Why are we still hear?
Why are we still hear?
I don't know about you but I am here to discuss the gamescom opening night stream
mfw the demon edition is real
to recruit niggers and women into the ocean
just to suffer
>giving fans what they want
Even if it isn't exactly what the stupid demon rumor says but just some closure, Konami isn't willing to give people what they want. I doubt we will see anything from them
Quiet should have been Sniper Wolf
niggers? on my motherbase? boss, are you crazy? 13/50, snake. i wont risk that.
j j j just t to st st stut stutter?
Nah, Sniper Wolf was with John
Just to surfer
she wasnt born yet
I knew it was fake when the faker tried to retcon Quiet, you can't ignore her perfection.
Its a mod for Phantom Pain. Not Demon Edition
lay on font terry bluh
me in the relfection
Your pretty good.
This. Getting rid of Joost is the one thing they could do that would cause more rage and backlash than what they've gotten. She's still got about 100k people following her on the regular thanks to TPP
What the fuck was his problem?
He had a nightmare in which he got cucked by his son
>Kaz, I'm Olre Di'Edimon
Hahahah omg gusy what did he mean by this? Why was Big Boss hiding his true name all those years?
i used to think he was a compulsive liar with a superiority complex. i think kaz pinned all the blame on huey to dampen the fact that miller basically worked for cipher. i dont think miller wanted mb to be attacked but im confident he knew his meddlings with cipher had something to do with it
It's gonna be at the Stadia conference
how did he get away with it?
You forget that the first time we heard about Huey, it was that he was a piece of shit. People just seem to forget he's Otacon's dad when he shits on him in MGS2.
But in peacewalker he's just cripple otacon. Nothing happened in the game to justify such a drastic personality drift
Just to surfer.
He was right. Kikongo was infected strain.
Venom should have been John
What difference does it make?
Venom should have had his own personality, if the game wasnt going to really cover his transition into MG1 then John is pointless to have
Good question. Why are (YOU) still here, user? This board has gone to shit. It's irreparable and unsalvageable. Why do you keep posting? For what purpose?
You know, a little part of me secretely wishes Caramel to be right. I try to kill that part of me but it always comes back. What can I do, bros? It still hurts so much.
Go fap to Joost and realize that niggerfaggot caramel's LARP would remove her from the game