Is this game dead or what? I thought this was going to be a comeback for this series. What happened...

Is this game dead or what? I thought this was going to be a comeback for this series. What happened? Also another question why are 3D fighting games non-existent?

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Not sure about the first question, but the second is probably due to familiarity and Tekken. Everybody who has played fighting games have played Street Fighter, or something very similar to Street Fighter, and so they expect Street Fighter as the definition of fighting games. So being able to sidestep and all moves mapped to direction + button, not to mention contextual attacks that change based on various situations (more than just ducking and jumping) make a lot of different complexity than they are used to, so they are fairly unpopular. There isn't as much crossover between 2D fighting and 3D fighting as a result, certainly not as much between various 2D fighting games. And sure, now people are getting into the genre with anime fighting games or DBFZ, but that's not really changing how 3D fighting games are seen.

The other is that Tekken is so large, it's basically the face of 3D fighting games. Even if you hate it or think its terrible, Tekken will be the way most people get into 3D fighting. So if people don't like Tekken, they won't like 3D fighting, even though there are a lot of other options available. It probably doesn't help that nearly every other 3D fighting game has a counter/parry system that Tekken does not have, making it another hurdle to get into anything that isn't Tekken.

Thanks you, that's actually interesting, I wish they were more popular though but I understand what you're saying. Also I don't think tekken is bad or terrible, I just wish there was more options than just tekken.

I have a shit computer so I can't really offer much about the games themselves, sadly. I'd probably be playing DoA6 or SC6 if I could. I heard the PC online for DoA5LR was still active, if with very good players who will wipe the floor with you, so I'd assume that PC DoA6 is likely similar.

Soul Calibur might be more popular due to it's appearance at the most recent Evo, though.

Attached: SCVI Evo 2019 semifinals.jpg (1280x720, 273K)

>Is this game dead or what?

>What happened?
The game had a lot of poor PR moments that did little to help endear it to the public or endear it to the fans of the series.

Oh wow, I completely forgot about soulcal, I have the game, it's actually pretty fun, it's way faster than tekken but I think I drop it because reversal edge made matches annoying and how the supers worked in the game, still great though.

Oh, you mean the whole not focusing on the sexual aspect thing?

I do wanna try a DoA game again. The only DoA I've played are 3 and a little bit of 4. I was interested back when 6 was announced but what I saw and heard of the game leading up to its release didn't convince me to jump on it day one. I haven't heard any in depth opinions about the gameplay either. I don't know if 6 is balanced better than 5 was or if there's issues with some characters being really top tier and the rest just being shit. The new characters making their first appearance in DoA 6 turned me off a bit too. Diego is just boring and unappealing to me and Nico is such a generic animu girl that I find it repelling. Something tells me Nico would have never made past the ideas stage if Oatmeal Cookie was still in charge.

The hook for the game was the lewd , at least for a long time it was now thats gone and SFV is going all the way trought wiht the lewd stuff and SC6 can also grab some of that audience as well so i dont know if this game can recover from the pre-launch marketing campaign (more realistic and serious take on the franchise). The player base is weak and is only shrinking but idk time will tell.

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