ingenious, actually.
bruh your forgetting retired old people and they are there.
Sorry man. I'm a spooky skeleton and I'm going to be killing you.
>was a Knight Lt in vanilla
>would like to shoot higher now that I have more free time and get into raiding more than I did
yeah, nah. Stay mad as fuck, retailcuck.
Yeah they usually shit it up on weekends when blizz jannies are away.
Cool, enjoy whatever you play
It's not as good as two but it's pretty fun. Eventually you hit a wall where you have the items you want but you need slightly better rolls. Soon you're playing like some kind of Olympian who wants to shave a few seconds off your rift runs.
Server 3... layer 19.... shard 8... asmongold group 6...
>What makes you so sure Blizzard will take resources from a successful game and dump them into an unsuccessful game?
“You think you do, but you don’t.”
>Investors don't give a fuck which iteration of WoW is making more money, so long as Blizzard is making money.
Don’t forget to buy a level boost on your way in fren
Warrior rotation takes a while to get down and optimized for max dps, but it becomes increasingly simpler the more gear you have.
I could run this on a $300 laptop from best buy or newegg, right ? Travel a lot for work and honestly considering picking up a cheap POS laptop to be able to play this afterwork. Not looking for a "gaming laptop xd"since it'll only be used for WoW.
why? he doesn’t deserve shit for doing something like that, the game isn’t hard
The difference is we didn’t have instant gratification games back then. No loot boxes or microtransaction heavy games to give brainlets a dopamine rush. Everything was slow and took time.
That's cool nigga, hope you make some friends along the way. We're gonna put up a fight though, you're gonna need to be on top of your stunlock
People rerolled on those servers because that was the expectation from the very beginning. With Classic people expect blizzard to keep their characters and progress
Sorry pal, that's your version of the game. They'll never add it to classic because it would kill the free money they'll make from it.
Yes but don’t expect to raid or run well in battlegrounds.
>meanwhile, a month after launch
where did it go so wrong bros? why is nobody playing? did layering fuck the game
>They'll never add it to classic because it would kill the free money they'll make from it.
>A greedy company would pass up the opportunity to fleece more bank from subscribers
what is this image trying to convey
I lost interest when I realized all the "nostalgia" is from teens that never played it.
can't really blame them though. they've been raised on remakes.
>Joana is a guy
my whole life is a lie.
Xiv trannies are so desperate.
Pic related is the average xiv “male” player.
I saw someone calling you a nigger on the front page, and I would just like to apologize on the behalf of Yea Forums.
Also, as a side note, YOU'RE A NIGGER
>meanwhile, a month after launch
Why is retail so dead and Classic so popular bros? Why do I have to me my goalposts for the 90th time since it was announced? It's not fair BROS
white people who say nigga are usually incels
right, but "zoomers won't like it past streamers" hinges on the assumption they're totally incompatible with that kind of game, which they're not. the amount of children infesting other mmos that do have huge grinds or do take some time to get anywhere should stand as proof of that, they're still at an age where they're a blank slate and they can like pretty much anything but i'm already thinking harder about it than the average ZOOM ZOOM!!!!! HEHE memelord is
I-it will only last a week! N-no 2 Weeks! A month! 3 months!
>all of these retarded niggers saying "hurr durr ded in a week...wait a month...wait three months (soon to be a year)
The fact that discussion about the game died all at once between May and now just goes to show all of the hype for this game is just an organized shilling effort by Blizzard.
You can deny this all you want and call me a seething XIV tranny/retail baby/whatever boogeyman you have but at the end of the day it's a shit game by a shit company that nobody on Yea Forums except a select few extreme retards are excited for.
In conclusion, invite to asmon layer.
nobody is saying Actiblizz isn't greedy as shit but if you think they would introduce that shit in a game mode specifically touted to go back to basics, then I have a bridge to sell you.
The reason they dragged their heels on Classic for so long was probably the monitization.
This is probably either a hail mary to save the brand or to keep people busy and some cash coming in while they shit out WoW 2.
That's fine tbqh. As long as WSG works. I'm sure AV won't. Well see what's the best deal I can find.
I just can’t see a zoomer playing this over a f2p battle royal.
>Wake up at 9
>Work at 10
>Get paid for 40 a week, I only work 30.
Boss once asked why I only work 30 and I told him: if it's a big deal I'll just work somewhere else. Begged me not to go, gave me a raise and stock in the company.
Imagine actually being replaceable at your job LOL
>if you think they would introduce that shit in a game mode specifically touted to go back to basics, then I have a bridge to sell you.
As do I. The remake of Crash Team Racing introduced microtransactions after a month, the game which was published by Activision Blizzard.
So yeah, they’ll absolutely do it
pics or it didn’t happen
nah more like the core demographics for this game don't give two shits about streamers and Twitch faggots and would rather avoid them all if at all possible.
People like me who are now hype didn't bother to get excited for a game 6 months away that we couldn't play yet and we already knew what to expect of it.
Now that we're a week away, the hype is real and you're scared. It's kind of funny, to feel threatened over a video game release.
Why not?
Saving my and tons of other people's leveling time is worth something. Even if the game isn't hard, it can be tedious sometimes and expediting it is convenient.
>I only work 30
i only do about 3 hours of actual work a week on average, two days a week i just stay home. salaried for 40.
>select few retards
Already has more players than xiv subs preregistering and a recent poll showed only 40% of people planning on playing classic subbed early.
Seethe more xiv tranny.
and if they do, I'll quit as will many others. I'll still have had a month of fun for my 15 burgeryboos.
>a month
most people are not 60 by that time sorry sweetie but I will end just like hillary
>Tfw work 2300- 2400 hours a year
The money is very good but fuck. Wish I had a cushier job sometimes.
>want to play a dwarf
>bought into the warrior meme
>uncertain about paladin
>wanna be a shammy
M-maybe horde will be ok. Maybe how Thrall did things will make a horde I'd want to be part of.
It’s not a matter of if anymore it’s a matter of when. Don’t even bother
What do you do, user? I'm in gamedev, so the work basically never ends.
>Decided on firing up on classic
>Backlog that I still haven't started yet from summer
>Classic WoW is "hardcore"
>Raid bosses up until naxx have fucking baby tier "mechanics" that quest and normal dungeon mobs use in retail
Well I did but you're just gonna say I didn't so why bother.
Yeah I doubt it bud. Fuckin loser lmao
It's shit.
*Adds character boosts to classic*
There problem solved
it's hardcore not because it's mechanically hard, but because it is punishing. much like souls games
Hillsbrad Foothills
>it is punishing
Are you that bad at video games?
5 years in infosec, got in on the ground floor when the industry started booming. now everyone wants, or is force fed a piece of the pie
They'll play it like everyone else, they'll just not play it for long
>did level 30 questing in hillsbrad foothills before
>never quested in STV during vanila
Tempted to spend time in HF for nostalgia but also STV due to novelty. Is STV really the gankfest it seems to be? I heard there is a lot of good quests for gear there though.
t. Can't get passed razorgore
>I-it will only last a week! N-no 2 Weeks!
said nobody, three months is a pretty fair guesstimate for it to die
>Min/Maxing fag is obsessed with numbers and spreadsheets and cant just have fun with his bros
Thats sad man
How tf did you avoid STV? Hillsbrad only ever got me to ~30 and that's when j switched to STV. There's less action in hillsbrad buts its a lot more punishing when you get ganked and youre at the farmers. It will be a 10 minute walk. Minimum.
I killed 8 bosses in Naxx, guild couldn't do Gothik and just sorta flickered out while waiting for TBC.
Chromaggus is probably the only fight that'd give retail players problems mechanically in the entirety of BWL, just because of the time lapse LoS shit.
It’s still incredibly strange that Blizzard is actively anticipating its death
>three people from my guild including the gm have asked me to confirm my name and class
i can't pick yet bros...
Horde Priest or Mage or Rogue?
HF, Desolace and Arathi are your other options.
I did have fun with my bros years ago.
Now I have fun for free
0-3 priest
4-6 mage
7-9 rogue
0 dont play classic
I can taste the retail loser's fear
Priest will get you in groups/raids.
Mage is the overall comfiest of the three.
Rogue has the highest skill ceiling but extremely good when mastered.
whats the long term plan for Classic? What happens when everyone hits the endgame and runs out of shit to do? Will it be supported with new "old school" content like OSRS is? Or will they just roll out expansion raids and shit.
But at some point they'll either catch up to retail or just run out of expansions to pull from - and what then?
why? They have realistic expectations for what the playerbase will look like in a few months after the hype wears off.
oh yes, summer is over!
His guilds about to disband in a week so no surprise why.
I actually don't think it's too far a stretch for Blizzard to be waiting for it to die, though I don't think it'll do so immediately and it might struggle along with a low-ish playercount indefinitely. In fairness the majority of people already interested in Classic at the time of announcement already have exactly what they wanted in the form of private-servers.
My bro and I decided to try going 30-45 entirely without setting foot in STV back on Kronos I. It's possible, we did it horde-side. If memory serves we nearly exhausted every quest chain in every 30-40 zone, though. Shimmering Flats, Desolace, Arathi; you do a lot of continent hopping but once you get to 40 you're home free to hit Tanaris and Hinterlands and Feralas and all that good shit. Super fun experiment. Not a moment spent in STVietnam, found lots of obscure quests we never knew about before
Not sure unless my memory has failed me. I guess I went straight on from Hillsbrad to thousand needles then I last thing I remember I was questing in ungoro.
>it got deleted
Such a terrible release date
no thank you
I mained rogue on a few private servers and cleared up to aq40 but I want to play naxx too
Yeah you couldn't fight entire packs and Had to manages basic personal economy if you used any meta-resource (shards, candles, ammo ect). That's hardly "like a souls game"
Explain your idiot words. How, exactly is the casuals answer to OG first-gen mmos "like souls games"
Different archive or just an old image? I thought Fireden removed Yea Forums and most any other board actually worth looking at.
>implying DaoC or any of the other pre WoW shit was "hardcore"
c'mon retard, step it up. I LOVED DaoC, too.
not him, but atmospehre was off the charts
souls only worth is atmosphere, or immersion
I don't think classic can pull it off these days, maybe for first 20 levels
Compared to current retail you faggot, not to games before WoW
I saved it a few days ago when I started seeing that fag in EVERY single thread. I work from home so I was hanging out in WoW threads instead of actually working.
>450k characters registered on herod
this shit is going to have a 100k queue on launch what the fuck? shit game imagine paying to sit in a queue
Reminder that this is probably pretty accurate minus the hunter and druid numbers. We'll probably see a bit more of them and less priests when the vast majority of people resub.
They should emulate the private server market, and roll over fresh servers. Announce an end date, everyone gathers online and says goodbye like Nost, blizz closes down the servers and reopens fresh new ones with an event. The whole point of classic is being able to pop an old favorite back in the system. Once I've sat on a character through all the vanilla content, I'm leveling alts and hanging out with friends anyway. Just reset the content and I'll reroll. It's not like my character is going to vanish after three months like on a pserver; having a full go and having the servers roll over with blizzard events makes good sense. Other strategies all seem retarded to me
my friends and i are pussying out and moving over to stalagg. fuck that honestly
why not play on different server? i'm going for the most underpopulated pvp server
It’s just so fucking strange that they’re waiting for it to die even before it’s out of the gate.
that would imply pve server are dead but they are all on very high already.
The only thing Yea Forums is going to seethe about is how retail will continue to run alongside classic . Yea Forums won't be happy until retail is shut down, yet that won't happen, because whales are Yea Forumss worst enemy
I can see Yea Forums turning on Classic when they say they won't add TBC and show off 9.0 at Blizzcon
Which next pvp server is 2nd most full?
It's amazing to me how Naxx had such an insanely small amount of people that even saw it, yet Yea Forums is FILLED with people that cleared or near cleared it. You are a liar.
Why people want to play that fossil of a game in 2019? It's so boring compared to modern multiplayer games. What the fuck is wrong with people?
except even with low numbers the game won't die. classic cannot have huge numbers for a long period of time with today's audience: just because Yea Forums is retarded doesn't mean Blizz is
>hurr durr classic is so hard
Did you actually play the game, retard?
Compared to what, Dota 2, siege, or Fortnite ?
Aren't any good MMO's out.
word is the Classic team has high morale and super hype. Imagine if you were on the Retail team and saw your colleagues loving every day while you hated every second of work and everyone in the market hated your product and only whales kept it afloat.
the really odd thing is, if you look at FF14 its cash shop is WAY worse than Retail WoW's. I wonder what is holding them back, desu.
>It’s just so fucking strange that they’re waiting for it to die
not rally, they need short term boost to subs on the cheap to please investors, it's short term company now
I wouldn't be surprised if they are not developing anything proper right now.
Okay Yea Forums, list your subscription predictions.
>After 1 Month:
10M active
>After 3 Months:
3M active
>after 1 year
50k active
If the sub wasn’t tied to retail maybe it wouldn’t be such a hot button issue
>stop liking what I don't like!
Ya did it
Fuck BC, reroll fresh servers after 4 years or whatever. BC was the beginning of the end
??? rogues are alright in naxx. just because your t3 set is being used by warriors for tanking 4hm doesn't mean rogues are shit. T2.5 provides excellent stats for PvE and you won't fall too far behind in DPS. Warriors tend to gear more defensively in naxx because shit hits harder until the healers and tanks can deal with the boss damage so the warriors will be doing less threat which makes rogue vanish extra good. You still need an additional melee group in naxx because becoming too caster heavy on gothik is a mistake that will get one side overrun if that's your concern.
>modern games
oh yeah bro let me get on that Fortnite and LoL and Destiny FUCK YEAH BRO
I do not know EU situation, any RU friends around? are they giving us reservation again? that can be comfy
>not even trying to back your idiocy up
Explain it if you can. How is classic in any way punishing or fucking soulsish?
>already have exactly what they wanted in the form of private-servers
Except private servers can go down at anytime, so it's hard to get time invested into them knowing you could lose hundreds of hours.
My guild insists on going Herod and I've been with them on Private Servers for 6 years.
There's no real way I could prove it to you, I mean I have some Naxx loot in my bank still but I can already see your reply if I posted it
>I bet you did that in TBC lmao
So I guess you win this argument, good job user, there's no way someone who played in Vanilla could hold a negative opinion of Classic, I've been ousted.
1 month - 3 million
2 month - 2.5 million
3 month - 3 million
>it's so boring compared to multiplayer games in 2019
>Yes, I too enjoy the dozens of MOBAs and battle royale horseshit that you zoomers slurp up.
sounds about right. MC and BWL for over a year will make anyone unsubscribe. You'll be seeing people that get their BiS just straight up unsubbing while waiting for the next content because they're all selfish. Old guild communities are gone and replaced with niggers
>watch a single wow classic video
>youtube starts recommending me asmongold reaction videos from 100 different channels
fuck off I dont want to look at that mouthbreathing faggot
I didn't say that. You're replying to someone else who found your statement of "wow casual older mmos hardcore" to be retarded as fuck.
Killing it after even a couple months is pretty much losing free money though.
>if you look at FF14 its cash shop is WAY worse than Retail WoW's.
Oh god absolutely.
>they need short term boost to subs on the cheap to please investors
Brilliant ploy to kill a lot of birds
Tell your guild they’re retarded
the funny thing is he doesn't even post them. He has no interest in putting his streams on Youtube so he lets others do that. He's talked about the stupid open mouth Youtube face clips before and how he hates it
>t. Mcconnell
isn't ff14's shop just shitty mounts and clothing with no stats?
>most ''old school'' raiders have jobs/married with kids
I thought classic was super time consuming.How are they gonna manage the rep grind and all that shit?
About 100,000 people experienced Naxx. Every thread has someone that cleared or nearly cleared it. I don't know why you all feel the need to lie on an anonymous imageboard. I think it might be time to fix your life.
Just like WoW’s! Actually no they also sell emotes
imagine launching on a monday so you can pay employees that will be watching over the servers their normal pay even though it's more stressful than a normal day at work instead of launching on a weekend and just paying them overtime. based activision
I have no sub atm so I can't log in to screenshot it. It's marriage rings, clothes, two different kinds of level skip items, just a cluster fuck of shit.
I liked ff14, too. I would rather just play Classic. The store is super greedy, though.
Most of vanilla is optional if you raid with a competent group. Rep grinds are only needed by a few people. If you want to min-max, which isn't even needed, that's when the grind comes in. Vanilla is about the world pvp and screaming at your own faction, tbqhwyf
WoW classic is a slow burn. If you "need" to finish everything in a week then you can't and will quit.
If you're okay with things taking time then it will still be fun. All my friends are married and with kids and will be playing. I work OT most days so I won't be on a whole lot more than them.
You have to be okay with not being world first or rank 14 and then it's fine.
Vanilla is about comfy shit talking in /2 Trade
>sell emotes
In 2005/6 everyone was so easily sent into a spergy rant by insulting any given dad rock band. I'd do it while flying out of the city. Good times.
Blizzard's goal was to make sure that it'd run on an "average computer from 2007", so a modern laptop should run it no problem unless it's a complete shitbox
My future wife is going to be my pocket healer.
This pisses me off more than I care to admit
>t. average American wage slave
user, you're paranoid. Are you taking your medication? Not everybody is out to get you, you know. Here's an Axe I got from Noth so you can say I farmed it in TBC.
You can even go for the double kill low hanging fruit by making fun of me for using ElvUI. It's a win/win for you buddy.
Why yes, I do think excessive stream sniping and corpse camping should be against the rules. Even streamers deserve to come home. How could you tell?
>could only do 8 bosses
were they Anub, Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth, Instructor, Patchwerk, Grobb, and Gluth? Probably could have done Heigan as well honestly
Camp the fuckers until they have a 5 minute respawn timer.
And then camp them some more.
Yep, you got it in one, all the easier bosses. My guild wasn't that great, we never managed to do C'thun either.
>played mage in Vanilla
>played lock in WotLK
>still can't decide which to do for Classic with 7 days left
Dota 2 and Siege aren't really MMO games.
I'd say Sea of thieves, Rust, Warframe, Destiny 2, DAYZ could be pretty good picks and more fun than fucking clicking on boars in WOW.
Follow ur heart
there's no such thing as excessive stream sniping. If you want to gain the benefits of an audience, you need to face the consequences of having an audience too
>All this gaslighting
stalagg and grobbulus... home...
*Sends an army of autistic minions to swarm you*
>stream sniping
>in an MMORPG
Will never understand this stupid shit. Screen-looking made sense as cheap when you're playing split screen FPS multiplayer back in the day. To some extent I get it being the same thing if you're watching a stream to grief someone playing CSGO or whatever. But in an MMO it makes zero sense. If you don't want people knowing where you're standing, stop broadcasting it live in real time on the internet. Stream sniping is called sniping for a reason. Doesn't exist outside of FPS games you faggot streamers, cry more
*Vanishes and sends an army of goons on a wild chase wasting all their time while you just switch back to your main*
>all shooters
what a fucking faggot, just get out of this thread, please
Rich Turpin bro, he's gonna be a new legend.
As mage you can sell portals and stuff which is actually pretty lucrative in Classic. You get free food and can give it to other people. As warlock you get your mount for free though. And have cool badass pets.
You’ve made me remember Southshore and you’ve made me realize the measures needed to see it become a 2spooky hurricane
And when you go to raid every niggers gonna bug you for a soulshard in some way. Summons, cookies, SS.
it launches on Tuesday
warrior meme?
please, fill me in. its been a long ass time
>deciding between warlock or spriest
>Thinking spriest even tho I'll only get into raids with my friends + bottom of dps lol but I want to world pvp mostly anywyas, but you'll need to raid to get any decent gear
>Warlocks only good pvp specs are deep destruction or SL...not super fun
>tfw i start school on launch day
at least Ill dodge the 10k queue
to be fair C'thun is like the 4th final boss of the game next to KT, Sapph, and 4HM. His difficulty trumps shit like Loatheb and Thaddius in my opinion because of the coordination and dps requirements. It's a good fight honestly. Getting Ouro down in retail vanilla is an achievement in itself
>muh magic
>No good FPS involving mages just blasting each other
Feels bad man
Undead Warlock or Shadow Priest? I'm not a healcuck so I'm not going to roll Spriest if faggots bug me about it
If you're in Europe, yes. It launches Monday for NA. Global release time btw
Enjoy your instant gratification lightning rounds and built in casino mechanics, user
the only true chad class is a dwarf paladin
hammer time
Why not a Friday though, for real? Zoomers in school benefit, taxpaying wagecuck boomers benefit. They just don't want to pay their employees the overtime, which is fine but still grating.
I know you're upset because someone who actually played Vanilla doesn't hold it in a very high regard, but you don't need to resort to googling psychological terms to try and win an argument I already conceded to you man.
For the record, I had tons of fun in Vanilla. Probably my favourite time every playing WoW, tied with leveling in TBC with my cousin.
C'thun was probably one of the very first fights in Vanilla that couldn't be carried by good players. Everyone needed to be good, you couldn't have 10 shitters riding coattails like you could in MC and BWL.
Sounds like you want to play the priest, just do it man. There’s going to be people maining pure ret and still raid, play what you want.
If you were locked to 2-3 characters permanently what would their classes be?
I could run it off an external hard drive connected to shitty army computers at the internet cafe in Iraq back in 07, it should run off virtually any computer made in the last 10+ years, just adjust your visual options accordingly
lmao@all of you idiots trying to replicate something that can't be replicated
>We're gonna take over the server
>Everything is gonna be about me
>And if another server whines hard enough we'll reroll there and fuck that server too
Name one (1) man more based than Asmongold (who is also a CHADliance player and BASED race realist/Trump voter)
If you would not do the same thing if you were in his position of power you're literally a cuck btw.
1. Paladin for healing and maybe pulling lowbies through early dungeons.
2. Mage for summons, food and being overall a useful DPS to have around.
3. Alt Rogue for ganking when im bored.
>Playing FFXIV
>Guy in my group and I start talking about WoW Classic
>State all the thigns I'm excited for, like the removal of cross-relm duty finder, flying, horde and alliance having their own specific jobs
>Other dude says those are all bad game design and he hopes they put flying back in at some point
Flying almost ruined world pvp in bc ...and world pvp was ruined further with each expac
>someone who actually played Vanilla
Wow one user against 100k others
Human Mage, Frost
Human Priest, Shadow
Human Paladin, Holy
in that order
Like this?
You just know flying is gonna try and burst through into the game somehow
It literally ruins the idea of a game world if it's not designed for it
>Battle royale
So close...
Rogue has 3-4 at least. Wew
Right, but you know someone somehow is gonna cry hard enough for it to be considered
There's always people like that but worst case scenario is that blizzard releases TBC servers years later
>I played in Vanilla
>No you didn't lol
>Yes I did
>Ok but ur gay lmao gottem
Great discussion man.
Considering they're adding in 'features' that do nothing but annoy you for Classic, I doubt they'll ever add flying. The reason it keeps popping up in retail is because they design the world to be tedious and annoying without flying because the endgame is to fly eventually. The original World (of Warcraft) wasn't really designed that way.
Can you play Spriest without being forced to swap to healer?
Can't wait to gank lowbies in Menethil Harbor again.
more like
>playing FF14
>say hello in a duty
>no one responds except maybe one person that just posts o/
>clear dungeon and move on
>get to endgame content and try to pug savages
>retarded dps that can barely beat paladins (tank) and white mages (healer) in dps
>struggle along knowing the fight with retards that don't know anything
>some guy invites me to a discord for a semi-static
>they're all grown men with ahegao profile pictures on their discord accounts
>clear the fight finally and can move on to the next turn
>have to learn the fight with retards that take 10x as long to learn things because game devs didn't want players to have to deal with difficult content like they did in ARR
Not really no, but you can get to groups easily and try to snipe some shadow gear
The private server is used is getting shut down. It's a shame too, cause I was really progressing on my warrior and I really don't want to level another.
BR > arena
I honestly think it's a more exciting concept for PVP.
>Great discussion man.
Thanks. Though you would have been more convincing if you posted more than a crop.
>Considering they're adding in 'features' that do nothing but annoy you for Classic
Only more reason to be wary about flying. All it takes is enough people crying for it
Do you have friends who will guarantee you a spot in raids ?
Then yes. but you wont be allowed to cast sw:p. And sometimes ifbyiur raid is dot heavy, mind flay will get clipped due to someone else's dot taking up a slot (not sure which patch raised the cap, ZG or BWL) The 15% shadow damage buff is significant for warlocks tho.
gnome warlock
dorf hunter
orc shaman
>BR > arena
God no. It’s just another Fortnite clone at that point, something I realized the second I saw the airdrop
Druid Warlock is all you need. Covers just about every base.
Can't decide to make my mage gnome or human. Gnomes objectively better in all ways, but it's a fucking gnome.
feral druids are like a 7 button spec
rogues and locks get pretty complicated higher up the tier tree
>pugging savage
See there's your problem. Just level up every job to 80 and ignore savage.
Enjoy your 40 keybinds as a shaman
The world isn't designed for it, though. That's why they remade the whole thing for Cataclysm, so it could support flying. There are huge flat plains between zones and occasionally nothingness.
Out of all the things they could do to fuck up classic, adding flying is near the bottom of the list of likely candidates.
This is the gaming industry, where its all so shit that a 15 year old game is the only thing to look forward too
Don’t underestimate Blizzard and their ineptitude. They’ll follow the money and nothing else.
How is that different that people asking the mage for water and whatnot?
>horde and alliance having their own specific jobs
classes, you nigger
Hehehe... have fun farming soulshards before and during the raid. I can premake all my water and it'll fit in 2-4 bag slots.
lock here, it's more annoying but not a whole lot so. Mages have to AI the raid and presummon a lot of water. The top tier water doesn't make 20 a pop; it was like 8 or 12 or something like that.
Shard farming isn't so bad because I would be farming anyways. Mages, locks, and paladins have annoying jobs in raids but that's how it is.
Mages can poof it out of thin air, locks gotta farm soul shards
S-Shut up I haven't played wow in years.
Whether you like to hear it or not, retail will probably have more concurrent players than classic. But considering they share a sub, it doesn't matter one bit to Blizzard. They're not gonna go out of their way to add anything special or different to classic, at least not until Vanilla is over.
Besides, If you think the screeching for flying is/will be bad, the uproar for actually adding it would be ten times worse.
If you want to raid as a spriest you have to 1. be a dwarf for emergency fear wards and 2. be dedicated to raiding with full consumables and buffs every night. Your raw dps will be lower than the MT but every warlock does 15% more dps because of you and if you add that 15% to your damage spriest can pull top 5 dps pretty easy assuming you run 5+ warlocks.
Hello 4channel.. is this the right place? My son told me to come to Yea Forums but this says 4channel is that the same thing? Anyway, my son plays this game and he told me that he wants something called a mongolay or a mongolia - he said you'd know what he meant. How do I get him a mongolay?
Because employees will be off for the weekend. You launch early in the week so staff is present to fix any issues that may arrise in the first few hours/days.
you have to go to Infinitychan for that
The official DICKSUCKERS server will be Bloodsail Buccaneers, obviously
Hello there sir, you're actually on the wrong board. This is where you need to go for information.
Hope I was helpful.
I see people hate on BR just because it's kind of a buzzword. I honestly think it's a better format for pvp kind of game. I'll agree Fortnite is absolute fucking trash but it has nothing to do with BR as a subgenre.
once gear allows eviscerate and seal fate specs, they get slightly more buttony which puts them at the upper end of vanilla rotations
>the original wasn't designed that way
but TBC was, and TBC is by far the most likely scenario if classic is successful, just from a development cost perspective
yeah because grinding dungeons and HoH or Palace of the Dead on every job is fun. Pretty sure jumping between all these jobs is what makes players so shit at the game. They're not getting skilled enough at their chosen job to clear content so they just drag down the rest of the group
>retail will probably have more concurrent players than classic.
I knew that from the getgo. Mostly because Classic is free in the form of private servers.
>If you think the screeching for flying is/will be bad, the uproar for actually adding it would be ten times worse
That’s hard to gauge since Blizzard attempted multiple times to take flying out of certain areas, only to have the backlash be greater than the people saying it was a good idea. Mind you the places that didn’t need flying mounts to quest in got them anyway
Fuck gnomes
I’ve always hated the one and done concept behind BRs. Gimme TDM with magic
>ferocious bite
>shapeshift in/out of cat (if you are good, have mana and wolfshelm)
That's a 2, maybe 3 button rotation buddy
>Ever stepping foot into PotD or HoH
Stop. Queue for your highest level dungion and either afk or do overworld shit. Don't suffer through that shit.
Oh.. I thought it was my son playing another one of his stupid pranks, but I didn't realize he was trying to come out to me. Should've realized it - mongolay must be like pig latin for "I'm gay". Guess I'll have to have a talk with him when I get home.
Oh of course if they add TBC, they'll add flying. To expect anything different is silly. I was talking about the concept of them adding flying to Vanilla, which would never happen.
Like I said in a previous post, current WoW world design is to make areas just plain irritating to play in without flying so they can dangle it in front of you with a rep grind over a year.
Vanilla zones are 'fine' without flying. Obviously they'd be faster and such with flying, but they were never designed to piss you off until you finished a rep grind like fucking Nazjatar in the latest BFA dumpster fire patch.
Mechagon was fine, though. One of the best zones they've added in recent years OH NO HE'S PLAYED RETAIL GET HIM
I'll say no to playing with all those welfare bums and neet bitches.
I can't wait to see all these private server faggots that can't play without their 1 button macros cry
1 button cucks will get the bullet as they get owned by based asmongold even though the game is easy enough to not warrant a 1 button macro these faggots still do it to condense 3 buttons into 1 that they can just spam because they're shit at the game
In comparison to retail it is though. Theres no hand holding like there is in retail.
>Vanilla zones are 'fine' without flying.
To people that actually want to play it yes. To milk more money from subs they may consider adding it
I'll miss my panda wife but that's it
How will you see them if they keep playing on their private servers?
Priest has a ton of spells to use and you have to have a bunch of lower lvl spells on your toolbar for mana efficiency purposes.
>Spell deranking
Based classic. And casting when you need to to stay outside of the 5 sec mp5 zone.
they're going to sub to classic and try to play with modern framework where their shitty vanilla macros they used on pservers don't work. tanks will finally have better threat once the shit 1-button cucks get weeded out
imagine using the 5 second rule as a healer in any fight outside of 2 bosses in naxx. no wonder healers are hated
You realize Classic is built on the 7.1 version of Legion, right?
most classes dont even need a macro because they only have 1 button rotations
Did Asmon choose a server yet? Cause wherever i'm going is not going to be on his server.
I mean the whole idea is to drop 100 players in sandbox arena and let them kill each other with available tools. How this isn't fun? You just can't get the same feeling out of arena where everyone is respawns after getting killed. In BR you kill somebody and that person is out of your game.
I never had any issues with shards, you can even get a 20+ slot bag to fill up with them. It was actually one of my favorite aspects of warlock. I was mad when they removed it.
threadly reminder
>How this isn't fun?
Because being killed once and that’s it you’re out for the whole game is shit regardless of multiplayer genre
Human is superior due to racials
Dorf is superior due to dorf
You'd be surprised by how many Warriors use 1 button macros on vanilla private servers because they're too lazy to have bloodthirst, heroic strike, and whirlwind on different buttons. The functions that supported this aren't going to be present on Classic
I like Panda women
Welcome back :^)
Human Paladin if you want to do less ZGs
Dwarf Paladin if you don't want to look like a cuck and are actually able to fight off rogues
>The functions that supported this aren't going to be present on Classic
I haven't played an mmorpg for years, can't wait desu
>pugging savage
>surprised when it’s suffering
Which one would you rather play as, Hunter or Mage?
Thank goodness none of these are playing on Stalagg
Hunter is obnoxious.
Also why is it that whenever there is a bad pull, it is always the hunters fault? Why is every hunter retarded?
So, what are the best DPS classes in classic? Which ones are viable for progression raiding? And more specifically which melee DPS are the most viable?
Despite making up only 13% of the class population, Hunters commit 50% of all 'accidental' ninja pulls.
Really makes you think.
Warrior, rogue
Why is nobody playing on Grubbulus?
Melee DPS? Rouge. Early on you are the most powerful.
The artist Alphinaud and his assistants
Cool. Leaning towards Warrior. Do Enhance Shamans get a look in or are they purely a DPS spec in Classic?
This is actually 100% accurate AND THAT'S A GOOD THING
the 1 button macros look at your current energy/rage and don't let you use certain things until they're above or below certain values. you can also have them check if a buff is already out. These functions don't exist in the modern framework as far as I'm aware
>progression raiding
just stack hunters for the first MC and then replace them with warriors. if you're not running 20 warriors your guild is shit and you should join markymark
lmao if they actually add TBC then nobody will play Classic based on how much of the classic audience has an autistic hateboner for blood elf
Because it's RP I assume.
no, shaman is a shit healer and a shit class altogether. never play shamans. horde is honestly better if you just use priests/druids as healers. you should only have rogues as melee dps and you should have warriors as tanks. your casters should all be warlocks and maybe 1 mage for the buff
What about Bloodlust?
nothing wrong with vanilla rp
Added in Burning Crusade
Enhance shamans are not mana efficient so not viable. Also windfury is RNG dependent. Serious raids will bring a resto shaman to provide windfury instead of bringing an enhance to do it.
Duly noted.
no bloodlust in vanilla. shaman is shit class if someone tells you otherwise they're just trolling you to make you suffer. honestly it's such an awful class where mele dps cry when you don't place your totem somewhere and you do no healing and you hold back your raid on Nef in BWL. shamans suck basically
enhance shamans dont have a place in most tryhard raiding, except maybe if you convince your guild you should be the one to use nightfall
Gonna make a horde guild on Thalnos for those who want to play with bros but don't want to deal with /vg/ or discord. Anyone welcome as long as you aren't an annoying attention whore or a dickhead. I'll be playing a troll warrior.
RP is fucking gay but I don't see a streamer wanting to engage in that in front of thousands of viewers. In any case you should be glad that no streamers are there to pollute your RP experience.
Night elf priest, of course. Shadowmeld, Mind Control, Freewind Post.
They would never add on TBC. Its more likely they would go on to add TBC and Wrath servers specifically.
i was with you until you said troll warrior
go back to your discord, cuck
Dwarf Priest and you will always get raid spot
>mfw I'm on that list
>night elf priest
Why you giving him the worst race/class combo
Male or Female Night Elf Hunter?
>killed once and that’s it you’re out for the whole game
Yeah I get that. I see it like a high risk high reward kind of thing. It's sucks to lose but being in top 10 situation or winning the game feels so much more rewarding than doing the same in classic dm. There is no feeling of journey/achievement by just winning with a high score.
thanks everyone. i decided not to pick resto shaman because it's bad. pretty new to the game think im just gonna make a rouge instead
id rather play on RP servers than with streamer spergs
>caring about gender
You are about the worst person I have seen post in this thread
Why are you so jelly?
male. it enrages people after you kill them as male night elf. also add BR to the end of your name if you're playing on a US server
I count that as 5 and with gnomermace you start using tigers fury so thats 6
so guess 7 was slight exaggeration
why would I be? if I wanted a plastic gf i'd just buy a doll
>Chad race
>Chad class
What's the problem?
doesn't this slut post pics of her ass online and says "follow me for more"? lol very nice inv to asmoncuck layer
she has like 5 pounds of make up
One of the best specifically for what I mentioned, PvE-cuck.
I fucking hate male night elves. I assume every person who plays one is a retard.
Male Dwarf you fucking faggot
This relationship looks fake
>letting Yea Forums dissuade you from what you're interested in
don't listen to incels kiddo
Yes im really jealous that I dont have a literal worn out gold digging whore who wouldnt even acknowledge my existence unless I had money as my GF.
I dont know how guys can do this. Do they really think people dont know?
Bros... do I go demo lock for PvP levelling?
Dwarf. Undead. and even human priests are far better at pvp than night elves you noob
Not worth the loss of damage, just go aff
Diablo III is great.
What is the most chad Warrior-class race in the Horde and why is it the Forsaken?
Achievements didn't exist in Vanilla
How far can I make it as a Balance Druid? Can I even do dungeons at 60?
>tfw no harem of furry wives
literally any other horde race is x1000 times better you edgy fuck
Keep jumping over the point, PVElet.
>"You're gonna play a female N*ghtelf hunter? No wonder the other girls laugh at you..."
How do you even respond to that?
She's right, that IS a pathetic choice for a toon in classic.
yes, as long as by "balance druid" you dont mean "retard who puts a point into moonkin and actually uses moonkin form"
How full are all the servers? Which should I roll on?
take my meds and hope the voices go away
And here we see a gathering of wild retards in their natural habitat. Notice how they are completely unaware that 15/10/08 is the day achievements went live in the Prepatch for WoTLK and it's literally impossible to have one dated from before then.
Truly remarkably stupid.
Servers have all been steadily growing in pop. By launch I expect every PvP server to have "Full" status
Stalagg is the best server
if you want to get an invite into a raiding guild on horde here are your options:
warrior - good fury dps always needed
rouge - strong melee and can reset its threat if you have bad tanks
priest - strongest healer and carries most bosses and trash with lots of healing demand
druid - okay healer that helps power up priests so they can heal even more you can also resurrect dead people midcombat which makes you very useful and you can make your melee do more damage by debuffing the boss's armor
mage - very useful throughout the entire game. you're doing good caster damage in black ling lair and molten core and you're the strongest caster in anhqiraji and naxx when you go fire spec. your damage can be stolen by other mages through a mechanic called ignite where all mages contribute to a dot on a boss
warlock - u dont need too many early on but theyre really strong but theyre overshadowed by mages. theyre still good though with consistent damage that cant be stolen like ignite can as a mage
i'd avoid hunters because you dont need many of them. you just need a tranquilizing shot on a few bosses but their dps is bad later on
i'd also avoid shamans. when you pick one the rouges and warriors give u a hard time and tell you to keep dropping totems and not heal its not fun to play and melee players are generally assholes. shamans dont even have bloodlust in this expansion. you're better off picking priest if you want to heal and druid if you want to support heal shaman sucks and they hold horde back
I'm playing a male orc warlock you dumb slut
In Europe, yes. It's the 14th in America.
Warlocks are better than mages AQ40+. One mage topping charts with the ignite stack doesn't make up for the other mages doing less damage
>chain heal, chain heal, chain heal
Anywhere I can see the actual numbers?
Shaman is shit though, idiot. Imagine bringing Shamans to raid
Blizzard doesn't usually release actual numbers.
>Windfury totem, bloodlust
Yup why would I ever bring one?
spamming chain heal gets melee killed because its slow. shamans are hot trash and i dont take them to my raids
Settle down, little liar
Is he /our guy/?
Anyone know what the faction distribution is like? I'd rather play on the faction that has the shortest pvp queues.
But I also don't want to be on a faction where I am outnumbered 10 to 1 in world pvp.
yeah probably because you are alliance.
bloodlust dosnt exist yet dumass shaman is trash no reason for shaman u're better off with priest and druid on horde
Based Superman
Blizzard hasn't released them, though they did say "Medium" servers have more people than original vanilla servers when they were full.
They're all horde overpopped except for Grob, Stalagg and one PvE server
>Be catastrophically wrong
>Try to act smart about it
>Call the person correcting you a liar
Oh yeah, I'm on Yea Forums, how could I forget.
You bring shamans to your raids as Horde? LOL!! fucking retard no wonder you can't clear any raids
Normally I'd roll Troll Hunter, but all my friends are going Alliance.
I like Dwarves a lot, but I don't really want to main one.
Do you honestly believe that classic dungeons and raids are harder than stuff we have now?
Hmm my name reservations are horde on Stalagg. So you're saying that if i'm horde there i'll be underpopped?
RIP his career
Proof that literally every hordefag is just a tourist coming off of youtube videos. Free kills left and right.
holy fucking shit go back to retail dude. there's no bloodlust here shamans are actually garbage bro just kill yourself if you're going to play one
based guy, terrible actor
Yes, I remember struggling in dungeons far more back then than i do in retail. Maybe that was because of player mentality but just because the mechanics were simpler doesn't necessarily mean it was easier.
I will miss the increased amount of classes races could play in Retail, I liked my Dwarf Warlock
ruins your server
its fucking shit. it has the allure to satiate zoomers and retards that suck shit through a straw.
there are literally 3 days of content to play every time they reset the ladder and past that, fucking nothing. they buff 1 set per season and if you aren't using that set with the specific skills needed for it to operate, than fuck you.
NL is a cesspool combination of the aforementioned + endlessly whacking monsters in GRift for no fucking reason at all.
PvP is nonexistent.
Diablo II is still a great game to this day with a small but awesome PvP community. faggots will tell you the pvp sucks because they got their shit pushed in in a nanosecond -- never caring to git gud but instead to cry. Probably bullied off the server when they start whining about enigma and hdins. fucking shitters.
Grob will be the kino server
troll warlocks are one of the few post-vanilla features I'll genuinely miss
look no further to see that WoW classic is for Chads
Not him but Classic Raids will likely require a bit more raid leading to get 40 retards to actually accomplish basic shit that would be overlooked in retail. Individual skill and personal responsibility from retail players will be much higher though and I can see them outperforming players that don't have that skillset yet
I just want my comfy slow leveling again
Why does it seem like everyone is just blasting through to the endgame
Unironically based though.
>As a man with a large following and massive influence, I WILL use everything in my power to be the center of attention
>Everything will be about ME.
>I WILL use my position to funnel gold and items to myself
>If another server whines hard enough about it, me and my legion of zoomers will reroll there and do the same thing.
Truly, unironically BASED Asmongold (FURTHERLY BASED for being a Trump voter, race realist, and fucking a pure white woman) being the gigachad on the server. If you had his influence and didn't use it to further your own ends you're a literal cuck.
Either get out of his way or get stepped on. OR just reroll on a different server and shut the fuck up about him, insect.
> tfw EU player
Sweet bliss
> inb4 spanish
I'm spanish myself
Its more like
>Wow vanilla is so hardcore T:lilzoom
Its just kids having a peeing contest on a game they never played.
He's playing on the streamer server so that's okay. I mean Brazilians ruin servers too but thankfully they've chosen Thalnos so we can avoid them.
>Shaman/Warlock single button.
Ok bud.
inv to zoomie layer
He's probably referring to raids where Warlocks just Shadowbolt + Curse of Elements because loldebuffslots
shaman is 0 button because they never get taken to content
Not that guy, but didn't Warlocks just sac their pet and do nothing but spam Shadowbolt? I know for a fact that was optimal in TBC until SWP (You didn't even bother hit capping) but I not so sure about Vanilla.
what kind of a retard wears a zip-up hoodie with no shirt underneath
>get out of his way or get stepped on
or 1v1 duel the ego-cuck and steal his e-pride
can go on being a massive faggot with his gimmies all he wants but if he sucks then he is forever the ezpk retard
For me it's all about the experience. Having 40 people galloping to blackrock mountain to do molten core is far more fun and memorable than any raid in modern wow since, like, WoD.
fake and gay sadly
warlock is litearlly just casting shadowbolt yes
based, complex specs are for cucks
Did you even play Classic? Warlock is literally shadowbolt spam in every raid. You can't do anything else because of the debuff limit
Did Nost players pick only the most meta class/race combos for progression raiding like it seems everyone on Yea Forums is going to do? This is not the classic experience i remember...
>"Warrior dps LFG!"
>*ignores other players in need of help*
>"You talk to much. It annoys me." *ignored*
>"We've been waiting FIVE MINUTES for a tank/healer? Fuck you guys."
>"I wish blizzard would just add group finder."
>"Talk to players? Ignored and reported for harassment."
>"This guy ganked my favorite streamer make sure everyone mass reports his ass."
>"That guy has a name I don't like report him."
>"You have been banned for your rhetoric, what's that? You paid $15 just to play, too fucking bad you're banned for a month thanks for the money bitch, maybe next time you'll think twice before talking shit out the LGBT community in barrenschat."
>"I can't wait to give everything to my favorite streamer."
>"Dude we did like one dungeon run together and now you wanna do ANOTHER one a week later? lol what did you do, add me to your friends list? Ignored."
>"Can I dps as ret?"
>"Can I dps as survival?"
>"I rolled druid to be an unstoppable killing machine like I was in retail. Wait a second..."
>"So we're all undergeared as shit with no consumables and terrible raid balance. Are you guys ready to spend the next 5 hours trying to clear MC?"
>*ninjas loot without repercussions because the whole server is full of ninjalooters*
>"Because our players all requested this feature, we're pleased to announce we added group finder to classic!!! Yipee!"
Shaman pushes the most buttons what zoomer meme is this
>not padding and using dots on other targets
>not putting your assigned curse up
>not watching threat and calculating how much threat your next spell will do and if it'll make you rip aggro from the tank and being ready with a LIP
yeah get out of here dumb retail cuck I bet you would bring shamans to raid as well, lmao le bloodlust!!
never played vamilla wow what buttons do they push?
??? shaman pushes no buttons at all what the fuck are you on about? i guess you could argue it's a one button class because all you do it push the logout button to select a real class like paladin or priest instead
>using dots
>in vanilla
Please stop falling for trolling. Nobody cares about optimizing races because vanilla raids were piss easy.
>Just a week to go
Lying bitch, it's 8 days 4 hours or some shit rn to go
alt+f4 buttons to seletc diffrnt class
Of course, no doubt. I personally don't think it'll recapture the feeling, but I sincerely hope anyone who tries has better luck with it.
But anyone pretending that it's 'hard' compared to retail is lying to themselves. You're talking about bosses with mechanics as complex as "don't stand in front of him that's it" compared to the fucking DDR shit you have to do in modern day dungeons, not to mention the bosses are 15 years old and are the guides to defeat them mathematically perfected in every way.
dude no one cares about your stupid pve rotations, pve is literally to get gear for PVP and that's it.
>not dotting up adds during bwl supp room with curse of doom to summon based shit you can put more dots on rofl do u even play the game? fucking get out of here coward
What realm are we rolling on bros?
>Alliance pretending that Shamans aren't played
How to spot someone that never got past Lucifron 101.
yes, 90% of alliance priests in Nost were dwarves whereas in actual vanilla they were like 1%
you can't really have a "genuine" experience when so much optimal data about the game is out there
I am going to be a rogue! like everyone else!
Imagine caring about having a "rotation" lol, the fuck is wrong with you spergs
It's such fake reactivity and engagement, >oh no, a button on my bar lit up time to hit that and pretend i'm more involved in the game
Vanilla at least had proper reactivity, because most of your fucking abilities weren't just "lul hit this and do some more damage" they were all utility and shit
curse of doom has a cooldown dumb faggot. i corruption every whelp in onyxia while jumping in the eggs while keeping curse of doom on cooldown
Horde on Grobb
Alliance on whitemane
lol seriously. You can't cast DoTs in a fucking dungeon because of the debuff limit. You'll maybe get assigned a DoT in some raids but that's it. Managing threat is also a fucking joke, literally just spam shadowbolt.
That and OOM after 4 spells
Good news for you every retard is playing warrior and warlock right now for some reason
>I never raided past MC
>I never got to level 60
bro you only reach debuff cap on the main target. you can just pad by putting corruptions on offtargets that you don't intend to kill immediately or at all. do you even dps dumb nigger? i bet you're below tanks lol do you even have eye of kil bound to pull the entire raid to grief before using hearthstone to kargath?
Totems are a huge part of the class and to optimize keeping up buffs you needed to constantly swap out air totems.
>Windfury totem drop, gives a 10 second windfury buff
>Grace of air or trainquil air depending on threat for your group
>Throw out a healing waves for ancestral buff
>chain heal if theres time
>Return to step one
Pvp got worse between interrupts and defensive totems. Though it was sweet doing massive chain lightning crits
>actually thinking trash mobs and spawns are even hard to take down on any class
Mage AoE clears those targets faster than any shitty ass warlock DoT ever does.
just like my favorite streamer!
This is amazing it's like you dislike the entire concept of gameplay
This isnt XIV. You have to try pretty hard to get banned in WoW.
>everyone is playing warrior and warlock
>but also everyone is playing rogue
>in addition, mages and hunters are super overplayed
>horde is filled with too many shamans
you all are such false flagging faggots
>call yourself two genders
The distribution of warlocks and warriors is way higher than normal. Just go look at the big class survey that has been done that had like 100k+ responses.
>classic gets promoted by chad henry out of love for the game
>tranny fantasy 14 needs to pay basedboy tom holland shill their game
imagine playing horde in 2019
can't wait to tar and feather mudhutters on my righteous human ret pally
maybe you should bring a paladin to judge wisdom if you're going oom. o right u're playing horde like the rest of the tourist faggots that don't realize alliance is much better. don't even mention horde racials as being better. they won't stop a warrior with blessing of freedom from intercepting you and destroying you with support from teammates. the alliance queues for bgs are going to be great
>ret pally
the mass report banns still work dumpshit because they are automated
>call yourself Nighar
t. fotm meta slave that has no fun
The Alliance FEAR the Windfury totem. They cower before the chad Resto Shaman in PvP as he purges all of their buffs.
just looked at a survey, doesn't corroborate your story
provide proof if you have any
>first twitch e-celeb bullshit
>now actual celeb bullshit
why do you care which rando celebrity is based to shill the game?
>say naga on twitch
>get banned
rape her
>that ret pally bis is a cool procc build where everything proccs.
>no point any other faction to use
What do you mean she is right? she never said that. you said that and for some reason have that photo saved on your computer. maybe youre the pathetic one?
p.s. im a girl and dont think its weird.
hitting a thing that lights the fuck up anytime you're meant to hit it is not gameplay, it's basically fucking automated.
vanilla had better reactive gameplay, just beacuse your damage output was generally only 1-2 spells or whatever doesn't change the fact that there are way more situations that come up where you can use your utility abilities - of which everyone has like a dozen+ easily - and you have to make the decision for yourself based on the situation, not a flashing retard button
Wasnt that a total rumor? Either way I doubt it would work and would backfire on them given the evidence.
Pandas pandas pandas pandas
>spam rank 1 SoC, beat shit out of shaman
>shaman goes OOM purging 70 mana seal
Honestly, do people need to join raiding guilds to beat MC and beyond? Bosses back then didn't nearly as many mechanics as they do today, the biggest barrier for pugs will be having people with enough fire resist gear