Hi Yea Forums! What are you playing today? I hope you have a good day!
Hi Yea Forums! What are you playing today? I hope you have a good day!
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thanks yotsuba im gonna watch gamescom and maybe play witcher 3
>there are no yotsuba games
life sucks
i'll be playing Darkest Dungeon when i get home, got to pretend i'm working for one more hour.
>got to pretend in working for one more hour
I fucking hate that I have to do that for the last hour every day.
You think this is funny? You think you’re a fucking comedian?
its not that bad, 8 hours of doing nothing but shitposting here and get home and play vidya or go on a walk around town.
got to love incompetent bosses.
Thanks Yotsuba! I Played Amid Evil for a bit today, as well as some Rainbow Six with my friends.
yume shikki
yume shikki
exists user
Terraria and some Mordhau. Maybe some Three Kingdoms later.
Everything will be great.
yeah but i always wanted a 3D game, something like "boku no natsuyasumi"
I have been trying to write my thesis and played some Islanders. Have a nice day! t. Youtsuba
same, i think the closet i can think of to a yotsuba 3d game is that one dr slump game on the playstation.
but it sucks that the mangaka hasn't licensed out yotsuba to animation or game companies and is just holding onto the ip only in manga form
Should I buy all of her books, Yea Forums?
just use manga rock, unless you are die hard yotsuba fan and feel physical is a must own.
but keep also in mind we all die eventually so physical won't be with you for ever so you should question how much physical manga you buy if any.
I beat Ion Fury, but, my insomnia is kicking in really hard and I can't sleep. So just another one of those days .
I'm not
I hope you have a great day as well, user.
You technically can bury the mangos with you
But I don't think anyone should bury themselves with Yotsuba books, other people should enjoy those instead!
Yotsuba is too precious for this world
My grandfather died on my birthday, just came back from his funeral where the family already started fighting over who gets the old cars him and I worked on, I am still in limbo of getting a job I need that has been going on for 4 weeks now, and my grandmother is having problems now so she will be gone soon.
>lego dc supervillains and bioshock.
bless her
Hi yotsuba how are you? I am fine.
I am currently playing devil may cry 5 on pc with the co op mod.
I'm playing Ape Escape 3, I play with my pants around my ankles.
true yotsuba deserves to be shared.
the only physical manga i own is the 30th anniversary akira boxset and my hero academia volume 1.
other than that it's a lot easier to consume manga online especially if you don't live in japan. finding out or being able to read a lot of the nichie manga gets hard if you only go physical and don't use manga rock.
I'm playing all the way through Dishonored for the first time. I just got to the last level but I'm too tired to finish it so I'm going to take a nap and play again later.
there is no use in talking to it, its barely human
Thanks Yotosuba. Todays going great so far (granted its early in the mornin so things could change).
currently playing Fate/Grand Order (JP) and grinding out the Las Vegas event....yeah yeah Gacha shit I know. Later today I’m gonna be playing Persona 3 FES on hard mode. Should be fun.
I hope other anons are having a nice day, and remember. If your feeling down, always think of the people who love you (your family, your gf/bf, your pets, etc). That should cheer you up, but if that still hasn’t gotten you up, then maybe look at some cute animals on the internet. That’d probably work :)
my dick is diamonds, how did you know my kink?
great minds think alike
Man, I wish I would meet some girl soon so I could raise a lovely Yotsuba-like girl.